Est7Lec Bautista
Est7Lec Bautista
Est7Lec Bautista
Controller - PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) controller with DE(Differential Evolution)- The
PID controller computes the gap of electrode to the workpiece which converted to voltage which
represents the voltage dropped occurred in the discharge state. The control system takes the
average gap voltage (Vg) as a feedback signal which is then compared with the servo reference
voltage (Vs). PID controller works with the help of DE by tuning its parameters.
Plant - Servo control system - the machining gap is controlled/adjusted using the ram servo
control system at a critical distance for the continuous occurrence of electric discharge. This
consists of a DC motor that is connected to the gear which is then connected to the leadscrew
where the ram is also connected, ram with the electrode is the actuator. The DC motor,gear,
leadscrew and ram work collectively to adjust the position of the electrode.
Controlled variable - The gap or distance between the electrode and the workpiece.
Expected value - The expected value is the gap of the electrode and workpiece in 10-15µm.
Sensor - PID controller - determines the gap of electrodes and workpiece through the converted
value of the gap to voltage signals.
Disturbance - The manual operation of the controllers resulting in a poorly tuned condition and
the Stability of the control is affected. The Vs is manually preset according to the operator's
experience and with this machining process is not optimal.
Plant - FCE(Final Control Element) - It converts the electrical signal into mechanical action. A
stepper motor is used as FCE which is controlled by LPC2148. It is coupled with a
potentiometer. Rotation of the stepper motor adjust the resistance value, this resists the flow of
electrons in the inductive coils. Therefore reducing eddy current flow in the surface of the
materials, thus maintaining the temperature of the furnace.
Expected Value- the expected value is the temperature of the furnace, depending on the Set
point preferred by the operator. In Celsius or Kelvin.
Controller - LPC2148 control unit. Depending on the signal given by the sensors that
represents the temperature of the furnace, the controller decides the movement of the actuator
to maintain the temperature.
Actuator - The actuator is the stepper motor in which its rotation increases or decreases the
resistance of the inductive coils which reduce or increase eddy current flow in the surface of the
materials, which then changes the temperature of the furnace.
Sensor - RTD SENSOR is used to detect the temperature. RTD are quick to response to
temperature change and linear for a wide range of temperature. They are PTC(Positive
Temperature Coefficient) which means that when temperature increases, the resistance value
also increases.
Disturbance - Because the transmission of the signals in the modules is through radio
frequency waves, one possible disturbance is an external frequency waves from the