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30 Interesting Ways To Use Audio in Your Classroom

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Interesting Ways* to Use

Audio in your Classroom!

*and tips
Auratone 5C Monitor by dr. motte 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 

Noncommercial Share Alike 3.0 License.
#1 - Use music as a timer (@russeltarr) has some great examples to use. 
You can even upload your own tracks.  
Direct link:

#2 - Learn by association

Use music to create 

with topic content to 
deepen the experience.

A great article by Caroline Molyneux, from Balshaw’s Church of

England High School, UK, with examples from her pilot project can be
found here:
 #3 - Analyse Audio
Analyse audio to
demonstrate a concept in

For example, is the

"World's Fastest Clapper"
really clapping at 14 claps
per second?
Use Audacity to analyse
the audio:
World's Fastest Clapper

#5 - Get students to rewrite and record
the lyrics to a famous song

Movie maker
to make a
song of their
#6 - Build up a "Jukebox" of topic-
related songs
As students are entering / Resources
leaving the classroom, or Sample Playlist for my Year 9
working quietly, it's nice to Slavery and Civil Rights study
build a bit of atmosphere with Songs for the History
songs. Classroom allows you
to easily build playlists and
save them as a web address
or embed them in a wiki, blog
or website.
#4 - Record an audio (and even video)
version of a written assignment
In History, my students write, record The Siege of Toulouse
and film "biased news reports" of key The Siege of Constantinople
events. Resources to get you started
I set this up as a three-tiered Audacity / Moviemaker
activity: Helpsheet
Standard Task: Students write a report. Audacity Free Download
Intermediate Task: Students record their
completed report in Audacity. RJ Tarr, activehistory / classtools
Advanced Task: Students import the audio (@russeltarr)
into Moviemaker and turn it into a TV
newsflash by adding pictures.
#7 - Canons on fire!
1. Play the original of Pachelbel's Canon from YouTube: asking students to listen
out for the instruments (violins) which play the same line one after
another i.e. the canon. (Cello plays the ostinato 'ground bass').

2. Play the Ultimate Canon Rock from YouTube: asking students
to identify what's been done i.e. lots of different performances edited
together. Ask them to guess how many performances, then show them
the video info (it's 39.)

3. Make your own Canon by recording tracks one by one with Audacity -
choose an easy canon e.g. London's Burning. Get all students to take
part - on any instrument they can play or just singing.

4. Open it out - involve whole group/class/school/cluster/extended

community. I bet you will find some great musicians to add their own
unique contributions! You could make source files available on school
website or ask folk to come into school to contribute.

#8 - Soothing Settling background Music

Play gentle background music to

settle pupils.
#9 - Log Off/Tidy up/pack up music
The Indiana Jones Theme tune works
wonders when trying to speed up the
end of a lesson. 

Pupils pack up faster and faster with

the music
#10 - Nanostories
Ask pupils to record nanostories -
one to three sentences about a master chief sings by Ayton 
particular topic using audio
software (e.g. MS voice recorder,
Quicktime, Audacity or a mobile
Nanostories can be used as
 standalone artefacts or joined
together to form part of a larger
The audio may be used as
evidence of attainment or
questions to define next steps.
#11 - Editing Audio Greek Myths
We use Audacity to record Greek
myths told by 5th year children. 

They look for sounds

on, import them
on a new track and finally add a track
as background music. 

They use amplify effect to manage


Finally they export the mp3 which

sounds great!
greek god by giopuo

@Marta Lavista
#12 - Setting the scene

Play samples of atmospheric

soundtracks to teach children
about creating atmosphere as a
descriptive writing technique.

#13 - Hosting the Audio

Podcast Machine:
This is a great place to host the audio and then they give
you a player to embed into your site or blog.  
Record audio, upload to site, and finally embed the player.
It's Free 
#14 - _________ 's Playlist

Have students think creatively about someone

they are studying and what types of music they
might have on their iPod if they were sitting
next to them on the bus.  Can imagine
historical figures, authors, characters from
novels, inventors, etc.

Make sure to have students justify the songs

they've chosen and why they fit that person!

#15 - Produce a regular podcast
A regular podcast by your class will build
up an audience giving pupils a real task
with a real purpose. 

Podcasts can be about anything; giving

pupils opportunities for writing, talking,
listening, co-operative working and
collective decision making.
You don't need expensive
Receiving feedback from around the world equipment, one pc or mac,
will add a sense of purpose and validity. the built in mic or a cheap
(most of the ideas in this presentation could be incorporated into a podcast) usb one, Audacity (or
Garageband if you have a
mac) are all you need to get

#16 - Famous speeches
Download famous speeches or sound recordings that link to
historical topics and use them as a starting/discussion point
for your lessons. You could even use them as 'guess who' type
Student Voices
Photo Credit:  Shadow singer by
@dkuropatwa flickr user EugeniusD80
#18 Take a Step Back in Time with Old Time Radio

Quite a bit of culture and history can be worked in to the

listening of old time radio dramas. The potential for their use in
the study of "story"  in a language arts classroom is
significant. The list of shows on the web and the possibilities
of their use is huge.
Many of the radio dramas of the 40's and 50's are available as
a podcasts via iTunes or on the web via Old Time Radio
Shows. My personal favorites are the Sherlock Holmes
Adventure Podcasts by Humphrey Camardella Productions  

#19 - drama practice aid    
We extract the audio
from a video taken
during first read through
of our play; cut that to
CDs or make available
as download for actors
to practise without
anyone else being there!

Has worked really well

for us

#20 - Improve your language/telephone skills
I got this idea from the TES. A modern language teacher had
found it was a great way to develop language skills.
I use it with my students with learning difficulties .
I play a CD track : Debbie Harry Hanging on the Telephone .
When the music starts pass a chunky mobile phone around the
group and just like pass the parcel when the music stops the
person holding the phone has to answer it. I play a sound clip of
a phone ringing (not essential but really adds effect) and when
the phone stops ringing the conversation between you on one
phone and the student on another begins. After a short
conversation start the music again. Keep playing until everyone
has had a go.
Judy Valentine
#21 - Manipulate your voice

Use tools like Voice Candy, or the editing tools in Audacity to

change the pitch / speed or your voice. 

Turn yourself into a chipmunk or Darth Vader and use the

resulting audio in a podcast or as part of a performance.

Mark Warner
#22 Make Your Own Sight Word Practice
Use Microsoft's Movie Maker to practice/learn
sight words. Attached is a video of my niece
(not EXACTLY sight words or great), but I can't
post videos of my students.

This is the page

for clapping!
23) Record a narration of a PowerPoint
presentation for when you are out.
We all take them..."sick" days.  Check out this blog post about
If you know you are going to implementing this technique,
be out, use PowerPoint's and the results.
narration feature to lecture to
your students when you aren't
even there.

So far, it's the only thing I've

found that the kids will actually
DO with a sub!
24) Test the learning: use a voice
Use any piece of video or create your own using movie
maker or photostory on a topic that you have just been
teaching.  either remove the soundtrack/narration (if there
was one) and put it on
your VLE/common drive.  At the
end of the topic students can
demonstrate their learning by
plugging in a mic and narrating
the silent video.  Especially good if it's just picture prompts
(photostory3) and if the video is unseen.  Get some very
good responses and an effective  way to test their learning.

25) Read Record

When I use online readings, such as those from Project

Gutenberg, I  try to include an audio recording of the reading as
well. For instance, if we are doing poetry, an audio recording can
be played along with it so that the students can hear the meter
and rhythm of the poem. They can also save the recording to an
ipod or mp3 player to listen to later. Some sources of free audio
books and poems:
#26 Pupil Playlists

Get pupils to create a

playlist using 'spotify' or
'grooveshark' to embed into
their learning blogs/VLE
That will exemplify /support
a  /genre /style of music.

#27 Descriptive Fantasy Soundscape
Children created a soundscape for an extended creative
fantasy story called Splats. In the story the main character
goes to a place called Dragon Island. 

For their descriptions, children thought about what it might

sound like there. This was then posted on our VLE.

Steph Ladbrooke
#28 Recreating life on a Tudor ship
Children used Easispeak microphones and Audacity to
create podcasts about life aboard a Tudor ship. 

They imagined themselves as a ship's boy starting life

aboard ship and created the podcasts to cover topics such
as food, punishment, illness, occupations etc.

Steph Ladbrooke
#29 Record audio diaries
for historical events.
Students write audio diaries is a
from the perspective of great place to find extra
someone involved in an sound effects
historical event - e.g. a soldier
"going over the top" in the See here for some examples
Battle of The Somme. from WW1, D-Day and the
Vietnam War.
This allows them to focus on
the personal narratives and
emotions of the people
involved. They then record
these in the form of a podcast @richardanderson
in GarageBand (Mac) or
Audacity (Windows / Mac). 
#30 Use Mantra Lingua Talking pens
The Talking Pen from Mantra It's an easy, low-cost way of
Lingua can be used to creating virtual tours or art
associate audio with the exhibitions with audio narrations.
included stickers. Students or
teachers can record audio Use the stickers in reading
onto the pen(s) then place books for older students to
these stickers anywhere - provide reading help or fun
onto a display, onto a sound effects to add to the story
worksheet, on an outside for younger children.
location (building / tree etc.)
even onto each other! Ask students to use the stickers
in their exercise books to record
positive comments for their
parents to listen to at Parents'
If you would like to: 
• Contribute your ideas and tips to the presentation.
• Let me know how you have used the resource.
• Get in touch. 
You can email me or I am @tombarrett on Twitter

If you add a tip (or even if you

don't) please tweet about it and
the link so more people can

Image: ‘Sharing‘
I have created a page for all of
the Interesting Ways
presentations on my blog. Thanks for helping
Tom Barrett
The whole family in one place :-)
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