Pink FT Nate Ruess
Pink FT Nate Ruess
Pink FT Nate Ruess
Just give me a reason
Just a little bit is enough
Just a second we're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
It's in the stars
It has been written in the scars on our hearts
We're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
Chorus 2:
Just give me a reason
Just a little bit is enough
Just a second we're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
I never stopped
You're still written in the scars on my heart
You're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
In the first verse of the song is about a woman who meets a man - a man who has stolen his heart
* eaaa. then the woman also said that she was willing if he's going to be a "victim" of the male
hereinafter - men. It may mean "victim" here is a victim to the man's playboy - this man *
ordinary guy deh so weve -_- *. Then ya ya, this woman let the man - men know all about the
disadvantages and advantages to him, but instead it makes them complementary :))
Go to the second verse of this song, then one day this woman mendegar the man - this man or his
girlfriend menginggau during sleep. girlfriend says if he is enough with all of their love story.
Well on the chorus tells the story of the woman who asked for reasons and explanations of his
girlfriend, although only slightly but it was enough for him. But then men - men confirmed if
they are not breaking up, but their relationship was strained. Then the man - this man invites his
girlfriend to re-start their relationship :))
In the third verse (the spare Nate) This song tells the story from the perspective of men - men do
not understand what was happening because he thinks everything is fine - fine and she thinks that
her boyfriend was just having a nightmare. This is often used when girlfriend sleeping
disampinya and not anymore.
And in the last verse of this song is once again an affirmation of the female - male if he would
eliminate all injuries and their relationship will be as it once again. :)
Yak that I had a story or opinion about the song Pink - Just Give Me A Reason.
Just give me a reason
Just a little bit’s enough
Just a second we’re not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
It’s in the stars
It’s been written in the scars on our hearts
We’re not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
Reff 2:
Just give me a reason
Just a little bit’s enough
Just a second we’re not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
I never stopped
You’re still written in the scars on my heart
You’re not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
Di bait pertama lagu ini bercerita tentang seorang perempuan yang bertemu dengan seorang laki
– laki yang telah mencuri hatinya *eaaa. trus si perempuan ini juga bilang bahwa dia rela kalo
dia bakalan jadi “korban” selajutnya dari si laki – laki. Mungkin maksudnya “korban” disini
adalah korban ke playboy-an si laki – laki ini *biasa deh cowo emang gitu -_-*. Trus nih yaa,
perempuan ini membiarkan si laki – laki mengetahui semua tentang kekurangan dan
kelebihannya dia, tapi malahan ini yang membuat mereka saling melengkapi :))
Lanjut ke bait kedua lagu ini, kemudian suatu ketika perempuan ini mendegar si laki – laki atau
pacarnya ini menginggau saat tidur. pacarnya bilang kalau dia udah cukup dengan semua kisah
cinta mereka.
Nah pada bagian reff ini menceritakan tentang si perempuan yang meminta alasan dan
penjelasan dari pacarnya walaupun hanya sedikit tapi itu cukup baginya. Namun kemudian laki –
laki ini menegaskan kalo mereka tidak putus, tapi hubungan mereka yang sedang renggang. Lalu
si laki – laki ini mengajak pacarnya untuk memulai kembali hubungan mereka :))
Di bait ketiga (partnya Nate) lagu ini bercerita dari sudut pandang laki – laki sedang tidak
mengerti apa yang terjadi karena menurutnya semuanya baik – baik saja dan dia berfikir bahwa
pacarnya ini hanya sedang mengalami mimpi buruk. padahal dulu pacarnya ini sering tidur
disampinya dan sekarang tidak lagi.
Dan pada bait terakhir dari lagu ini adalah sekali lagi penegasan dari sang laki – laki kalo dia
akan menghapuskan semua luka dan hubungan mereka akan kembali seperti dulu lagi. :)
Yak itulah tadi cerita atau opini gue tentang lagunya Pink – Just Give Me A Reason.