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CSR Policy: "We Embrace Our Responsibility To Create A Positive Impact in The Communities in Which We Work and Live."

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“We embrace our responsibility to create a positive impact in the communities in which we work and live.”

Infosys CSR Policy intends to:

• Strive for economic development that positively impacts the society at large with minimal resource footprint.
• Embrace responsibility for the Company’s actions and encourage a positive impact through its activities on hunger, poverty,
malnutrition, environment, communities, stakeholders and society.

According to the guidelines of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, the Company has constituted a Board-level CSR Committee comprising of
two independent directors and one whole-time director to monitor the implementation of the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of the
Company from time to time. 

The CSR committee performs the following functions:

• Recommend the amount of expenditure for the CSR activities, and
• Monitor CSR activities from time to time.
The committee meets every quarter to create strategy and monitor actions as well as outcomes of Infosys’s social development projects.

Infosys conducts its CSR activities primarily through three trusts – the Infosys Foundation in India, the Infosys Foundation USA and the
Infosys Science Foundation.


Infosys Foundation was established to A dedicated team at Infosys Foundation identifies programs in the areas of healthcare, education, arts and
support the less privileged sections of culture, destitute care and rural development.
society, create opportunities and strive
towards a more equitable society. • Health:
-COVID-19 relief efforts: Hospital capacity, hospital equipment, protective gear, food and nutrition for the poor
-Supports the Kalap Trust's Tons Valley Community Health Centre, which caters to 37 villages in Uttarakhand.
Reporting of the initiatives and their • Education:
impact is done in the Annual Report
-Spark-IT program: to provide technology and communication skills training to engineering students
of Infosys Foundation “For Many, For
-Helped Avanti Fellows run five schools in three states
Ever” and also highlighted in the • Arts and culture:
Annual Sustainability Report. There is
-Partition Museum-Infosys Foundation partnership: to help the museum upgrade the space and collection
also a separate website for Infosys
-Supporting the construction of MAP in Bengaluru
foundation where the key initiatives • Destitute care:
and Impacts are mentioned
-Infosys Foundation Vishram Sadan: accommodation to underprivileged cancer patients and their families.
-Karnataka, Maharashtra, Odisha and Assam Floods: Provided food and essentials to those displaced
Established in: 1996 • Rural Development:
-Supporting Agastya Foundation's Acharya Initiative, which helps teachers use 'constructivism' in their classes
-Supporting NASSCOM Foundation in the implementation of the National Digital Literacy Mission project


Expanding computer science and Supporting a variety of innovative computer science and maker education initiatives to benefit K-12 students and
maker education to K-12 students and teachers across the U.S.
teachers across the nation, especially
among the underrepresented
communities.  • Pathfinders Institute:
A professional development program for K-12 public school teachers in computer science and maker education.
Reporting of the initiatives and their • Crossroads:
impact is done in the Annual This event brings thought leaders together to explore ideas on increasing access to high quality education in
Sustainability Report and a dedicated computer science, coding and making, with a particular focus on equity and inclusion.
website for Infosys Foundation USA • Infy Maker Award:
highlights all its initiatives and their Supports makers at schools and in communities, encouraging them to become next generation of inventors.
impact. • #WhyIMake:
A video campaign to create a platform for makers to tell their own stories, serving both as role models and
inspiration for others. Short videos showcase stories from prominent makers and invite others to share their
Established in: 2015
own #WhyIMake stories on various social channels.
• Infy Ed Talks:
Short, one-on-one video conversations with Infosys Foundation USA partners who are pioneers in the computer
science and maker education fields.


To encourage the pursuit and practice Initiatives and programs focusing on honoring and encouraging the pursuit of sciences and research
of the sciences and research 
• Infosys Prize:
Reporting of the initiatives and their An annual award to honor outstanding achievements of researchers and scientists across: Engineering and
impact is done in the Annual Computer Science, Humanities, Life Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Physical Sciences and Social Sciences,
Sustainability Report and dedicated each carrying a prize of USD 100,000.
website for Infosys Science Foundation • Infosys Prize Lectures:
highlights all its initiatives and their A series of public talks by jurors and laureates of the Infosys Prize on their work that will help inspire young
impact. researchers and students.
• Immersion Program in Physics:
Established in: 2009 The Infosys Science Foundation has partnered with the Physics Training and Talent Search (PTTS) to run an
engagement program for college students from across the country who are pursuing Physics at the bachelors and
masters level.
• Innovation Challenge:
Students are invited to submit their response for an innovative solution across different categories and each
member of the winning team will receive a scholarship of five hundred thousand Rupees (RS 5,00,000) and
entry into The Junior Academy of the New York Academy of Sciences.

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