LO2: Undertake Horticultural Production Work As Directed
LO2: Undertake Horticultural Production Work As Directed
LO2: Undertake Horticultural Production Work As Directed
horticultural production
work as directed
production work
Itis an unfamiliar term to many people. Yet,
when they are told that caring for
houseplants, growing tomatoes in the
garden, and mowing the lawn are
horticultural activities, the term suddenly
becomes much clearer.
Horticulture is a segment of the agriculture
It includes
Mechanical field preparation
Irrigation system installation
Soil improvement
Hole preparation
This is probably the most critical phase in the
establishment of a new date plantation. Mistakes at
this point may lead to a poor survival rate of
offshoots or tissue culture-derived plants, regardless
of the efforts put in during the preparation phases.
The aim is to assist the date grower to execute the
planting operation in a way that will ensure a high
transplanting survival rate in the newly established
The planting operation is divided into different
activities which will be discussed separately.
1. Plant spacing
It is difficult to prescribe a definite plant spacing but there are
specific factors influencing the spacing such as:
- to allow for sufficient sunlight when palms are tall;
- to allow for sufficient working space within the plantation;
- to provide sufficient space for root development.
The planting operation is divided into different
activities which will be discussed separately.
2.Time of planting
The critical factor is to transplant the young tissue culture date
palms or offshoots at that time of the year that will ensure a
good survival rate and proper establishment before the
beginning of a "hard" season.
3. Transplanting stage
Research has shown that the best field survival rate, as well as
early plant development, is obtained when the date tissue
culture plantlets are transplanted at the four (4) plus pinnae leaf
stage. Plants received from a tissue culture laboratory normally
only have juvenile leaves or one pinnae leaf at the most. These
plants are thus too small to be transplanted into the field.
The planting operation is divided into different
activities which will be discussed separately.
3. Transplanting stage
It is therefore necessary to include a hardening-off phase for
plant development which also allows some time for plants to
adapt to local climatic conditions. This results in the young
plants being kept in the farm nursery for a period
(approximately 8-12 months), until the sufficient number of
pinnae leaves have developed before transplanting takes place.
The planting operation is divided into different
activities which will be discussed separately.
3. Transplanting stage
Regarding offshoots, it is highly recommended to ensure their
rooting in the nursery after separation from the plant mother (at
least 10 to 12 months). It is not recommended to plant an
offshoot directly after its separation.
The planting operation is divided into different
activities which will be discussed separately.
5. Basin preparation
Immediately after transplanting, a basin is prepared around the
palm to prevent run-off and to ensure a sufficient supply of
water to the plant. When using a micro irrigation system, it is
recommended to have a basin of approximately 3 m in diameter
and 20 to 30 cm deep. The basin should have a slight
downward slope towards the plant to allow the water to reach
the root system of the young plant.
The planting operation is divided into different
activities which will be discussed separately.
6. Mulching
The benefits of organic material were highlighted when land
preparation, as part of the plantation development, was
discussed. The mulching is done by putting a layer of organic
material (e.g. wheat straw) around the base of the palm.
The planting operation is divided into different
activities which will be discussed separately.
6. Mulching
Mulching of the basin has the following advantages:
- Limits water loss from the soil through evaporation;
- Prevents crust formation;
- Allows better water penetration into the soil:
- Limits weed growth around the plant; and
- Improves the humus content of the soil.
The planting operation is divided into different
activities which will be discussed separately.
7. Irrigation
Immediately after transplanting, the palm should be irrigated to
limit transplant stress. Once the plantation is established, a
frequent irrigation schedule is to be followed to allow sufficient
water supply to the young date palm.
The planting operation is divided into different
activities which will be discussed separately.
7. Irrigation
The irrigation frequency is soil type dependent, but on very
sandy soils it requires daily irrigation during the first summer.
Heavy soils will require irrigation once a week, while in most
soils, irrigation is required every second or third day. During
the first six weeks, the date growers should inspect their
planted date palms to verify that the surface soil does not dry
and shrink away from the plant.
The planting operation is divided into different
activities which will be discussed separately.
8. Protection
Tissue culture-derived plants and young offshoots should be
protected from harsh climatic conditions (sun and wind during
the first summer and cold the following winter) and against
some animals (rabbits, etc.). The use of a hessian wrapping, a
shade net cover, or a tent of date leaves is recommended. The
top is to be left open so that new growth may push out.
The planting operation is divided into different
activities which will be discussed separately.
9. Aftercare