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Diss. Q1. Week 1 2

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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Division of Ilocos Sur




Quarter:1 SELF-LEARNING KIT #: 1

Differentiate the nature and functions of
Social Sciences disciplines with the
Natural Sciences and Humanities

Name of Teacher –Writer: JESAIAH FAITH D. PRADO



Welcome to Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences Self Learning Kit (SLK)!
Being a youth of this country enables you to see and realize the events that are now at
hand. And surely you are a vital part of our society. This self-learning kit shall help you
understand our society better.
This kit was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for guided
and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process the
contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

a. Use the self-learning kit with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of it.
Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
b. Don’t forget to answer questions before moving on to the other activities included in
the self-learning kit.
c. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
d. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
e. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
f. Return this self-learning kit to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this self- learning kit. Do not
hesitate to consult your teacher. Always bear in mind that you are not alone. I hope that
through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain deep understanding
of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

Learning Competency:
Differentiate the nature and functions of Social Sciences disciplines
with the Natural Sciences and Humanities

Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
1. Define Social Science as the study of society.
2. Distinguish Social and Natural Sciences and Humanities.
3. Apply the disciplines of social sciences in addressing social

Let us test your prior knowledge of the topic by formulating a concept
map for Natural and Social Science.

You may use a separate sheet of paper for your answer.

Follow the format below.

The following selections will thoroughly discuss the salient topics on

the meaning of social science and how the three bodies of
knowledge – the Natural and Social Sciences and Humanities are
differentiated from each other.

Science is generally understood as an endeavor to understand, explain and

predict the word we live in using distinctive methods of enquiry in an attempt to
construct theories. It is however, not easy to find a set of features that define what
separates sciences from other attempts to understand and explain the world, such as
religion, astrology and fortune telling, which are generally not regarded as branches of
sciences (Okasha, 2002).
According to authors such as Anzenbacher (1981, S. 22) and Chmielewicz
(1994), both of them are real sciences, as opposed to formal sciences, the latter of
which solve imaginary problems and include, for instance, mathematics or Theoretical
Computer Science. While the question of what science is, and the separation of all its
branches is out of the scope, we shall now turn to a comparison of the natural and
social sciences.

A. Definition

Natural Science Social Science
Ledous (2002) defines natural The disciplines of Social sciences
sciences as “disciplines that deal are viewed as those that deal with
only with natural events (i.e. “human society, societal groups,
independent and dependent individuals in their relationships
variables in nature) using scientific with others or institutions of
methods.” societies and material goods as
expression of human cohabitation”
(Bayer, 1992)

B. Origin
Natural Science Social Science
According to Buchel (1992), the The social sciences are much
birth of natural science is marked younger that the natural sciences.
by changing worldviews introduced Even though the social
by Renaissance thinkers who interactions in a society have
questioned earlier explanations probably been of interest for many
about the world and turned to more centuries, scientific studies of
systematic methods of social interactions began as late as
investigation. Early leaders of this during the 19th century with
scientific revolution included sociological publications including
Copernicus and Galileo who were “suicide” by Emile Durkheim and
concerned with problems from “Systeme de politique positive” by
disciplines including astronomy Auguste Comte, the latter of which
and physics, among others. also set stone for a positivist
approach to social sciences.
Natural Sciences arose from
curiosity about the world, as well
as the endeavor to transform
nature in favor of human
necessities of life.

C. Subject of the Study

Natural Science Social Science
The aim of the natural sciences is to The study objects of social sciences
discover the laws that rule the world can take notice of the forecast of
(Buchel, 1992). The focus lies hereby scientists. Subject of the study are the
on the natural and not on the social phenomena of social interaction and
world, although the differentiation is coexistence. Social sciences can
not always simple. There are rather be classified by their common
historically three core areas of the perspective then through a specific
natural sciences: chemistry, biology subject of study. This perspective
and physics. consists of the understanding and
studying of a social aspect of society,
a group of people or a single
individual (Bayer, 1992).

D. Methods
Natural Science Social Science
Natural sciences methods are One of the mainly used methods is
possibly the most popular methods of the observation, as a social science
scientific investigation. The natural counterpart of the natural sciences
sciences rely more on mathematically experiment. It is much more difficult to
based methods. The reason for this is carry out an experiment in social, than
the more uniform nature of natural in natural sciences. The reason lies in
sciences and the countability that the uncontrollability of social
enables the scientists to apply environments. Experiments are also
mathematics. used in the behavioral economics and
social psychology. Other important
methods in social sciences are
interviews, surveys and case studies.

E. Philosophical Stances
Natural Science Social Science
With thinkers including Karl Popper In contrast to the natural sciences,
and Thomas Kuhn, fundamental there was much more debate about
criticism of natural science the question of what is acceptable
approaches has emerged during the knowledge among social scientists.
20th century. Before Popper, the way Among the first popular stances in
in which knowledge is created was not social sciences is the positivist
questioned by most scientists, most of position, which had been advocated
whom adopted an inductive by early scientists like Comte who
epistemology, in which a finding is argued that studies of social reality
regarded as general truth when a should apply the same methods as
sufficient number of experiments have the natural sciences. It was criticized
led to the same outcome. Criticizing by advocates of interpretivism, who
this, Popper put forward that a theory argue that the social reality cannot be
cannot be confirmed by induction, but measured in the same way as natural
only falsified by a simple observation. events. Rather, scientists have to aim
Later, criticism by Kuhn addressed the at grasping the subjective meaning of
values or “paradigms” which exist social actions.
when scientific investigations are
carried out, and which are usually
accepted without any reflection by
scientists. Paradigm consists of a set
of fundamental theoretical
assumptions and a set of particular
scientific problems that have been
solved by means of these theoretical

F. Limitations
Natural Science Social Science
Among the most common limitations Studies in social sciences are often
of natural sciences research are limited by various factors including the
technical and financial boundaries, need to base findings on
both of which have been constantly interpretations, the complexity of a
pushed in history. Technical field in which single variables cannot
boundaries are related to the inability be controlled for easily, as well as

to conduct precise measurements. ethical issues and financial problems.
Financial boundaries play a role in Ethical issues arise many times from
most research projects, but can the fact that some very interesting
become especially severe when questions may not be studied without
expensive equipment has to be sacrificing the mental or physical
employed. safety of people.

Other Definitions of Social Sciences:

 According to James High “Social Sciences are those bodies of learning and
study which recognizes the simultaneous and mutual action of physical and
no0physical stimuli which produce social relation.”
 According to Charles Beard “Social Sciences are a body of knowledge and
thought pertaining to human affairs as distinguished from sticks, stones, stars
and physical objects.”
 Bining & Bining defines Social Sciences as “the subject that relate to the origin,
organization, and development of human society, especially to man in his
association with other men.”

Definition. Humanities are those branches of knowledge that concern
themselves with human beings and their culture or with analytical and critical methods
of inquiry derived from an appreciation of human values and of the unique ability of the
human spirit to express itself.

Origin. Humanities has its origin in the Classical Greek paideia, a course of
general education dating from the Sophists in the mid-5 th century BCE, which prepared
young men fro active citizenship in the polis, or city-state; and in Cicero’s humanitas
(literally, “humane nature”), a program of training for orators. (

Subject of the Study. The humanities include the study of all languages and
literature, the arts, history, and philosophy.

Methods. The humanities use methods that are primarily critical, or speculative,
and have a significant historical perspective. The methodology employed by humanities
is not singular. History uses the historical method; philosophy uses conceptual analysis
or phenomenology; religion and languages and literature use methodologies derived
from textual criticism. (

Philosophical stances. Since the late 19th century, a central justification n for the
humanities has been that it aids and encourages self-reflection – a self-reflection that, in
turn, helps develop personal consciousness or an active sense of civic duty. Whilhelm
Dilthey and Hans-Georg Gadamer centered the humanities’ attempt to distinguish itself
from the natural sciences in humankind’s urge to understand its own experiences. This
understanding, ties like-minded people from similar cultural backgrounds together and
provides a sense of cultural continuity with the philosophical past. (

Limitations. One of the key issues which have faced the humanities
throughout time simply pertains to their justification, legitimization, and hence
acceptance in the canon of subjects at the academy. At the same time all
cultures have been fundamentally determined by humanities. Yet the increasing
capitalization of our world today, oriented toward profit making only, represents a new dimension in the
attack on the humanities. (

Below are images depicting the various focus of study, methods and
practices related to Social and natural Sciences.

Study the images below and identify and justify whether it is Social or
Natural Science. The first image serves as your basis.

Answer: ____Social Sciences_______

The image depicts an election activity in the
country. The election process falls under the
discipline of Social Science which is Politics.

Answer: ________________________

Answer: ________________________

Answer: ________________________

Answer: ________________________

Answer: ________________________

Answer: ________________________

Answer: ________________________

Answer: ________________________

Answer: ________________________

Write NS if the statement describes Natural Science and SS if it

describes Social Science. Write your answer in a separate sheet of

______ 1. It highly emphasized the need to observe.

______ 2. Renaissance thinkers were the brain child of this science.
______ 3. Finances are often the problem in doing research for this type of science.
______ 4. It heavily uses scientific methods.
______ 5. It aims to find the rule of the world.
______ 6. It is the study of human society.
______ 7. Social actions is the main focus in conducting research in this field.
______ 8. There is always almost concerns with ethical issues.
______ 9. It is always accompanied by mathematical methods for there is a
______ 10. Its focus is on the phenomena of social interaction.

These are the key concepts being discussed in this lesson. Keep
them in mind especially in completing the remaining activities in this

 The environment that we are in and the community or the society we belong to can
indirect and directly change the way we react.
 Social science is more of understanding the way we think and the way we act, the
things we do and the decisions we make.
 Natural science is more focused on discovering universal laws and learning what had
happened before that is affecting our now.
 Humanities are those branches of knowledge that concern themselves with human
beings and their culture.

Read and analyze the statement carefully. Answer the question briefly.

A. Philippines is facing a great enemy today as the citizens are being infected with a
deadly disease – the COVID 19. Now there is a need of a solution to help eradicate
the disease. How can social science be used to study and help our society
overcome this dreaded disease?

Please use this rubric in organizing your essay.

Category 4 3 2 1
Content All ideas are Some ideas are Several ideas are Few ideas are
expressed clearly expressed clearly expressed clearly expressed clearly
and accurately and accurately and accurately and accurately
based on based on based on based on
experiences experiences experiences experiences
Appropriateness Enumerated ideas Some ideas are Several ideas are Few ideas are not
are appropriate to connected and are not connected to connected to the
the lesson appropriate to the the lesson lesson
Organization The ideas are Some ideas are Several ideas are Few ideas are
organized and are organized and are organized and are organized and are
stated well and stated well and stated well and stated well and
clear clear clear clear

B. Comparative Analysis: Nature vs. Social
Subject Philosophical
Sciences Definition Origin Methods Limitation
of Study stances
*** Use separate sheet of paper for your answer

Use separate Sheets of paper for your answer.

Draw if the statement is True and if the statement is false.
______ 1. Observation is one of the methods used in Social Sciences.
______ 2. Renaissance thinkers were the first to introduced Natural Science in the
______ 3. The ability to conduct precise measurements often the problem in doing
research for Natural Science.
______ 4. Scientific Method is the basic method being utilized in Social Sciences
______ 5. Social science aims to find the rule of the world.

II. Complete the Venn Diagram (10 points)



Carlos Peña Tatel Jr, Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences. (Manila,
Philippines: Rex Bookstore, 2016), 2-6.

Arthur Abulencia et. al, Disciplines and ideas in the Social Sciences Reader.
Philippines: Haus of Serah Printing and Trading Corp, 2017),2-5.


"Books / Digital Text." Mises Institute. Accessed June 29, 2020.

Answer Key:

1. Natural Science – it deals with astronomy or the study of heavenly
2. Social Science – an image of an old woman weaving reflects the field of
1. SS 6. SS Application:
2. NS 7. SS A. Answers vary
3. NS 8. SS B. Answers will be based on
4. NS 9. NS the discussion
5. NS 10. SS






II. Students answer may


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