Thermal Analysis: Dr. Jyoti Prakash Dhal
Thermal Analysis: Dr. Jyoti Prakash Dhal
Thermal Analysis: Dr. Jyoti Prakash Dhal
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Thermogravimetric instrumentation should include several basic
components to provide the flexibility necessary for the production of
useful analytical data:
a) A balance,
b) A heating device,
c) A unit for temperature measurement and control,
d) A means for automatically recording the mass and
temperature changes,
e) A system to control the atmosphere around the sample.
The Thermobalance
Two typical designs of the thermobalance are :
A flag beneath the balance arm interferes with infrared light propagating from
a source to a photo-cell detector. A servo mechanism feedback control loop
adjusts the current in the coil and hence position of the flag in order to maintain
constant illumination level at the detector. The current sent to the coil in order
to maintain the flag position is proportional to weight loss or gain by the
specimen. A DC voltage proportional to current is provided for external data
If reactive (or corrosive ) gases are passed through the specimen chamber or
gases are released by the specimen the chamber containing the balance is often
maintained at a slightly more positive pressure via compressed air or inert
gases; this is in order to protect the balance chamber and its associated
electronic components from exposure to corrosive gases.
The balance chamber is not completely protected since gases released from the
specimen can still diffuse into the balance chamber.
Further maintaining the specimen in a pure inert gas or other special gases is
limited by back-diffusion of air through the exit port. To protect against this
the exit gas is bubbled through a fluid. The fluid will permit exiting gas to
bubbled out, but will not permit back-diffusion og gases.
Balances must remain precise and accurate continuously
under extreme temperature and atmosphere conditions, and
should deliver a signal suitable for continuous recording.
• Heat transitions
Different heat conductivity of the gases used in an experiment.
Thermogravimetric determination
of Calcium, Strontium and barium
after precipitation in the form of
Applications of TGA:
a) Thermal stability of the related materials can be compared at elevated
temperatures under the required atmosphere. TGA curve helps to explicate
decomposition mechanisms.
The thermally inert material used is usually α-Al2O3 preheated to 1500 ⁰C.
In principle DTA can be applied to any solid state system associated with
changes of state, since these changes arte accompanied with an enthalpy
change, as well.
ΔT changes until a static state is reached after the heating begins, and after
achieving stability, reaches a set amount compliant with the difference in heat
capacity between the sample and the reference. The signal at the static state is
known as the baseline.
When the temperature rises and melting occurs in the sample, for example, the
temperature rise stops as shown in graph (a) and the ΔT increases. When the
melting ends, the temperature curve rapidly reverts to the baseline.
At this point, the ΔT signal reaches the peak, as shown in graph (b).
From this, we can detect the sample’s transition temperature and the reaction
temperature from the ΔT signal (DTA signal).
In graph (b), the temperature difference due to the sample’s endothermic change
is shown as a negative direction and the temperature difference due to the
sample’s exothermic change is shown as a positive direction.
The temperature difference between the sample and the reference material ΔT
(= TS – TR) measured by two identical thermocouples connected in series
opposition is recorded to obtained the DTA curve.
In practice, ΔT signal is plotted against the temperature of the sample, the inert
material or the furnace temperature while a constant rate of heating is used.
As suggested in Figure, DTA peaks result from both physical changes and
chemical reactions induced by temperature changes in the sample.
Figure. Schematic setup for the DTA: 1. furnace, 2. sample substance, 3. inert
reference, 4. control unit for heating, 5. temperature difference gauge, 6.
temperature gauge
As shown in Figure, the control unit shows no thermo-voltage as long as there
is no heat consumed or released, because there is the same temperature Ts = Ti
in the sample and in the inert reference and hence ΔT = 0.
If there is an endothermic reaction in
the sample, the sample temperature
increases slower than the reference
temperature (Ts1 < Ti1) and the gauge
shows a thermo-voltage according to
a temperature difference ΔT1 = Ts1 -
Ti1, which is negative.
If there is an exothermic reaction in
the sample, the sample temperature
increases faster than the reference
temperature (Ts2 > Ti2) and the gauge
shows a thermo-voltage according to
a temperature difference ΔT2 = Ts2
-Ti2, which is positive. DTA curves: a) Ts: temperature-time-curve of the
sample, Ti: temperature-time curve of the
The DTA curve can be determined by reference, b) temperature difference-time-curve
subtraction of the curve Ts and Ti.
Factors which influence the results of the DTA experiments
Influence of the Furnace Atmosphere
The broadening and the different shifting effects of the DTA at high heating
rates may result in overlapping of normal successively effects. For higher
resolution of the DTA curves, the peak temperatures are near the
thermodynamic equilibrium temperatures, thus, the heating rate should be as
low as possible. It is useful to notice that the peaks become flatter.
Influence of the Reference Substances
An important use of DTA is for the generation of phase diagrams and the
study of phase transitions.
• Liquid sulphur is known to exist in at least three forms, and the peak at
179 ⁰C apparently involves these transitions, whereas the peak at 446 ⁰C
corresponds to the boiling point of sulphur.
Differential thermograms (DTA) for sulphur.
• The DTA method also provides a simple and accurate way of determining the
melting, boiling, and decomposition points of organic compounds.
• Generally, the data appear to be more consistent and reproducible than those
obtained with a hot stage or a capillary tube.
• Figure shows thermograms for benzoic acid at atmospheric pressure (A)
and at 13.79 bar (B). The first peak corresponds to the melting point and the
second to the boiling point of the acid.
-DTA curves may also be used to date bone remains or to study archaeological