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Course 5 Data Structure

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There are two fundamental

approaches to the representation of
the spatial component of geographic
Vector Model
Raster Model
Vector Model
• The first model of indicating geographical space,
called vector, allows us to give specific spatial
locatitions explicitly. The vector data structure is
representative of dimensionally as it would
appear on a map (DeMers, 1997). The vector
data model provides for the precise positioning
of features in space. Based on analytical
geometry, a vector model builds a complex
representation from primitive objects for the
dimensions: points, lines and areas.
Vector Model
• There are several ways in which vector data
structures can be put together into a vector data
model, enabling us to examine the relationships
between variables in a single coverage or
among the different coverages. The topological
data model is more commonly used in software
that implements a full range of operations on
vector representations. The topological model
incorporates network relationships along with the
coordinate measurements (Chrisman, 1997).
Raster Model
• The raster data model serves to quantize
or divide space as a series of packets or
units, each of which represents a limited,
but defined, amount of the earth’s surface.
The raster model can define these units in
any reasonable geometric shape, as long
as the shapes can be interconnected to
create a planar surface representing all
the space in a single study area.
Raster Model
• The raster model divides the earth into
rectangular building blocks as grid cells or
pixels that are filled with the measured
attribute values. The location of each cell
or pixel is defined by its row and column
numbers. Raster data structures do not
provide precise locational information
therefore it may seem to be rather
undesirable (DeMers, 1997).
Comparison Between Vector
and Raster Data Model
• Advantages • Disadvantages
• It is a simple data structure • The raster data structure is
• Overlay operations are easily less compact data
and efficiently implemented compression techniques (an
• High spatial variability is often overcome this problem)
efficiently represented in a • Topological relationships are
raster format more difficult to represent
• The raster model is more or • The output of graphics is less
less required for efficient aesthetically pleasing because
manipulation and appearancerather than the
enhancement of digital images smooth lines of hand-drawn
maps. This can be overcome
by using a very large number
of cells, but may result in
unacceptably large files
Comparison Between Vector
and Raster Data Model
• Advantages • Disadvantages
• It provides a more compact • It is a more complex data
data structure than the raster structure than a simple raster
model • Overlay operations are more
• It provides efficient encoding of difficult to implement
topology and as a result more • The representation of high
efficient implementation of spatial variability is inefficient
operations that require • Manipulation and
topological information, such
as network analysis enhancement of digital images
cannot be effectively done in
• The vector model is better the vector domain
suited to supporting graphics
that closely approximate hand-
drawn maps
Digital Remote Sensing Imagery

• Remote Sensing is a data acquision technique.

The remotely sensed data are an ever
increasing input to GIS databases, especially
where large areas must be analyzed and repeat
coverage is necessary due to rapidly changing
contitions. Sensors differ widely in the portion of
the electromagnetic specturum used to evaluate
earth features. In addition, they vary in their
ability to be electronically manipulated to
produce meaningful categories..
Digital Remote Sensing Imagery

• There are two major products derived for

input to the GIS. These are digitally
enhanced imagery and classified images.
As an input to GIS, the classified images is
used to update and/or compare with the
classified data already inside the GIS
Integration of GIS and Remote
Sensing Data
• Remote sensing data can be readily merged
with other sources of geo-coded information in a
GIS. This permits the overlapping of several
layers of information with the remotely sensed
data, and the application of a virtually unlimited
number of forms of data analysis. On the one
hand, the data in a GIS might be used to aid in
image classification. On the other hand, the land
cover data generated by a classification might
be used in subsequent queries and
manipulations of the GIS database (Lillesand
and Keifer, 1987).
Integration of GIS and Remote
Sensing Data
• For the last twenty years, satellite remote
sensing has been used to collect data that is
used mainly for regional planning and small-
scale studies. However, new developments have
considerably increased the potential use of
satellite images for urban applications. GIS
increasingly are being used to collect, store,
analyze and display maps and other spatial
information. A GIS can help to improve the
management and use of this information at all
levels of an organization.
Integration of GIS and Remote
Sensing Data
• One of the most important advantages of a GIS
is the possibility of combining data from different
sources and of exchanging information between
organizations. By using a computerized GIS it is
possible to improve the interpretation and
analysis of remote sensing images by data from
several sources. Vector data can be converted
to raster data and used as another layer in a
raster database. This additional layer can be
used in the classification process or it can be
used in GIS (Erdas, 1991).
Urban Planning Applications of GIS

• GIS can be applied to many types of

problem. Among these are representatives
of both raster and vector data base
structures, both simple and complex
analytical models. Master planning
applications are one of them.
Urban Planning Applications of GIS

• Among others proposed dam site, waste site

selection, irrigation and water resource potential,
merging raster and vector data for map update,
species habitat analysis, agricultural production
modeling can be noted. There are many
possibilities for application of the GIS technology
in urban and regional planning. With respect to
background studies, GIS can be employed for
nearly all research that involves land based
spatial analysis and modeling.
Urban Planning Applications of GIS

• Especially for area monitoring (both on a

sectoral and integral basis), regional
potential and feasibility analyses and site
selection studies. For studies in which plan
alternatives are generated, much more
flexible design, optimization and
evaluation tools would be needed in order
to give GIS a dominant position in the
development process.
Urban Planning Applications of GIS

• GIS can also be helpful for the documentation of

spatial plans and in the approval process for the
development, building and installation permits.
• GIS applied to a wide range of land
management and land use planning issues
including the interpretation and formulation of
land use policy. Land-use policy can be
interpreted within GIS using a modeling
Urban Planning Applications of GIS

• Output in the form of maps showing areas in

which land-use changes are more likely to occur,
and statistics, graphs and tables summarizing
this information according to a variety of
specified spatial units. Such output allows land-
use implications to be discussed.
• The predicted land-use changes can also form
input for GIS-based impact assessment.
Urban Planning Applications of GIS
GIS have become of increasing significance for
environmental planning and assessment in recent years.
One reason for this, a great number of spatial data with
their attributes is involved in environmental planning. GIS
represents a highly efficient instrument for such planning
tasks. GIS can be used to develop natural and cultural
resource inventory to identify contamination sources, to
assess environmental constraints, selection of sites for
land application of sewage waste. Suitability for several
treatment techniques can be considered using soil,
topographic and land use factors, integrated with
information about the biological, chemical and physical
properties of waste.
Urban Planning Applications of GIS
Wetland applications of GIS are another
examples. Wetland issues have become a
major source of interest to the professional
and to the public.Unlike other environmental
issues that are localized or found only in
certain areas, wetlands are found almost
everywhere. GIS and remote sensor
technologies supply information of a more
general nature. In a regional inventory
satellite and high altitude image data sets
can provide a valuable resource or focal
point for data analyses.

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