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My scooter costs an

arm and a leg.

What does the
phrase costs an
arm and a leg
Does it mean I have to cut
my arms and legs to be able
to buy the scooter?
It’s raining cats and
What does the
phrase “it’s raining
cats and dogs
mean” ?
Does it mean it’s
really raining cats
and dogs?
It’s raining cats
and dogs

Costs an arm and

a leg.
The words used in an idiom usually appear
to have nothing to do with the situation.
Idioms are a type of figurative language.
They often have historical roots with more
literal meanings. For example, the phrase
"cost an arm and a leg" means that
something is very expensive, and the
historical origin is fascinating. Painters in
the 18th century used to charge more to
include limbs in their paintings, which is
why many famous portraits are of just a
person’s bust!
How do we understand an idiom?
Context clues can be used to determine the meaning of
the idiom.
Idiom used in a sentence. The meaning of the idiom.
The students had ants in Ants in their pants means
their pants. They could not to have a lot of energy or
sit still during class. to not be able to sit still.

Keep an eye on your baby Keep an eye on means to

brother. While I’m gone, I watch someone or
need you to watch him. something.
Circle Yes or No if the bolded words are an idiom. Explain you answer.

1. Ana got a new mattress and her mother told her to sleep on it. Yes No

Yes No
2. Tim decided to sleep on it before he spent money on an expensive new car.

3. The carpenter told Jim to carefully hit the nail on the head. Yes No

Yes No
4. Joe hit the nail on the head when he gave a perfect answer to the riddle.

5. Mom and Dad get a kick out of watching their kids play soccer.
___________________________________________________________ Yes No
6. Melissa was under the weather all week with a sore throat and cough.
_________________________________________________________ Yes No
It’s raining cats and
dogs bring your
umbrella. .
Means …

A. Cats and dogs are

falling from the sky.

B. It’s raining very hard.

C. There are a lot of pets.

The exam was a piece of cake.
Means …

A. Something is very

B. Something is very

C. Something is very easy.

• The idea of cake being “easy” originated in the
1870’s when cakes were given out as prizes for
winning competitions. In particular, there was a
tradition in the US slavery states where slaves
would circle around a cake at a gathering. The most
“graceful” pair would win the cake the in middle.
From this the term “cake walk” and “piece of cake”
came into being, both meaning that something was
easy to accomplish. 
The term was first used in print in 1936 by Ogden
Nash who wrote, “Her picture’s in the papers now,
and life’s a piece of cake.” Today the term is
commonly used to describe tests at school, or
friendly competitions.
• Don't worry, Sophie - this job interview
will be a piece of cake for you - you have
all the skills they need and I think you're
absolutely the best candidate.
• They said the test would be difficult, but
it was a piece of cake - I'll pass with no
problem at all.
• Don't think that this term's work will be a
piece of cake - you'll have to study hard
to get good grades.
In the morning, I always feel as fresh
as a daisy after i take a shower.
Means …

A. You are full of energy.

B. You are very young.

C. You are new

at somewhere.
• In Old English, daisies were referred to
as “day’s eye” because at night the
petals close over the yellow center and
during the day they re-open. The phrase
“as fresh as a daisy” originated from
this, signifying that someone had a good
night’s rest.
• We were all tired from the exercise but
Jolo is still as fresh as a daisy.
Stop playing your instrument, ypu’re
driving me up the wall.
Means …

A. make someone climb

the wall
B. Making someone
angry/irritated with your

C. Making someone turn

into spiderman
Why can’t you stay still, do you
have ants in your pants?
Means …

A. You collect insects.

B. You are sitting on the


C. You are not able to sit

The party was dull until
someone broke the ice.
Means …

A. You are very strong.

B. You are the first to do

or say something.

C. You like cold drinks.

Lyca: The traffic is terrible.
Jewel: Dont get angry, we’re all in the
same boat. Means …

A. we’re riding the same


B. we have the same


C. we live in the same

The party was dull until
someone broke the ice.
Means …

A. You are very strong.

B. You are the first to do

or say something.

C. You like cold drinks.

He tried to explain the rules of the
game to me but it was all greek to me
so I did not understand. Means …
A. Something appears to
be like a Greek

B. You do not understand

something because it’s
written in Greek language.

C. You do not understand

something even if it’s in
your own language
John wanted to run for president, but decided
against it because he had too many skeletons in
the closet. Means …

A. You have secrets.

B. Your closet is full of


C. You are not afraid of

John,shake a leg! We’re going
to be late for the concert.
Means …

A. Dance with someone.

B. Hurry up!

C. Shake your leg to get a

bug off of it.
Just hold your horses Arn, let’s
think about this for aMeans

A. Ride a horse.

B. Stop your car.

C. Be patient.
Kiel got straight A’s for his
projects, he was in cloud
Means …
A. Be very happy or

B. Be confused.

C. Be on the ninth floor.

I know 1,000 pesos is just a drop in
the bucket but I hope this helps.
Means …

A. A very small part of


B. To be thirsty.

C. It's raining a little.


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