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BSCS - DCCN - F20 - Week 6 - Sec A

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Data Communication &

Computer Networks
Week # 06

Dr. Arshad Ali

Powerpoint Templates
This Week Course Plan
 Transmission Modes
 Circuit switched and packet switched Networks
 Ethernet LAN Standard
 Overview of Wireless LAN

These lecture slides contain material from slides prepared
by Behrouz Forouzan for his book Data Communication
and Networking (4th/5th edition).
The transmission of binary data across a link can be
accomplished in either parallel or serial mode
In parallel mode, multiple bits are sent with each clock
In serial mode, 1 bit is sent with each clock tick.
Parallel transmission
Use n wires to send n bits at a time; each bit has its
own wire, so all n bits of one group can be transmitted
with each clock tick between devices.
Advantage: speed (by a factor of n over serial)
Disadvantage: Cost
Serial transmission
One bit follows another which requires only one channel for communication
between devices
Advantage: reduces cost ( only one channel instead of n)
Overhead: Because communication within devices is parallel, we need
conversion devices at the interface between sender and the line (parallel to serial)
and between the line and the receiver (serial to parallel)
Serial transmission can be asynchronous, synchronous and Isochronous
Asynchronous transmission
In asynchronous transmission, signal timing is not important
 for synchronization
we send 1 start bit (0) to alert the receiver to the arrival of a
new group, and
1 or more additional stop bits (1s) at the end of each byte to
let the receiver to know that byte is finished
There may be a gap between each byte
Asynchronous here means “asynchronous at the byte level,
but the bits are still synchronized;
their durations are the same
Asynchronous transmission
Slower Transmission due to additional bits
Cheap and effective
Used for low speed communication (between keyboard and
Synchronous transmission
In synchronous transmission,
we send bits one after another without start or stop bits or
It is the responsibility of the receiver to group the bits
 The bits are usually sent as bytes and many bytes are grouped
in a frame
A frame is identified with a start and an end byte and there are
uneven gaps between frames

In isochronous transmission
 we cannot have uneven gaps between frames
 Transmission of bits is fixed with equal gaps
 Used in real-time audio and video where uneven

delays are not acceptable

 Synchronization in entire stream of bits is needed
Taxonomy of Communication Networks
Communication Network (CN) can be classified based on the
way in which the nodes exchange information
Communication Network

Switched Broadcast

Circuit-Switched Packet-Switched

Datagram Virtual Circuit

Network Network
Broadcast Vs Switched Network
Broadcast networks
 Information transmitted by any node is

received by every node in the network

 Ex:: Broadcast Ethernet, wireless LANs

 Need to coordinate the access to the

shared medium
Switched networks
 Links are point-to-point

 Ex: WANs (Telephony Network,

 Routing becomes harder
Switched Network
 Switched Network is a series of interlinked nodes which
are called switches
 In a switched network, some switching nodes are

connected to the end systems (like computers,

telephones), others are used only for routing
Switching: Methods
 Circuitswitching
 Packet switching

Datagram approach
Virtual circuit switched approach
Circuit Switched Network
 Three phases in circuit switching
 The telephone message is not broken

It is sent all together

 The message arrives in the same order as it was sent

 Electronic signals pass through many switches before a

connection is established (In modern circuit-switched

Circuit Switched Network
 During a call (transfer phase), switches can not be used by any
other network traffic
Hence, the resources remain dedicated to the circuit during
the entire transfer of data and the entire message follows the
same path

 A circuit-switched network is excellent for data that needs a

constant link from end-to-end, for example, real-time video
Packet Switched Network

 Packets are sent as soon as they are available

the message is broken into small data packets
Packet Switched network Approaches
 Datagram Network Approach

 Virtual Circuit Network Approach

Packet Switched Network
Datagram approach of packet switching
 no need to set up a dedicated path in advance

 It is up to routers to use store-and-forward transmission to send each

packet on its way to the destination on its own

 Packets seek out the most efficient route to travel as circuits become

not necessarily the shortest route
 There is no fixed path

Different packets can follow different paths

Packets may arrive out of order
 It places a tight upper limit on the size of packets

 This ensures that no user can monopolize any transmission line

for very long (e.g., many milliseconds)
Thus, it can handle interactive traffic
A comparison of circuit switched and
Datagram packet switched networks
In Circuit and Packet Switched Network
 The trade-off is between guaranteed service and

wasting resources versus not guaranteeing service

and not wasting resources
Virtual Circuit Network
A cross between a circuit-switched network and a datagram
 As in a circuit-switched network

It has setup and teardown phases in addition to the data

transfer phase
A virtual circuit is made before actual data is transmitted but
it is different from circuit switching in a sense that
in circuit switching the call accept signal comes only from the
final destination to the source
while in case of virtual-packet switching this call accept
signal is transmitted between each adjacent intermediate
all packets follow the same path established during the
Virtual Circuit Network
In virtual-circuit packet switching
 An initial setup phase is used to set up a route between the

intermediate nodes for all the packets passed during the session
between the two end nodes.
 In each intermediate node, an entry is registered in a table to

indicate the route for the connection that has been set up.
 Thus, packets passed through this route, can have short headers,

containing only a virtual circuit identifier (VCI), and not their

 This approach is slower than Circuit Switching, since different

virtual circuits may compete over the same resources, and an

initial setup phase is needed to initiate the circuit.
Virtual Circuits guarantees that all packets in a flow follow one path
Virtual Circuit Network
 Data are packetized and each packet carries an address in the
header as in datagram networks
 But the address in the header has local jurisdiction which

defines what should be the next switch and the channel on

which the packet is being carried
 A virtual-circuit network (ATM and X.25)

normally implemented in the data link layer

No capacity guarantees, but guarantees no reordering of

 circuit-switched network
implemented in the physical layer
 A datagram network

Implemented in the network layer

INTERNET (in reality)

 is a datagram network

 BUT part of the Internet uses circuit-switching (Phone links) or

virtual circuit (ATM)
IEEE Project 802
As TCP/IP does not specify any protocol for data
link and physical layer;
it accepts any protocol at these two layers that
can provide services to network layer.
These two layers belong to networks (wired or
wireless) that are using them.
A LAN is computer network designed for a
limited geographic area such as buildings or a
Most LANs are linked to a wide area network or
IEEE Project 802
In 1985, the Computer Society of the IEEE started a
project, called Project 802, to set standards to enable
intercommunication among equipment from a variety
of manufacturers.
Project 802 does not seek to replace any part of OSI or
TCP/IP suit; it is a way of specifying functions of the
physical layer and the data link layer of major LAN
IEEE 802.3: Ethernet LAN
IEEE 802.4: Token bus
IEEE 802.11: Wireless LAN (WLAN)
IEEE 802.15: Wireless PAN (802.15.1 is for Bluetooth)
IEEE 802.16: WiMAX
Standard Ethernet

The original Ethernet was created in 1976 at Xerox’s

Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) in California. Since
then, it has gone through four generations.
Standard Ethernet implementations

The 10-Mbps Standard Ethernet has gone through several

changes before moving to the higher data rates.
These changes actually opened the road to the evolution of the
Ethernet to become compatible with other high-data-rate LANs.
Fast Ethernet
Fast Ethernet was designed to compete with LAN protocols such
as FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface ) or Fiber Channel.
IEEE created Fast Ethernet under the name 802.3u. Fast
Ethernet is backward-compatible with Standard Ethernet, but it
can transmit data 10 times faster at a rate of 100 Mbps.

Fast Ethernet implementations

Gigabit Ethernet
The need for an even higher data rate resulted in the design of the
Gigabit Ethernet protocol (1000 Mbps). The IEEE committee
calls the standard 802.3z.
In the full-duplex mode of Gigabit Ethernet, there is no
the maximum length of the cable is determined by the signal
attenuation in the cable.

Gigabit Ethernet implementations

Ten-Gigabit Ethernet implementations

Example of an Ethernet address
in hexadecimal notation
Each station on Ethernet network has its own Network Interface card (NIC)
which provides the station with link layer address (6 bytes for Ethernet)

Unicast and multicast addresses

The least significant bit of the first byte defines the type of address
If the bit is 0, the address is unicast; otherwise, it is multicast.
The broadcast destination address is a special case of the multicast
address in which all bits are 1s.
The source address is always a unicast address
Define the type of the following destination addresses:
a. 4A:30:10:21:10:1A b. 47:20:1B:2E:08:EE
To find the type of the address, look at the second
hexadecimal digit from the left.
If it is even, the address is unicast.
If it is odd, the address is multicast.
If all digits are F’s, the address is broadcast.
a. This is a unicast address because A in binary is 1010.
b. This is a multicast address because 7 in binary is 0111.
c. This is a broadcast address because all digits are F’s.

Show how the address 47:20:1B:2E:08:EE is sent out on


The address is sent left-to-right, byte by byte;
for each byte, it is sent right-to-left, bit by bit;

Transmission in Ethernet is always broadcast (without regard

the intention of unicast, multicast, broadcast)
Why Ethernet became so popular
 Easy to understand, implement, manage, and maintain
 Low-cost network implementations
 Topological flexibility for network installation
 Successful interconnection and operation of products, regardless of

Wireless LAN (WLAN)
 A wireless LAN uses wireless transmission medium

 WLAN provides wireless network communication over short

using radio or infrared signals instead of traditional network
cabling like UTP

 Wireless LAN provides all the features and benefits of

traditional LAN technologies such as Ethernet and Token Ring
but without the limitations of wires or cables

Popularity of wireless LANs has grown rapidly

Dr. Arshad Ali

A typical LAN

A Wireless WLAN
It’s a “hub” without wires
Wireless LAN
 A WLAN typically extends an existing wired LAN
 The access point (AP) is attached to the edge of the wired

network to built a WLAN

a wireless network adopter enables clients to communicate
with the AP
similar in function to a traditional Ethernet adapter

 WLANs use the 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz and 5-GHz frequency
 ISM (Industry, Scientific, Medical) license-free (unlicensed)

frequency bands

Dr. Arshad Ali

Infrastructure Wireless LAN

Wireless LAN forms a stationary infrastructure consisting

of one or more cells with a control module for each cell
 Within a cell, there may be a number of stationary end
 Nomadic stations can move from one cell to another
Ad Hoc LAN

 No infrastructure for an ad hoc network.

 A wireless network adopter is required to be installed
 a peer collection of stations within range of each other may
dynamically configure themselves into a temporary network
WLAN Technology
according to transmission technique being used

Infrared (IR) LANs: Individual cell of IR LAN limited to single

IR light does not penetrate opaque walls
Line of sight only

Spread spectrum LANs: Mostly operate in ISM (industrial,

scientific, and medical) bands
So no Federal Communications Commission (FCC) licensing is
required in USA

Narrowband microwave: Microwave frequencies but not use

spread spectrum
Some products operate at frequencies that require FCC licensing
While others use one of the unlicensed ISM bands
IEEE 802.11
 In IEEE 802.11 std, the addressable unit is station (STA)
 Station (STA): a device that has the capability to use the 802.11
 STA may be fixed, mobile or portable

 According to IEEE 802.11-2007 : A STA is any device that

contains an IEEE 802.11-conformant media access control (MAC)
and physical layer (PHY) interface to the wireless medium (WM).
 One requirement of IEEE 802.11 is to handle mobile as well as
portable STAs
 A portable STA is one that is moved from location to location, but
that is only used while at a fixed location.
 Mobile STAs actually access the LAN while in motion.
IEEE standard 802.11
fixed terminal
mobile terminal

infrastructure network

access point

application application
802.11 MAC 802.11 MAC 802.3 MAC 802.3 MAC
802.11 PHY 802.11 PHY 802.3 PHY 802.3 PHY
Components of IEEE 802.11 architecture
 The basic service set (BSS) is the basic building block of an IEEE 802.11
 Each of BSS1 and BSS2 has two STAs that are members of their BSS
 Think of the ovals as coverage area of a BSS within which the member STAs
may remain in communication
 This area is called the Basic Service Area (BSA).
 If a STA moves out of its BSA, it can no longer directly communicate with other
STAs present in the BSA
Components of IEEE 802.11 architecture
 Two type of BSS: Independent and Infrastructure BSS
 Every BSS has an id called the BSSID, it is the MAC address of the
access point servicing the BSS
 Independent BSS (IBSS) is simply comprised of one or more Stations
which communicate directly with each other (ad-hoc network)
They contain no Access Points
They can not connect to any other basic service set
Components of IEEE 802.11 architecture
 In Infrastructure BSS,
STAs communicate with each other through Access Points
STAs can communicate with other stations not in the same basic
service set through Access Points
Components of IEEE 802.11 architecture
 An Extended Service Set (ESS) is a set of connected BSS
 Access Points in an extended service set are connected by a distribution
 Each ESS has an ID called the SSID
An ESS is the union of the infrastructure BSSs with the same
SSID connected by a DS
Components of IEEE 802.11 architecture
A Distribution system (DS)
 connects Access Points in an extended service set

 is usually a wired LAN but can be a wireless LAN

 Is the architectural component used to interconnect infrastructure

BSSs (IEEE 802.11 2012)

Components of IEEE 802.11 architecture
Portal bridge to other (wired) networks
 A portal is the logical point at which MSDUs (MAC service data units) from

an integrated non-IEEE-802.11 LAN enter the IEEE 802.11 DS

 In other words, All data from non-IEEE-802.11 LANs enter the IEEE
802.11 architecture via a portal
 It is possible for one device to offer both the functions of an AP and a portal

(IEEE 802.11 2012)

 The portal logic is implemented in a device such as bridge or router, that

is part of the wired LAN and that is attached to the DS

802.11 Architecture: Infrastructure network
Station (STA)
802.11 LAN
802.x LAN  terminal with access mechanisms to
the wireless medium and radio
contact to the access point
STA1 Basic Service Set (BSS)
Portal  group of stations using the same
Access radio frequency
Point Access Point
Distribution System  station integrated into the wireless
Access LAN and the distribution system
ESS Point Portal

 bridge to other (wired) networks

BSS2 Distribution System

 interconnection network to form

one logical network (EES:
Extended Service Set) based
STA2 802.11 LAN STA3 on several BSSs
802.11 Architecture: ad-hoc network
Direct communication within a limited
802.11 LAN range
 Station (STA):
terminal with access
IBSS1 STA3 mechanisms to the wireless
 Independent Basic Service Set
group of stations using the
same radio frequency
without a controlling access

STA4 802.11 LAN

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