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Present Perfect

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1. What is your opinion on the first video?

R/ This video is related to the use of the present perfect tense in English in its affirmative, negative
and interrogative form, in addition to observing the structure that each form needs so that all your
sentences are adequate.

2. Did the video help you clarify doubts related to the topic?

R/ Yes

3. What is the formula to organize sentences using the present perfect? Show an example



Subject + have/has + past participle + complement.


We have [We’ve] gone to work.


Subject+ have/have + not + past participle + complement.


We have not [haven’t] gone to work.


Have/Has + Subject + past participle + complement + ?


Have we gone to work?

4. What examples caught your attention in the first video? Write them down.


They have found the shoes

They have not/ haven’t found the shoes

Have they found the shoes?

Peter has walked for 3 hours

You have not/ haven’t studied for the exam

Have they bought a new car?

5. Write a little poem using the present perfect.

R/ If you are who I look for, come

in the night of lost reflections,

if you are the beloved body,

come in between trees, in between songs.

Here awaits you a time

dispossessed of fables,

a body punished by life

and the roads’ brambles.

If you are she who comes,

leave me a sign in between trees:

a white veil, a trace in the dust

will suffice in my wretchedness.

You've died of waiting,

as a magnificent forest waiting for death;

If you are who the one I looked for,

come protected by a sky.

6. Write a little cartoon using the present perfect

How many bank No, I've never

have you robbed? robbed a bank

7. Conjugate the following verbs using the present perfect in the affirmative, interrogative and
negative forms, in the indicate grammatical person.

a. Buy ( I, you) b. Clean ( She, we) c. Study (they, he) d. Be ( I, she) e. Travel (they , we)


A. Buy

I have bought a new car

Have I bought a new car?

i haven't bought a new car

You have got an email

Have you got an email?

You haven't got an email

B. Clean

She has cleaned the windows

Has she cleaned the windows?

She hasn't cleaned the windows

We have cleaned the kitchen

Have we cleaned the kitchen?

We haven't cleaned the kitchen

C. Study

They have studied for the exam

Have they studied for the exam?

They haven't studied for the exam

He has studied English

Has he studied English?

He hasn't studied English

D. Be

I have been to London

Have I been to London?

I haven't been to London?

She has been in the park

Has she been in the park?

She hasn't been in the park

E. Travel

They have traveled for their uncle

Have they traveled for their uncle?

They haven't traveled for their uncle

We have traveled to Spain by bus

Have we traveled to Spain by bus?

We haven't traveled to Spain by bus

8. What song caught your attention in the second video? Write the song lyrics in English and
highlight the phrase where the present perfect appears.

R/ "Adventurous Girl".

Oh, I've flown in fancy planes, ridden 'round on high speed trains.

Oh, I've driven classic cars, eaten, steak and caviar.

Oh, I've scaled the highest cliffs, sailed the sea in rugged ships.

Oh, I've climbed the highest mountains. Drunk my fill from natural fountains.

Yes, I am an adventurous girl; I have seen the whole world and I like it.

Better not sloww me dow, 'cause I have been around, and I'm not going to hide it.

Oh, I've stood upon the Great Wall, seen the domes of the Taj Mahal.

Oh, I've crossed the polar ice caps, trekked across the arid Outback.

Oh, I've seen the cliffs of Dover, walked through fields of Irish clover.

Oh, I've swum across the Nile, gazed at Mona Lisa's smile.

Yes, I am an adventurous girl; I have seen the whole world and I like it.

Better no slow me down, 'cause I have been around, and I'm not going to hide it.

Oh, I've been in trendy clubs, danced until the sun came up

Oh, I've had fun with my Friends, and I'd do it all again.

When I was very Young, I was scared, I held my tongue, 'cause I thought I'd get laughed at.

But I turned things around, spoke my mind, held my ground, and I never have looked back.

Yes, I am an adventurous girl; I have seen the whole world and I like it.

Better no slow me down, 'cause I have been around, and I'm not going to hide it.
9. Traslate the following sentences:

a. She has never studied Japanese. / Ella nunca ha estudiado japonés.

b. How many times have you tried to call her? / ¿Cuántas veces has intentado llamarla?

c. I have some bad news. I've lost my job. / Tengo algunas malas noticias, perdí mi trabajo.

d. I've known James for 5 or 8 years. / Conozco a James desde 5 u 8 años.

e. Jhon has missed the bus, so he'll be late. / Jhon ha perdido el bus, por lo que llegará tarde.

10. Read and practice the next story. Then send me a short audio where you tell me what
happened in that story. Don't forget the vocabulary.

Wears: lleva

Apron: delantal

Gathered: recogido

Seeds: semillas

Crumbs: migajas

Ground: suelo

Recently: Recientemente

Bench: banco (silla)

Yard: patio

11. Portafolio


1. What has Linda finished doing so far? What has she just dropped on the ground?

She has finished cleaning and washing, and she has just dropped some seeds on the ground to
feed the birds.__________________________________________________________________

2. Where has grandmother moved recently? What has grandmother just finished doing?

The Grandmother has moved in with Linda's family, and She has just finished cooking.

3. What has grandmother always liked to do? What has linda always liked to do?

Grandmother has always liked to watch the birds, and Linda has always liked to feed them.

1. Linda has just dropped some seeds on the ground.

Negative: Linda has not just dropped some seeds on the ground

Yes/No question: Has Linda just dropped some seeds on the ground?

Wh – question: Where has Linda it dropped the seeds?

Tag question: Linda has just dropped some seeds on the ground, hasn't she?

2. Grandmother has moved in with Linda 's family

Negative: Grandmother has not moved in with Linda 's family

Yes/No question: Has Grandmother moved in with Linda 's family?

Wh – question: Who has moved in with Linda 's family?

Tag question: Grandmother has moved in with Linda's family, hasn't she?

3. Grandmother has always liked to watch the birds

Negative: Grandmother has not always liked to watch the birds

Yes/No question: Has Grandmother always liked to watch the birds?

Wh – question: What has Grandmother liked to watched?

Tag question: Grandmother has always liked to watch the birds, hasn't she?

Michael Alexander Torres Bastidas

Grado: 9°A

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