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UART Interface

Data register( USARTx_DR)

Bits 31:9 Reserved, must be kept at reset value

Bits 8:0 DR[8:0]: Data value
UART Interface
Status register(USARTx_SR)

Bit 9 CTS: CTS flag

Bit 8 LBD: LIN break detection flag
Bit 7 TXE: Transmit data register empty( 0:Data is not transferred to the shift register; 1: Data is transferred to the shift register)
Bit 6 TC: Transmission complete(0: Transmission is not complete; 1: Transmission is complete)
Bit 5 RXNE: Read data register not empty(0: Data is not received; 1: Received data is ready to be read)
Bit 4 IDLE: IDLE line detected
Bit 3 ORE: Overrun error
Bit 2 NF: Noise detected flag
Bit 1 FE: Framing error
Bit 0 PE: Parity error
UART Interface
Baud rate register (USARTx_BRR)

Bits 31:16 Reserved, must be kept at reset value

Bits 15:4 DIV_Mantissa[11:0]: mantissa of USARTDIV. These 12 bits define the mantissa of the USART Divider (USARTDIV)
Bits 3:0 DIV_Fraction[3:0]: fraction of USARTDIV. These 4 bits define the fraction of the USART Divider (USARTDIV). When OVER8=1, the
DIV_Fraction3 bit is not considered and must be kept cleared.
UART Interface
Control Register( USARTx_CR1)

Bits 31:16 Reserved, must be kept at reset value

Bit 15 OVER8: Oversampling mode
Bit 14 Reserved, must be kept at reset value
Bit 13 UE: USART enable(0: USART prescaler and outputs disabled;1: USART enabled)
Bit 12 M: Word length( 0: 1 Start bit, 8 Data bits, n Stop bit; 1: 1 Start bit, 9 Data bits, n Stop bit)
Bit 11 WAKE: Wakeup method
Bit 10 PCE: Parity control enable(0: Parity control disabled; 1: Parity control enabled)
Bit 9 PS: Parity selection(0: Even parity; 1: Odd parity)
Bit 8 PEIE: PE interrupt enable
Bit 7 TXEIE: TXE interrupt enable
Bit 6 TCIE: Transmission complete interrupt enable
Bit 5 RXNEIE: RXNE interrupt enable
Bit 4 IDLEIE: IDLE interrupt enable
Bit 3 TE: Transmitter enable(0: Transmitter is disabled; 1: Transmitter is enabled)
Bit 2 RE: Receiver enable(.0: Receiver is disabled; 1: Receiver is enabled and begins searching for a start bit)
Bit 1 RWU: Receiver wakeup
Bit 0 SBK: Send break
UART Interface
Tx “ABCD” Rx
STM32 Esp8266
Discovery kit Rx Tx NodeMCU

‘A’ Buffer[0]

‘B’ Buffer[1]
‘C’ Buffer[2]

‘D’ Buffer[3]
UART Interface
Tx ‘A’ Rx
STM32 Esp8266
Discovery kit Rx Tx NodeMCU

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

0 1 0 x x x x x x x x 1 1 x x

X 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
NodeMCU ESP8266
- Developed from ESP-12E Wifi Module
- 802.11 b/g/n
- Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz, support WPA/WPA2
- Support STA/AP/STA+AP operation modes
- Configured by AT command
NodeMCU ESP8266
STM32 Esp8266
Discovery kit Rx Tx NodeMCU

AT Tests AT startup.
AT+RST Restarts the module.
AT+UART_DEF Set the default UART configuration, saved in flash
AT+CWMODE_DEF= <mode> Set the current Wi-Fi mode of ESP8266.
AT+CWJAP_DEF=<ssid>,<pwd> Connect to an AP
AT+CWSAP_DEF=<ssid>,<pwd> Configure ESP8266 as a SoftAP
NodeMCU ESP8266
Tx Rx Tx Rx
Hardware Esp8266 Software STM32
Rx Serial Tx NodeMCU Rx Serial Tx Discovery kit

- Hardware Serial is used to configure ESP8266 with help of ArduinoIDE

- Software Serial is used to transmit information about the door lock’s
status from STM32 to ESP8266

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