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Zakat Computation and Had Kifayah

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Definition of Charity (Zakat)
 “Clean”, “Pure”, “Healthy”, “Blessing” and
Islamic religious law (syarak)
 Spend certain asset to “asnaf” that rightful to have
its after fulfilled the condition of Islamic religious
law (syarak)
Principle of Islam

"Ambillah (sebahagian) dari harta mereka menjadi sedekah,

supaya dengannya engkau membersihkan mereka (dari dosa)
dan mensucikan mereka (dari akhlak yang buruk), dan
doakanlah untuk mereka, kerana sesungguhnya doamu itu
manjadi ketenteraman bagi mereka, dan (ingatlah) Allah Maha
Mendengar Lagi Maha Mengetahui." –
Surah At-Taubah (ayat 103)
Principle of Islam (continue)

"Dan dirikanlah kamu akan sembahyang serta keluarkanlah

zakat dan taatlah kepada Rasul supaya kamu beroleh
rahmat". Surah An-Nur (ayat 56
Principle of Islam (continue)

"Dan (ingatlah wahai Muhammad), Ketika Kami mengikat perjanjian setia dengan Bani
Israil (dengan berfirman): Janganlah kamu menyembah melainkan ALLAH, dan
berbuat baiklah kepada kedua ibu-bapa, dan kaum kerabat dan anak-anak yatim, serta
orang miskin; dan katakanlah kepada sesama manusia perkataan-perkataan yang baik;
dan dirikanlah sembahyang serta berilah zakat. Kemudian kamu berpaling
membelakangkan (perjanjian setia kamu itu) kecuali sebahagian kecil daripada kamu
dan sememangnya kamu orang yang tidak menghiraukan perjanjian setianya." Surah
Al-Baqarah (ayat 83
Objective of Zakat
Deep humanitarian and social-political value
--excessive wealth is distributed amongst the poor.
Helps purify one's soul and encourages a Muslim to
have gratitude towards God's bounties.
Who is Obligatory?
Full Ownership
Assets intended for increasing wealth
Assets that exceed a minimum value
Completion of Haul
Differences Between Tax & Zakat
Tax Zakat
Concept-Imposed by government to the Concept- Imposed by Al-Quran & As-
people liable to pay tax Sunnah to purification of soul and
property to Muslim
Will be penalized if not pay (penalize It was the sin if not pay the zakat
depends on situation) because as Muslim already know has a
compensation day
Tax resources is all the resources acquired Resource only from legitimate resource
that state in Al-Quran and As-Sunnah

Taxable person The payment of zakat only for Muslim

Tax could be collect by tax authorities Zakat could be collected by Islamic

(LHDN) government & Islamic bodies (amil)
Tax rate can vary with rate prescribed by Rate of zakat is fixed namely 20
the government to each year miskal/85gram but have a lot of rate of
zakat depends on types of zakat
Tax distribution to all activity which Distribute to 8 asnaf only
needed by people
Who is Qualified to Receive Zakat?

Amil (Collectors of Zakat)
Muallafatul Qulub (Those whose hearts are to be
Fir-Riqab (Emancipation of slaves)
Fi Sabilillah (In the cause of Allah)
Ibnu Sabil (The wayfarer)

Zakat al-fitr
Zakat’s Property
Zakat al-fitr
Obligatory on every Muslim who meets the conditions
Obligatory conditions:
i) Have leftover food/property for his liability at night &
morning hari raya
ii) Born before sunset at end of Ramadhan
iii) Embrace Islam before sunset at end of Ramadhan
iv) Person who dead after sunset last
Zakat on Property
Zakat on Income
Zakat on Business
Zakat on Cattle
Zakat on Argiculture
Zakat on Savings
Zakat on Gold & Silver
Zakat on Business
Compulsory to be taken out revenue from property of
 Muslim
 Liberated
 Right of Ownership
 Reaches of Nisab
 Reaches of Haul
 Intention to Conduct Business
Zakat on Income
Income means the from the salaries and professional

Calculate zakat on Income

i) Pay 2.5% on annual gross income
ii) Payment after deductions of expenses
Zakat on Cattle/Livestock

Compulsory to cattle which perfect conditions for all

owners domestic animal
That animal not used to work
Zakat on Agriculture
compulsory levy on every kind of produce
obligatory on agricultural products and fruit.
Almighty God says in Quran,
"Eat of its fruit when it bears fruit, and pay the due of it
on the day of harvest"  (Quran - Surah al-An'am -
Zakat on Savings
i)   Currencies are regarded as Gold. The Nisab in any
currency is the amount equivalent of 85 grams of pure

ii)  Cash in hand, or on loan to others in any currency, in

your bank and building society accounts, and the release
value of bonds, securities and shares are all zakatable.
Zakat on Gold & Silver
i)  The Nisaab of gold is three ounces or about 85
grams of pure gold and of silver is 595 grams of
pure silver.
ii)  Gold and silver in any shape or form are
zakatable if they are bought as investment even if
they are not allowable to use.
iii) Jewelers that are not made of gold or silver are
not zakatable. 
Payment Procedure of Zakat
i) Deduction of Salaries
ii) Pos Office
iii) Internet Banking
iv) Counter’s Bank
v) Credit Card
vi) ATM Machines & SMS
Zakat for Personal Income

Income = salary + other income, received by an

Example: annual salary, allowances, accrued salary and
Q1: Calculation of zakat for personal

Nisab = Minimum level which zakat is payable

= 85 g X Current value of gold
= 85 g X RM80
= RM 6800
Method 1
Zakat payable = 2.5% X Gross Income

= 2.5% X (salary + allowance + bonus + etc)

= 2.5% X (24000 + 5800 + 4000 + 5000)
= 2.5% X RM 38,800
= RM 970
Method 2
Zakat payable = 2.5% X (annual income –
authorized expenses per year)

= 2.5% X (RM 38,800 – RM 21,600 – RM 1,200)

= 2.5% X RM 16,000
= RM 400
Method 3

Zakat payable = 2.5% X ( annual income

- actual expenses per year)

= 2.5% X (RM 38,800 – RM 34,600)

= 2.5% X RM 4,200
= None

*Current value is less than the current nisab.

Q2 : Calculation of Zakat for share

 Shares are money that invests in a company or business.

 For the certificated shares of companies which listed in Bursa

Malaysia are liquidity than the shares unlisted.

 An act of exchange of a less liquid asset with a more liquid is called


 Zakat is obligatory on company shares.

 In general guide, zakat is calculated as 2.5% at the lower value all

shares that we owned in a year after deducting loan of buying shares
(if any).
Shares that we own until the end of year
(hujung haul) :

Zakat calculation is 2.5% at the lower between cost

and market price.

Example : 200 lot ( 1 lot equal to 1000 units)

shares of Syarikat Mukmin X RM1.00 (assume
that this is the lowest price) = RM200,000
Answer : zakat = RM200,000 X 2.5%
= RM5000
Shares that we buy and sell in a year (haul):

Zakat calculation is 2.5% at the price of selling all shares

after deducting buying cost.
Example : total selling shares – buying cost
= RM500,000 – RM 400,000
= RM 100,000

Answer : Zakat = 2.5% X RM 100,000

= RM 2,500
Minimum basic requirement for individual/family to apply
for zakat
Determine based on current cost of living
To measure the amount of zakat to be received in meeting
basic needs.
Bil Category Town (RM) Rural (RM)

1. Head of family 190(low cost 135(own house)

390(rumah 235(rumah
berbayar) berbayar)
2. Adult (NW) 100 70
3. Dewasa (W) 170 120
4. Remaja (S) 125 85
5. Kanak-kanak(S) 105 65
6. Kanak-kanak 60 30

W=Working NW=Not Working S=School WS=Without School

Kes 1:

1 head of family (low cost house)

1 adult without school
1 adult with school
2 teenagers

Total family income = RM335


Town area
Income per month RM335
Expenditure (per month)

Leader of family (paid-up house) RM390

Adult (without school) RM100
Adult (with school) RM170
2 teenagers (125x2) RM250
Total RM910
Identification of “fakir”
= Income x 100%
Had Kifayah
= 335 x 100%
= 36.81%
Had Kifayah (minimum living standard) for this applicant is
RM910. This applicant is in category of “fakir” because the
percentage is below 50% (expenses incurred more than income
earned) and qualified to receive zakat.
Rural area

Income per month RM335

Expenditure (per month)
Leader of family (paid-up house) RM235
Adult (without school) RM70
Adult (with school) RM120
2 teenagers (85x2) RM170
Total RM595
Identification of ‘miskin’
= Income x 100%
Had kifayah
= 335 x100%
= 56.30%
Had Kifayah (minimum living standard) for this applicant
is RM595. This applicant is in category of ‘miskin’
because the percentage is exceeding 50% (expenses
incurred more than income earned) and qualified to
receive zakat

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