Shapes Unit Plan
Shapes Unit Plan
Shapes Unit Plan
Lesson Students will define attributes, describe and provide a means for comparing and
Objective: naming shapes regardless of orientation, size, or color.
Guiding What is an attribute?
Questions: What shape has three sides?
What is the difference between a two-dimensional and three-dimensional shape?
How can shapes be described and compared?
How are these shapes alike and how are they different?
Lesson: Day 1 Teacher will introduce plane shapes (square, rectangle, triangle, rhombus)
and discuss their attributes (how many sides & vertices)
Shapes video
Hold up a square. Ask: What shape is this? How many sides does it have?
How many corners does it have?
Hold up a rectangle. Ask: What shape is this? How many sides does it
How many corners? Is it the same as the first shape, or is it different?
Hold up a triangle. Ask: What shape is this? How many sides does it have?
How many corners?
Day 2 Teacher will introduce plane shapes (circle, hexagon, oval, trapezoid) and
discuss their attributes (how many sides & vertices)
Hold up a circle. Ask: What shape is this? How many sides does it have?
How many corners?
Mrs. Vales Kindergarten Math (Shapes Unit)
Hold up an oval. Ask: What shape is this? How many sides does it have?
How many corners?
Hold up a trapezoid. Ask: What shape is this? How many sides does it
How many corners?
Hold up a hexagon. Ask: What shape is this? How many sides does it have?
How many corners?
Day 4 Review all shapes. Allow students to complete art work using shapes. Have
them write about what shapes they used in their drawing.
Assessment: Students will show mastery of standard by completing the shapes assessment.
Independent Students will rotate through Math technology centers day 1, 2 and 3 using the
Work: following:
Remediation: Teacher will use the following website(s) to remediate for students that did not
master the skill.
Mrs. Vales Kindergarten Math (Shapes Unit)
Shape Assessment