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• Picha Basti is considered best among all of the
Basti by Acharya Charak for the treatment of
Sangrahni, Raktaatisara
• कृतानु वासनस्यास्यकृतसं सर्जनस्यच |
वर्तते यद्यतीसारःपिच्छाबस्तिरतःपरम् 
• If diarrhoea persists in spite of the
administration of anuvasana basti and
observing the samsarjana-krama then piccha
basti should be given.

परिवेष्ट्यकु शैरार्द्रैरार्द्रवृन्तानिशाल्मलेः |
कृ ष्णमृत्तिकयाऽऽलिप्यस्वेदयेद्गोमयाग्निना ||६४||
सुशुष्कांमृत्तिकांज्ञात्वातानिवृन्तानिशाल्मलेः |
शृतेपयसिमृद्नीयादापोथ्योलूखलेततः ||६५||
पिण्डंमुष्टिसमंप्रस्थेतत्पूतंतैलसर्पिषोः |
स्नेहितंमात्रयायुक्तं कल्के नमधुकस्यच ||६६||
बस्तिमभ्यक्तगात्रायदद्यात्प्रत्यागतेततः |
स्नात्वाभुञ्जीतपयसाजाङ्गलानांरसेनवा ||६७||
पित्तातिसारज्वरशोथगुल्मजीर्णातिसारग्रहणीप्रदोषान् |
• Green stalks of shalmali should be covered with
green kusha and tied.
• This bundle is then smeared with the mud of black soil and
placed over cow-dung fire.
• After the mud is dried up, the stalks of shalmali is removed.
These stalks are then triturated in a pestle and mortar.
• One mushti (pala or handful) of this paste should be mixed
with one prastha of boiled milk and filtered.
• In this milk, oil, ghee and paste of madhuka is added in
adequate quantity.
• This recipe is used for medicated enema to be given to the
patient after massaging the body with oil. When the nasty
material comes out, the patient should take bath and thereafter
take food along with either milk or the meat soup of the wild
पित्तातिसारज्वरशोथगुल्मजीर्णातिसारग्रहणीप्रदोषान् |
• Pithatisara
• Jwara
• Sopha
• Gulma
• Ajeerna
• Atisara
• Grahani
• Acute complications of virechana as well as
of asthapana bast
• अल्पाल्पंबहुशोरक्तं सशूलमुपवेश्यते ||
यदावायुर्विबद्धश्चकृ च्छ्रंचरतिवानवा |
When the movement of the
aggravated vata gets obstructed or moves with
difficulty or, then the patient voids blood
frequently in small quantities which is
associated with pain. Piccha-basti should be
administered to such patients.
• वातश्लेष्मविबन्धेवाकफे वाऽतिस्रवत्यपि |
शूलेप्रवाहिकायांवापिच्छाबस्तिंप्रयोजयेत् ||
Cha chi 19/117
• If vata and kapha are obstructed in
the mahasrotas, if there is excessive
evacuation of kapha and if there is colic pain
as well as dysentery, then piccha-basti should
be administered.
• Piccha-basti should be prepared of the paste
of pippali, bilva, kustha,
shatahva and vacha by adding salt.
Arsas chikitsa
यवास कु श काशानं मूलं पुष्पं च शाल्मलम्|
न्यग्रोधोदुम्बराश्वत्थ शुङ्गाश्च द्विपलोन्मिताः||
त्रिप्रस्थं सलिलस्यैतत् क्षीरप्रस्थं च साधयेत्|
क्षीरशेषं कषायं च पूतं कल्कै र्विमिश्रयेत्||
कल्काः शाल्मलि निर्यास समङ्गा चन्दनोत्पलम्|
वत्सकस्य च बीजानि प्रियङ्गुः पद्मके शरम्||
पिच्छाबस्तिरयं सिद्धः सघृतक्षौद्रशर्क रः|
प्रवाहिका गुदभ्रंश रक्तस्राव ज्वरापहः||
प्रपौण्डरीकं मधुकं पिच्छाबस्तौ यथेरितान्|
पिष्ट्वाऽनुवासनं स्नेहं क्षीरद्विगुणितं पचेत्||
इति पिच्छाबस्तिः|
Cha chi14/224-228
• Two palas each of yavasa, kusha, kasha, flowers of
semul and roots of nyagrodha, udumbara and
ashwattha should be added in six prasthas of water,
two prasthas of milk and boiled till two prasthas
• This should be strained through a cloth, and to this, the
paste of the resin from shalmali, majishtha, chandana,
utpala, seeds of kutaja, priyangu and padmakarira
should be added.
• This effective recipe is called piccha basti and it
should be administered along with ghee, honey and
• It cures dysentery, prolapsed of rectum, bleeding and
Acco to Susrutha
बदर्यैरावतीशेलुशाल्मलीधन्वनाङ्कु राः |
क्षीरसिद्धाः क्षौद्रयुताः सास्राः पिच्छिलसञ्ज्ञिताः ||
वाराहमाहिषौरभ्रबैडालैणेयकौक्कु टम् |
सद्यस्कमसृगाजं वा देयं पिच्छिलबस्तिषु ||
Su chi 38/86
In Yogaratnakara
• Salmali pushpa sidha kshira- 1pala
• Ghrita – 1 and half pala
• Taila - 1 and half pala
• Madhu – 3 pala
• Madhuka kalka

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