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Topic 11 Rocks Minerals Notes

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• Minerals are the

ingredients of


• Rocks are made

up of minerals.
• Defn: naturally occurring, inorganic
elements or compounds with specific
physical and chemical properties.
General Characteristics
• Naturally-occurring
• Inorganic
• Solid
• Definite chemical composition
• Ordered internal structure
Composition of Minerals
• Silicates – composed of primarily of silicon-oxygen
tetrahedrons. (ex: olivine and quatz)
• Oxides – consist of metal cations bonded to oxygen anions.
(ex: magnetite and hematite)
• Sulfides – consist of metal cation bonded to sulfide. (ex:
galena and pyrite)
• Sulfates – consist of metal cation bonded to SO4 anionic
group. (ex: gypsum)
• Halides – composed of halogen ion, such as chlorine and
fluorine. (ex: rock salt and fluorite)
• Carbonates – characterized by the presence of carbonic ion
• Native metals – consist of a single metal such as copper and
Mineral Properties
 Used to identify minerals

1. Color
• Least useful property in identifying
• Why?
All of these are varieties of quartz!
2. Streak
• The color of a minerals powder.
• “streak test”
3. Luster
• How the minerals surface reflects
• Metallic vs. non- metallic.
4. Hardness
• The ability of a mineral to resist being
• “Scratch test”

• If mineral A can scratch mineral B, what

does that tell us about the relative
hardness of each mineral?
Moh’s Hardness Scale

5. Fracture/ Cleavage
Fracture Cleavage
• Mineral breaks • The tendency of
unevenly or a Mineral to
irregularly break evenly
along its weakest
6. Crystal Form
• Some minerals tend to form crystals that
aid in the identification of the mineral.
7. Specific Gravity
• The ratio of the density of the mineral to
the density of water (1 g/cm3)

• If a mineral has a specific gravity of 5

that means it is 5 times as dense as
8. Others
• Acid test – Calcite
• Magnetic – Magnetite
• Taste - Halite
A minerals properties are
due to the internal
arrangement of its atoms.
Silicate Minerals
• Minerals that contain a combination of
silicon and oxygen.

Silicon-oxygen tetrahedron
The basic structural unit of silicate minerals
• Naturally-occurring, coherent aggregate of
minerals or solid materials such as natural
glass or organic matter.
• Rocks are found in the lithosphere which
derived from the Greek word “lithos which
means rock.
Monomineralic Polymineralic
• 1 Mineral • More than 1 Mineral

 Rocks are classified by

how they are formed!!!
Rock Cycle
• A model that describes all the processes
by which rocks are formed, modified,
transported, decomposed, melted and
The Rock Cycle
- Form when liquid rock cools and solidifies
Intrusive Extrusive
• Cools below the • Cools at the Earths
earths surface surface (quickly!)
• Lava
• Magma • “Volcanic”
• “Plutonic”
The longer the rock takes to cool, the
larger the crystals!

• Cools slow …..Large crystals

• Cools fast …….small crystals
• Cools immediately……NO Crystals (glass)
Vesicular- gas pockets
Sedimentary Rocks:
1. Clastics
• Rocks that form when sediments
(sand, silt etc.) are lithified.
• Compacting and cementing
• Vary due to grain size! (see ref tables p.
2. Non-Clastics
A. Organics (bioclastics)
• Form from living things.

Examples: Coal, limestone

B. Chemical (crystaline)
• Formed from the evaporation or precipitation
of sea water.

Examples: Halite, gypsum

• Rocks that are changed due to extreme
heat and/or pressure.
• DO NOT MELT!!! (they recrystalize)

Metamorphic rocks become…

1. Harder
2. More dense
3. Banded or foliated
4. Distorted
Regional Metamorphism
• Occurs when large areas of rock are
• Usually deep below the surface where
crustal plates collide.

• The Adirondacks!
Contact Metamorphism
• Occurs when liquid rock comes into
contact with other rocks.
Bedrock Of New York State
Identifying Characteristics of
Igneous Sedimentary
• Intergrown crystals • Cemented fragments
• Glassy texture (sediments)
• Fossils
• Organic material

• CLASSIFY this rock as igneous,
sedimentary or metamorphic and
EXPLAIN why you classified it that way.
Name the mineral that has the following
• Non-metallic
• Can scratch fluorite but cannot scratch
• Exhibits cleavage
• Contains the elements sodium &

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