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Advanced Power System

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Home Study 2
Problem 51-52
51. The most severe surges on the line are produce by ……………………
a) inrush current
b) lightning
c) high voltage
d) grounded

52. A 50 MVA, 11kV three-phase alternator was subjected to different types of faults. The
faults current are as under: 3-phase fault- 2000A; line-to-line fault= 2600A; line-to-ground
fault= 4200A
The generator neutral is solidly grounded. Find the values of the three sequence reactance’s
of the alternator. Ignore resistances.
e) 3.175Ω, 4.121Ω,4.42Ω
f) 1.056Ω, 5.215Ω,1.235Ω
g) .305Ω,1.456Ω,3.445Ω
h) 3.175Ω, 1.056Ω,.305Ω
Problem 53-54
53. A 3-phase, 11kV, 25MVA generator with X₀=0.05p.u., X₁=0.2p.u.,and X₂=0.2 p.u. is
grounded through a reactance of 0.3Ω. Calculate the fault current for a single line to ground
a) 6188A
b) 5278A
c) 3613A
d) 7543A

54. Lightning produces a ………………… fronted wave.

e) quick
f) large
g) steep
h) low
Problem 55-56
55. Transients on the power system due to current chopping are taken care of by
a) resistance flowing
b) voltage regulation
c) resistance switching
d) current reversing

56. Arcing ground can be prevented by ………………..

e) current to ground
f) earthing the neutral
g) grounding the bus bar
h) none of this
Problem 57-58
57. The lightning currents range from 10kA to about ……………..kA.
a) 90
b) 100
c) 110
d) 120
58. A 3-phase overhead line has resistance and reactance per phase of 5Ω and 20Ω
respectively. The load at the receiving end is 25MW at 33kVand power factor of 0.8 lagging.
Find the capacity of the synchronous condenser required for this load condition if it is
connected at the receiving end and the line voltages at both ends are maintained at 33kV.
e) 34.127MVAR
f) 33.13MVAR
g) 35.28MVAR
h) 30.324MVAR
Problem 59-60
59. A load of 10,000KW at a power factor of 0.8 lagging is supplied by a 3-phase line whose
voltage has to be maintained at 33kV at each end. If the line resistance and reactance per
phase are 5Ω and 10 respectively, calculate the capacity of the synchronous condenser to be
intalled for the purpose.
a) 13,276kVAR
b) 15,746kVAR
c) 13,203kVAR
d) 13,298kVAR

60. The voltage control equipment is used at ……………………. in the power system.
e) one point
f) more than one point
g) no point
h) other point
Problem 61-62
61. The excitation control method is suitable only for …………………. lines.
a) long
b) very long
c) very short
d) Short

62. Induction regulators are used for voltage control in ……………… system.
e) main distribution
f) primary distribution
g) secondary distribution
h) lower distribution
Problem 63-64
63. The principal cause of voltage variation is the change of ……………… on the system.
a) current
b) voltage
c) load
d) Resistance

64. In a 3-phase, 4-wire, 400/230V system, a lamp of 100 watts is connected to one phase
and neutral and a lamp of 150 watts is connected to second phase and neutral. If the neutral
wire is disconnected accidentally, what will be the voltage across each lamp?
e) 240, 160 V
f) 350, 120 V
g) 312, 413 V
h) 245, 213 V
Problem 65-66
65. Calculate the voltage at a distance of 200 m of a 300m long distributor uniformly loaded
at the rate of 0.75 A per meter. The distributor is fed at one end at 250V. The resistance of the
distributor (go and return) per meter is 0.00018Ω. Aso find the power loss in the distributor.
a) 345.2V, 687.23W
b) 244.6V, 911.25W
c) 352.4V, 834.43W
d) 432.56V, 524.54W

66. A uniform 2-wire d.c. distributor 500 meters long is loaded with 0.4 ampere/meter and is
fed at one end. If the maximum permissible voltage drop is not exceed  10V, find the cross-
sectional area of the distributor conductor. Take p=1.7x10⁻¹⁰Ω cm.
e) 2.5cm²
f) 1.1cm²
g) 1.7cm²
h) 3.1cm²
Problem 67-68
67. Two tram cars (A&B) 2km and 6km away from sub-station return 40A and 20A repectively
to the rails. The sub-station voltage is 600V d.c. The resistance of trolley wire is 0.25Ω/km and
that of track is 0.03Ω/km. Calculate the voltage across each tram car.
a) 544.4, 300 V
b) 544, 275 V
c) 566.4, 234V
d) 544, 566.4 V

68. In a 500/250v d.c. 3-wire system, there is current of 1200A on the positive side and 1000A
on the negative side and a motor load of 200kW across the outers. The loss in each balancer
machine is 5kW. Calculate current of the main generator.
e) 1520A
f) 5424A
g) 3245A
h) 2144A
Problem 69-70
69. Refer to problem 68; calculate the load on each balancer machine.
a) 20,50 kW
b) 40,60 kW
c) 20,30 kW
d) 50,100 kW

70. The balancer machine connected to the heavily loaded side work as a ………….
e) generator
f) transformer
g) motor
h) corrector factor
Problem 71-72
71. In a 3-wire system, the area of X-section of neutral is generally …………… of
either outer.
a) half
b) triple
c) single
d) Small

72. A booster is connected in ……………… with the feeder.

e) parallel
f) the end
g) series
h) series parallel
Problem 73-74
73. For exact compensation of voltage drop in the feeder, the booster must work on …………
portion of its V ----I characteristic.
a) parabola
b) tangential
c) linear
d) non-linear

74. In a balanced 3-wire d.c system, if voltages across the outers is 500V , then voltage
between any outer and neutral is …………….
e) 230V
f) 240V
g) 250V
h) 260V
Problem 75-76
75. The voltage drop in a doubly fed distributor is ………………. than the equivalent singly fed
a) more
b) less
c) greater
d) Smaller

76. A load supplied on 3-wire d.c. system takes a current of 50A on the positive side and 40A
on the negative side. The resistance of each outer wire is 0.1Ω and the cross section of
middle wire is one-half of that of outer. If the system is supplied at 500/250V, find the voltage
at the load between each outer and middle wire.
e) 243, 248 V
f) 342, 452 V
g) 324, 523 V
h) 231, 142 V
Problem 77-78
77. A d.c. 3-wire system with 500V between outer has lighting loads of 150kW on the positive
side and 100kW on the negative side. The loss in each balancer machine is 3kW. Calculate the
total load on the main generator.
a) 245kW
b) 642kW
c) 122kW
d) 256kW

78. Refer to the problem 77; calculate the kW loading of each balancer machine.
e) 22, 28 kW
f) 45, 23kW
g) 52,89 kW
h) 14,65 kW
Problem 79-80
79. A 2-wire system has the voltage at the supply end maintained at 500V. The line is 3km
long. If the full load is 120A, what must be the booster voltage in order that the far end
voltage may also be 500V? Take the resistance of the cable at the working temperature as
a) 250V
b) 160V
c) 180V
d) 360V

80. Refer to problem 79; what must be the booster output in order that the far end voltage
may also be 500V?
e) 24.6kW
f) 21.6kW
g) 23.6kW
h) 27.1kW
Problem 81-82
81…………………….. cannot protect the equipment from the travelling waves reaching the
a) lighting arrester
b) ground wires
c) circuit breaker
d) magnetic relay

82. The ………………… lightning strokes are very rare on the power system.
e) direct
f) fast
g) slow
h) indirect
Problem 83-84
83. Most of the lightning’s strokes are due to …………………. charged clouds.
a) negatively
b) positively
c) lightning
d) clouds

84. The section bus bars A and Bare linked by a bus bar reactor rated at 5000kVA with 10%
reactance. On bus bar A, there are two generators each of 10,000kVA with 10% reactance on
B two generators each of 8000kVA with 12% reactance. Find the steady MVA fed into a dead
short circuit between all phases on B with bus bar reactor in the circuit.
e) 162.43
f) 651.456
g) 232.12
h) 173.31
Problem 85-86
85. A 3-phase,20 MVA, 10kV alternator has internal reactance of 5% and negligible resistance.
Find the external reactance per phase to be connected in series with the alternator so that
steady current on short circuit does not exceed 8 times full load current.
a) .431Ω
b) .375Ω
c) .521Ω
d) .652Ω

86. A 20,000 kVA transformer with 10% reactance will have a reactance of …………….. at
10,000 kVA base.
e) 4%
f) 5%
g) 6%
h) 7%
Problem 87-88
87. The use of reactors permits installation of circuit breakers of ……………… ratings.
a) fair
b) higher
c) lower
d) Good

88. If the % age reactance of the system up to the fault point Is 20% and the base kVA is a
10,000, then short-circuited kVA is ……………..
e) 50,000
f) 30,000
g) 20,000
h) 10,000
Problem 89-90
89. Percentage reactance’s ………………. as they are referred through transformers.
a) remain unchanged
b) are changed
c) sometimes changed
d) not at all

90. An air-blast circuit breaker is designed to interrupt a transformer magnetizing current of

11A(r.m.s.) chops the current at an instantaneous value of 7A. If the value of L and C in the
circuit are 35.2H and .0023 uF, find the value of voltage that appears across the contacts of
the breaker. Assume that all the inductive energy is transferred to the capacitance.
e) 866kV
f) 213kV
g) 542kV
h) 543Kv
Problem 91-92
91. When a short circuit occurs, a ...................... current flows through the system.
a) small
b) fast
c) heavy
d) constant

92. The most serious result of a major uncleared short-circuit fault is

the .....................
e) grounding
f) schock
g) lightning
h) fire
Problem 93-94
93. Reactors are used at various points in the power system to ......................
a) limit short circuit current
b) limit open current
c) limit the voltage
d) limit the resistance

94. The ................... short circuit faults give very heavy duty on the circuit breaker.
e) Single phase
f) Two phase
g) Three-phase
h) Polyphase
Problem 95-96

95. Cross jet explosion pot breaker can interrupt ................... short circuit currents
a) Heavy
b) Low
c) Moderate
d) Fair

96. In low oil circuit breakers, ....................... is used for insulation purposes.
e) Solid material
f) Liquid material
g) Oil material
h) Plasma
Problem 97-98
97. Current choppimg mainly occurs in ........................ circuit breakers.
a) Oil blast
b) Air blast
c) Open blast
d) Short blast

98. Capacitive current breaking results in .....................

e) Current surges
f) Fault surges
g) Voltage surges
h) Ground surges
Problem 99-100
99. A circuit breaker can ...................... the circuit immediately after automatic
a) Start
b) Open
c) Remake
d) Remain

100. If the length of the arc increases, its resistance is .....................

e) Remain
f) Decreases
g) Increases
h) Increases then decreases.

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