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Swine Flu: Submittedby: Kristine Mae Sulla Danilo Lisondra Pn2-1 Submitted To: MR - Michael John Encina

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Kristine Mae Sulla
Danilo Lisondra
Submitted to: Mr.Michael
John Encina
What Is Swine Flu or H1N1??
H1N1 is a flu virus that was initially
referred to as the swine flu. It was
first detected in the United States
in April of 2009. It causes flu-like
symptoms including, fever, cough,
fatigue and muscle aches. Scientists
call the H1N1 virus a "quadruple
reassortant" virus. This is because
the virus contains two genes found
in flu viruses which circulate among
pigs, and two genes that circulate in
flu viruses among birds (avians). The
virus was originally called swine flu
because of the genes, which are
similar to that of flu viruses in pigs.
The H1N1 flu virus is passed from
person to person just like other flu
strains. You cannot catch swine flu
from eating pork.
Swine Influenza Virus
The classical swine flu virus
(an influenza type A H1N1 virus)
was first isolated from a pig in
1930.It causes high levels of
illness and low death rates in pigs.
Swine influenza viruses may
circulate among swine throughout
the year,but most outbreaks occur
during the late fall & winter
months similar to outbreaks in
Direct transmission
 "Direct contact transmission"
means skin-to-skin contact (such
as hand-to-hand) between an
infected person and a
susceptible person.
 It is unclear how much
transmission of swine flu occurs
by these routes; primary
transmission appears to be from
droplets contacting the nose,
mouth, or eyes of a susceptible
person. Influenza A viruses can
live for 24 to 48 hours on
nonporous environmental surfaces
and less than 12 hours on porous
Indirect Transmission

Human to Human: (via

aerosolized respiratory
secretions for e.g.
coughing ,sneezing of
infected person, touching
contaminated inanimate
objects & then touching
nose or mouth) "Indirect
contact" is transmission by
touching contaminated
Airborne transmission
 Airborne transmission may
occur with influenza
viruses, but is not felt to
be the primary mode of
transmission. It is most
likely to be of concern
during aerosol generating
procedures, such as
intubation, suctioning,
bronchoscopy, nebulizer
treatments, or similar
hospital or health care
facility associated
 There is no evidence to
date of widespread
airborne transmission as can
occur with TB or
chicken pox.
Droplet transmission
 The main way that influenza
viruses are thought to spread
is from person to person in
respiratory droplets of coughs
and sneezes. This can happen
when droplets from a cough or
sneeze of an infected person
are propelled through the air
and deposited on the mouth or
nose of people nearby. This is
why masks are recommended if
you are within 6 feet of an
infected person. Influenza
viruses may also be spread
when a person touches
respiratory droplets on
another person or an object
and then touches their own
mouth, nose, or eyes (or
someone else’s mouth, nose, or
eyes) before washing their
Is Eating Pork Save?

Swine influenza viruses are

not transmitted from eating
pork or pork products.
Cooking pork to an internal
temperature of 160°F kills
the swine flu virus.
Incubation Period

It is usually one to
three days Pigs begin
excreting the virus
within 24 hours of
infection, and may
shed the virus for 7
to 10 days.
Infectious Period

Defined as 1 day prior to

the case’s illness onset
to 7 days after
onset.Younger children,
might potentially be
contagious for longer
periods up to 10 days.A
carrier state can exist
for up to 3 months.The
viruses can live 2 hours
or longer outside body.
Who Are At Risk ??
 Children aged 6 months up
to their 19yrs
 Pregnant women
 People 50 years of age and
 People of any age with
certain medical conditions,
such as heart or lung
disease (Asthma, COPD,
Emphysema ), Diabetes or
those with weakened immune
systems e.g. HIV
Influenza viruses enters the
respiratory tract bind
through Hemagglutinin onto
Sialic acid sugars on the
surfaces of epithelial cells;
typically in the nose, throat
and lungs of mammals. The
respiratory tract becomes
swollen & inflamed .From
the tract it then enters the
blood streams and symptoms
begins to show .
What is the prognosis (outlook) for
patients who get swine flu (H1N1)?
 In general, the majority (about 90%-95%) of people who get
the disease feel terrible (see symptoms) but recover with no
problems, as seen in patients in both Mexico and the U.S.
Caution must be taken as the swine flu (H1N1) is still
spreading and has become a pandemic. So far, young adults
have not done well, and in Mexico, this group currently has
the highest mortality rate, but this data could quickly
 People with depressed immune systems historically have
worse outcomes than uncompromised individuals; investigators
suspect that as swine flu (H1N1) spreads, the mortality
rates may rise and be high in this population.
 Another confounding problem with the prognosis of swine flu
(H1N1) is that the disease is occurring and spreading in high
numbers at the usual end of the flu season. Most flu
outbreaks happen between November to the following April,
with peak activity between late December to March.
According to Center for disease
control & prevention (CDC),
symptoms of swine flu resembles
seasonal influenza and other acute
upper respiratory tract infections.

 Fever with or without chills

 Lethargy
 Lack of appetite
 Sore throat
 Cough
 Running nose
 Body ache
 Headache
 Nausea
 Vomiting
 Diarrhea

Seek Emergency Medical Care
IF - in Children
In children emergency warning signs that
need urgent medical attention include:

 Bluish skin colour

 Not drinking enough fluids
 Not waking up or not interacting
 Being so irritable that the child does not
want to be held
 Flu-like symptoms improve but then
return with fever and worse cough
 Fever with a rash
Adults Need Attention If
Present With
 Difficulty breathing or
shortness of breath
 Pain or pressure in the
chest or abdomen
 Sudden dizziness
 Confusion
 Severe or persistent
Drugs Effective In Swine Flu
Influenza antiviral drugs work best
when started soon after illness
onset (within two 2 days), but
treatment with antiviral drugs
should still be considered after 48
hours of symptom onset,
particularly for hospitalized
patients or people at high risk for
influenza-related complications.
There are four different antiviral
drugs that are licensed for use
for the treatment of influenza:
 Amantidine
 Rimantadine
 Oseltamivir
 Zanamivir
While most swine influenza viruses
have been susceptible to all four
Drugs Proved Resistant At

Most recent swine

influenza viruses isolated
from humans are
resistant to Amantidine
and Rimantadine
CDC recommends at Present

CDC recommends the use

of Oseltamivir (Tamiflu)
or Zanamivir (Relenza)
for the treatment and/or
prevention of infection
with swine influenza
Prevention In Humans
Prevention From Swine To Human
Use of vaccines on pigs
to prevent their infection
is a major method of
limiting swine to human

Farmers & veterinarians

are encouraged to use a
face mask when dealing
with infected animals.
Vaccines For Human
Prevention Of Human To
Human Transmission

Avoid Close Contact

Aerosols spread the virus
in any environment.
Avoid close contact with
people who are sick.
When you are sick, keep
your distance from others
to protect them from
getting sick too.
Stay Home When You
Are Sick
If possible, stay
home from work,
school & errands
when you are sick.
You will help prevent
others from catching
your illness.
Cover Your Mouth & Nose

Cover your mouth

and nose with a
tissue when coughing
or sneezing. If you
don’t have a tissue,
cover your mouth
and nose as best you
can. It may prevent
those around you
from getting sick
Clean Your Hands
Clean your hands often.
Clean your hands every
time you cough or sneeze.
Hand washing stops germs
.It is the best procedure
in prevention of majority
of communicable diseases.
Use alcohol based gels &
wipes also worked well .
Avoid Touching Your
Eyes, Nose or Mouth
Germs are often
spread when a
person touches
something that is
contaminated with
germs and then
touches his or her
eyes, nose, or
Healthy Habits Reduces The
Get plenty of sleep,be
physically active,
manage your stress,
drink plenty of fluids,
and eat nutritious.

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