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The Four Temperaments

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“Let's do it the fun way!”
Popular Sanguine Summary
• EMOTIONAL NEEDS: Attention, Affection, Approval,
• KEY STRENGTHS: Can talk about anything at any time
at any place with or without information.
• Has a bubbling personality, optimism, sense of humor,
storytelling ability, likes people and makes friends
• Also, charms others to work, creative and colorful,
thrives on activity, natural sales ability.
Popular Sanguine Summary
• KEY WEAKNESSES: Disorganized, can't remember
details or names, exaggerates, not serious about
anything, trusts others to do the work, too gullible
and naïve.
• Also, motivated by emotions, dislike schedules, can't
say “No”, makes excuses, gets bored easily, loses track
of time, takes on too much, easily distracted, lacks
focus and talks too much.
• GET DEPRESSED WHEN: Life is no fun and no one seems
to love them.
Popular Sanguine Summary
• ARE AFRAID OF: Being unpopular or bored, having to
live by the clock or keep a record of money spent.
• LIKES PEOPLE WHO: Listen and laugh, praise and
• DISLIKES PEOPLE WHO: Criticize, don't respond to their
humor, don't think they are cute.
• ARE VALUABLE IN WORK: For colorful creativity,
optimism, light touch, cheering up others,
• COULD IMPROVE IF: They got organized, didn't talk so
much and learned to tell time.
Popular Sanguine Summary
• AS LEADERS THEY: Excite, persuade and inspire others, exude
charms and entertain, but are forgetful and poor on follow
• TEND TO MARRY: Perfect Melancholies who are sensitive and
serious, but the Populars quickly tire of having to cheer them
up all the time, and of being made to feel inadequate and
• REACTION TO STRESS: Leave the scene, go shopping, find a fun
group, create excuses, blame others.
• RECOGNIZED BY: Constant talking, loud volume, bright eyes,
moving hands, colorful expressions, enthusiasm, ability to mix
How do I deal with the Popular Sanguines?
1. Recognize their difficulty in accomplishing tasks.
2. Realize they talk without thinking first.
3. Realize they like variety and flexibility.
4. Help them to keep from accepting more than they can do.
5. Don't expect them to remember appointments or be on
6. Praise them for everything they accomplish.
7. Remember they are circumstantial people.
8. Accept that they make fun out of what would be
embarrassing to others.
9. Realize they mean well.
How do I deal with the Popular Sanguines?

Remember the Popular Sanguines' Call: LOOK AT

The most important thing you can do for the Popular
Sanguines in your life is give them attention and
approval. While Popular Sanguines may not be
consciously aware of this need in their own lives, it is still
the underlying factor in most of their decision-making
“Let's do it the right way”
Perfect Melancholy Summary
• DESIRE: have it right.
• EMOTIONAL NEEDS: sense of stability, space, silence,
sensitivity, and support.
• KEY STRENGTHS: ability to organize, set long-range
goals, have high standards and ideals, analyse deeply.
• Also, works well alone, planner, good with numbers,
likes charts and graphs. Appreciates quiet, accurate,
fair, loves beauty.
• KEY WEAKNESSES: easily depressed, too much time on
preparation, too focused on details,
• Remembers negatives, suspicious of others.
Perfect Melancholy Summary
• Lacks spontaneity, naively idealistic, thrifty to
extremes, doesn't do well under pressure.
• Excessively perfectionistic and hard to please.
• GET DEPRESSED WHEN: Life is out of order, standards
aren't met, and no one seems to care.
• ARE AFRAID OF: No one understanding how they really
feel, making mistakes, having to compromise
• LIKES PEOPLE WHO: Are serious, intellectual, deep, and
will carry on a sensible conversation.
Perfect Melancholy Summary
• DISLIKES PEOPLE WHO: Are forgetful, late, disorganized,
superficial, prevaricating, and unpredictable.
• ARE VALUABLE IN WORK: For sense of details, love of
analysis, follow through, high standards of
performance, compassion for the hurting.
• COULD IMPROVE IF: They didn't take life quite so
seriously and didn't insist on others be perfectionists.
• AS LEADERS THEY: Organize well, are sensitive to
people's feelings, have deep creativity, want quality
Perfect Melancholy Summary
• TEND TO MARRY: Popular Sanguines for their
personalities and social skills, but soon try to shut
them up and get them on a schedule, becoming
depressed when they don't respond.
• REACTION TO STRESS: Withdraw, get lost in a book,
become depressed, give up, recount the problems.
• RECOGNIZED BY: Serious, sensitive nature, well-
mannered approach, self-deprecating comments,
meticulous and well-groomed looks
How do I deal with the Perfect

1. Know that they are very sensitive and get hurt easily.
2. Realize they are programmed with a pessimistic attitude.
3. Learn to deal with depression.
4. Compliment them sincerely and lovingly.
5. Accept that they like it quiet sometimes.
6. Try to keep a reasonable schedule.
7. Realize that neatness is a necessity.
How do I deal with the Perfect

Remember the Perfect Melancholies' Call:

As Perfect Melancholies' goal is perfection, their emotional
need is for order and sensitivity.
While they desire “perfection” in their professional
lives they also need their personal lives to be in order, and
they will appreciate others who are sensitive to their needs.
“Let's do it my way.”
Powerful Choleric Summary
• DESIRE: have control.
• EMOTIONAL NEEDS: sense of obedience, appreciation for
accomplishments, credit for ability.
• KEY STRENGTHS: ability to take charge of anything instantly,
make quick, correct judgments.
• Also a fearless activist, fixes problems, decisive, loves a
challenge. Born leader, organizes
• Quickly, production-oriented, excels in crisis, exudes
confidence and is usually right.
• KEY WEAKNESSES: too bossy, domineering, autocratic,
insensitive, impatient, unwilling to delegate or give credit to
Powerful Choleric Summary
• Has little need for friends, opinionated, overconfident, can't
relax. Workaholic tendency,
• Expects complete devotion, nervy, usurps authority.
Unemotional, arrogant, manipulates others, can't say “i'm
sorry”, fears losing control.
• GET DEPRESSED WHEN: Life is out of control and people
won't do things their way.
• ARE AFRAID OF: Losing control of anything, such as losing a
job, not being promoted, becoming seriously ill, having a
rebellious child or unsupportive mate.
• LIKE PEOPLE WHO: Are supportive and submissive, see things
their way, cooperate quickly, and let them take credit.
Powerful Choleric Summary
• DISLIKES PEOPLE WHO: Are lazy and not interested in
working constantly, who buck their authority, get independent,
or aren't loyal.
• ARE VALUABLE IN WORK: Because they can accomplish more
than anyone else in a shorter time and are usually right, but
may stir up trouble.
• COULD IMPROVE IF: They allowed others to make decisions,
delegated authority, became more patient, didn't expect
everyone to produce as they do.
• AS LEADERS THEY: Have a natural feel for being in charge, a
quick sense of what will work, and a sincere belief in their
ability to achieve but may overwhelm less aggressive people.
Powerful Choleric Summary

• TEND TO MARRY: Peaceful Melancholies who will quietly obey

and not buck their authority, but who never accomplish
enough or get excited over their projects.
• REACTION TO STRESS: Tighten control, work harder, exercise
more, get rid of offender.
• RECOGNIZED BY: Fast-moving approach, quick grab for
control, self-confidence, restless and overpowering attitude.
How do I deal with the Powerful Cholerics?

1. Recognize they are born leaders.

2. Insist on two-way communication.
3. Know they don't mean to hurt.
4. Don't push your luck.
5. Try to divide areas of responsibility.
6. Realize they are not compassionate.
7. Know they are always right.
How do I deal with the Powerful Cholerics?
Remember the Powerful Cholerics' Call:
Work, or accomplishment, is one of the Powerful Cholerics'
emotional needs. They also need to know that you
appreciate all their hard work. They often feel that they are
carrying more than their share of the work load, which they
may be. If those who work with Powerful Cholerics
understand their needs for appreciation and
achievement, and praise them, they will be much more
pleasant in the workplace.
“Let's do it the easy way.”
Peaceful Phlegmatic Summary
• DESIRE: Have no conflict, keep peace.
• EMOTIONAL NEEDS: Sense of respect, feeling of worth,
understanding, emotional support.
• KEY STRENGTHS: Balance, even disposition, dry sense of humor,
pleasing personality.
• Also, witty, low-key, considerate, reliable, makes peace, delegates
well. Good listener, effective motivator, kind, consistent, has few
enemies, good administrator, and likable.
• KEY WEAKNESSES: Lack of decisiveness, enthusiasm, and energy,
no obvious flaws but a hidden will of iron.
• Stubborn, uninvolved, procrastinates, hard to get moving. Too
peaceful, careless, lacks followthrough, dislikes change, and hates
Peaceful Phlegmatic Summary
• GET DEPRESSED WHEN: Life is full of conflict, they have to face a
personal confrontation, no one wants to help, the buck stops with
• ARE AFRAID OF: Having to deal with a major personal problem,
being left holding the bag, making major changes.
• LIKE PEOPLE WHO: Will make decisions for them, will recognize
their strengths, will not ignore them, will give them respect.
• DISLIKE PEOPLE WHO: Are too pushy, too loud, and expect too
much of them.
• ARE VALUABLE IN WORK: Because they cooperate and are a
calming influence, keep peace, mediate between contentious
people, objectively solve problems.
Peaceful Phlegmatic Summary
• COULD IMPROVE IF: They set goals and became self-motivated,
they were willing to do more and move faster than expected, and
could face their own problems as well as they handle those of
• AS LEADERS THEY: Keep calm, cool, and collected, don't make
impulsive decisions, are well-liked and inoffensive, won't cause
trouble, but don't often come up with brilliant new ideas.
• TEND TO MARRY: Powerful Cholerics because they respect their
strength and decisiveness, but later the Peacefuls get tired of
being pushed around and looked down upon.
• REACTION TO STRESS: Hide from it, watch television, eat, tune
out on life.
• RECOGNIZED BY: Calm approach, relaxed posture, sitting or
leaning when possible.
How do I deal with the Peaceful

1. Realize they need direct motivation.

2. Help them set goals and make rewards.
3. Don't expect enthusiasm.
4. Realize that putting things off is their form of quiet control.
5. Force them to make decisions.
6. Don't heap all the blame on them.
7. Encourage them to accept responsibilities.
How do I deal with the Peaceful
Remember the Peaceful Phlegmatics' Call: RESPECT
Peaceful Phlegmatics' emotional need is for RESPECT
their quiet and complacent nature, Peaceful Phlegmatics
appear to be content wherever they are and with whatever
is going on. That appearance is exactly what gives them such
a need for respect and feelings of self-worth. If you work
with Peaceful Phlegmatics be sure to notice what they do
and how well they do it.
God could have made us all popular sanguines.
We would have lots of fun but accomplish little.
He could have made us all perfect melancholies.
We would have been organized and charted but not very
He could have made us all powerful cholerics.
We would have been all set to lead, but impatient that no
One would follow.
He would have made us all peaceful phlegmatics.
We would have a peaceful world but not much enthusiasm
For life.
Now, show the world what you got!

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