DC Motors
DC Motors
DC Motors
Types of DC Motors
• Brushed Motor
• Brushless Motor
Brushed Motor design
• Rotor- the rotating part of the motor
What is a Brushed DC Motor ?
The brushed DC electric motor generates torque directly from DC power supplied to the
motor by using internal commutation, stationary magnets (permanent or electromagnets),
and rotating electromagnets.
Parts of a Brushed DC Motor
Types of Brushed DC Motor
Permanent Magnet Shunt Wound Series Wound
• Most common
• Used in fractional horsepower
applications • Great slow speed torque ( low
• Examples: Toys, RC app., Slot
• Decreasing torque at high speed end )
cars, Appliances, etc…
• At low speed, higher more consistent torque - But, as load is removed, speed
• More cost effective than wound
• Excellent speed control increases sharply
stators • Ideally suited for heavy loads,
• - Responds very quickly to voltage
examples: cranes and
changes due to constant stator
field ( good speed control )
• Drawback, Magnets lose their
magnetic properties over time
Compound Wound
A brushless DC motor (also known as a BLDC motor or BL motor) is an electronically commuted DC motor which does not have
brushes. The controller provides pulses of current to the motor windings which control the speed and torque of the synchronous
These types of motors are highly efficient in producing a large amount of torque over a vast speed range. In brushless motors,
permanent magnets rotate around a fixed armature and overcome the problem of connecting current to the armature.
Commutation with electronics has a large scope of capabilities and flexibility. They are known for smooth operation and holding
torque when stationary.
Parts Of A Brushless Dc Motor
Rotor – The Rotating part of Stator – The Stationary part of Hall Sensor - used to detect the
the BLDC (Permanent the BLDC with Coil position of the rotor and
magnet) windings(Electromagnet) transform it into an electrical
signal. Most BLDC Motors use
three Hall Sensors that are
embedded into the stator to
sense the rotor’s position.
Types Of Brushless DC Motors
Inner Rotor Design Outer Rotor Design
In an inner rotor design, the rotor is In outer rotor design, the rotor
located in the centre of the motor and surrounds the winding which is
the stator winding surround the rotor. located in the core of the motor.
Working Principle Of BLDC
Consider the following setup of three windings in the stator designated A, B and C. For the sake of
understanding, let us replace the rotor with a single magnet.
We know that when a current is applied through a coil, a magnetic field
is generated and the orientation of the field lines i.e. the poles of the
generated magnet will depend on the direction of the current flowing
through the coil.
If we now pass current through coils B and C one after the other (in that
order), the rotor magnet will rotate in clock wise direction.
To increase efficiency, we can wind the opposite coils using a single coil
so that we get double attraction. Further increasing the efficiency, we can
energize two coils at the same time so that one coil will attract the
magnet and the other coil will repel it.
What is a Stepper Motor ?
Stepper Motor is a brushless electromechanical device which converts the train of electric pulses applied at their
excitation windings into precisely defined step-by-step mechanical shaft rotation. The shaft of the motor rotates
through a fixed angle for each discrete pulse. This rotation can be linear or angular.
It gets one step movement for a single pulse input. The number of input pulses given to the motor decides the step
angle and hence the position of motor shaft is controlled by controlling the number of pulses. If the step angle is
smaller, the greater will be the number of steps per revolutions and higher will be the accuracy of the position
This unique feature makes the stepper motor to be well suitable for open-loop control system wherein the precise
position of the shaft is maintained with exact number of pulses without using a feedback sensor.
Another thing to note is the speed of rotation is relative to the frequency of those pulses.
Parts of a Stepper Motor
Single-coil Excitation/Wave Drive – Single coil is active Full Step Drive – 2 active coils at a given time
at a time
Unipolar Bipolar
• there are two winding per phase. • Single winding per phase/pole
• The direction of current need to be changed
• The two winding may have a one lead common (centre tapped) by the driving circuit so the driving circuit of
• Simple operation because there is no need to reverse the current the bipolar stepper becomes complex
in driving the circuit
Example Circuit
Monostable circuit Astable circuit Shift Register/Sequencer circuit Line Driver Unipolar Stepper
Motor(5 lead)
Uses and Applications
Arcelie T. Baguio
Direct Current machines have numerous
applications. These applications range
from our daily life to any complex
Brushless motors find applications in such
places as computer peripherals (disk drives,
printers), hand-held power tools and vehicles
ranging from model aircraft to automobiles.
- Transport
-Cordless tools
- Heating and Ventilation
-Industrial Engineering
- Aeromodeling
- Radio-Controlled Cars
Brushed Motors continue to be used
for electrical propulsion, cranes,
paper machines and steel rolling
Stepper motor are a robust motion
control technology and can be
found inside of many common
machines and equipment.
Applications of Stepper DC
- 3D printing equipments
- Textile Machines
- Printing presses
- Gaming Machines
- Medical Imaging Machinery
- Welding Equipment
Thank You!
PETRUZELLA Elec Motors and Controls