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(FINAL) Direct Shear Test

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Direct Shear Test

Presented to: - Presented by: -
Dr. K. Dharavath Soumy Nayak - 202111113
Ankit Kushwaha - 202111116
Strength of material

Steel Concrete Soil

Tensile Compressive Shear

Strength Strength Strength


Complex Behavior
Shear Strength of Soil

Shear Strength

Shear strength in soils is the resistance to movement between particles due

to physical bonds from particle interlocking, surface contact forces and
chemical bonding.

In case of Shear strength of Soil this term is used to describe the magnitude
of the shear stress that a soil can sustain before failure under shear.
Shear Strength of Soil
Factors Influencing Shear Strength of soil

 Soil composition: Mineralogy, grain size and grain size distribution, shape of particles,
pore fluid type and content, ions on grain and in pore fluid.
 Initial state: State can be describe by terms such as: loose, dense, over-consolidated,
normally consolidated, stiff, soft, etc.
 Structure: Refers to the arrangement of particles within the soil mass; the manner in
which the particles are packed or distributed. Features such as layers, voids, pockets,
cementation, etc., are part of the structure.
Shear Strength of Soil
Mohr-Coulomb Failure Criterion (Total Stress)

 f  c   tan    C= Cohesion
= Friction Angle
σ = Normal Stress

lo pe  f  is the maximum shear stress the soil

enve can take without failure, under normal
fa ilure
stress of σ.
Friction angle

Shear Strength of Soil
Mohr-Coulomb Failure Criterion ( Effective Stress )

 f  c' ' tan  '

  C’= Effective Cohesion
’ = Effective Friction Angle
σ‘ = Effective Normal Stress
σ‘ = σ - u

ve lop
e ’ u = Pore water pressure
re en
f ail u
Effective f  is the maximum shear stress the soil
cohesion Effective can take without failure, under
f friction angle Effective normal stress of σ.
’ ’
Shear Strength of Soil
Shear Failure in Soil

Failure surface


Soil elements at different locations

Y - Stable
X - Failure
Shear Strength of Soil
Shear Failure in Soil
Tests for Shear Strength
The following are the various common types of tests available for the
determination of shear strength:

1. Triaxial Compression Test.

2. Direct Shear Test
3. Vane Shear Test.
Direct Shear Test
IS 2720-13 (1986)
Aim and Scope

Determination of shear strength of soil with a maximum particle size of 4.75 mm

in undrained, consolidated undrained and consolidated drained conditions.

The shear strength is one of the most important engineering properties of a soil.
The shear strength is needed for engineering situations such as determining the
stability of slopes or cuts, finding the bearing capacity for foundations, and
calculating the pressure exerted by a soil on a retaining wall.

1. Direct shear box (as per IS 2720-13 (1986))

2. Loading frame
3. Dial gauge (accurate to 0.01 mm)
4. Proving ring (100-200kg Capacity)
5. Tamper
6. Straight edge & Spatula
7. Balance (Capacity 1kg and sensitivity 0.1g)
8. Porous Stone & Base Plates
9. Stop Clock

4. 3.

7. 2.
Direct Shear Box
Preparation of Samples:
IS : 2720 ( Part 1 ) - 1983

1. General:

Soil sample as received from the field shall be dried in the air or in sun. In wet
weather a drying apparatus may be used in which case the temperature of the
sample should not exceed 60°C. The clods may be broken with a wooden-mallet
to hasten drying. The organic matter, like tree roots and pieces of bark should be
removed from the sample. Similarly, matter other than soil, like shells should also
be separated from the main soil mass. A noting shall be made of such removals
and their percentage of the total soil sample noted.
Preparation of Samples:
IS : 2720 ( Part 1 ) - 1983

2. Drying of the Sample:

The amount of drying depends upon the proposed test to be conducted on the
particular sample. The type, temperature and duration of drying of soil samples
for different tests are given in Table 1. When oven is used for drying, the
temperature in the oven shall not exceed 110°C. Chemical drying of samples
should not be adopted for any tests

Test Name Drying Sample Max Particle Size IS Code part

Direct Shear Air drying/ Oven 1 kg 4.75mm Part 13
Preparation of Samples:
IS : 2720 ( Part 1 ) - 1983

3. Degree of Pulverization:

The big clods may be broken with the help of wooden mallet. Further
pulverization may be done in pestle and mortar. The pulverized soil shall be
passed through the specified sieve for the particular test and the soil retained on
that sieve shall be again pulverized for sieving. This procedure should be repeated
until on further attempts at pulverizing very little soil passes through the specified
sieve. Care should be taken not to break up the individual soil particles.
Preparation and Arrangement of Shear Box :

Undrained Test

1. The shear box with the specimen, plain grid plate over the base plate at the
bottom of the specimen, and plain grid plate at the top of the specimen should
be fitted into position in the load frame.
2. The serrations of the grid plates should be at right angles to the direction of
shear (As porous stones are not used for the undrained tests, plain plates of
equal thickness should be substituted in their place so as to maintain the shear
plane in the sample in the middle of its thickness. ).
3. The loading pad should be placed on the top grid plate.
4. The water jacket should be provided so that the sample does not get dried
during the test
PROCEDURE Undrained Test (Contd.):

5. The required normal stress should be applied and the rate of longitudinal displacement/shear
stress application so adjusted that no drainage can occur in the sample during the test.
6. The upper part of the shear box should be raised such that a gap of about 1 mm is left
between the two parts of the box.
7. The test may now be conducted by applying horizontal shear load to failure or a shearing
displacement of 12mm, whichever occurs first.
8. The shear load readings indicated by the proving ring assembly and the corresponding
longitudinal displacements should be noted at regular intervals. If necessary, the vertical
compression, if any, of the soil specimen may be measured to serve as a check to ensure that
drainage has not taken place from the soil specimen.
9. At the end of the test, the specimen should be removed from the box and the final moisture
content should be measured. A minimum of three (preferably four) tests shall be made on
separate specimens of the same density.

Consolidated Undrained Test

1. The apparatus should be assembled in a way similar to that of consolidated test

except that instead of the plain grid plates, perforated grid plates and saturated
porous stones should be used at the top and bottom of the specimen.
2. The procedure is same as in consolidated test except that after the application
of normal stress, the vertical compression of the soil with time should be
3. The shear test should be conducted only after complete consolidation has
occurred under the particular normal stress.
4. The rate of shear should be such that water does not drain from the specimen at
the time of application of the shear load.

5. At the end of the test, the specimen should be removed from the box and the
final moisture content measured.
6. A minimum of three (preferably four) tests should be made on separated
specimens of the same density at different normal stresses.

Consolidated Drained

1. The shear box with sample and perforated grid plates and porous stones
should be fitted into the load frame.
2. After application of normal stress which is done in increments, the sample
should be allowed to consolidate.
3. When the consolidation has completely occurred, the shear test should be
done at such a slow rate that at least 95% pore pressure dissipation occurs
during the test in this calculated time factor.
4. At the end of the test, the specimen should be removed from the box and the
final moisture content measured.

5. A minimum of three (preferably four) tests should be made on separate

specimens of the same density at different normal stresses.
6. The normal stresses to be selected for the test should correspond to the field
conditions and design requirements.

From the calibration chart of the proving-ring, the loads corresponding to the load dial
readings obtained during the test should be calculated. The loads so obtained divided by
the corrected cross-sectional area of the specimen gives the shear stress in the sample. The
corrected cross-sectional area shall be calculated from the following equation:

𝑪𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑨𝒓𝒆𝒂= 𝑨 𝟎 (𝟏 − )

where, Ao = Initial area of the specimen in cm2

= Displacement in cm

• The longitudinal displacement at a particular load may be either noted directly from the strain
dial readings or calculated as the product of the corresponding time reading and the strain rate,
allowing for the compression of the proving-ring, where applicable. The stress longitudinal
displacement readings should be plotted and the maximum stress and corresponding
longitudinal displacement together with the normal load applied during the test recorded.

• The maximum shear stress and the corresponding longitudinal displacement and applied
normal stress should be recorded for each test and the results should be presented in the form
of a graph in which the applied normal stress is plotted as abscissa and the maximum shearing
stress is plotted as ordinate to the same scale. The angle which the resulting straight line makes
with the horizontal axis and the intercept which the straight line makes with the vertical axis
shall be reported as the angle of shearing resistance and cohesion intercept respectively.

• In the case of the consolidated undrained and consolidated drained tests, the load at
which the specimen is consolidated and the consolidation characteristics as determined
during the consolidation part of the test should also be reported.

• Before starting the test, the upper half of the box should be brought in contact of
the proving ring assembly.
• Before subjecting the specimen to shear, the fixing pins should be taken out.
• The rate of strain should be constant throughout the test.
• If the test is performed in saturated condition then put the porous stone at the top
and bottom of the shear box with grippers before starting the test and after
placing the shear box cart in the machine, fill the cart fully with water and allow
the saturation of sample.


1. The sample preparation is easy.

2. The test is simple and convenient.
3. As the thickness of the sample is relatively small, the drainage is quick and the
pore pressure dissipates very rapidly. Consequently, the consolidated-drained
and the consolidated-undrained tests take relatively small period.
4. Direct shear test is ideally suited for conducting drained tests on cohesion less
5. The apparatus is relatively cheap.


1. The stress condition is known only at failure. The conditions prior to failure are
indeterminate and, therefore, the Mohr circle cannot be drawn.
2. In direct shear test ,the stress distribution on the failure plane (horizontal plane)
is not uniform. The stresses are more at the edges and lead to the progressive
failure, like tearing of a paper. Consequently, the full strength of the soil is not
mobilized simultaneously on the entire failure plane.
3. The area under shear gradually decreases as the test progresses. But the
corrected area cannot be determined and therefore, the original area is taken for
the computation of stresses.


4. The orientation of failure plane is fixed. This plane may not be the weakest
5. Control on the drainage conditions is very difficult. So, only drained tests can
be conducted on highly permeable soils.
6. The measurement of pore water pressure is not possible in direct shear test.
7. The side walls of the shear box cause lateral restraint on the specimen and do
not allow it to deform laterally.
References & Sources:

• IS : 2720 (Part 13) – 1986

• Google Images
Thank You!
Any Questions?

Presented by-
Soumy Nayak & Ankit Kushwaha

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