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Weeks 2 Dynamics of Machinery: - References

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Dynamics of Machinery

• References
• Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, J.J.
Uicker, G.R.Pennock ve J.E. Shigley, 2003
• Makine Dinamiği, Prof. Dr. Eres SÖYLEMEZ,
• Uygulamalı Makine Dinamiği, Jeremy
Hirschhorn, Çeviri: Prof.Dr. Mustafa SABUNCU,

Prof.Dr.Hasan ÖZTÜRK 1
Example:This slider-crank mechanism is in static equilibrium in the shown configuration. A known force F
acts on the slider block in the direction shown. An unknown torque acts on the crank. Our objective is to
determine the magnitude and the direction of this torque in order to keep the system in static equilibrium.


F32x F34y
F23x F34x
F23y F43y
F12x T12 F14=F14y T14

Prof.Dr.Hasan ÖZTÜRK
Numerical values for the link lengths are L2 = 2 m and L3 = 4 m. From the figures we extract the
following measurements: a = 1.8 m , b = 1 m , c = 2 m , d = 3.6 m. Assume the applied force is
given to be F = 10 N in the negative direction.

Simplified FBD method:

The connecting rod of this mechanism is a two-force member. The reaction forces at A and B must be equal
but in opposite directions. These reaction forces are named F2 3 and F 43 , and given arbitrary directions

F32 F23
T2 2 A


F12y F43
F34 B 4 F B

Prof.Dr.Hasan ÖZTÜRK 3

Prof.Dr.Hasan ÖZTÜRK 4
Coulomb Friction: Coulomb friction can be included between two contacting surfaces in a static force
analysis. Given the static coefficient of friction, μ (s) , the friction force can be described as the product of
the coefficient of friction and the reaction force normal to the contacting surfaces. The friction force must act
in the opposite direction of the tendency of any motion.


Ffriction=m F14

Prof.Dr.Hasan ÖZTÜRK 5

The kinematic function of gears is to transfer rotational motion from one shaft
to another. Since these shafts may be parallel, perpendicular, or at any other
angle with respect to each other, gears designed for any of these cases take
different forms and have different names: spur, helical, bevel, worm, etc.

pitch diameter

number of teeth

tangential acceleration
Kinematics of meshing gears.

Prof.Dr.Hasan ÖZTÜRK 6
Spur Gear Force Analysis (Static):

The reaction forces between the

teeth occur along the pressure line
AB, tipped by the pressure angle,
tipped by the pressure angle 
from the common tangent to the
pitch circles.

In applications involving gears, the power transmitted and the shaft speeds are often specified.
remembering that power is the product of force times velocity or torque times angular velocity, we can
find the relation between power and the transmitted force. Using the symbol P to denote power, we

Spur Gear Force Analysis (Dynamic):

The reaction forces between the

teeth occur along the pressure line
AB, tipped by the pressure angle,
tipped by the pressure angle 
from the common tangent to the
pitch circles.

Prof.Dr.Hasan ÖZTÜRK 10
Helical Gears

Fa: axial,
Fr: radial
Ft: tangential
t: transverse pressure angle
: helix angle

Prof.Dr.Hasan ÖZTÜRK 11
Straight Bevel Gears

Prof.Dr.Hasan ÖZTÜRK 12
Dynamic Force Analysis

Sometimes it is convenient to arrange these mass moments of inertia and mass products of inertia into a
symmetric square array or matrix format called the inertia tensor of the body:

Dynamic Force Analysis
D'Alembertls principle: The vector sum of all external forces and inertia forces
acting upon a system of rigid bodies is zero. The vector sum of all external moments
and inertia torques acting upon a system of rigid bodies is also separately zero.

inertia force
Fi has the same line of action of aG but is in opposite

inertia torque

Ti  is in opposite sense of the angular

acceleration a
Prof.Dr.Hasan ÖZTÜRK 15
Slider –Crank Mechanism
external force and torque,
F4 and T2

All frictions are neglected

except for the friction at
joint 14

Prof.Dr.Hasan ÖZTÜRK 16
We use the four-bar linkage of the below Figure. The required data, based on a
complete kinematic analysis, are illustrated in the Figure and in the legend. At the crank
angle shown and assuming that gravity and friction effects are negligible, determine all
the constraint forces and the driving torque required to produce the acceleration
conditions specifıed.

Prof.Dr.Hasan ÖZTÜRK
We start with the following kinematic information.

Next we calculate the inertia forces and inertia torques. Because the solution is analytical, we
do not need to calculate offset distances nor do we replace the inertia torques by couples. The
six equations are

Considering the free-body diagram of link 4 alone, we formulate the summation of
moments about point 04:

Also, considering the free-body diagram of link 3 alone, we formulate the

summation of moments about point A:

Prof.Dr.Hasan ÖZTÜRK 20
Prof.Dr.Hasan ÖZTÜRK
Prof.Dr.Hasan ÖZTÜRK 22
Prof.Dr.Hasan ÖZTÜRK 23

Application of the parallel-

For fixed-axis rotation, it is generally useful to apply a moment axis theorem for mass
equation directly about the rotation axis O. moments of inertia

Prof.Dr.Hasan ÖZTÜRK 27
Center of percussion

Prof.Dr.Hasan ÖZTÜRK 28
Prof.Dr.Hasan ÖZTÜRK 29
Prof.Dr.Hasan ÖZTÜRK 30

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