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COVID-19 Management Guidance: Self-Assessment Checklist For RMG and Footwear Factories

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COVID-19 Management Guidance

With Self-assessment checklist for RMG

and footwear factories


1. Introduction
Since the first reporting by China in December 2019, the coronavirus disease (COVID-
19) has become a public health emergency and seized international attention. On
March 11th 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of
COVID-19 as a pandemic. When it was announced, cases have been reported in 114
countries in total people infected around the world reached 118,000.
In Bangladesh, this number continues to increase as time goes by and the character of
the virus transmission is very fast since it was first announced in early March 2020.
In response to this crisis, Better Work Bangladesh (BWB) guideline on COVID-19 helps
employers, worker representatives and respective committee members responsible
for managing their workplace during COVID-19, protecting workers, and answering
some of the workplace and occupational safety and health (OSH) related questions
that factories are facing.
This guidance is not a standard or regulation, and it creates no new legal obligations.
It contains recommendations as well as descriptions of mandatory safety and health
standards. This guidance is intended for planning purposes. Employers and workers in
readymade garments (RMG) and footwear factories should use this planning guidance
to help identify risk levels in workplace settings and to determine any appropriate
control measures to implement. Additional guidance may be needed as COVID-19
outbreak conditions change, including as new information about the virus, its
transmission, and impacts become available.

COVID-19 Management Guidance | 2

2. Management System to Reduce Risk of Exposure from
Better Work advises factories to tackle COVID-19 by using a systematic approach that
emphasizes on the joint collaboration of workers and management through active engagement.
Following these policies and procedures set out in this guidance will help improve response and
preparedness of workplaces in dealing with COVID-19.

2.1 Policy and procedure

2.1.1 Develop an Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response Plan

❏ Develop a COVID-19 taskforce in the workplace, so this taskforce can lead protective
actions against COVID-19. Members of participation committee, safety committees,
safety officers, and the medical staff of the factory should be in the committee.
❏ Ensure proper representation from every section in the taskforce.
❏ The developed policy should clearly define the accountability and responsibility of
committee members in writing so the entire workforce is made aware of their
responsibility (who is In-charge, who does what?) in terms of prevention, controlling
mechanism, and handling suspected COVID-19 cases in the workplace.
❏ Communicating and implementing COVID-19 related policies and procedures with
relevant parties in the factory through worker training, and targeted interventions relevant
to assigned tasks including but not limited to induction training, training of safety and
participation committee or trade union, and posting names of COVID- 19 committee
❏ Regular review, coordination, and updates to the plan as COVID-19 outbreak conditions
change, including as new information about the virus, its transmission, and impacts
become available.
❏ Prepare a SOP related to receipt of raw materials, accessories, machines, tools,
accessories, and any other goods into factory premises, including what is imported from
outside the country. This policy should include a quarantine and checking area for what
is brought into factory premises.

2.1.2 Develop, Implement, and Communicate about Workplace Flexibilities and


❏ Ensure that leave policies are flexible and consistent with public health guidance and that
floor-level staff such as supervisors, line chiefs and production managers are aware of
these policies. Floor-level staff should receive trainings and awareness raising on the
COVID-19 related needs of specific workers, including pregnant workers, workers with
disabilities and workers with family responsibilities and/or dependents.

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❏ Assure workers about their paid leave entitlements and non-retaliation for taking sick
leave for showing COVID-19 related symptoms.
❏ Provide workers with a list of referrals to essential health services including health care
facilities treating COVID-19, sexual and reproductive health care (including maternal
health care services), and counselling, legal, medical, and shelter services for workers
experiencing domestic violence. Ensure that the medical officers and welfare officers are
trained to support workers in accessing these services if required.
❏ Do not require a doctor’s prescription or leave certificate for workers who are sick with
COVID-19 symptoms to validate their illness or to return to work.
❏ Educate human resources and leave clerks to ensure the flexible leave policy is practiced.
❏ Maintain flexible policies that permit employees to stay home if a family member or
dependent is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 (cough, fever, difficulty breathing). Do
not require certification or documentation if workers have to take leave to provide care
and support to family or dependents.
❏ Actively encourage sick employees to stay home. Promote awareness raising among line
managers to avoid penalization of employees for taking sick leave.

2.1.3 Prepare factory medical staff with resources on COVID-19

❏ Have a detailed meeting with the medical staff to identify the gap in existing medical
❏ Take immediate action to procure what’s missing.
❏ Encourage all medical staff to educate themselves on COVID-19 from Ministry of Health
and Family Welfare approved online course or WHO online training on COVID-19.

3. Preventive measures
The best way to control COVID-19 is to systematically prevent it from entering the workplace in
the first place. In factories where it may not be possible to eliminate the COVID-19 outbreak due
to the high density of workers in a small place, the most effective protection measure will be to
use the “hierarchy of controls” to select ways of controlling workplace hazards.

There are advantages and disadvantages to each type of control measure. In most cases, a
combination of control measures will be necessary to protect workers from exposure to COVID-

3.1 Engineering Controls

❏ Adjust the layout of the sewing machine so that it provides a physical distancing of at
least 2 meters (6 feet) from other people distance between workers who work in the
sewing department.

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❏ Ensure similar physical distancing of at least 2 meters (6 feet) in cutting and finishing
section by changing job spreading workers in different locations.
❏ Modify the dining area to be individual space by providing a barrier or provide limits on
the distance to the dining area for each worker.
❏ Installing high-efficiency air purifiers especially in areas that are enclosed or air-
❏ Increasing ventilation in the work environment.
❏ Installing barriers or windows for providing equipment and raw materials from the store.

3.2 Administrative Controls

Preventive measures before stating operation

❏ Establishing hand wash stations at the main gate with adequate number of liquid soaps;
ensuring hand wash/sanitization for all the visitors and employees while entering into
the factory.
❏ Ensure at least two meters distance from one tap to another.
❏ Hand washing stations should have clean, dry cloth, single-use towel or hand drier –
avoid reusable towels
❏ Checking workers and any visitor’s temperature by using infrared thermometer/thermal
scanning/ necessary health check-up of every employee who is entering into the
factory by the factory medical team.

Disinfection Processes

❏ Factory should complete disinfection prior to workers’ entry to the factory.

❏ Using personal protective equipment (PPEs) such as disposable gloves protective suit
and mask is mandatory when disinfection processes are implemented.
❏ Spraying disinfectant throughout the factory; routine cleaning is being continued with
more attention to disinfect stairs’ handrail, lift button, inside of lift, exit doors’ handle, fire
doors’ handle, photocopy machines, first aid boxes, dining tables, pantry and production
tools and equipment (such as trolleys, WIP storage shelves, baskets etc.
❏ The bottom of shoes should be sprayed with disinfectant while entering to the factory
and ensure workers do not remain in bare foot in the production floor. If necessary,
provide spare sandals for the production floor.
❏ Where possible move spittoons outside the factory building.
❏ All vehicles must be disinfected upon entry.

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HR and administrative initiatives to reduce risk of COVID-19

❏ Allowing all employees to visit in-house doctors for any COVID-19 symptom, sending
workers away from factory premises with paid leave if they have fevers.
❏ Ensuring social distancing is maintained during visits to the medical room/doctor, and
facilities are disinfected after each worker visits.
❏ Establishing more hand wash stations throughout the factory with an adequate number
of water tapes and soap to facilitate frequent hand wash.
❏ Ensuring hand wash items in all the toilets always and encouraging to wash hands very
❏ Divide the lunch/dinner/prayer break into several shifts to avoid the large number of
workers who gather at a time and place the same simultaneously.
❏ Change the working time to shift work; shift work schedules should take into
consideration of workers with family responsibilities and their availabilities to take on
certain shifts. Depending in safety and security circumstances related to commuting to
and from work, factories should ensure that workers, specifically women workers, are not
put at risk of violence and harassment.
❏ Change the attendance system of the fingerprint to the use of punch card attendance. If
temporary registers are used, then the pens used should be wiped with hand sanitizers
after each use.
❏ Ensure each worker carry individual drinking water bottles and maintain gap between
the water tap and bottle.

Awareness and worker management communication

❏ Arranging awareness training for all employees could be arranged in smaller groups,
where each members will be able to maintain social distancing during the session.
Factory can create awareness on COVID-19 symptoms and preventive actions by PA
system or audio clip every couple of hours and during floor meeting so the workers are
encouraged to self-report when they are sick or experiencing symptoms of COVID-19.
❏ Provide trainings on appropriate use of PPE (i.e. how to dispose of gloves safely, how to
take on and off masks, how to wash cloth masks)
❏ Posting awareness poster with several emergency instructions throughout the factory
and distributing leaflet on COVID-19, including information related to health services. If
possible factory should also use social media, SMS, apps for sharing awareness
information with workers.
❏ Meeting with PC and Safety Committee (not gathering too many people at a time and
ensuring meetings keep social distance), to encourage them proactively work to prevent
❏ Motivating all the employees to maintain personal hygiene in their homes also.

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❏ Forming Emergency Response Team to monitor all ongoing safety initiatives and to
deal any emergency related to COVID-19. The Team should have both women and men
represented, as well as both workers and managers.
❏ Factory should remove all spittoons and educate workers to use the washroom basin
for spitting

3.3 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

The factory must ensure the following PPE is available to in-house medical staff:
❏ Disposable face masks
❏ Disposable goggles
❏ Gloves
❏ Medical clothes (including waterproof clothes)
❏ Plastic cover for the feet/shoes

Factory should provide the following PPE and support structures for staff
❏ Face masks for all employees, complemented by training on how to use, take off, and
dispose of personal protective equipment properly
❏ Collecting all used PPE in a separate waste bin
❏ Monitoring by the taskforce, OSH committee, and welfare team of the respective floor
with support from the medical team to check that all workers are using masks and all
support staff are using mask and gloves properly
❏ Ensure adequate PPE for security guards

How to use PPE correctly

q Before putting on a PPE, wash hands and wrists with alcohol-based hand rub or soap
and water for at least 20 seconds
q Cover mouth and nose with mask and make sure there are no gaps between face and the
mask – inform men workers they may experience increase risks of spreading and
contracting masks as the masks cannot be used efficiently due to facial hair
q Avoid touching the mask while using it especially the front of the mask; if you do, avoid
touching your face (especially your eyes) clean your hands with alcohol-based hand rub
or soap and water
q Replace the mask with a new one as soon as it is damp and do not reuse single-use
q To remove the mask: remove it from behind (do not touch the front of mask); discard
immediately in a closed bin; wash hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water

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How to wash hands properly
❏ Wet hands with safe running water
❏ Apply enough soap to cover wet hands
❏ Scrub all surfaces of the hands – including backs of hands, between fingers and under
nails, and wrists – for at least 20 seconds
❏ Rinse thoroughly with running water
❏ Dry hands with a clean, dry cloth, single-use towel or hand drier as available.
❏ Wash your hands often, especially before and after eating; after blowing your nose,
coughing, or sneezing; going to the bathroom/toilets/latrines and whenever your hands
are visibly dirty. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand
sanitizer with at least 70% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water.

3.4 Preventive measure for child care facility:

❏ Provide training on COVID-19 prevention for care facility attendants and encourage their
use of PPEs
❏ Provide hand washing point in front of or convenient place of child care facility to ensure
proper hand washing before entering the child care room.
❏ Provide hand sanitizers/adequate soap in the washroom of the childcare room and
ensure frequent hand washing.
❏ Change clothes of the children wear from their resident and provide washed dress to wear
in the child care room to reduce the risk of infection.
❏ Wash cloths with detergent and dry on sunlight/dryer properly. Encourage mothers to
bring at least two dress with them if the factory does not provide dress to the children.
❏ Check the temperature of children and attendants using a thermal scanner.
❏ If mothers/children are feeling uncomfortable/feverish/cold could be discouraged to
attend office/child care to avoid more infection. Ensure paid leave for those days.
❏ If possible the factory could arrange a temporary separate room for isolation.
❏ Awareness training to the childcare attendant (by the in-house trained doctor, welfare
officer, Mothers@Work focal person) about breastfeeding and nutritious food intake etc.
❏ Provide hand washing point in front of or convenient place of breastfeeding rooms.
❏ Ensure proper hand washing, using spray to clean up clothes and sandals/shoes for the
parents/attendants who bring the children from home for breastfeeding.
❏ Ensure frequent cleaning of bed sets (bedsheet, pillow cover, towels etc.) and toys in the

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3.5 Precaution from COVID-19 during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:

Pregnant people should protect themselves from COVID-19:

❏ Avoid people who are sick or who have been exposed to the virus.
❏ Clean your hands often using soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
❏ Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily.

Breastfeeding if you have COVID-19

Yes. Women with COVID-19 can breastfeed if they wish to do so. They should:
❏ Practice respiratory hygiene during feeding, wearing a mask where available;
❏ Wash hands before and after touching the baby;
❏ Routinely clean and disinfect surfaces they have touched.
If you are sick and choose to express breast milk:
- Express breast milk to establish and maintain milk supply.
- A dedicated breast pump should be provided.
- Wash hands before touching any pump or bottle parts and before expressing breast milk.
- After each use, cleaning all parts that come into contact with breast milk.
- If possible, consider having someone who is well feed the expressed breast milk to the

4. Identification and Isolation of potential and confirmed

cases of COVID-19
4.1 The factory should have a screening system for prompt identification system of COVID-19;
4.2 Prepare a separate room for containment in case of workers are suspected or needed to
consult with in-house medical staff(s). Such quarantine areas needs to be isolated from the
production floors, medical rooms and common areas.
4.3 The employer must restrict the number of personnel entering isolation areas and protect
workers in close contact with (i.e., within six feet of) a sick person or who have
prolonged/repeated contact with such persons by using additional engineering and
administrative controls, safe work practices and PPE.
4.5 The employer must contact COVID-19 hotline numbers for the necessary diagnosis of the
suspected workers.
4.6 In case any confirmed case is found, the factory should provide leave to the workers and
proper counselling for self-quarantine. Below points should explain clearly and advise to follow
during self-quarantine:

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❏ Do not leave your home.
❏ Do not allow visitors.
❏ Only household members who are caring for the person suspected or confirmed of
having COVID-19 should stay at home.
❏ Separate yourself from other people in the household. Use facemasks, if you have one,
when in the same room with other people, to protect them.
❏ Stay in a well-ventilated room with a window that can be opened. If a dedicated toilet is
not available, the isolated person should clean the toilet thoroughly after each use.
❏ Use separate towels, eating utensils, drinking glasses, bedding or any other household
item commonly shared in the family setting.
❏ If you don’t have enough grocery or medicine to last you for two weeks, ask your
friends, neighbours, or family members to help you with grocery and medicine
shopping. Avoid direct contact when interacting with them, for example, by arranging
groceries to be dropped at the door. Wash hands directly before and after any
interaction with others.
❏ For workers with household and care responsibilities, inform partners, family members,
and dependents about the need to avoid contact, which may reduce the worker’s ability
to perform their household duties.
4.7 The factory should identify people who have been in contact with them and to instruct
them to be in self-quarantine. Anyone who has come within six feet of the suspected individual
should be sent home for 14 days, and COVID-19 task force/welfare team should continually
follow up with them on each day to ask whether they or someone else in their household has
developed symptoms.
4.8 The employer must inform the relevant authorities (e.g. Department of Labour) regarding
the confirmed cases.

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5. Safe Transportation guideline from COVID- 19

Transportation of goods and workers and the staffs is important for smooth operation of the
factory, at the same time it represents a threat as they are potential transmitters of the virus. In
order to avoid the spread of the virus via transport and supply means, the following precautious
measures must be taken:

Transportation of goods

❏ Factory must ensure the disinfection of goods containers prior to arrival to the loading
❏ All incoming and outgoing vehicles are sterilized by using detergents and disinfection
❏ The driver is isolated directly in the decontamination zone.
❏ Ensure that drivers move individually to disinfection zones.
❏ Raise awareness and precautious measures among drivers on COVID-19.
❏ Inform the Medical Team immediately if any health symptom appears on the driver in
order to attend to necessary medical tests.
❏ Awareness brochures on COVID-19 virus are distributed to all drivers.
❏ All drivers must be given personal protection equipment which are kept in a special box.

Transportation of workers/staff
❏ Number of passengers in the vehicle should not exceed 50% of its capacity and should
ensure zig-zag sitting arrangements.
❏ Vehicles must be sterilized every day, in particular doors and windows, handles and all
points of contact from inside and outside prior to each trip and after. DO NOT disinfect
when passenger are in the vehicle.
❏ Each passenger must follow hand-cleaning measures while using transport
❏ The driver must disinfect themselves prior to each trip
❏ Each vehicle should be provided with a hand-cleaning unit.
❏ Drivers must wear PPE.
❏ A special log must be used to document daily information about vehicle numbers and
trips of all vehicle designated for workers' transport from home to factory and backward.
The log must include the number of trips, times, and number of passengers of each trip.
❏ The Transportation coordinator/ COVID-19 task team should ensure follow-up of all
safety procedures.

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6. Protecting workers at community level from COVID-19
Due to higher rents most of the workers live in shared accommodation which poses a greater risk
of getting infected by COVID-19 virus. So factories should educate workers on how to protect
their family members or people who they are living with in the community or dormitory from
❏ Leave what is not necessary at work.
❏ Place work clothes in your dirty clothes bag or directly wash them when you get home.
❏ Disinfect your phone, name tag or ID card, eyeglasses and keys;
❏ Handle possibly contaminated items (footwear, work bag, work clothes) with care.
❏ Wash your work clothes and dirty clothes bag with detergent or soap
❏ Leave your work shoes outside the home.
❏ Keep your home clothes and shoes in a clean and washable bag, separate from your work
❏ Shower immediately after arriving home.
❏ Do not leave the house if it is for urgent reasons.
❏ Social gathering and face to face meeting in the neighborhood should be avoided.
❏ Use simple social distancing tactics like replacing hugs and handshakes with alternatives
like wave or smile.

7. Official page and hotline number related to COVID-19

If the worker or enterprise experiences or found cases related to COVID-19, immediately report
to the National COVID-19 hotline 333 or 16263 or to the local authority hotline number provided.

Department of Labour Hotline related to COVID-19: 02-8391324

World Health Organization

The Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments (DIFE) has launched a
telemedicine service for workers during the coronavirus outbreak. The phone numbers are-

Head office Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS)-01797011919

Dhaka- 01714266843, 01972138530, 01711240390
Narayanganj-01722909122, 01787386361

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Prevention and Mitigation of COVID-19 at RMG Factories:
Checklist Preparation

This checklist is a tool to check the necessary actions to mitigate the spread of COVID-19
pandemic at the RMG factories. Successful implementation of the tool is dependent on the
coordination between employers, management and workers to establish an improved response
mechanism and preparedness to fight COVID-19. Employers should involve the Participation
Committee, Safety Committee, Medical staff and Welfare Officer(s) in the process.

How to use the Checklist?

1. Prepare a team including senior management, mid-management, supervisors, medical
staff, workers’ representatives and safety personnel. Ensure that women and men are
represented in this team, particularly from workers' representatives.
2. Brief and train the team on the steps to implement the checklist.
3. Complete the checklist and plan what action should be taken, by whom and when.
ü If the measure has already been taken, mark ‘Yes’, mark ‘No’ if not started yet, mark
‘in-progress’ if you have started the action but not completed yet.
ü Set the ‘Target Date’ and mention ‘Completion Date’ after completion, write the
responsible personnel (designation preferred)/team.
ü Use the space beside ‘Remarks’ to add comments, to describe a situation or to add
a suggestion.
4. Look again at the items you have done already and identify what is necessary to do.
Discuss with the team and plan to sustain completed items, complete on-going items
and take new actions that necessary.
5. Immediately after completion of the checklist, organize a group discussion with the team
to prepare suggestions to higher management.
6. Continue working on the checklist and track the changes you are doing in the factory.

The team should seek clarification from safety and health authorities of the government
regarding COVID-19, DIFE, Employers and Workers Associations.

This list could be modified, as the team should add to the checklist any additional items they
consider appropriate to improve response to COVID-19 considering their own factory.
Management needs to comply with national legal obligations and directions in establishing their
workplace COVID-19 prevention and control plan.

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COVID - 19 Safety Checklist

Factory Name _____________________________ Date: / /

Checkpoint Status Target Completion Responsible Remarks

Yes No In Date Date person
A. Policy and Procedure
Develop an Infectious Disease Preparedness and
Response Plan
Form a gender representative COVID-19 task force with
members of safety committee, safety officers and the
medical staff of the factory (If there is no medical staff,
factory can have a temporary contracted medical staff
to provide support in to the factory especially to aware
Identify role of the response team and medical staff,
welfare officer, safety officer and supervisors’ role to
reduce the risk related to COVID-19
Develop policies to ensure workplace flexibility to
reduce risk of COVID-19 (e. g. flexible sick leave policy,
leave for workers with family responsibilities, work
planning related to multiple shifts)
Consult with Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
WHO or reliable sources to collect/develop information
materials regarding virus

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Checkpoint Status Target Completion Responsible Remarks
Yes No In Date Date person
B. Risk Assessment, Management and Communication
Mapping of the hazards of all sections including utility
Mapping of disproportionate risks facing different
groups of workers (women workers, men workers,
pregnant workers, migrant workers, etc.)
Train management, workers and their representatives
on the adopted measures to prevent risk of exposure to
the virus and on how to act in case of COVID-19
Update management, workers and their
representatives with latest information regarding
Assist workers to manage any emerging psychosocial
risks, new forms of work arrangements and social
contacts with friends and family
Frequent meetings with PC and Safety Committee (not
gathering too many people at a time), encouraging
them proactively work to prevent COVID-19 and
engaging them as deems appropriate
Establish a monitoring and evaluation mechanism of
the COVID-19 prevention strategies and plans
(preferably by compliance/admin team)
C. Prevention and Mitigation Measure
Awareness and Motivation of Management and Workers

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Checkpoint Status Target Completion Responsible Remarks
Yes No In Date Date person
Arranging awareness training for all employees (limited
people at a time), creating awareness on COVID-19
symptoms and preventive actions by PA system or
audio clip in every couple of hours and floor meeting
Posting awareness poster with several emergency
instructions throughout the factory and distributing
leaflet on COVID-19
Motivating all the employees to maintain personal
hygiene in their home as well
Encouraging all employees to self-report any state of
illness at any time
Preparing the Medical Centre
Providing appropriate PPE to all the medical staff
Allowing all employees to visit in-house doctor(s) for
any COVID-19 symptom
Maintain a separate register to document suspected
COVID-19 cases or workers who have been sent back to
Preparation for Daily Protection Measure in the Factory including Entry of the Factory
Establishing adequate hand wash stations ensuring at
least two meters distance from one tap to another
throughout the factory including entry gate with
adequate number of water tapes and soap to facilitate
frequent hand wash

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Checkpoint Status Target Completion Responsible Remarks
Yes No In Date Date person
Ensuring adequate distance while hand washing
Spraying disinfectant throughout factory including
common production tools and equipment (such as
trolley) before workers’ arrival, during break period and
after workers’ departure from the factory; routine
cleaning to be continued with more attention to
disinfect stairs’ handrail, lift button, inside of lift, exit
doors’ handle, fire doors’ handle, photocopy machines,
first aid boxes, dining tables, pantry, and routine
disposal of spittoons’ waste
Checking of body temperature of all employees (both
workers and management) during entry
Check in the medical centre or send workers home if the
body temperature is high (see section D) and record in
the COVID-19 register
Spraying disinfectant on entire clothing (if possible)
Arrange hand sanitizer in the gate and different
sections where it is not possible to set hand wash
Take adequate safety measures while maintaining
workers’ attendance via biometric system, proximity
card or register

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Checkpoint Status Target Completion Responsible Remarks
Yes No In Date Date person
Making sure that every employee and visitor entering
into the premises puts on mask (provide mask at the
main entry if someone doesn’t have or forgets to bring)
Collecting the used mask in separate waste bin if
anyone wishes to change to get a new one
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Workers
Providing mask to the employee who wants to
change/has not been given at the main entry though
he/she forgot to bring)
Collecting the used mask and gloves in separate waste
bin if anyone wishes to change to get a new one
Monitoring by the welfare team and production team of
respective floor and supporting by medical team to
check that all employees are using mask
Providing appropriate PPE to all the medical staff
Making sure the employees who are assigned with
enabling access (i.e. security team), checking body
temperature (i.e. medical team), ensuring hand wash
(i.e. management team), managing que (i.e. security
team), cleaning toilets and floor (i.e. cleaner and
sweeper) has the appropriate PPE
Line Management (Sewing/Finishing/Cutting)

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Checkpoint Status Target Completion Responsible Remarks
Yes No In Date Date person
Ensuring adequate distancing of workstations i.e. in
sewing floors and finishing floors*
Line managers/supervisors are guiding workers to
maintain distance
Ensuring hand wash items in all the toilets always and
encouraging to wash hands very frequently
Cleaning of toilets with disinfect regularly (if possible
once in each our)
Cleaning of sandals provided in the toilets regularly
Keeping provision such as hand tissue or dryer in toilets
to avoid using common towels
Drinking Water
Drinking water stations and taps are disinfected and
cleaned regularly
Make sure workers are allowed and requested to bring
clean and empty bottle for drinking safe water
Aware workers so that they avoid direct contact of their
water bottle with the water tape or dispenser
Canteen and Dining
Rearrangement of sitting to ensure social distance
Take necessary percussions in canteen and dining
(including marking for social distance and scheduling of
lunch time)

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Checkpoint Status Target Completion Responsible Remarks
Yes No In Date Date person
Ensure social distance in the drinking water fountain
and wash stations
Multiple scattered breaks to reduce people flocking for
Visitor Management
Visiting policy/restriction/guideline during COVID-19
Checking of body temperature of all visitors during
Denying access of the visitors if the body temperature
found beyond normal range
Restriction/safety measures for casual/construction
workers and other daily workers in the premise
Transportation of Goods and Materials
Raise awareness among drivers and porters on COVID
- 19
Making sure drivers and porters have adequate PPE
Making sure drivers and porters are maintaining social
distance while traveling for official reason especially
during transportation of goods
Disinfection of goods containers prior to arrival to the
loading area
Transportation of Workers/Staff

COVID - 19 Safety Checklist | 7

Checkpoint Status Target Completion Responsible Remarks
Yes No In Date Date person
Number of passengers in the vehicle should not
exceeding 50% of its capacity and using a zigzag sitting
Vehicles are sterilized every day, in particular doors,
windows’ handles, and all points of contact from inside
and outside prior to each trip and after. Do not disinfect
when passenger are on the vehicle
Making sure drivers and helpers have adequate PPE
Each vehicle provided with a hand-cleaning
Instant health check-up for drivers and helpers if found
with any COVID-19 symptom
If possible arrange accommodation for drivers and
helpers for a time being
Day Care
Encouraging workers to keep their children at home
instead of bringing them to factory (child care) for a
time being if they have someone to take care of
Ensure adequate safety measures (i.e. providing PPE to
the caregivers, conducting regular health check-up for
caregivers as well as for babies, imposing restriction on
visiting child care) if still workers need to keep their
children at child care
Vulnerable Groups

COVID - 19 Safety Checklist | 8

Checkpoint Status Target Completion Responsible Remarks
Yes No In Date Date person
Ensure pregnant and lactating mothers are kept aloof
from factory for a time being (if require, by giving them
extended leave)
Track aged workers and workers with respiratory
problems to provide special attention to reduce risk
regarding COVID–19 (if possible, by giving them leave)
Make sure workers are allowed and requested to bring
one pair of sandals/footwear to keep and own use in
Avoid using spittoons inside the factory for a time
being and motivate workers to use toilet for spitting
Aware workers not to bring betel leaves or any
munching stuff inside factory which requires frequent
Encourage workers to avoid cash transactions as much
as possible and wash hands every time they are in
contact with hard cashes
Ensuring hygienic food supply for the workers by
requesting food vendors to sell food inside the factory
by maintaining cleanliness and precautionary measure
regarding COVID–19 (if possible) if there is no in-house
food arrangement
D. Arrangements for Suspected and Confirmed COVID – 19 Cases

COVID - 19 Safety Checklist | 9

Checkpoint Status Target Completion Responsible Remarks
Yes No In Date Date person
Developing a SOP/protocol on how to deal any
emergency related to COVID-19 especially
suspected/infected worker
Arranging adequate logistics (an isolation room**, bed,
vehicle for transportation to hospital) for dealing with
any suspected/infected case
Sending away immediately with leave if the body
temperature is found higher/ any COVID-19 symptom
Posting of national helpline in the factory and make
workers know about the helpline to seek support.
Motivate workers to share if they have
suspected/infected COVID–19 patient in their home
Support system to make sure workers are taken care of
if the area are shutdown or worker in isolation
* Adequate distancing of workstations can be ensured i.e. re-laying the workstations to maintain distance and/ or reducing workers from similar
operations e.g. if there are six single needle operations, remove three and readjust the line flow.

** Isolation room should be away from the medical centre, production area or areas frequently visited by workers – staff and must have easy vehicle
access to transfer suspected COVID patient to the hospital.

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