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Sop Covid 19 - 12.04.21

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Standard Operating Procedures for

Prevention against COVID 19 at Workplace

Revision 6 - w.e.f 20th February 2021

DCM Shriram Limited, Kota

COVID 19 – How to Protect Release Versions :
Purpose & Objective of the SOP
Scope Version Release Date Status
Preparedness for Resumption/Continuation of Work Revision 7 12th April 2021 Current
Procedures being followed at Workplace
-Between Home and Workplace Revision 6 20th Feb 2021
-During Entry & Attendance Revision 5 9th Nov 2020
-Safety procedures at workplace
-Cleanliness & Hygiene Revision 4 18th Aug 2020
-Material Gate
-Canteen & Guest House Revision 3 3rd June 2020

Guidelines on travel Changes in Revision 7

Guidelines on Positive Tested/Symptoms
Risk Categories & Action Guidelines Slide What’s New
Random Screening of Employees
Actions to be taken on Not wearing Mask 26 Strict guidelines at workplace
Inspection of Preventive Measures 27,28 Guidelines on Travel
Emergency Contact Numbers
Responsibility Matrix 29 Guidelines on symptoms/positive tested
Canteen Staggered Timings
Annexures (1,2,3 and 4)
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Objective & Scope of the SOP

-By following this SOP, while continuing / resuming work after lockdown due to COVID-19 outbreak, we will
ensure required steps are followed to eliminate the spread of corona virus chain
- To Ensure All precautionary measures are being taken by all employees of DCM Shriram Limited, Kota
-This SOP also aims at marking out a list of practices and procedures being followed by all in order to ensure a
safe and harmless resumption of work in the company premises

This SOP will be applicable to each and everyone within the company premises:

All on-roll employees All trainees &


All Contractual Any external

Employees visitor/Business

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COVID 19 : How to Protect

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Purpose of SOP :

• Ensure Health and Safety of all Employees , Contract

Workmen and ensure operations of Plants as per Covid 19

• To set uniform acceptable standards amongst all

manufacturing plants and support functions at DCM Shriram
Limited Kota

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Preparation during continuation / before Resumption
• Appropriate availability of Disinfectant sprayers, Thermal scanners and sanitizers
has been ensured. Availability of PPE at places like Canteen, Guest house, Pantry
has been ensured

• Procedures have been laid for effective communication and management in case
of a crisis or emergency, A CFT has been formed for Kota Complex to monitor
and regulate operations during COVID 19 phase.

• Communication of the SOP & Guidelines to all being done on regular basis

• A process (Periodicity, Medium, Log Register) has been established and

implemented for the disinfection of Following areas within the premises –
Entrance Gate, Offices, Meeting rooms, Conference halls, Open areas available,
All Sites where manpower is deployed, Control Rooms, Washrooms, Toilets,
Sinks, All other surfaces – Schedule attached in Annexures

• Appropriate disinfecting precautions ( like wearing mask , washing hands with

soap) have been ensured at all entry points and within plants through security
and assigned officers / welfare officers of respective plants

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Preparedness @ Main Gate

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Thermal Scanning @ Main Gate

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Preparation during continuation / before Resumption
2 Yards
• Working methodology has been devised in a way that employees maintain social
distancing while working and to avoid crowding at any place

• Self-declaration forms have been kept at Security gate/Guest House reception, to

be signed by any visitor (See Annexure)

• OHC inside the complex is suitably equipped

• Display of Do’s and Don’ts has been done at all prominent places.

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Procedures followed on continuation / Resumption of Work

Precautions to be ensured between Home and Workplace

• Everyone must use their personal vehicle for conveyance and avoid any kind of public transport

• Ensure Safety Precautions and Distancing while travelling to workplace

• If any sickness, cough, respiratory problems are being experienced, please stay at home and inform
your manager and HR of the same

• Please wear Face mask

• Any Employee staying in buffer and containment areas within red zone location must stay at their
home and are not required to come to the office. The corresponding days would not be counted as an
absence period

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Procedures followed during Work
Entry Gates
• Complete screening of all entering the gate with thermal scanner is being done

• Proper distancing of at least 2 yards is maintained by all while entering and exit

• Any person with symptoms such as breathing problems, fever ( above 99 deg) ,cough of any other
symptom is stopped at the gate and the information sent to respective HODs / contractors as well as
HR Head & Business Heads.

• Any parcel or courier person is stopped at the gate itself and sanitize suitably.

• It is mandatory to wear a face mask while entering the premises and while he/she is within the
premises. Otherwise, entry is prohibited.
• All Truck drivers entering the premises must be wearing mask, their thermal scanning is being done
and disinfection of Vehicle as per protocol is ensured
• It is made compulsory to have medical insurance of all Contract Workmen entering the plant.

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Procedures followed at Work

Biometric punching to be stopped temporarily, Everyone has to use their respective cards for the purpose of
attendance 2 Yards

Safety Procedures at Workplace

• All Supervisors/Contractor supervisor should ensure that everyone in the premises is taking safety
precautions such as Using facemask, maintaining a physical distance at least 2 yards between each other,
regularly using sanitizers/ washing hands with soap

• Every employee should work from their own seats/workstation and avoid unnecessary movement.

• Physical Meetings with external visitors should be avoided as far as possible and should be done through
virtual tools

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Procedures followed at Work

Safety Procedures at Workplace

• For meetings within employees, proper physical distancing has to be ensured

• Exchanging of hard copy files and documents to be avoided as far as possible

• Natural ventilation to be used at all places as far as possible and air conditioning to be avoided

• Prior Permission from Business heads to be taken for permitting the entry of any external visitors

• Any external visitor entering the premises with exceptional approval has to sign a self-declaration form at
the entry gate

• All contractor/Contractor supervisors have to arrange appropriate disinfectant material/sanitizer for the use
of their respective workmen

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Procedures followed at Work

Safety Procedures at Workplace

• Area which is not in use inside the plant is barricaded. Plant HODs are ensuring the same.
• As per govt. directive, all employees have been advised to install the Aarogya Setu app.
• Display of COVID 19 related Do's and Don’ts and Emergency Contact Numbers on all the Notice Boards, Security gates
canteen and other prominent places has been done.
• In parking area, adequate distance between vehicles is ensured by employees.
• Employees park their vehicles one by one They are advised to get out of the vehicle once the other person has left the
parking area.
• Maintain adequate distance (at least 2 yd) between two desks to ensure social distancing.
• Movement should be restricted from one department to other
• Avoid touching railings, doors. Doors to be kept opened where possible
• Spitting anywhere inside the Office premise ( including Gutkha ) is completely prohibited
• Consumption of Gutkha and Tobacco in the factory premises is prohibited.

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Social Distancing – Canteen & Material Gate

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Social Distancing – At Gate and Work places

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Procedures followed at Work

Cleanliness & Hygiene

• All places of work to be kept clean and hygienic and a regular schedule of cleaning is ensured by Civil

• Use of appropriate disinfectant material for cleaning of Surfaces (e.g. desks and tables), objects (e.g.
telephones, keyboards, printers), cleaning in pantries, canteen area, toilets, control room offices, meeting
rooms, Tools & equipment is ensured.

• Disinfection of frequent touchpoints (door knobs, computers, tables and chairs) is being done

• Waste disposal is done in a proper manner in designated disposal areas/ closed lid dustbins

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Procedures to be followed on Resumption of Work

Cleanliness & Hygiene

• Immediately after reaching home, person should change clothes and wash it in hot water and Dettol and
take a shower before mingling with other family members

• Mask to be Used , washed , stored as per details in attached Mask Manual in Annexures

• Employees have been advised to brief their family members as well to take all precautions related to Covid

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Sanitization Schedule – a Sample


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Sanitization Activity @ Main Gate


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Sanitization Activity @ Main Gate


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Sanitization Activity In Office Area


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Procedures to be followed on Resumption of Work
Material Gate – Entry of Vehicles &

• Proper Sanitization/disinfection of Vehicle and driver entering through material gate must be done

• Driver should remain in their vehicles and not roam around within the premises unless for the purpose of

• All drivers and their assistants must be wearing face mask while entering and at all times within the

• Thermal scanning while entering must be done for all drivers and assistants

• In case the driver and his assistant want to have food, same must be communicated to the security in charge
and further instructions on how to proceed must be followed by them

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Vehicle Sanitization @ Material Gate


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Procedures to be followed on Resumption of Work

Canteen & Guest House Food

• Staggered timing Schedule is followed .

• No Sharing of food items or utensils between individuals

• It is ensured that the food items are well cooked and washed

• Proper PPE are available for those working at Canteen and Guest house

• Social Distancing is ensured in the Canteen

• Food is served by the staffs at Canteen / Guest house. Handling of serving utensils by the employees is

• Food items that aggravate cold have been stopped

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Procedures to be followed on Meeting Visitors


• Self declaration form to be filled by the visitor (Annexure 1)

• Permission of RH to be taken for entry of the visitor by concerned HOD/Employees

• Employees must follow all social distancing and sanitization protocols while conducting face to face
meeting with the visitor/external business partner

• It must be ensured that any visitor who enters the premises, should go straight to the designated area of
work and once the work is done, he/she should directly move out of the premises

• After the visitor leaves, the meeting room/area must be sanitized properly

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Strict Guidelines at Workplace

• Employees should not have lunch/any other meals jointly with each other

• All meetings should be conducted over video conferencing, zoom, Google meet etc. as far as possible. HODs to avoid
meeting individuals face to face

• Public transport should not be taken to commute to the plant

• HODs should prepare staggered working hours for their respective departments if required, while ensuring proper remote
working measures. The same has to be approved by Business Head

• Outstation travel is not allowed, unless and until it is a case of emergency. In such a case, approval needs to be taken by

• Travel declaration form is mandatory to be signed by all employees prior to any outstation travel, strict
compliance with the same needs to be ensured by HODs

• Face mask must be used at all times, any non-adherence to this will induce penalties as per govt. rules

• The employees must work from their respective workstations only and they should not assemble at any place or wander
inside the premises unless due to any official work

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Procedures to be followed on Travel by self/family NEW
members to/from other cities
Employees to fill self declaration form (attached) if they/their immediate family members have travelled to/from any other
locations within the country.

Prior to any outstation travel, the employee has to compulsorily seek approval from HOD in the form attached.

After the form has been filled, following steps have to be taken care of:

A) Travel through Personal vehicle/Single Taxi Travel

• Any Employee travelling outstation by personal vehicle and returning back to Kota on the same day is not required to go into
• If the employee doesn’t return back on the same day, he/she has to go into a quarantine period for 2 days and report any
symptoms to the HOD, Welfare officer and the HR Department before joining back
• In case of any symptoms, the further procedures to be followed are given in slide 28
• This quarantine period will be counted as leave period and the respective number of leaves will be deducted from the leave
balance of employees
• The employees can avail Sick/Medical leave quota available with them for the same

**Any employee traveling outside of Rajasthan must produce a COVID Negative certificate at the
time of joining back. The report must not be older than 72 hours
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Procedures to be followed on Travel by self/family NEW
members to/from other cities
B) Travel through Public transport/Shared Cab

• Once the employee arrives back at Kota, he/she has to compulsorily remain in quarantine for 3-4 days (as per HOD
discretion) and report any symptoms to the HOD, Welfare officers and the HR Department before joining back
• This period will be counted as leave period and the respective number of leaves will be deducted from the leave balance of
• The employees can avail Sick/Medical leave quota available with them for the same

C) If any outstation Guests have visited the employee and stayed with them at their residence:

• The employee has to remain in quarantine for 2-3 days

• The employee has to report any symptoms to the HOD, Welfare officers and the HR Department before joining back
• This period will be counted as leave period and the respective number of leaves will be deducted from the leave balance of
• The employees can avail Sick/Medical leave quota available with them for the same

*Any employee
HODs is have
residing in a containment
to ensure that any suchzone or anymust
employee other location
follow wherein the
the quarantine mobility
rules given has been freezed
by the government for a given period will not be required to take leave for the period of zero mobility as per
government declaration.

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Procedures to be followed in case of symptoms/ tested NEW
(A) If an employee or any of his/her family members residing at the same place has symptoms or any Acquaintance with
whom the employee has recently come in touch with, has symptoms related to COVID/not feeling well (cold, fever, cough
etc.), the employee has to follow the following steps:
• Immediately inform the HOD, respective PWO and the HR department
• Get a check up done by a doctor and check for symptoms in him/her
• Get the prescription from doctor and forward the same to HOD, PWO and HR department
• Employee must take a minimum leave as prescribed by the doctor in case they have such symptoms
• The employee can be asked to go into further quarantine period based on the discretion of the HOD
• This period will be treated as leave and the employee can avail Sick/Medical leave quota

(B) If an employee or any of his/her family members residing at the same place or any Acquaintance with whom the
employee has recently come in touch with, is tested positive for COVID, the employee has to follow the following
• Immediately inform the HOD, respective PWO and the HR department
• Remain in home quarantine for a period prescribed of 14 days or as may be prescribed by a doctor from the date of testing positive
• This period will be treated as leave period
• The employees can avail Sick/Medical leave quota or COVID 19 leave (as applicable) for the same

*Additionally if any HOD gets to know of symptoms in an employee during work, the employee must be immediately sent
home and should be asked to follow the steps given in point (B) mentioned above

In case any employee does not inform the HOD about his/her outstation travel, symptoms
or about Testing COVID positive, immediate disciplinary action will be taken on him/her 30
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Risk Category & Action Guidelines

Category Definition come to Work Go on Remarks

office from Leave
1. Having fever ³99 F and NO NO Sick 1. Take Sick leave when have symptom and
Patient Under respiratory symptom Leave seek medical advice as recommended by
Investigation (PUI) 2. Company Doctor's Judgement Company Doctor / Family Doctor
to test COVID-19 2.Report test result to Company Doctor and
3. Positive: Hospitalized (As per DoH
4. Negative: Recover fully and come to
work with fitness certificate
Test result +Ve COVID-19 NO NO Sick 1.Hospitalize until fully recovery
Infected Person Leave 2.Recover fully and come to work with fitness
1. Closely working with Infected NO YES Self Quarantine for 14 Days after being
High Risk Contact Person within 5-6 feet. distance contacted
[ Person who are in direct 2. Colleagues of Infected person with infected person
contact with Infected worked in enclosed space ,i.e,
Person] Control Room, Canteen, Pantry,
etc./ neighbors of infected person
Low Risk Contact [Person No direct Contact with any YES YES Follow COVID 19 Safety Guidelines issued by
who are not in direct infected person Central / State Govt. and Do’s and Don’ts of
contact with High Risk Not residing in High Risk zones the Company.
Contact ] No travel History in last 30 days

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Random Screening of Employees

Random screening of employees including contractor workmen of all departments is being carried out every day except
Sunday as per the  schedule of screening process started from 02 May 2020 onwards.
1)    Repetition of random screening of employees including contractor’s workmen will be every 4 th/5th days.
2)    Plant welfare officers are requested to coordinate the screening process of their respective departments and assist
the compounder and also maintain the social distancing between the employees as per the guidelines. 
3)    Plant welfare officers are also requested to relieve the compounder on said timing in schedule.

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Penalties on Not wearing a Mask

• As per the mandate released by the Central Government and the Government of Office Order
Rajasthan, wearing of Mask has been made mandatory for all.

• Also, spitting in any public place has been strictly prohibited

• Therefore, in order to ensue safety of all, it is advised to all the employees (On-roll and
contractual) that they must be wearing Face mask at all times within the premises.

• Additionally, all are strictly advised not to spit anywhere within the premises of the

• If any employee fails to do so, he/she will be counselled regarding the same and if
another instance of non-adherence with the same happens, a fine of Rs. 200 will be

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Emergency Contact Numbers:

Company Doctor Dr. Binod Kumar 9929407333

Security Security Shift Officer 1. 9829429789

2. 8306109600

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Responsibility Matrix
Area Activity Periodicity Responsibility
Compliance with SOP and weekly legal compliance checklist Regular HOD
Compliance of Social Distancing, Hand Sanitization and face mask Regular HOD/Section Heads
Ensure that employees work from their respective workstations Regular HOD/Section Heads
during Work Proper usage of PPE by GH and Canteen Staff Regular Canteen/GH Supervisor
Ensure minimum usage of Hard Copies Regular HOD
Meetings with External Visitors to be avoided Regular HOD
Ensure all employees have the Aarogya Setu app installed on their
mobile phones
to Employees Communication of Do’s and Don’ts and SOP Provisions Regular HOD/HRD
Informative Posters/Pictures sent to all Employees Regular HOD/HRD
Thermal Scanning of all Individuals Regular Security Dept
Ensuring Social Distancing Regular Security Dept
Reporting of cases scanned with temp more than 99 degree F to HR Daily Security Dept
during Entry
Stopping any courier/parcel at the entry gate itself and sanitizing Regular Security Dept
Any person entering through Main/Material gate must be wearing a mask Regular Security Dept

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Responsibility Matrix
Area Activity Periodicity Responsibility
Precautions Regular sanitization of the goods vehicles and Public transport vehicles Regular Security Dept
during Entry Allow only 1+2 persons in 4 Wheeler and 1 person on 2 wheeler Regular Security Dept
All places of work to be regularly cleaned with a disinfectant material –
Twice a Day Section Head
Control Room, Offices, Shop floor Workstations
Frequent touchpoints like door knobs, keyboards, mouse, chairs etc. to
Twice a day Section Head
be disinfected regularly
Cleaning of Toilets/Washrooms Twice a day Section Head
Cleanliness &
Canteen /GH
Hygiene Canteen / GH – Cleaning of kitchen area, dining area and washing area Thrice a day
Precautions at
Entry Gate / Staggered timing at Canteen Regular HOD / Security
Work Place
Proper Sanitization of public transport & incoming goods trucks Daily Admin / Security
Ensure Availability of disinfectant material, masks, sanitizers, PPE etc. Regular HR/Commercial
Proper cleaning/washing of food items in canteen/Guest house Regular
Proper Cleaning of Utensils using prescribed cleaning agents Regular Canteen / GHSup.
Truck Driver & Should be advised to stay in their Cabin and do not roam around or visit HOD / Security & Plant
Helper canteen , strict action will be taken for non compliance Loading supervisor

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Responsibility Matrix
Area Activity Periodicity Responsibility
Random Screening of Employees with Temperature Gun and Pulse
Regular OHC
Maintenance of necessary medicines/equipment in case needed Regular OHC
Proper medical information on precautions to employees Regular OHC
Health & Safety
Display of list of nearby hospitals authorised to treat COVID-19 at As and when
convenient places changes
If a person is found with symptoms of COVID-19, isolate him and As and when
inform local medical hospital occurs
Disposal of
Food Boxes
Disposal of used food boxes through weekly controlled Burning Weekly Security
used for
packed food

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Staggered Canteen Timings
Staggered timing of lunch in Canteens:

Vinyl Canteen
Department Timing
Carbide 11.30am to 11.50am
Cement & Caustic Soda 11.50am to 12.10pm
PVC & SAPL 12.10pm to 12.30pm
Security, Elect., Instt, HRD, ACO & others 12.30pm to 1.00pm
Admin, Accounts, SSC, Pl Comml, ISD 1.15pm to 1.30pm

Fertiliser Canteen

Department Timing
Fertiliser 11.30am to 11.50am
Power 11.50am to 12.10pm
Engg. & others 12.10pm to 12.30pm

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Annexure 1: SOPs and Forms

Cross Functional team Formed

Self-Declaration for Visitors:
Task Force
Self Declaration SOP for pulse oximeter and Thermal Scanning

Do’s and Don’ts for All: Daily Checklist to ensure implementation of Guidelines

Do's and Don'ts Daily Checklist to

Do's and Dont's Hindi R2 ensure impolementation
English R2

Mask Usage Manual

Travel Undertaking:

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Annexure 2: How to Wash Hands

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Annexure 3.1: Using a Face Mask

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Annexure 3.2: Using a Face Mask

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Annexure 3.3: Using a Face Mask

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Annexure 3.4: Using a Face Mask

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Annexure 3.5: Using a Face Mask
How Not to Wear A Mask

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Annexure 4.1: A Step-wise guide for your Safety

Before you leave from Home for Work

Check body temperature everyday, if you have fever, cough ,

body ache or feel sick stay at home and consult a doctor

Wear Safety mask before you leave from home

Always carry your ID card and Safety Jacket with you

Download the Aarogya Setu app and do the self assessment

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Annexure 4.2: A Step-wise guide for your Safety

On the Way to office

Avoid Public Transport (Auto, Cab, Bus etc.), DO NOT use carpool

Make sure your co passenger/driver is using safety mask

Single rider to travel in 2-wheeler and 3 people in 4-wheeler (Including driver)

Ensure social distancing during the commute

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Annexure 4.3: A Step-wise guide for your Safety

When you reach the Factory

Co-operate with security personnel, maintain social distancing while entering

Keep using safety mask at all times within the complex

Avoid handshakes, Namaste is better

Do not give attendance via biometric finger punching, use card

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Annexure 4.4: A Step-wise guide for your Safety

To be followed while working inside Plant/Offices

Make sure you conduct meetings virtually even after resuming work from office as far as possible

Wash your hands/sanitize them at regular intervals, avoid touching things as much as possible

Reduce the usage of hard copy for information sharing

Maintain social distancing everywhere, do not gather unnecessarily in a closed space

Strictly ‘No’ to food delivery. No outside food allowed inside the office premises
E – Commerce Deliveries: No personal deliveries are permitted at office address.

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Annexure 4.5: A Step-wise guide for your Safety

To be followed while working inside Plant/Offices

Spitting is strictly prohibited and serious action would taken against guilty

Use natural ventilation in your offices/ workstations

Do not share food items/utensils for eating food

Stay at your respective workplaces, do not wander unnecessarily

Avoid usage of elevator / lift, rather take staircase Try not to touch the lift buttons / side raling of
staircase with your hands. But if you do, avoid touching your face. Wash your hands afterwards.

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Annexure 4.6: A Step-wise guide for your Safety

Back from Work to Home

Make sure you wash yourself/your clothes and mask after coming back from work

Ensure all the travelling precautions as mentioned earlier

Head back to home without unnecessary roaming

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Annexure 4.7: Caring for Elderly at Home

Key Actions :
 Clean and disinfect frequent touch points used by elders

 Encourage them to take their prescribed medicines

on time

 Arrange for hand sanitizers if they are not in a position to

hand wash frequently

 Strictly keep them away from family members who are


 Regularly monitor their health and extend proper care

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Thank you

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