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Intergroup Intervention

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Intergroup Intervention


• Intergroup intervention intends to increase communication and interactions

between work related groups to reduce the amount of dysfunctional competition
and to replace a parochial independent point of view with an awareness of the
necessity for interdependence of action calling on the best efforts of both the

• Intergroup intervention are integrated into organizational development programs to

facilitate cooperation and efficiency between different groups within an organisation.
• It replace a narrowminded independent point of view with an awareness of the necessity for
interdependence of action calling on the best efforts of both groups involved.

• The focus on the joint activities and output in intergroup intervention is considered and a single unit.

• To increase communication and interactions between work-related groups.

• Activities in intergroup intervention are designed to improve the effectiveness of independent groups.

• When two or more groups come together it is called organizational mirroring.

• To reduce the amount of dysfunctional completion

Purposes of intergroup interventions.

• Identifies problems of intergroup conflict and sub-optimisation.

• It dispose negative effects of completion on the organization


• Observe and develop strategies for collaborative intergroup relations.

• Diagnose causes of cooperative versus competitive groups relations.

Reasons for intergroup conflicts

• Differences in objectives, values, effects, and interests occur between


• Inaccurate communication and stoppage of feedback and data input.

• the dysfunctional conflict can be reduced with and emphasis placed

on collaboration and cooperation
Managing conflict

• Conflict cannot be eliminated in organisations but managed.

• In managing conflicts it requires understanding the basic conflict

styles used in dealing with conflicts which are the desire to satisfy self
and the desire to satisfy others.
Intergroup cooperation.
• Much effort has been made to identify sources of group cooperation rather than conflict.

• Realistic conflict theory. This theory suggest that the existence of a super ordinate goals
and cooperation reduce intergroup hostility and also avoidance of mutually exclusive

• Social identity theory, it says that hostility will be reduced if intergroup stereotypes
become less derogatory and polarized and legitimized non-violent forms of intergroup
competition exists.
Techniques for intergroup problems

• Dealing with conflicts openly provides a way to manage tension


• Organisational development techniques for dealing with intergroup

problems involve third-party consultation. The organisation mirror,
and intergroup team building.
Organisational mirror

• Provides with feedback on how other elements of organisations view


• Groups meet together to process data with objective of identifying

problems and formulating solutions
Intergroup team building
• Organisational development provides methods ways of increasing intergroup cooperation and

• It involves steps which are as follows:

• Step 1

Working separately to make three lists:

List of how they perceive each other

List of how they are perceived

List of we perceive ourselves.

• Step 2
 Meeting with the other groups, a spokesperson from each group presents
their lists,
• Step 3
Group meeting to discuss the information.
• Step 4
Subgroups are then formed by mixing members of the groups with an
objective to develop a problem solving alternatives with action plan
• Step 5
A follow up meeting is done to evaluate progress
Third party consultation.

• The use of an outside practitioner to help open communications level power,

and confront problems between groups
• The third party provides diagnostic insight, is non-evaluative and is a source of
emotional support and skills.

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