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Computer Networks

(For PSC)
Prepared By: Jalauddin Mansur

Introduction to Computer Networks

What is computer Network?
Computer Network is a collection of computing devices. Devices are connected in various ways
in order to communicate and share resources. Usually, the connections between computers in a
network are made using physical wires or cables. Sometime connections are wireless, using radio
waves or infrared signals. Example, a computer network can consists of a collection of
computers, printers and other equipment like router, switch and servers that is connected together
so that they can communicate with each other.

Fig: Example of Computer Network

Protocol Stack
A protocol stack is a complete set of network protocol layers that work together to provide
networking capabilities. It is called a stack because it is typically designed as a hierarchy of
layers, each supporting the one above it and using those below it.

Fig: OSI model

The OSI model has seven layers. The principles that were applied to arrive at the seven layers
can be briefly summarized as follows:
1. A layer should be created where a different abstraction is needed.
2. Each layer should perform a well-defined function.
3. The function of each layer should be chosen with an eye toward defining internationally
standardized protocols.
4. The layer boundaries should be chosen to minimize the information flow across the interfaces.
5. The number of layers should be large enough that distinct functions need not be thrown
together in the same layer out of necessity and small enough that the architecture does not
become unwieldy.
The Physical Layer
The physical layer is concerned with transmitting raw bits over a communication channel. The
design issues have to do with making sure that when one side sends a 1 bit, it is received by the
other side as a 1 bit, not as a 0 bit. The design issues largely deal with mechanical, electrical,
and timing interfaces, as well as the physical transmission medium.
The Data Link Layer
The main task of the data link layer is to transform a raw transmission facility into a line that
appears free of undetected transmission errors. It break up the input data into data frames
(typically a few hundred or a few thousand bytes) and transmit the frames sequentially. Another
issue that arises in the data link layer (and most of the higher layers as well) is how to keep a fast
transmitter from drowning a slow receiver in data (i.e., flow control).
The Network Layer
The network layer controls the operation of the subnet. A key design issue is determining how
packets are routed from source to destination. Routes can be based on static tables that are
‘‘wired into’’ the network and rarely changed, or more often they can be updated automatically
to avoid failed components. If too many packets are present in the subnet at the same time, they
will get in one another’s way, forming bottlenecks. Handling congestion is also a responsibility
of the network layer, in conjunction with higher layers.
The Transport Layer
The basic function of the transport layer is to accept data from above it, split it up into smaller
units if need be, pass these to the network layer, and ensure that the pieces all arrive correctly at
the other end. The transport layer also determines what type of service to provide to the session
layer, and, ultimately, to the users of the network.
The Session Layer
The session layer allows users on different machines to establish sessions between them.
Sessions offer various services, including dialog control (keeping track of whose turn it is to
transmit), token management (preventing two parties from attempting the same critical
operation simultaneously), and synchronization (checkpointing long transmissions to allow
them to pick up from where they left off in the event of a crash and subsequent recovery).
The Presentation Layer
Unlike the lower layers, which are mostly concerned with moving bits around, the presentation
layer is concerned with the syntax and semantics of the information transmitted.
The Application Layer
The application layer contains a variety of protocols that are commonly needed by users. One
widely used application protocol is HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol), which is the basis
for the World Wide Web.


Fig: OSI and TCP/IP model

There are 4 layers in the TCP/IP model

Layer 4: Application
Layer 3: Transport
Layer 2: Internet
Layer 1: Network access (Host to Network)

The network access layer (Host to Network)

Concerned with all of the issues that an IP packet requires to actually make the physical link.It
includes all the details in the OSI physical and data link layers.
 Electrical, mechanical, procedural and functional specifications
 Data rate, Distances, Physical connector
 Frames
 Synchronization, flow control, error control
The Internet Layer
It is concerned with Packet Addressing. It sends source packets from any network and have them
arrive at the destination independent of the path and networks they took to get there. Packet may
arrive in different order to destination. It is job of higher layer to arrange them. It is also
important to avoid congestion while packet routing.
The Transport Layer
The transport layer deals with the quality-of-service issues of reliability, flow control, and error
correction. Two end-to-end transport protocols have been defined here. The first one, TCP
(Transmission Control Protocol), is a reliable connection-oriented protocol that allows a byte
stream originating on one machine to be delivered without error on any other machine in the
internet. The second protocol in this layer, UDP (User Datagram Protocol), is an unreliable,
connectionless protocol for applications that do not want TCP’s sequencing or flow control and
wish to provide their own.
The Application Layer
The TCP/IP model does not have session or presentation layers. Instead, applications simply
include any session and presentation functions that they require. On top of the transport layer is
the application layer. It contains all the higher- level protocols. The early ones included virtual
terminal (TELNET), file transfer (FTP), and electronic mail (SMTP).

Every time in computer network you access the internet or another computer network outside
your immediate location, your messages are sent through a maze of transmission media and
connection devices. The mechanism for moving information between different computer
network and network segment is called switching in computer network.
There are three different types of switching:
 Message switching
 Circuit switching
 Packet switching
Message switching
It do not need physical path to set up between the sender and receiver. The whole message (or
block of data) is sent to the switching office. Once it has been received, it is inspected for errors
and is then sent to the next switching office. This method is not used anymore.
Circuit switching
Conceptually, when you or your computer places a telephone call, the switching equipment
within the telephone system seeks out a physical path all the way from your telephone to the
receiver’s telephone. This technique is called circuit switching. This used to be done by a
person at a switchboard. Now it is done automatically. Setting up the circuit can still take time,
depending on how far the call is going and how many switches it passes through.
An important property of circuit switching is the need to set up an end-to-end path before any
data can be sent. The elapsed time between the end of dialing and the start of ringing can easily
be 10 sec, more on long-distance or international calls. During this time interval, the telephone
system is hunting for a path, as shown in Fig. 2.16(a). Note that before data transmission can
even begin, the call request signal must propagate all the way to the destination and be
Packet switching
With this technology, packets are sent as soon as they are available. There is no need to set up a
dedicated path in advance. It is up to routers to use store-and-forward transmission to send each
packet on its way to the destination on its own. This procedure is unlike circuit switching, in
which the result of the connection setup is the reservation of bandwidth all the way from the
sender to the receiver. All data on the circuit follows this path. Among other properties, having
all the data follow the same path means that it cannot arrive out of order. With packet switching
there is no fixed path, so different packets can follow different paths, depending on network
conditions at the time they are sent, and they may arrive out of order.
Two Types of Packet Switching
 Datagram Packet Switching
 Virtual Circuit Packet Switching
Packet Switching: Datagram Packet Switching
• No need to establish the connection between the source and destination
• Route chosen on packet by packet basis.
• Packets may be stored until delivered => (Store and Forward)
• Different packets may follow different routes.
• Packets may arrive out of order at the destination.
Packet Switching: Virtual Circuit Switching
• Route is chosen at the start of session and it is only a logical connection.
• All Packets associated with a session follow the same path.
• Packets are labeled with a virtual circuit identifier designated the route.
• The VC number must be unique on a given link.
• Packets are forwarded more quickly. (No Routing Decisions )
• Example : Asynchronous Transfer Mode

Figure: a) circuit switching b) packet switching

Comparison of Circuit and Packet switching

Services Provided by Data Link Layer to the Network Layer
The function of the data link layer is to provide services to the network layer. The principal
service is transferring data from the network layer on the source machine to the network layer on
the destination machine. On the source machine is an entity, call it a process, in the network
layer that hands some bits to the data link layer for transmission to the destination. The job of the
data link layer is to transmit the bits to the destination machine so they can be handed over to the
network layer there, as shown in figure(a). The actual transmission follows the path of figure (b).
The data link layer can be designed to offer various services. The actual services offered can
vary from system to system. Three reasonable possibilities that are we will consider in turn are:
 Unacknowledged connectionless service
 Acknowledged connectionless service
 Acknowledged connection-oriented service

Figure : a)virtual communication b) Actual communication

Unacknowledged connectionless service consists of having the source machine send
independent frames to the destination machine without having the destination machine
acknowledge them. No logical connection is established beforehand or released afterward. If a
frame is lost due to noise on the line, no attempt is made to detect the loss or recover from it in
the data link layer. This class of service is appropriate when the error rate is very low so that
recovery is left to higher layers. It is also appropriate for real-time traffic, such as voice, in which
late data are worse than bad data. Most LANs use unacknowledged connectionless service in the
data link layer.
The next step up in terms of reliability is acknowledged connectionless service. When this
service is offered, there are still no logical connections used, but each frame sent is individually
acknowledged. In this way, the sender knows whether a frame has arrived correctly. If it has not
arrived within a specified time interval, it can be sent again. This service is useful over unreliable
channels, such as wireless systems.
Most sophisticated service the data link layer can provide to the network layer is connection-
oriented service. With this service, the source and destination machines establish a connection
before any data are transferred. Each frame sent over the connection is numbered, and the data
link layer guarantees that each frame sent is indeed received. Furthermore, it guarantees that each
frame is received exactly once and that all frames are received in the right order. When
connection-oriented service is used, transfers go through three distinct phases. In the first phase,
the connection is established by having both sides initialize variables and counters needed to
keep track of which frames have been received and which ones have not. In the second phase,
one or more frames are actually transmitted. In the third and final phase, the connection is
released, freeing up the variables, buffers, and other resources used to maintain the connection.

Error Control
Suppose that the sender just kept outputting frames without regard to whether they were arriving
properly. This might be fine for unacknowledged connectionless service, but would most
certainly not be fine for reliable, connection-oriented service.
Typically, the protocol calls for the receiver to send back special control frames bearing positive
or negative acknowledgements about the incoming frames. If the sender receives a positive
acknowledgement, it knows the frame has arrived safely and, a negative acknowledgement
means that something has gone wrong, and the frame must be transmitted again.
An additional complication comes from the possibility that hardware troubles may cause a frame
to vanish completely (e.g., in a noise burst). This possibility is dealt with by introducing timers
into the data link layer. The timer is set to expire after an interval long enough for the frame to
reach the destination, be processed there, and have the acknowledgement propagate back to the
However, if either the frame or the acknowledgement is lost, the timer will go off, alerting the
sender to a potential problem. The obvious solution is to just transmit the frame again. However,
when frames may be transmitted multiple times there is a danger that the receiver will accept the
same frame two or more times and pass it to the network layer more than once. To prevent this
from happening, it is generally necessary to assign sequence numbers to outgoing frames, so that
the receiver can distinguish retransmissions from originals.
Error control includes both error detection and error correction.

Error Detection
 CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check)
 Parity Check
 CheckSum
Given a k-bit frame or message, the transmitter generates an n-bit sequence, known as a frame
check sequence (FCS), so that the resulting frame, consisting of (k+n) bits, is exactly divisible by
some predetermined number. The receiver then divides the incoming frame by the same number
and, if there is no remainder, assumes that there was no error.

Figure: CRC
Figure: CRC Encoding Figure: CRC Decoding

Parity Check

Fig: Parity Check (Even Parity)

Fig: Two dimensional Parity check


Fig: Checksum
The checksum is usually placed at the end of the message, as the complement of the sum
function. This way, errors may be detected by summing the entire received codeword, both data
bits and checksum. If the result comes out to be zero, no error has been detected
Checksum Example: Sender side
• Suppose the block of 16 bits is to be sent using a checksum of 8 bits.
[ 10101001 00111001 ]
• Two 8 Bit Numbers are added.
 10101001 + 00111001 = 11100010
• One’s Complement of 11100010 = 00011101
• The Pattern Sent is
10101001 00111001 00011101
Checksum Example: Receiver side
• The Received data along with checksum is added
• Compute One’s Complement of 11111111 = 00000000
• No Error in Transmission
Error Correction
Forward Error Control (FEC)
Each block transmitted contains extra information which can be used to detect the presence
of errors and determine the position in the bit stream of the errors.
Backward (Feedback) Error Control (BEC)
Extra information is sufficient to only detect the presence of errors. If necessary, a
retransmission control scheme is used to request that another copy of the erroneous
information be sent.
Error Correction
 Hamming codes
 Binary convolutional codes
 Reed-Solomon codes
 Low-Density Parity Check codes
Hamming codes
Given any two code words that may be transmitted or received—say, 10001001 and 10110001. It
is possible to determine how many corresponding bits differ. In this case, 3 bits differ.
For example: 10001001 and 10110001 differs in third, fourth and fifth bit position.
The number of bit positions in which two code words differ is called the Hamming Distance (d)
W1=10001001, W2=10110001, then d(W1,W2) = 3
The minimum Hamming distance (or “minimum distance”) of the scheme is the smallest number
of bit errors that changes one valid codeword into another.
This scheme can detect any combination of ≤D-1 bit errors and correct any combination of
strictly less than D/2 bit errors.
Redundancy bit calculation in Hamming Code
Multiple Access Protocols
Distributed algorithm that determines how nodes share channel, i.e., determine when node can

Figure: Multiple Access Protocols

Random Access Protocols
In this method, there is no control station. Any station can send the data. There is no scheduled
time for a stations to transmit. They can transmit in random order. The various random access
methods are:
• CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access)
• CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection)
• CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance)
Any terminal is allowed to transmit without considering whether channel is idle or busy. If
packet is received correctly, the base station transmits an acknowledgement. If no
acknowledgement is received, it assumes the packet to be lost and it retransmits the packet after
waiting a random time. There are two different versions of ALOHA:
• Pure ALOHA
• Slotted ALOHA
In pure ALOHA, stations transmit frames whenever they have data to send. When two stations
transmit simultaneously, there is collision and frames are lost. In pure ALOHA, whenever any
station transmits a frame, it expects an acknowledgement from the receiver. If acknowledgement
is not received within specified time, the station assumes that the frame has been lost. If the
frame is lost, station waits for a random amount of time and sends it again. This waiting time
must be random, otherwise, same frames will collide again and again. Whenever two frames try
to occupy the channel at the same time, there will be collision and both the frames will be lost. If
first bit of a new frame overlaps with the last bit of a frame almost finished, both frames will be
lost and both will have to be retransmitted.

Figure: Pure ALOHA

Slotted ALOHA
Slotted ALOHA was invented to improve the efficiency of pure ALOHA. In slotted ALOHA,
time of the channel is divided into intervals called slots. The station can send a frame only at the
beginning of the slot and only one frame is sent in each slot. If any station is not able to place the
frame onto the channel at the beginning of the slot, it has to wait until the next time slot. There is
still a possibility of collision if two stations try to send at the beginning of the same time slot.

Figure: Slotted ALOHA

CSMA was developed to overcome the problems of ALOHA i.e. to minimize the chances of
collision. It is based on the principle "sense before transmit" or "listen before talk." In CSMA,
node verifies the absence of other traffic before transmitting on a shared transmission medium.
Multiple access means that multiple stations send and receive on the medium. Each station first
listen to the medium before Sending.

Figure: CSMA
The chances of collision still exist because of propagation delay. There are three different types
of CSMA protocols:
• 1-Persistent CSMA
• Non-Persistent CSMA
• P-Persistent CSMA
1-Persistent CSMA
In this method, station that wants to transmit data, continuously senses the channel to check
whether the channel is idle or busy. If the channel is busy, station waits until it becomes idle.
When the station detects an idle channel, it immediately transmits the frame. This method has the
highest chance of collision because two or more stations may find channel to be idle at the same
time and transmit their frames.
Non-Persistent CSMA
A station that has a frame to send senses the channel. If the channel is idle, it sends immediately.
If the channel is busy, it waits a random amount of time and then senses the channel again. It
reduces the chance of collision because the stations wait for a random amount of time. It is
unlikely that two or more stations will wait for the same amount of time and will retransmit at
the same time.
P-Persistent CSMA
In this method, the channel has time slots such that the time slot duration is equal to or greater
than the maximum propagation delay time. When a station is ready to send, it senses the channel.
If the channel is busy, station waits until next slot. If the channel is idle, it transmits the frame.

CSMA/CD -> CSMA with Collision Detection

In this protocol, the station senses the channel before transmitting the frame. If the channel is
busy, the station waits. Additional feature in CSMA/CD is that the stations can detect collisions.
The stations abort their transmission as soon as they detect collision. In CSMA/CD, the station
that sends its data on the channel, continues to sense the channel even after data transmission. If
collision is detected, the station aborts its transmission and waits for a random amount of time &
sends its data again. As soon as a collision is detected, the transmitting station release a jam
signal. Jam signal alerts other stations. Stations are not supposed to transmit immediately after
the collision has occurred.
Figure: CSMA/CD
CSMA/CA -> CSMA with Collision Avoidance
This protocol is used in wireless networks because they cannot detect the collision. So, the only
solution is collision avoidance. It avoids the collision by using three basic techniques:
Inter-frame Space, Contention Window and Acknowledgements

Figure: CSMA/CA
Interframe Space
Whenever the channel is found idle, the station does not transmit immediately. It waits for a
period of time called Interframe Space (IFS). When channel is sensed idle, it may be possible
that some distant station may have already started transmitting. Therefore, the purpose of IFS
time is to allow this transmitted signal to reach its destination. If after this IFS time, channel is
still idle, the station can send the frames.
Contention Window
Contention window is the amount of time divided into slots. Station that is ready to send chooses
a random number of slots as its waiting time. The number of slots in the window changes with
time. It means that it is set of one slot for the first time, and then doubles each time the station
cannot detect an idle channel after the IFS time.
Despite all the precautions, collisions may occur and destroy the data. Positive acknowledgement
and the time-out timer helps guarantee that the receiver has received the frame.

Controlled Access Protocol

In this method, the stations consult each other to find which station has a right to send. A station
cannot send unless it has been authorized by other station. The different controlled access
methods are: Reservation, Polling and Token Passing
In this method, a station needs to make a reservation before sending data. The time is divided
into intervals. In each interval, a reservation frame precedes the data frames sent in that interval.
When a station needs to send a frame, it makes a reservation in its own slot. The stations that
have made reservations can send their frames after the reservation frame.
Polling method works in those networks where primary and secondary stations exist. All data
exchanges are made through primary device even when the final destination is a secondary
device. Primary device controls the link and secondary device follow the instructions.
Token Passing
Token passing method is used in those networks where the stations are organized in a logical
ring. In such networks, a special packet called token is circulated through the ring. Whenever any
station has some data to send, it waits for the token. It transmits data only after it gets the
possession of token. After transmitting the data, the station releases the token and passes it to the
next station in the ring. If any station that receives the token has no data to send, it simply passes
the token to the next station in the ring.
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
Map a logical address to a physical address

It make a distinction between logical address (IP address) and physical address (MAC address).
It show how the address resolution protocol (ARP) is used to dynamically map a logical address
to a physical address. Anytime a host or a router has an IP datagram to send to another host or
router, it has the logical (IP) address of the receiver. But the IP datagram must be encapsulated in
a frame to be able to pass through the physical network. This means that the sender needs the
physical address of the receiver. A mapping corresponds a logical address to a physical address.
ARP accepts a logical address from the IP protocol, maps the address to the corresponding
physical address and pass it to the data link layer.

Fig: ARP Operation

Ethernet has been a relatively inexpensive, reasonably fast, and very popular LAN technology
for several decades. Two individuals at Xerox PARC -- Bob Metcalfe and D.R. Boggs developed
Ethernet beginning in 1972 and specifications based on this work appeared in IEEE 802.3 in
1980. Ethernet has since become the most popular and most widely deployed network
technology in the world.
Specified in a standard, IEEE 802.3, an Ethernet LAN typically uses coaxial cable or special
grades of twisted pair wires. Ethernet is also used in wireless LANs. Ethernet uses the
CSMA/CD access method to handle simultaneous demands. The most commonly installed
Ethernet systems are called 10BASE-T and provide transmission speeds up to 10 Mbps. Devices
are connected to the cable and compete for access using a Carrier Sense Multiple Access with
Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) protocol. Fast Ethernet or 100BASE-T provides transmission
speeds up to 100 megabits per second and is typically used for LAN backbone systems,
supporting workstations with 10BASE-T cards. Gigabit Ethernet provides an even higher level
of backbone support at 1000 megabits per second (1 gigabit or 1 billion bits per second). 10-
Gigabit Ethernet provides up to 10 billion bits per second.
Limitations of Ethernet
There are practical limits to the size of our Ethernet network. A primary concern is the length of
the shared cable. Since in CSMA/CD only a single device can transmit at a given time, there are
practical limits to the number of devices that can coexist in a single network. Ethernet networks
face congestion problems as they increased in size.

Networking Hardware: NIC, Hub, Repeaters, Switches, Bridge, Router

NIC (Network Interface Card)
It is a circuit board or card that allows computers to communicate over a network via cables or
wirelessly. It is also called network adaptor or network card. It enables clients, servers, printers
and other devices to transmit and receive data over the network.
It is also called An Ethernet hub, active hub, network hub, repeater hub, multiport repeater or
hub. It has multiple input/output (I/O) ports. In hub, a signal introduced at the input of any port
appears at the output of every port except the original incoming. A HUB works at the physical
layer (layer 1) of the OSI model
Hubs are now largely obsolete, having been replaced by network switches except in very old
installations or specialized applications.
It regenerates the signal. It provides more flexibility in network design. It extends the distance
over which a signal may travel down a cable. Example  Ethernet HUB. Connect together one
or more Ethernet cable segments of any media type. It Works at Layer 1 of OSI model. It
forwards every frames; has no filtering capability.
It joins two LAN segments (A,B), constructing a larger LAN . It can filter traffic passing
between the two LANs and may enforce a security policy separating different work groups
located on each of the LANs. Bridges work at the Media Access Control Sub-layer of the OSI
model. A bridge stores the hardware addresses observed from frames received by each interface.
It uses this information to learn which frames need to be forwarded by the bridge.Each bridge
has two connections (ports) and there is a table associated with each port. A bridge observes each
frame that arrives at a port, extracts the source address from the frame and places that address in
the port’s routing table
Switch typically connects individual computers. A switch is essentially the same as a bridge
though typically used to connect hosts, not LANs. It has richer management capability. It
logically partition the traffic to travel only over the network segments on the path between the
source and the destination (reduces the wastage of bandwidth)
• Improved security
• users are less able to tap-in into other user's data
• Better management
• control who receives what information (i.e. Virtual LANs)
• limit the impact of network problems
• Dedicated access
• Host has direct connection to the switch
• rather than a shared LAN connection
Cut-Through Switching
In this method, station start transmitting as soon as it reads destination address. It transmit the
head of the packet via the outgoing link while still receiving the tail via the incoming link. It is
much faster but cannot detect corrupt packets. It is destination who is responsible for detecting
corrupt packets. It can propagate the corrupt packets to the network
Store and Forward switching
In this method, node read the whole packet before transmission. It is slower than the cut-through
mode. It is more accurate since corrupt packets can be detected using the FCS. It is more suit to
large LAN since they will not propagate error packets
• Layer 3 Devices
• Network Layer in OSI and Internet layer in TCP/IP protocol stack
• Main Function
 Routing of Packets (Based on Routing Table)
 Path Selection(Best Path) to forward the packets
 Internetwork Communications
• Only packets with known network addresses will be passed - hence reduce traffic
• Routers can listen to a network and identify its busiest part
• Will select the most cost effective path for transmitting packets
• Routing table is formed based on communications between routers using “Routing
• Routing Protocols collect data about current network status and contribute to selection of
the best path

Comparison of hub, switch and Router

Hub/ Bridge/ Router
Repeater Switch

Traffic isolation no yes yes

Plug and Play yes yes no

Efficient routing no no yes

Cut through yes yes no

Wireless LANs (IEEE 802.11)
It use CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance). A station wishing
to transmit shall first sense the medium. If the medium is busy, the station shall defer until the
end of the current transmission. After deferrals, the station shall select a random back off interval
and shall decrement the back off interval counter while the medium is idle. If the medium is idle,
after any deferrals or back offs, prior to data transmission, RTS/CTS short frames are exchanged.
Physical Layer Convergence Procedure (PLCP) defines Data rate and packet length
The PLCP Header is always transmitted at 1 Mbit/s and contains Logical information used by the
Physical Layer to decode the frame.
802.11b Standard
It operate at 2.4 GHz range. It can provide throughput up to 11 Mbit/s using the same 2.4GHz
band (Theoretically). It uses CSMA/CA media access method and DSSS Modulation
Techniques. 802.11b devices suffer interference from other products operating in the 2.4 GHz
band like microwave ovens, Bluetooth, cordless phone. It has Maximum 14 channels where 11
channels (1-11) are allowed to use and 3 non overlapping channels 1, 6, 11 are unused.
802.11g Standard
It is extension of 802.11b. It has extended throughput up to 54 Mbit/s using the same 2.4 GHz
band as 802.11b. 802.11g hardware is fully backwards compatible with 802.11b hardware. The
modulation scheme used in 802.11g is OFDM
802.11a Standard
It is completely different from 11b and 11g. It has shorter range than 11b and 11g. Runs in the 5
GHz range, so less interference from other devices. It has 12 channels, 8 non-overlapping, and
supports rates from 6 to 54 Mbps, but realistically about 27 Mbps max. It uses frequency division
802.11n Standard
It is wireless networking standard that uses multiple antennas to increase data rates. The
maximum data rate is from 54 Mbit/s to 600 Mbit/s. It use OFDM and MIMO technologies. It
operate in the RF Band (GHz) 2.4 or 5.
IEEE 802.11ac and 802.11ad Standard
IEEE 802.11ac will deliver its throughput over the 5 GHz band, affording easy migration from
IEEE 802.11n, which also uses 5 GHz band. IEEE 802.11ad, targeting shorter range
transmissions, will use the unlicensed 60 GHz band. Through range improvements and faster
wireless transmissions, IEEE 802.11ac and ad will:
• Improve the performance of high definition TV (HDTV) and digital video streams in the
home and advanced applications in enterprise networks
• Help businesses reduce capital expenditures by freeing them from the cost of laying and
maintaining Ethernet cabling
• Increase the reach and performance of hotspots
• Allow connections to handle more clients
• Improve overall user experience where and whenever people are connected

PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol)

The Internet needs a point-to-point protocol for a variety of purposes, including router-to-router
traffic and home user-to-ISP traffic. This protocol is PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol). PPP handles
error detection, supports multiple protocols, allows IP addresses to be negotiated at connection
time, permits authentication, and has many other features.
PPP provides three features:
1. A framing method that unambiguously delineates the end of one frame and the start of
the next one. The frame format also handles error detection.
2. A link control protocol for bringing lines up, testing them, negotiating options, and
bringing them down again gracefully when they are no longer needed. This protocol is
called LCP (Link Control Protocol). It supports synchronous and asynchronous circuits
and byte-oriented and bit-oriented encodings.
3. A way to negotiate network-layer options in a way that is independent of the network
layer protocol to be used. The method chosen is to have a different NCP (Network
Control Protocol) for each network layer supported.
Figure: PPP Operation

PPP uses several protocols to establish link, authenticate users and to carry the network layer
data. The various protocols used are:
• Link Control Protocol
• Authentication Protocol
• Network Control Protocol
Link Control Protocol: It is responsible for establishing, maintaining, configuring and
terminating the link.
Authentication Protocol: Authentication protocol helps to validate the identity of a user who
needs to access the resources.
Network Control Protocol (NCP): After establishing the link & authenticating the user, PPP
connects to the network layer. This connection is established by NCP. Therefore, NCP is a set of
control protocols that allow the encapsulation of the data coming from the network layer. After
the network layer configuration is done by one of the NCP, the user can exchange data from the
network layer.
Position and Function of Network Layer

Criteria for good routing
• Correctness, each packet is delivered.
• Complexity (few time, storage, messages to compute tables).
• Efficiency, routing through “best” paths. Choice of “good paths”, small delay, high
• Robustness-Table computation.
• Changes in topology- Tables are updated when a channel/node is added/removed.
• Adaptive, load balancing of channels and nodes (choosing those with light load).
• Fairness in delivery of packets

Routing Algorithm Overview

Classful Routing
 Classful routing protocols do not send the subnet mask along with their updates
 Examples of Classful routing protocol is RIP version 1
Classless Routing Protocols
 Classless Routing Protocols send the Subnet mask along with their updates
 Benefits for using Classless routing protocols
 We can save lot of IP address using VLSM techniques in classless routing protocols
 Examples: OSPF, EIGRP, RIPV2
Adaptive Routing Protocols
 Adaptive routing protocols can easily adapt to network changes.
 Routing protocols are used by routers to inform one another of the IP networks accessible
to them.
 Adaptive Routing protocols are also called Dynamic routing Protocols
 Examples of Adaptive routing Protocols are: OSPF, EIGRP, RIP, BGP, IGRP
Non-Adaptive Routing Protocols
 Non Adaptive Routing Protocols doesn't respond to change in topology
 Non-Adaptive Routing Protocols are also called as Static routing Protocols
 Non-Adaptive Routing protocols are more secure than Adaptive Routing protocols as
they don't advertise the routing update unnecessarily
 Network Administrator is responsible for configuring the static routing in the router
 Static routes are fixed and do not change if the network is changed or reconfigured

Distance Vector Routing

It is a dynamic routing algorithm. Distance vector routing algorithms operate by having each
router maintain a table (i.e, a vector) giving the best known distance to each destination and
which line to use to get there. These tables are updated by exchanging information with the
neighbors. It is also called Bellman-Ford routing algorithm.

1 2

5 -10

4 3
Let us consider source vertex 1, then we need to find the shortest path to all other vertices or
nodes. For n vertices, n-1 iteration gives the shortest path, but we may get result in less than n-1
as well. Since there are 4 vertices we need 3 iteration to find the shortest path.
Edges-> (3,2),(4,3),(1,4),(1,2)
Iteration 1

0 ∞ 0 4
1 2 1 2
4 4

5 -10 5 -10

3 3
4 3 4 3

∞ ∞ 5 ∞
Initially the initial vertex is marked as 0 and other as infinity, then we find the cost to every
vertex according to edges as: (3, 2) -> ∞ - 10 =∞
(4, 3) -> ∞+3=∞
(1, 4) ->0+5=5 (less than infinity so take this value)
(1,2) ->0+4=4 (less than infinity so take this value) [take value if less than given value]

Iteration 2

0 4
1 2
4 (3,2)-> ∞ - 10 =∞
(4,3)-> 5+3=8
5 -10 (1,4)->0+5=5

4 3 (1,2)->0+4=4

5 8
Iteration 3

0 -2
1 2
(3,2)-> 8 - 10 =-2
(4,3)-> 5+3=8
5 -10 (1,4)->0+5=5
4 3

5 8
Change value only if you get lesser value in the iterations.
So shortest path from 1 to other vertices are: 1=0, 2=-2, 3=8 and 4=5

1 2
4 2

5 -10 5

4 3 4 3
3 3

If there is negative weight with cycle, then we don’t get result in n-1 iteration it could go on and
we can see in above example, but it works with positive result.

Link State Routing

 Distance vector routing algorithm such as rip has limitations that they don’t work for
longer network
 Convergence and scalability problem for topology changes
 Link state routing is used to overcome those limitations
 Link state routing has full knowledge of network.
 Each node maintains the full graph by collecting the updates from all other nodes
 Each node then independently calculates the next best logical path from it to every
possible destination in the network
 Router's receive topology information from their neighbor router via link state
 Use Dijkstra's shortest path first algorithm to find out optimal paths
 Link state protocols don't have to constantly resend their entire LSAs instead they
can send small hello LSAs to let their neighbor routers know they are still alive
 The idea behind link state routing is fairly simple and can be stated as five parts. Each
router must do the following:
 Discover its neighbors, learn their network address.
 Measure the delay or cost to each of its neighbors.
 Construct a packet telling all it has just learned.
 Send this packet to all other routers.
 Compute the shortest path to every other router.
Interior Routing Protocols
 Used for Routing Inside an Autonomous System (AS).
 Used within the Organization
 AS => Network under Common Administration.
 Router having Same AS, share their routing tables
 Examples => RIP, EIGRP and OSPF, IGRP

Exterior Routing Protocols

 Used for Routing between Autonomous System (AS)
 Border Gateway Routing Protocols (BGP)
 Used between the organization (ISPs to ISPs)
Unicast Routing
 In unicasting there is a single sender (source) and a single receiver (destination)
 In unicast routing, the router forwards the received packet through only one of its
 Examples of Unicast Routing are: OSPF, RIP and BGP
MultiCast Routing
 In multicasting there is at least one sender and several receivers (group of receivers called
multicast group)
 In multicast routing, the router may forward the received packet through several of its
 M-cast group address “delivered” to all receivers in the group
 Internet uses Class D for m-cast
 M-cast address distribution, etc. managed by IGMP Protocol

RIP (Routing Information Protocol)

RIP is a routing protocol for exchanging routing table information between routers. Routing
updates must be passed between routers so that they can make the proper choice on how to route
a packet. It is oldest Distance Vector Routing Protocol. It update routing table every 30 sec. It
uses Hop count as Metric to find best path to the destination. RIP has a maximum hop count of
15. A route with a hop count greater than 15 is considered unreachable. It has two version:RIP
Version 1 and RIP Version 2. RIP version 1 is the classful routing protocol. RIP Version 2 is
classless routing protocol. In fact, most DSL/cable modem routers such as the ones from Linksys
come bundled with RIP.
OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)
It is a Classless routing protocol. It uses a link state routing algorithm and falls into the group of
interior routing protocols. OSPF was developed as a replacement for the distance vector routing
protocol RIP. It uses cost to find the best route to find the destination
Every intra-domain must have a core area
 It is referred to as a backbone area
 This is identified with Area ID 0
 Areas are identified through a 32-bit area field
 Thus Area ID 0 is the same as
Areas (other than the backbone) are sequentially numbered as Area 1 (i.e.,, Area 2, and
so on
BGP (Border Gateway Routing Protocols)
It is designed to exchange routing and reach-ability information between autonomous systems
(AS) on the Internet. It is of two types: Internal BGP and External BGP. Internal BGP has the
Administrative Distance of 200 while external BGP has the Administrative Distance of 20. The
protocol is often classified as a path vector protocol, but is sometimes also classed as a distance-
vector routing protocol.
It is a routing protocol which maintains the path information that gets updated dynamically.
Updates which have looped through the network and returned to the same node are easily
detected and discarded. Peers exchange BGP messages using TCP. BGP defines 4 types of
 OPEN: opens a TCP connection to peer and authenticates sender
 UPDATE: advertises new path (or withdraws old)
 KEEPALIVE: keeps connection alive in absence of UPDATES; also serves as ACK to an
OPEN request
 NOTIFICATION: reports errors in previous message; also used to close a connection
IPV4 address
• 32 bit address
• Total unique address equals to 2^32
 Around 4.2 billion address
• Represented in dotted Decimal Format
• IANA has authority for IP address management

Fig: Example of IPV4 address

RIR-Regional Internet Registry manages allocation and registration of internet

5 RIR are:
 APNIC(Asia Pacific Network Information Centre)
 ARIN (American Registry for Internet Numbers)
 LACNIC (Latin America and Caribbean Network Information Centre)
 AFRINIC (Africa Network Information Centre)
 RIPE NCC (Reseaux IP Europeans Network Coordination Centre)
Classful Addressing

Network Id and Host Id in Classful addressing

Default subnet mask for Classful address

Logical Address
 IP address at the Network Layer
 Used to Communicate with the different subnets
• Netid: Identify network
• Hostid: Identify End devices
• Mask: Used to find netid and hostid
• CIDR: Classless interdomain routing
 Used in classless addressing
 Defined by slash notation /n
 Example: /8, /16, /24
Subnetting and Supernetting
• Subnetting
 Method used to divide the addresses into several contiguous groups (network)
• Supernetting:
 Several Network are combined to create a SuperNetwork
 Mainly used to combine several class C blocks to create a large range of address
 Supernetting decrease the number of 1s in the mask
Classless Addressing
• To overcome address depletion, classless concept is used
• For classless addressing
 The address in a block must be contiguous
 The number of address in a block must be power of 2
Private IP Address
• Range of IP address, which are not routable to internet commonly used for home, office,
and enterprise local area networks (LANs)
• If such a private network needs to connect to the Internet, it must use either a network
address translator (NAT) gateway, or a proxy server.
Class A –
Class B –
Class C –
Introduction to IPV6
• Major points that played a key role in the birth of IPv6 (drawback of IPV4):
 address space allowed by IPv4 is saturating.
 IPv4 on its own does not provide any security features.
 Data has to be encrypted with some other security application before being
sent on the Internet.
 IPv4 enabled clients can be configured manually or they need some address
configuration mechanism.
 It does not have a mechanism to configure a device to have globally unique IP
 Larger Address Space (128 Bit Address Space).
 Supports Resource Allocation via Flow Control Field.
 Supports More Security
 Better Header Format (Base Header and Extension Header)
IPv6 Address
• IPv6: 128 bits or 16 bytes
 3.4 * 1038 possible addressable nodes
 340,282,366,920,938,463,374,607,432,768,211,456
Transition from IPv4 to IPv6
 Tunneling
 Dual Stack
 Header Translation

IP Fragmentation and Reassembly

Network links have MTU (max. transfer unit) - largest possible link-level frame, different link
types have different MTUs. One large IP datagram is divided (“fragmented”) within net. One
datagram becomes several datagrams. It is “reassembled” only at final destination. IP header bits
are used to identify, order related fragments.
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
The purpose of ICMP messages is to provide feedback about problems in the IP network
ICMP Functions
• To announce network errors
If a network, host, port is unreachable, ICMP Destination Unreachable Message is sent to
the source host
• To announce network congestion
When a router runs out of buffer queue space, ICMP Source Quench Message is sent to
the source host
• To assist troubleshooting
ICMP Echo Message is sent to a host to test if it is alive - used by ping
• To announce timeouts
If a packet’s TTL field drops to zero, ICMP Time Exceeded Message is sent to the source
host - used by trace route
ICMP Problems
ICMP has also received bad press from denial of service attacks and because of the number of
sites generating monitoring traffic
Why do we need a Transport Layer?
With a Network Service Provider you can exchange packets between hosts (e.g. PCs), these
hosts are uniquely identified by their network address (e.g. IP address). As a user you may want
to send and receive email, browse the web, logon to another host. So, you may want to run
several programs or processes. The transport layer allows for processes or applications to
communicate with each other. Networks (and the network layer) is under control of a network
operator. The network service users have no control over it. So, if something goes wrong, a user
can do nothing.

The set of techniques allows the simultaneous transmission of multiple signals across a single
data link. Multiplexing is done using a device called Multiplexer (MUX) that combine n input
lines to generate one output line i.e. (many to one). At the receiving end a device called
Demultiplexer (DEMUX) is used that separate signal into its component signals i.e. one input
and several outputs (one to many).

Fig: Multiplexing

Types of Multiplexing
 Frequency Division Multiplexing.
 Wavelength Division Multiplexing.
 Time Division Multiplexing.
 Code Division Multiplexing.
Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)
It is an analog technique. Signals of different frequencies are combined into a composite signal
and are transmitted on the single link. Bandwidth of a link should be greater than the combined
bandwidths of the various channels. Each signal is having different frequency. Rather than a
single frequency, each channel is assigned a contiguous range of frequencies. Channels are
separated from each other by guard bands to make sure that there is no interference among the
Why is a range of frequencies assigned rather than a single frequency?
 Sender can do FDM within its channel to increase the data rate. For example, it can split
its channel into K sub-channels and transmit 1/K of the data over each sub-channel. This
will result in a K-fold increase of the data rate.
 Spread spectrum: Transmit the same information over K separate sub-channels. If there is
interference in one of the sub-channels, the receiver can tune in one of the other sub-
• FDM is used for FM radio broadcasting.
• FDM is used in television broadcasting.
• First generation cellular telephone also uses FDM.
 The senders can send signals continuously
 Works for analog signals too
 No dynamic coordination necessary
 Frequency is scarce resources.
 Radio broadcasts 24 hours a day, but mobile communication only takes place for a few
 A separate frequency for each possible communication scenario is a tremendous waste of
 frequency resources.
 Inflexible: one channel idle and the other one busy.
Wavelength Division Multiplexing
WDM is an analog multiplexing technique. Working is same as FDM. In WDM different signals
are optical or light signals that are transmitted through optical fiber. Various light waves from
different sources are combined to form a composite light signal that is transmitted across the
channel to the receiver. At the receiver side, Demultiplexer breaks this composite light signal
into different light waves. This Combining and the Splitting of light waves is done by using a
Prism. Prism bends beam of light based on the angle of incidence and the frequency of light

Figure: WDM

Time Division Multiplexing

It is the digital multiplexing technique. Channel/Link is not divided on the basis of frequency but
on the basis of time. Total time available in the channel is divided between several users. Each
user is allocated a particular time interval called time slot or slice. In TDM the data rate capacity
of the transmission medium should be greater than the data rate required by sending of receiving
Types of TDM
 Synchronous TDM
 Asynchronous (Statistical) TDM
Synchronous TDM
Each device is given same Time Slot to transmit the data over the link, whether the device has
any data to transmit or not. Each device places its data onto the link when its Time Slot arrives,
each device is given the possession of line turn by turn. If any device does not have data to send
then its time slot remains empty. Time slots are organized into Frames and each frame consists
of one or more time slots. If there are n sending devices there will be n slots in frame.
Disadvantages of STDM
 The channel capacity cannot be fully utilized. Some of the slots go empty in certain
Figure: STDM

Asynchronous (Statistical) TDM

In this time slots are not Fixed i.e. slots are Flexible. Total speed of the input lines can be greater
than the capacity of the path. In ASTDM we have n input lines and m slots i.e. m less than n
(m<n). Slots are not predefined rather slots are allocated to any of the device that has data to

Figure: Statistical TDM (only three lines sending data)

Code Division Multiplexing
It is used in the cellular phone system and in some satellite communications. Each sender is
assigned a unique binary code: its chip sequence. Chip sequences for different senders are
orthogonal vectors. A one is sent as a chip sequence. A zero is send as the opposite of the chip
sequence. All the channels use the same spectrum at same time. It has lower delay than TDM in
high utilization networks.
DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum)
• The signal is spread over the entire spectrum, not specific frequencies within that
• In DSSS, each bit sent is replaced by a sequence of bits called a chip code.
• XOR of the signal with pseudo-random number (chipping sequence)
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
TCP Protocol Functions
 Multiplexing
 Error Handling
 Flow Control
 Congestion Handling
 Connection Set-up and release
TCP Transport Service
 Connection Oriented (full duplex point-to-point connection between processes).
 Reliable
 In-sequence segment delivery
Opening a connection (3-way handshake):
Step 1: client end system sends TCP SYN control segment to server
Step 2: server end system receives SYN, replies with SYN-ACK
 allocates buffers
 ACKs received SYN
Step 3: client receives SYN-ACK
 connection is now set up
 client starts the “real work”
Closing a connection:
Step 1: client end system sends TCP FIN control segment to server
Step 2: server receives FIN, replies with ACK. Closes connection, sends FIN
Step 3: client receives FIN, replies with ACK.
 Enters “timed wait” - will respond with ACK to received FINs
Step 4: server, receives ACK. Connection closed.

UDP (User Datagram Protocol)

UDP protocol functions are:
 Multiplexing
 Error Detection
UDP Services:
 Is a connectionless service
 Is unreliable
 Has no in-sequence delivery guarantees

Comparison of TCP and UDP

1 Stream Oriented Datagram Oriented
2 Reliable, Connection-oriented Unreliable, Connectionless
3 Complex Simple
4 Only Unicast Unicast and multicast
5 Uses Windows or Acks No windows or Acks
6 Full Header Small header, less overhead
7 Sequencing No sequencing
8 Used for most internet applications Useful for only few applications
9 Example: HTTP, FTP, SMTP Example: DNS, SNMP

Flow Control
Another important design issue that occurs in the data link layer (and higher layers as well) is
what to do with a sender that systematically wants to transmit frames faster than the receiver can
accept them. This situation can easily occur when the sender is running on a fast (or lightly
loaded) computer and the receiver is running on a slow (or heavily loaded) machine. The sender
keeps pumping the frames out at a high rate until the receiver is completely swamped.
Two approaches are commonly used. In the first one, feedback-based flow control, the receiver
sends back information to the sender giving it permission to send more data or at least telling the
sender how the receiver is doing. In the second one, rate-based flow control, the protocol has a
built-in mechanism that limits the rate at which senders may transmit data, without using
feedback from the receiver. Here, we will study feedback-based flow control schemes because
rate-based schemes are never used in the data link layer.

Stop and Wait protocol

If data frames arrive at the receiver site faster than they can be processed, the frames must be
stored until their use. Normally, the receiver does not have enough storage space, especially if it
is receiving data from many sources. This may result in either the discarding of frames or denial
of service. To prevent this, we somehow need to tell the sender to slow down i.e., stop to
transmit and wait for receiver acknowledgement signals
Stop and Wait: Normal Operation

Figure: Stop and Wait: Normal Operation

Sender keeps a copy of the last frame until it receives an acknowledgement. For identification,
both data frames and acknowledgements (ACK) frames are numbered alternatively 0 and 1.
Sender has a control variable (S) that holds the number of the recently sent frame. (0 or 1)
Receiver has a control variable (R) that holds the number of the next frame expected (0 or 1).
Sender starts a timer when it sends a frame. If an ACK is not received within a allocated time
period, the sender assumes that the frame was lost or damaged and resends it. Receiver send only
positive ACK if the frame is intact. ACK number always defines the number of the next
expected frame.
Stop-and-Wait, lost frame
When a receiver receives a damaged frame, it discards it and keeps its value of R. After the timer
at the sender expires, another copy of frame 1 is sent.

Figure: Stop-and-Wait ARQ, lost frame

Stop and wait ,Lost ACK

Figure: Stop and wait ,Lost ACK

If the sender receives a damaged ACK, it discards it. When the timer of the sender expires, the
sender retransmits frame 1. Receiver has already received frame 1 and expecting to receive
frame 0 (R=0). Therefore it discards the second copy of frame 1.

Stop-and-Wait, delayed ACK

The ACK can be delayed at the receiver or due to some problem. It is received after the timer for
frame 0 has expired. Sender retransmitted a copy of frame 0. However, R =1 means receiver
expects to see frame 1. Receiver discards the duplicate frame 0. Sender receives 2 ACKs, it
discards the second ACK.

Figure: Stop-and-Wait ARQ, delayed ACK

Disadvantage of Stop-and-Wait
In stop-and-wait, at any point in time, there is only one frame that is sent and waiting to be
acknowledged. This is not a good use of transmission medium. To improve efficiency, multiple
frames should be in transition while waiting for ACK.

A Protocol Using Go-Back-N

Allowing the sender to transmit up to w frames before blocking, instead of just 1. With a large
enough choice of w the sender will be able to continuously transmit frames since the
acknowledgements will arrive for previous frames before the window becomes full, preventing
the sender from blocking.
To find an appropriate value for w we need to know how many frames can fit inside the channel
as they propagate from sender to receiver. This procedure requires additional features to be
added to Stop-and-Wait ARQ. It uses Sequence Numbering Techniques to track the Frames. It
can send one cumulative acknowledgment for several frames.
Sequence Number
• Frames from a sender are numbered sequentially
• We need to set a limit since we need to include the sequence number of each frame in the
• If the header of the frame allows m bits for sequence number, the sequence numbers
range from 0 to 2m – 1.
• for m = 3, sequence numbers are: 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
• We can repeat the sequence number.
• Sequence numbers are:
 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, …
• Sliding window define the range of Sequences Number
• Here Sender Sliding window define the window size=7
• Total Number of Frames that can be sent without receiving ACKs is 7
Figure: Go-Back-N ARQ: Sender sliding window

Control Variables
• Sender has 3 variables: S, SF, and SL
• S holds the sequence number of recently sent frame
• SF holds the sequence number of the first frame
• SL holds the sequence number of the last frame
• Receiver only has the one variable, R, that holds the sequence number of the frame it
expects to receive. If the seq. no. is the same as the value of R, the frame is accepted,
otherwise rejected.

Figure: Go-Back-N ARQ : Normal Operation

Selective Repeat
The other general strategy for handling errors when frames are pipelined is called selective
repeat. When it is used, a bad frame that is received is discarded, but any good frames received
after it are accepted and buffered. When the sender times out, only the oldest unacknowledged
frame is retransmitted. If that frame arrives correctly, the receiver can deliver to the network
layer, in sequence, all the frames it has buffered. Selective repeat corresponds to a receiver
window larger than 1. This approach can require large amounts of data link layer memory if the
window is large.
Selective repeat is often combined with having the receiver send a negative acknowledgement
(NAK) when it detects an error, for example, when it receives a checksum error or a frame out of
sequence. NAKs stimulate retransmission before the corresponding timer expires and thus
improve performance.
It is more efficient for noisy links. The Selective Repeat Protocol also uses two windows: a send
window and a receive window. Size of the Send window and Receive window are same.

Figure: Selective Repeat Request, lost frame

What happens when we get a bad frame?
• Go back N – Ask the sender to go back and start retransmitting from the lost frame.
• Selective repeat – Ask the sender to repeat the particular frames that were lost.
Congestion Control
Some of the Causes of Congestion
 Too many host in broadcast domain
 Low bandwidth
 Outdated hardware
 Bad configuration management
 Poor network design
Congestion Control
Open Loop Congestion Control
In open-loop congestion control, policies are applied to prevent congestion before it happens. In
these mechanisms, congestion control is handled by either the source or the destination
Closed-Loop Congestion Control
Closed-loop congestion control mechanisms try to alleviate congestion after it happens.
Open Loop Congestion Control
Retransmission Policy
If a sent packet is lost or corrupted, the packet needs to be retransmitted. Retransmission in
general may increase congestion in the network. However, a good retransmission policy can
prevent congestion.
Window Policy
The Selective Repeat window is better than the Go-Back-N window for congestion control. In
the Go-Back-N window, sends from last lost frame that may cause duplication and congestion.
The Selective Repeat window, on the other hand, tries to send the specific packets that have been
lost or corrupted.
Acknowledgment Policy
If the receiver does not acknowledge every packet it receives, it may slow down the sender and
help prevent congestion. Several approaches are used in this case. A receiver may send an
acknowledgment only if it has a packet to be sent or a special timer expires. A receiver may
decide to acknowledge only N packets at a time. Sending fewer acknowledgments means
imposing less load on the network.
Discarding Policy
A good discarding policy by the routers may prevent congestion. For example, in audio
transmission, if the policy is to discard less sensitive packets when congestion is likely to
happen, the quality of sound is still preserved and congestion is prevented or alleviated.
Admission Policy
Switches in a flow first check the resource requirement of a flow before admitting it to the
network. A router can deny establishing a virtual- circuit connection if there is congestion in the
network or if there is a possibility of future congestion.

Closed-Loop Congestion Control

The technique of backpressure refers to a congestion control mechanism in which a congested
node stops receiving data from the immediate upstream node or nodes. This may cause the
upstream node or nodes to become congested, and they, in turn, reject data from their upstream
nodes or nodes and so on.

Choke Packet
A choke packet is a packet sent by a node to the source to inform it of congestion. Difference
from backpressure - the warning is from one node to its upstream node, although the warning
may eventually reach the source station. In the choke packet method, the warning is from the
router, which has encountered congestion, to the source station directly. The intermediate nodes
through which the packet has traveled are not warned.
Implicit Signaling
In implicit signaling, there is no communication between the congested node or nodes and the
source. The source guesses that there is a congestion somewhere in the network from other
symptoms. For example, when a source sends several packets and there is no acknowledgment
for a while, one assumption is that the network is congested. The delay in receiving an
acknowledgment is interpreted as congestion in the network; the source should slow down.
Explicit Signaling
In the choke packet method, a separate packet is used ; in the explicit signaling method, the
signal is included in the packets that carry data.
Backward Signaling
A bit can be set in a packet moving in the direction opposite to the congestion. This bit
can warn the source that there is congestion and that it needs to slow down to avoid the
discarding of packets.
Forward Signaling
A bit can be set in a packet moving in the direction of the congestion. This bit can warn
the destination that there is congestion. The receiver in this case can use policies, such as
slowing down the acknowledgments, to alleviate the congestion.

Traffic Shaping Algorithm

The Leaky Bucket Algorithm

(a) A leaky bucket with water (b) A leaky bucket with packets.
Try to imagine a bucket with a small hole in the bottom, as illustrated in figure. No matter the
rate at which water enters the bucket, the outflow is at a constant rate, R, when there is any water
in the bucket and zero when the bucket is empty. Also, once the bucket is full to capacity, any
additional water entering it spills over the sides and is lost. This bucket can be used to shape or
police packets entering the network.
Conceptually, each host is connected to the network by an interface containing a leaky bucket. If
a packet arrives when the bucket is full, the packet must either be queued until enough water
leaks out to hold it or be discarded.

The Token Bucket Algorithm

(a) Before (b) After

A different but equivalent formulation is to imagine the network interface as a bucket that is
being filled, as shown in figure. Now, to send a packet we must be able to take water, or tokens,
as the contents are commonly called, out of the bucket (rather than putting water into the bucket).
No more than a fixed number of tokens, can accumulate in the bucket. If the bucket is empty, we
must wait until more tokens arrive before we can send another packet.
TCP congestion control: additive increase, multiplicative decrease (AIMD)
• Approach: increase transmission rate (window size), probing for usable bandwidth, until
loss occurs.
 additive increase: increase CongWin by 1 MSS every RTT until loss detected
 multiplicative decrease: cut CongWin in half after loss
• It starts with slow start phase that exponentially increase CWND and continues to
congestion avoidance threshold.
• When it reaches the congestion avoidance threshold then it additively increases CWND
• It follows multiplicative decreasing rate upon congestion detection.

TCP congestion control: TCP Slow Start

• A sender starts transmission with a slow rate
• Increases the rate as long as its rate is below a threshold.
• When the threshold is reached, the rate is decreased to avoid
• When connection begins, increase rate exponentially until
first loss event:
 double CongWin every RTT
 done by incrementing CongWin for every ACK received
Proxy Server
Proxy server is a server (a computer system or an application) that acts as an intermediary for
requests from clients seeking resources from other servers.Proxy server stores all the data it
receives as a result of placing requests for information on the internet in it’s cache.Cache simply
means memory. The cache is typically hard disk space, but it could be RAM. Caching documents
means keeping a copy of internet documents so the server doesn’t need to request them over
again. With proxy caching, clients make requests to servers, but the requests first go through a
proxy cache.

Scenario 1: Caching a Document on a Proxy Server

User A request a web page. The request goes to the proxy server, the proxy server checks to see
if the document is stored in cache. If the document is not in cache so the request is sent to the
Internet. The proxy server receives the request, stores (or caches) the page. The page is sent to
user A where is viewed.

Scenario 2: Retrieving Cached Documents

User B request the same page as user A (ie. request goes to the proxy server.
The proxy server checks its cache for the page. Since the page is stored in cache, the proxy
server sends the page to user B where it is viewed. Connection to the Internet is required
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
It allows a user to copy files to/from remote hosts. FTP uses the services of TCP. It needs two
TCP connections. The well-known port 21 is used for the control connection and the well-known
port 20 for the data connection
Goal of FTP (Objective of FTP)
 promote sharing of files
 encourage indirect use of remote computers
 shield user from variations in file storage
 transfer data reliably and efficiently
Working of FTP

Figure: FTP Connections- control connection

Figure: FTP connection- data connection
 Uses Server’s well-known port 20
 Client issues a passive open on an ephemeral port, say x.
 Client uses PORT command to tell the server about the port number x.
 Server issues an active open from port 20 to port x.
 Server creates a child server/ephemeral port number to serve the client

Electronic Mail
It is one of the most widely used and popular internet applications. User can communicate with
each other across the network. Every user owns his own mailbox which he uses to send, receive
and store messages from other users. Every user can be uniquely identified by his unique email
address. Mailbox principle-A sender does not require the receiver to be online nor the recipients
to be present. A user’s mailbox can be maintained anywhere in the internet on the server.
Three major components: user agents, mail servers and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
User Agent:“mail reader”
It consist of composing, editing, reading mail messages. e.g., Eudora, Outlook, elm, Netscape
Messenger. All the outgoing, incoming messages are stored on server
Mail Servers
Mailbox contains incoming messages for user. The message queue of outgoing (to be sent) mail
It is protocol between mail servers to send email messages; client: sending mail server and
“server”: receiving mail server. It uses TCP to reliably transfer email message from client to
server. It uses port 25.There are three phases of transfer: handshaking (greeting), transfer of
messages and closure.

Alice uses UA to compose message and send “to” . Alice’s UA sends
message to her mail server. The message is placed in message queue. Client side of SMTP opens
TCP connection with Bob’s mail server. SMTP client sends Alice’s message over the TCP
connection. Bob’s mail server places the message in Bob’s mailbox. Bob invokes his user agent
to read message.

POP (Post Office Protocol)

It is a protocol used to retrieve e-mail from a mail server. Most e-mail applications (sometimes
called an e-mail client) use the POP protocol. Examples of native mail system are MS outlook,
Lotus Notes, MS Exchange, Eudora. There are two versions of POP: The first, called POP2,
became a standard in the mid-80's and requires SMTP to send messages. The newer version,
POP3, can be used with or without SMTP. POP3 uses TCP/IP port 110.
IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)
It is a method of accessing electronic mail messages that are kept on a possibly shared mail
server. In other words, it permits a "client" email program to access remote message stores as if
they were local. For example, email stored on an IMAP server can be manipulated from a
desktop computer at home, a workstation at the office and a notebook computer while travelling.
IMAP uses TCP/IP port 143.

DNS (Domain Name System)

DNS is usually used to translate a host name into an IP address. It automatically converts the
names we type in our Web browser address bar to the IP addresses of Web servers hosting those
sites. Domain names comprise a hierarchy so that names are unique, yet easy to remember. DNS
implements a distributed database to store this name and address information for all public hosts
on the Internet. Most network operating systems support configuration of primary, secondary,
and tertiary DNS servers, each of which can service initial requests from clients.
Example : Name used by human – is translated to the addresses (IPv4)
Host name structure
Each host name is made up of a sequence of labels separated by periods. Each label can be up to
63 characters. The total name can be at most 255 characters.
DNS Query Types
Recursive Query
A DNS client provides a hostname and DNS resolver must provide either a relevant resource or
an error message if it can’t be found
Iterative Query
A DNS client provides a hostname and DNS resolver returns the best answer. If DNS resolver
has the relevant resource in cache, it returns them. If not refers to the root server or another
Authoritative Name Server
Non-Recursive Query
In this case DNS resolver already knows the answer. It either directly returns the DNS record
from cache or queries a DNS Name server which is authoritative for the record.

How DNS Works

When a user tries to access a web address like ””, their web browser performs a
DNS query. The DNS server takes the hostname and resolve it into numeric IP address. The
DNS resolver is responsible for checking if the hostname is available in local cache. If not
contacts a series of DNS Name Servers, until it receives the IP of the service
Root name servers
It is contacted by local name server that cannot resolve name. Root name server contacts
authoritative name server if name mapping not known, gets mapping and returns mapping to
local name server
TLD and Authoritative Servers
Top-level domain (TLD) servers:
Generic top level domains: responsible for .com, .org, .net, .edu, .gov, etc
Countries have a 2 letter top level domain: Example., uk, fr, np, ca, jp
Authoritative DNS servers
It is organization’s DNS servers, providing authoritative hostname to IP mappings for
organization’s servers (e.g., Web and mail). It can be maintained by organization or service
Local Name Server
It does not strictly belong to hierarchy. Each ISP (residential ISP, company, university) has one.
It is also called “default name server”. When a host makes a DNS query, query is sent to its local
DNS server. It acts as a proxy, forwards query into hierarchy.
To the kernel, a socket is an endpoint of communication. To an application, a socket is a file
descriptor that lets the application read/write from/to the network. All Unix I/O devices,
including networks, are modeled as files. Sockets are UNIQUELY identified by Internet address,
end-to-end protocol, and port number. Clients and servers communicate with each by reading
from and writing to socket descriptors.
Socket programming with TCP
Client must contact server
• server process must first be running
• server must have created socket (door) that welcomes client’s contact
Client contacts server by:
• creating client-local TCP socket
• specifying IP address, port number of server process
• client establishes TCP connection to server
Socket programming with UDP
No “connection” between client and server
• no handshaking
• sender explicitly attaches IP address and port of destination to each packet
• server must extract IP address, port of sender from received packet to return uppercase
sentence to sender
Transmitted data may be received out of order, or lost

Distributed Systems
A distributed system is a software system in which components located on networked computers
communicate and coordinate their actions by passing messages. The components interact with
each other in order to achieve a common goal.
Distributed systems Principles
A distributed system consists of a collection of autonomous computers, connected through a network
and distribution middleware, which enables computers to coordinate their activities and to share the
resources of the system, so that users perceive the system as a single, integrated computing facility.
Distributed System Characteristics
 Multiple autonomous components
 Components are not shared by all users
 Resources may not be accessible
 Software runs in concurrent processes on different processors
 Multiple Points of control
 Multiple Points of failure

A cluster is a group of inter-connected computers or hosts that work together to support
applications and middleware (e.g. databases). In a cluster, each computer is referred to as a
“node”. Unlike grid computers, where each node performs a different task, computer clusters
assign the same task to each node.
A distributed systems cluster is a group of machines that are virtually or geographically
separated and that work together to provide the same service or application to clients. ... It is
defined as a cluster because the servers are fault-tolerant, and they provide seamless access to a

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