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Mohanlal Sukhadia University: Workshop On Academic Reforms: Choice Based Credit System 12 Feb 2011

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12 Feb 2011


Course Credit System/Structure

 In general a certain quantum of work measured in

terms of credits is laid down as the requirement
for a particular degree.
 A student earns the credits for a particular course
by fulfilling the academic requirements viz.
attendance and evaluation.
 The total credits required for completing the
program shall be 144.
 Credits are awarded to a student for Theory /
Laboratory / Other Courses only if the student
satisfies the minimum attendance requirement
and the evaluation requirements.
Course Credit System/Structure
Srn Course Credit
 The total number of o s
credits in each
semester (I to VI 1 One lecture or One
semester) shall be tutorial hr/week

24 . Number of
2 Two laboratory One
credits for a course hrs/week
in any semester is
calculated as 3 Seminar, report one
follows. field work,
extension work
etc. 2hrs/week
Earning credits
 At the end of every course, a letter grade is
awarded in each course for which a student had
 On obtaining a pass grade, the student
accumulates the course credits as earned credits.
 A student’s performance is measured by the
number of credits that he/she has earned and by
the weighted grade point average.
 Grades obtained in the audit courses are not
counted for computation of grade point average.
However, a pass grade is essential for earning
credits from an audit course.
 Faculty Advisor
 A student or a group of students is assigned to
a faculty advisor from the concerned
department, who will mentor the student
throughout his/her tenure in the Institute.
 (a) Guidance about the rules and regulations of
the courses
 (b) Pay special attention to weak students.
 (c) Guidance and liaison with parents of students
for their Performances and other personal
problems a student may have.
Faculty Advisor & Course Co-ordinator

 Faculty advisor will advise students

 To select foundation, electives, extension work
 To monitor attendance of the students allotted

 To hear grievances and forward the same to

course co-ordinator
 Monitor progress of study of the candidates
 For each semester, Head of the department will
appoint a course co-ordinator who will co-ordinate
the program with Faculty advisor and teachers
Promotion to higher semesters
 Students who have earned at least 32 credits out
of the total 48 credits (i.e 65%)in the I &II
semester of the current year will be allowed to
register for the next year
 The students admitted second year or third year,
but have backlog papers, have to earn the credits
for backlog courses on self-study basis
 The marks obtained by the candidate for
Continuous Assessment (CA) shall be carry
forwarded and shall be added to ESE marks from
backlog papers.
 Regular attendance of the student is an important
factor in grading system. No grade can be given to a
student unless he/she has attended the course
 Attendance is compulsory and shall be monitored in
the semester and students will be informed at the
end of the month and end of semester.
 A maximum of 25% absence for the attendance may
be condoned only on valid grounds. Sanctions to be
taken by student from faculty advisor
 Maximum number of days of absence for
sports/Cultural activities etc.shall not exceed 8 days
 A student having attendance less than 75%
in a paper shall be detained by the
Head/Dean and debarred from appearing in
the ESE for that paper in that semester

 However, a course instructor/teacher may

detain a candidate by awarding I grade for
want of required attendance provided
 the candidate was regular while he was
attending the course
 Attendance is 65% or more
 Have 70% or more marks in internal
 A candidate can get his I grade
removed and appear in ESE by
 Pay fee towards number of classes
required to make up 75% attendance.
 Attend all the make-up/remedial
classes held.
Temporary withdrawal
 A student seeking temporary withdrawal is
granted permission by the Vice-Chancellor
to withdraw from the programme for one
semester/year for reasons of ill health or
other valid reasons on the
recommendations of concerned
HOD/Course Director
 Normally, a student shall be permitted to
avail of temporary withdrawal only once
during the Programme duration
 Internal (25%) and External Assessment
 The IA marks will be awarded by the
teacher concerned and will be presented to
the following committee for necessary
approval. The committee may call for the
internal examination answer books,
assignment details etc. if necessary
(a) Head of the Department
(b) Course Co-ordinator
(c) Nominee of the Vice-Chancellor
External Assessment
 Follow current procedure of evaluation
and award marks. Convert marks into
grade ( Not a proper method)

 Let the examiner assess answer books by

awarding grades for each question (Seven
point or ten point scale) and finally award
average Grade ( proper method)
Internal Assessment
 The Internal marks awarded will be
displayed on the notice board at least
one week before the ESE. Grievances, if
any, from the student shall be examined
by the above committee.
 The student will be given an opportunity
to represent his case to the committee in
the presence of his faculty advisor
Teacher’s Responsibilities
 The teacher shall announce
 Teaching plan
 Policies

 the method of evaluation

at the beginning of the semester.

 Required to complete specified number of
lectures/lab work
 For 3hrs/week, required to complete minimum
10 hrs/month
 Conduct extra classes if goes on leave
Teachers Responsibilities
 Conduct Continuous evaluation as per
 Conduct tutorials as per policies
 Return evaluated assignments/ answer
books within a week from submission
 Announce attendance monthly
 Announce internal marks for each
component of CA
 Award I grade to those students as per
 Conduct remedial classes as per rules
 The academic performance of a
student is graded on a ten point
scale . A+,A, B+,B,C+,C,D (pass)
 E,F & I grades Fail
 AP/AF: Audit pass,Audit fail
 X grade: candidates fail to satisfy
attendance requirement required to
continue the paper as a backlog
Award of Grades
 After evaluation of ESE answer books, TR
will be prepared and presented to
a semester board will consist following
(i) Convenor of the Committee of Courses

(ii) Head/Course Director

(iii) Two subject experts
(iv) Nominee of the Vice chancellor
Award of Grades
 In case semester board feels
moderation/re-checking of the answer
book is necessary, recommendation with
reason will be sent for the consideration
of the Result committee of the University
 The result will be declared by the
Controller of Examinations.
 The semester board will maintain strict
confidentiality of the marks and results.
 SGPA (semester Grade Point

 Cigi
 Ci
c1g1  c 2 g 2  c3 g 3  c 4 g 4  c5 g 5
c1  c 2  c3  c 4
 Cumulative Grade Point Average
(CGPA) is used to obtain up to date
assessment of overall performance
of the student
CGPA =  Cigi
 Ci
Where summation is for all the courses registered
by a student till that semester
Maximum Period
 A candidate admitted to the CBCS
(UG) programme shall be required
to pass the course within six (or
Five)academic years from the year
of admission to the first semester.

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