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Edited Defending Your Faith Powerpoint

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The key takeaways are that apologetics is the defense of the faith through presenting evidence for Christianity's validity, and it requires careful, reasoned thought.

Apologetics is the defense of the faith. Christian apologetics is presenting evidence for the validity of Christianity.

1 Peter 3:15 says 'Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.'

What Is

• Apologetics is the defense of the

• Christian Apologetics is
presenting evidence for the
validity of Christianity.
Religion requires careful thought, not reflexive
acceptance. Fix reason firmly in her seat and
call to her tribunal every fact, every opinion.
Question with boldness even the existence of a
God because if there be one he must more
approve the homage of reason than that of
blindfolded fear.

Jefferson writing to his nephew Peter Carr

Figure 1-1
Where in Scripture
are We Commanded
to Use Apologetics?
1 Peter 3:15
“But sanctify the Lord God in your
hearts: and be ready always to give
an answer to every man that asketh
you a reason of the hope that is in
you, with meekness and fear.”

Transliteration- apologia ap-ol-og-ee'-ah

Outline of Bible usage:
II. A verbal defense, speech in defence
II. A reasoned statement or argument
The KJV translates apologia in the following manner:
defense (3X), answer (3X), answer for (one’s self) (1X)
clearing of (one’s self) (1X)
[Act 22:1 KJV] 1 Men, brethren, and fathers, hear ye my
defence [which I make] now unto you.
[Act 25:16 KJV] 16 To whom I answered, It is not the
manner of the Romans to deliver any man to die,
before that he which is accused have the accusers face
to face, and have licence to answer for himself
concerning the crime laid against him.
[1Co 9:3 KJV] 3 Mine answer to them that do examine
me is this,

[2Co 7:11 KJV] 11 For behold this selfsame thing, that

ye sorrowed after a godly sort, what carefulness it
wrought in you, yea, [what] clearing of yourselves, yea,
[what] indignation, yea, [what] fear, yea, [what]
vehement desire, yea, [what] zeal, yea, [what] revenge!
In all [things] ye have approved yourselves to be clear
in this matter.
[Phl 1:7, 17 KJV] 7 Even as it is meet for me to think
this of you all, because I have you in my heart;
inasmuch as both in my bonds, and in the defence and
confirmation of the gospel, ye all are partakers of my
grace. ... 17 But the other of love, knowing that I am set
for the defence of the gospel.
[2Ti 4:16 KJV] 16 At my first answer no man stood with
me, but all [men] forsook me: [I pray God] that it may
not be laid to their charge.
[1Pe 3:15 KJV] 15 But sanctify the Lord God in your
hearts: and [be] ready always to [give] an answer to
every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is
in you with meekness and fear:
Figure 1-2
Figure 1-3
Lecture 1:
Misconception 1
“Christianity must be proven
scientifically; I’ll accept
Christianity when you prove it
with the scientific method.”
Figure 2-1
Misconception 2
“I can’t accept Christianity,
because there isn’t enough
evidence for me to be 100%
sure that it is true.”
You can’t prove
anything historical
with 100% certainty.
Figure 2-2
The historical evidence for
Christianity is not absolute, but it
is sufficient.
—Blaise Pascal
“There is enough evidence to
convince anyone who is not set
against it, but not enough to
bring anyone into the kingdom
who will not come.”
—Blaise Pascal
So, can you KNOW for SURE that
you belong to the right religion?
So, can you KNOW for SURE that
you belong to the right religion?

• The historical evidence for
Christianity is not absolute,
but it is sufficient.
• There is a difference between
PROVING something
absolutely and KNOWING
something absolutely.
Optical Illusion
Misconception 3
“Truth is relative. If you believe
something, that is truth for you.”
Beaker of Water
• Believing something does not
make it true.

• The idea that truth is relative is

False Sentence
In the same way, the statement that
there are no absolutes is a self-
contradiction because the statement
“There are no absolutes” is
presented as an absolute!
Figure 2-3
Misconception 4
“It doesn’t matter what you
believe as long as you are
sincere in your faith. It really
doesn’t matter who or what you
put your faith in. The important
thing is that you believe—
Lecture 2:
Is There a God?
I. Can Anyone
Know There Is
Not a God?
Figure 3-1
An agnostic is
someone who
doesn’t know
God exists
II. Pascal’s
Blaise Pascal 
(19 June 1623 – 19 August 1662)
was a French mathematician,
physicist, inventor, writer and
Christian philosopher.
Either God exists or He doesn’t
exist. What would be wiser—to
believe He does exist or to believe
He doesn’t exist? Let’s say we put
a wager on the idea that God exists.
If we win this wager, and He does
exist, we win everything; if we lose,
and God doesn’t exist, we lose
nothing. Since this is the case, we
should wager that God does exist.
III. Evidence for
the Existence
of God
A. The Cosmological Argument
The universe could not have come
from nothing.
The universe could not have always
existed as it is.
The universe could not have come
from impersonal matter/energy.
• Why couldn’t the universe come
from nothing?

Ex nihilo nihil fit

• Why couldn’t the universe have
always existed?

– Laws of Thermodynamics
• Why couldn’t the universe come
from impersonal matter/energy?
Figure 3-2
“Beginning with the impersonal, everything,
including man, must be explained in terms
of the impersonal plus time plus chance. Do
not let anyone divert your mind at this point.
There are no other factors in the formula,
because there are no other factors that
exist... . No one has ever demonstrated how
time plus chance, beginning with the
impersonal, can produce the needed
complexity of the universe, let alone the
personality of man.” – Francis Schaeffer
A. The Cosmological Argument
Therefore, the universe must have
been created by a personal, eternal
B. The Teleological Argument
Teleology- A reason or explanation
for something.
All the intricate DESIGN in the
universe argues for a purposeful
first cause.
A. The Cosmological Argument
Argument from CAUSE

B. The Teleological Argument

Argument from DESIGN
C. The Anthropic Argument
• The earth has just the right
conditions for human life.
Earth Right Dist from
Sun 01373
C. The Anthropic Principle
The earth has just the right
conditions for human life.
• Gravity and electromagnetism
Gravity is roughly 1039 times
weaker than electro magnetism.
If gravity had been 1033 times
weaker than electro magnetism,
stars would be a billion times
less massive and would burn a
million times faster.
C. The Anthropic Principle
The earth has just the right
conditions for human life.
• Gravity and electromagnetism
• Protons and neutrons
If the difference in mass between
a proton and a neutron were not
exactly as it is—roughly twice
the mass of an electron—then all
neutrons would have become
protons or vice versa.
C. The Anthropic Principle
The earth has just the right
conditions for human life.
• Gravity and electromagnetism
• Protons and neutrons
• The nature of water
C. The Moral Argument
The fact that we all have a sense
of right and wrong argues that
there is a Supreme Lawgiver
from which that morality comes.
IV. Responding to
the #1 Objection to
the Existence of God
“If there is a good and
omnipotent God, then why is
there evil and suffering in the
world? The existence of evil
must prove there is not a good,
omnipotent God.”
• The problem of evil implies that
there is a God.
• There is evil in the world because
the first humans God made
abused their freedom and chose
to disobey God. Suffering is the
consequence of moral evil.
Figure 3-4
• God made free creatures because
He wanted them to love Him.
• The great amount of suffering in
the world shows how serious
sin is.
“God whispers to us in our
pleasure, speaks in our
conscience, but shouts in
our pain. It is God’s
megaphone to rouse a deaf
C.S. Lewis
Lecture 4:
Both the claim for
claim for CREATION are
propositions that have
to be taken by faith.
Does what we see
around us best fit
the expectations of
evolution or creation?
Which approach is
most consistent with
the evidence?
I. The Law of
The Law of Biogenesis:
Life only comes from life.
“One has only to contemplate
the magnitude of this task to
concede that the spontaneous
generation of a living organism
is impossible. Yet here we are—
as a result, I believe, of
spontaneous generation.”
Harvard University biochemist and Nobel Laureate
George Wald, 1954 in Scientific American.
A few evolutionists
propose that life was
transported from
another planet to the
earth. This is called
“directed panspermia.”
Evolution is not scientific
when it comes to the Law
of Biogenesis vs.
Spontaneous Generation.
II. The Laws of
“Time is in fact the hero of the plot. The
time with which we have to deal is of the
order of two billion years. What we regard
as impossible on the basis of human
experience is meaningless there. Given
so much time, the ‘impossible’ becomes
possible; the possible probable, and the
probable virtually certain. One has only to
wait; time itself performs the miracles.”
Harvard University biochemist and Nobel Laureate
George Wald, 1954 in Scientific American.
Is there enough time
in the universe for
chance to produce the
intricate design we see
around us?
Dice and Coin
What is the “chance” of
getting a head and
throwing a six at the
same time?
Half of the time the die lands
showing a six, the coin will show
a tail, the other half of the times
we throw a six, the coin would
show a head. So the probability
of throwing the head and the six
together, must be one-half of the
sixes, or put mathematically:
1/2 X 1/6=1/12.
Statisticians have made
this into a rule called the
Multiplication Rule of
“Chance” requires
10 billion attempts, on
the average, to count
from 1 to 10.
What is the expected
probability for chance to
spell the phrase—“THE
“Chance” will, on the
average, spell “the
theory of evolution”
correctly only 1 in (27 )

This computes to one
success in 8.3 hundred
quadrillion quadrillion
attempts (8.3x10 )!
If, as evolutionists would have us
believe, the earth has been in
existence for approximately 5 billion
years, then “chance” could take five
times this time to spell out “the
theory of evolution,” even at one
billion attempts per microsecond, a
phenomenal rate of experimentation.
According to Dembski, if
anything has had less than 1
in 10 chance of happening,

it just could not have

happened by chance.
Evolutionist Julian Huxley said
that the odds that the horse
evolved was 1 chance in
103,000,000, but that it still happened
thanks to natural selection, or
the survival of
the fittest.
• Evolution is not consistent with
the laws of probability (and the
law of biogenesis).
Lesson 5:
More Creation
I. The Laws of
If the universe has always
existed with a fixed amount of
energy, and more and more of
this energy has become
unusable, then by now the
universe would be completely
“run down” and we wouldn’t
be here!
II. The Fossil
If evolution were true, then you
would expect to see thousands
of transitional forms in the fossil
record. But after more than 150
years of digging, there are
fewer examples of so-called
transitional forms than when
Darwin was alive.
Creationists predict that there
would be distinct “kinds” of
organisms, based on what God
made on Day 3, Day 5, and Day 6
of Creation Week. Distinct kinds
of plants and animals are what
we see in the fossil record.
Figure 5-3
The fossil record suggests
that the biblical creation is
a much more reasonable
proposition than evolution.
III. The Laws of
Dog Variations 03045
Evolutionists argue that the
variations among the kinds of
animals, such as all the different
kinds of dogs, are proof of the
evolution that occurred through
mutations and natural selection.
But most of the changes we see
within different kinds of animals
are not due to mutations, but to
different combinations of genetic
information that has always been
in their DNA.
The various breeds of dogs that
we see today actually have less
genetic information than the
original dog kind, not more
Dog Variations 03045
A mutation can change existing
genes, and thereby change
(corrupt) the information of the
DNA, but a mutation cannot add
new information to DNA.
Creationists would expect there to be
limits to change within the various
kinds of organisms. The observations
of life around us indicate that there are
limits to change.
Evolutionists would expect to see
evidence of change from one major
kind of organism to another. The
evidence the evolutionists want is
not there.
IV. The Young Earth—
The earth isn’t old
enough for evolution.
90% of the dating methods used to
determine the age of the earth argue
for a young earth.
For example,
• The Young Faint Sun Paradox: Life
could not have evolved on earth
billions of years ago since the sun
would have been fainter in the past
and thus the earth would have been
too cold for life.
Figure 5-1
Red blood cells and
hemoglobin have been
found in some dinosaur
Salt is pouring into the sea
much faster than it is
escaping. The sea is not
nearly salty enough for this
to have been happening for
billions of years.
•Evolution is NOT
consistent with the
facts of science.
•Creationists have
both God and
science on their side!
V. Questions for
Ask the evolutionist:
1. How do you explain symmetry? Why
does the human body have two arms
on either side of the body, two eyes on
either side of the face, two ears on
either side of the head, etc.? Why are
so many things almost perfectly
2. How did emotions evolve? How did
love evolve?
Ask the evolutionist:
3. How did skin evolve?
4. How do you explain the evolution of
teeth, eyes, and ears?
5. How did higher thinking evolve?
6. How did photosynthesis evolve?
7. Which evolved first, the plants or the
insects that live on and pollinate the
Ask the evolutionist:
8. Can you give me an example of a
mutation that has added new
information to the genome of an
9. How do you explain the origin of the
first living cell from non-living matter?
Ask the evolutionist:
10. Why do some evolutionists who
realize that life could not have come
from nonlife on this planet suggest
that life was transported from another
planet—when they know they are just
moving the problem to another part of
the universe?
Ask the evolutionist:
11. If chance requires an average of 10
billion attempts to count from 1–10,
and an average of 8.3 hundred
quadrillion quadrillion attempts to
spell “the theory of evolution,” how in
the world could chance ever produce
even the simplest of living cells,
which is billions of times more
Ask the evolutionist:
12. Do you really believe that everything
came from nothing?
13. If you believe that matter/energy has
always existed, how do you deal with the
Laws of Thermodynamics which say that
there is a set amount of energy in the
universe, but that this energy is becoming
more and more unusable? Would the
universe not have run down by now?
Ask the evolutionist:
14. Which is easier to believe, “In the
beginning God” or “In the beginning
15. Why do you insist that the earth is so
old, when 90% of dating methods
suggest that the earth is relatively
Ask the evolutionist:
16. Are you sure your answers are
reasonable, right, and scientifically
provable, or do you just believe that it
may have happened the way you have
Lecture 3:
The General
Argument for
Figure 6-1
Figure 6-2
Figure 6-3
The N.T. is Historically Reliable
the reliability of manuscripts, looking at
the TIMESPAN between original and
existing manuscripts, NUMBER of
manuscripts, and QUALITY (how much
variation between the readings of the
existing manuscripts). This test
determines how well a document has
been preserved since it was written. This
test will determine whether or not we
have what was originally written.
The timespan between the actual
events and the written record of the
The N.T. was written within 60
(most books within 30) years
of the death of Christ (AD 30).
1. Manuscripts have been found that
date within or close to the first
PAPYRUS (dated AD 125; fragment
of John found in Egypt). The
original manuscript must have
been written earlier.
2. Early church fathers (Clement,
Ignatius) were quoting many of the N.T.
books by around AD 100. The books
that were quoted had to be in
circulation at that time.
2. Early church fathers (Clement,
Ignatius) were quoting many of the N.T.
books by around AD 100. The books
that were quoted had to be in
circulation at that time.
3. There is no hint that the N.T. writers
knew of the DESTRUCTION OF
JERUSALEM (AD 70) as a fact that had
already happened.
4. According to history, Paul died in the
AD mid-60s. At the end of Acts he is
still alive. Therefore, Acts and the
books Paul wrote most likely were
written by the mid-60s. Luke wrote the
book of Luke before he wrote the
sequel, Acts. So the book of Luke is
even earlier.
There was not time for myth to
grow up around the life of Christ.
The timespan (between the originals
and the earliest existing copies) for
most classical Greek works is about
1,000 years; the time span for most
books of the N.T. is around 90 years.
Author/Work Timespan
Aristotle 1,400 years
Tacitus 1,000 years
Caesar 950 years
Odyssey 500 years
New Testament 90 years
We don’t think the classical
literature was significantly
corrupted; why should we think
that the N.T. was corrupted
during the 90-year span?
the reliability of manuscripts, looking at
the TIMESPAN between original and
existing manuscripts, NUMBER of
manuscripts, and QUALITY (how much
variation between the readings of the
existing manuscripts). This test
determines how well a document has
been preserved since it was written. This
test will determine whether or not we
have what was originally written.
The more manuscripts we have
for comparison, the closer we
can get to the original
manuscript reading.
9,300—other versions
25,000—total manuscripts, fragments

Plus tens of thousands of quotations from

the N.T. by the early church fathers.
The quantity of manuscripts of classical
Greek and Roman literature is very small.
The piece of ancient literature (besides
the Bible) with the greatest quantity of
existing manuscripts is Homer’s Iliad
(643 copies). The manuscript evidence
for the N.T. is far superior to the
manuscript evidence of classical
Greek and Roman literature!
Author/Work # of Copies
Plato 7
Caesar 10
Tacitus 20
Homer 643
New Testament 5,700 (Greek)
the reliability of manuscripts, looking at
the TIMESPAN between original and
existing manuscripts, NUMBER of
manuscripts, and QUALITY (how much
variation between the readings of the
existing manuscripts). This test
determines how well a document has
been preserved since it was written. This
test will determine whether or not we
have what was originally written.
Figure 7-6
About 400 differences are
significant to the meaning of the
N.T. This is less than one per
page in an English translation.
The N.T. is at least 98% pure.
In spite of errors in the copying, no
variant reading harms any doctrine
of the N.T. Though a disputed
passage may touch on doctrine,
every doctrine of the N.T. is taught in
its indisputable parts.
“The Christian can take the whole
Bible in his hand and say without
fear or hesitation that he holds in
it the true Word of God, handed
down without essential loss from
generation to generation throughout
the centuries.”
Frederick Kenyon, (British palaeographer and biblical and
classical scholar)

The N.T. is Historically Reliable


The N.T. is Historically Reliable

Jesus is God


The N.T. is Historically Reliable

Jesus is Infallible
Jesus is God


The N.T. is Historically Reliable

Jesus is Infallible
He says the Bible
is from God

Jesus is God


The N.T. is Historically Reliable

Jesus is Infallible
He says the Bible He says He
is from God Is the only way

Jesus is God


The N.T. is Historically Reliable

Christianity is True

Jesus is Infallible
He says the Bible He says He
is from God Is the only way

Jesus is God


The N.T. is Historically Reliable

Figure 6-5
Is the Bible the Word
of God and Jesus the
Only Way to Heaven?
Premise A:
The New Testament is
historically accurate; it is a
reliable and trustworthy
Premise B:
On the basis of this reliable
document, we have sufficient
evidence to believe that Jesus
rose from the dead as He
predicted He would, and that He
fulfilled dozens of other
Messianic prophecies.
Premise C:
Jesus’ resurrection and
fulfillment of prophecy
show that He was who He
said He was: the Messiah,
the Son of God—God in the
Premise D:
Because Jesus is God, He
is infallible—What He says
is absolutely trustworthy.
Premise E:
Jesus Christ taught that the
Bible is the Word of God
(Matt. 5:18, 15:4; Mark 12:36;
Luke 24:44–46). He also
taught that He is the only way
to God (John 14:6).
If Christ said it, we must
believe it—The Bible is the
Word of God, and Jesus is the
only way to God. Therefore
Christianity is true.
Figure 6-5
Lesson 7:
The Reliability
of the N.T.—
Objection 1:
“The N.T. was written 100–200
years after the life of Christ. How
do we know we don’t have a
distorted picture of his life due to
this gap?”
Figure 7-1
Figure 7-2
Figure 7-2
Figure 7-6

Model of Herodian Jerusalem

Figure 7-2
I. The
Bibliographical Test
Objection 2:
“We do not have what was originally
written because there is too much
time between the original
manuscripts and the earliest
surviving copies. More time=more
copying=more mistakes, and we
don’t even know what mistakes
were made!”
Figure 7-3
Figure 7-4
Objection 3:
“Even if there is a short time between the
originals and the first copies, there are
still too many differences among the
surviving N.T. manuscripts for us to
know what was in the original. All the
copying over the years resulted in a huge
number of conflicting manuscripts!”
Figure 7-5
“The number of manuscripts of the N.T.,
of early translations from it, and of
quotations from it in the oldest writers of
the church, is so large that it is
practically certain that the true reading of
every doubtful passage is preserved in
some or other of these ancient
authorities. This can be said of no other
ancient book in the world.”
Frederick Kenyon, renowned paleographer and
textual critic.
II. Application of Lesson
Talk to an unbeliever about the
reliability of the N.T. Show him that
Christians have what was originally
written and that the N.T. was written
within a generation of the events.
Use the timeline and the pie chart.
Report on your conversation next
week in class.
Lesson 8:
Reliability of the
N.T.—Internal &
External Tests
Test—Can we trust what
the authors wrote?
A. The Benefit of the Doubt
Aristotle’s Dictum: “The benefit
of the doubt is to be given to the
document and not to the critic.”
B. Contradictions?
Law of Non-Contradiction:
If one statement absolutely contradicts
another statement, without qualification,
at least one of those statements cannot
be true.
But in order for one statement to
absolutely contradict another, there must
be no sense in which the statements can
both be true. If there is a possible logical
explanation, it is not a real contradiction.
Example: When was
Christ crucified?
Figure 8-1
Figure 8-2
The list of alleged
discrepancies gets
shorter and shorter.
C. The Authors Based Their
Accounts on Eyewitness
2 Peter 1:16
1 John 1:1
Luke 1:1–4

This confirms their recall ability.

D. Contemporary Critics Were
a Constant Corrective
The authors no doubt tried to be
very careful with how they handled
the facts. During the time they wrote,
they had a lot of critics who would
have loved to discredit their
testimony. If the authors had made
a mistake, the critics would have
pointed it out.
E. The Authors Died for Their
E. The Authors Died for
Their Doctrine
People will sometimes die for what they
believe to be true, but never for
something they know to be false.
If the Resurrection had not taken place,
the disciples would have known it.
The authors willingly gave their lives for
their belief in Christ’s Resurrection.
This confirms their honesty.
There Outside
A. Supporting Evidence from
Other Early Christian Writers
Papias, acquaintance of John the
apostle: “The Elder the Apostle John
used to say this also: ‘Mark, having been
the interpreter of Peter, wrote down
accurately all that he [Peter] mentioned,
whether sayings or doings of Christ, not,
however, in order.’”
Irenaeus, student of Polycarp
(student of John):
“So firm is the ground upon which
these Gospels rest, that the very
heretics themselves bear witness to
them, and starting from these
documents, each one of them
endeavors to establish his own
particular doctrine.”
B. Supporting Evidence
from Early Non-Christian
Historical Sources
We get the following picture if we
combine the testimonies of
Josephus, Tacitus, Lucian,
Suetonius, Pliny the Younger,
Thallus, and the Talmud—all
contemporary non-Christian
1. Jesus was crucified
under Pontius Pilate
at Passover time.
(Tacitus, Thallus,
Josephus, Talmud)
2. He was believed by his disciples
to have risen from the dead three
days later. (Josephus)
3. Jewish leaders charged Christ
with sorcery and believed He was
born of adultery. (Talmud)
4. The Judean sect of Christianity
spread even to Rome. (Tacitus,
5. Nero and other Roman rulers bitterly
persecuted and martyred early
Christians. (Tacitus, Suetonius)
6. Early Christians denied polytheism,
lived dedicated lives according to
Christ’s teaching, and worshipped
Christ. (Pliny, Lucian)
C. Archaeology as External
He went to study in the Bible lands
as a liberal; fifteen years later he
became a firm believer in a reliable
New Testament.
Ramsay said that Luke was
unsurpassed as an historian.
For example, when Luke made
reference to 32 countries, 54
cities, and 9 islands, he made no
Figure 8-6
• The place where Jesus was
tried before Pilate.
• Once considered a myth
because there was no record
of it in Jewish or secular maps
or history.
• It was finally found.
• When Titus destroyed Jerusalem, he
built barracks there. When these were
abandoned and had crumbled, other
buildings were built on top.
Archaeologists had dug down to the
barracks, but no further until recently.
When they did go underneath, they
found the pavement.
• Mentioned in John 5, as the place
Jesus healed an invalid.
• No record in Jewish or secular maps or
histories; therefore considered a myth.
• In 1888, it was found while
archaeologists were digging around the
Church of St. Anne.
• Jewish, and universally esteemed
as one of the greatest
• Said that no archaeological
discovery has ever contradicted
the Bible.
III. Application of
Share the internal and external evidence
for the historical reliability of the N.T.
with someone who has doubts. Use
diagrams on paper as much as possible.
If he says that he has problems with the
N.T. because of contradictions, ask him,
“What contradictions? Could you give
me some examples?” Share an example
of a contradiction that has been resolved.
Lesson 9:
The Resurrection
of Jesus Christ
I. The Resurrection:
At the HEART of the
• Horrible Death
• Empty Tomb
• Appearances of Jesus After His Burial
• Record of Women as First Witnesses
• Transformation of Disciples
Horrible Death
1. Heavy loss of blood.
2. When His side was pierced, blood
and water flowed out.
Horrible Death
1. Heavy loss of blood.
2. When His side was pierced, blood
and water flowed out.
3. Soldiers didn’t break His legs.
Horrible Death
4. Pilate asked for assurance
(from the centurion) that Jesus
was dead.
5. He was wrapped completely in
bandages and laid in a tomb.
Horrible Death
4. Pilate asked for assurance
(from the centurion) that Jesus
was dead.
5. He was wrapped completely in
bandages and laid in a tomb.
6. Non-Christian sources confirm the
Crucifixion of Jesus.
Empty Tomb
1. The Jews through history have admitted that the
tomb was empty. They only give reason for the
tomb’s vacancy—belief in the empty tomb is
Trypho, a Jew, said in the second century:
“One Jesus, a Galilean deceiver, … we crucified, but
his disciples stole him by night from the tomb,
where he laid when unfastened from the cross, and
now deceive men by asserting that he has risen from
the dead and ascended into heaven.” (Dialogue with
Trypho, by Justin Martyr)
Empty Tomb
2. Christianity could not have originated in
Jerusalem within a few weeks of the
supposed Resurrection if there were no
empty tomb.
Why not? No one would have believed the
resurrection if there were no empty tomb,
seeing the resurrection was first preached in
Jerusalem (the very city in which the body
had lain) within a few weeks of the
Crucifixion and burial.
Empty Tomb
3. Other explanations for the empty
tomb are not reasonable.
a. “The disciples stole the body.”
But…the disciples would have had
to sneak by or overpower the
Roman guard outside the tomb.
– And if the disciples stole the
body, they died for what they
knew was a lie!
Can we trust the apostles to
have told the truth?
• Peter, crucified
• Andrew, crucified
• Matthew, by the
• James, son of
Alpheus, crucified
• Philip, crucified
• Simon, crucified
• Thaddaeus, killed by
• James, brother of Jesus,
• Thomas, spear thrust
• Bartholomew, crucified
• James, son of Zebedee,
the sword
“Nothing in law so convinces
courts and juries of the
truthfulness of a story as the
fact that a man’s life has been
consistent with such story.”
Henry Barnett, attorney.
Empty Tomb
b. “Maybe the Jewish or Roman
authorities removed the body.”
But if they had removed it, they
would have produced it for everyone
to see. Why?
c. Swoon Theory
More incredible than a
Appearances after the
1. In 1 Corinthians 15:3–8, Paul
gives a list of some of those who
saw Christ:
Peter James
The Twelve Paul himself
500 brethren at
once, most still
alive when Paul
wrote this
Figure 9-4
Appearances after the
2. The Gospels also record the
testimony of others who saw
Christ after He had been
Why should we believe the
testimony of these early Christians
who said they saw Christ?
Record of Women as the
First Witnesses
Transformation of Disciples
James, Jesus’ brother
• Horrible Death
• Empty Tomb
• Appearances of Jesus After His Burial
• Record of Women as First Witnesses
• Transformation of Disciples
Figure 9-5
II. What Happens When
One Examines the
Evidence Objectively?
A. Simon Greenleaf—professor
of law at Harvard in the 1800s
His three-volume work A Treatise on the
Law of Evidence has been considered by
the Supreme Court to be the greatest single
authority on legal evidence.
He said, “If the evidence for the resurrection
was set before any unbiased courtroom in
the world it would be judged to be an
historical fact—Jesus Christ rose from
the dead!”
B. Lord Lyttleton and Gilbert
West, friends at Oxford
•Lyttleton tried to prove Saul was
never converted.
•West tried to prove Christ never
rose from the dead.
•What happened after each
independently looked at the
evidence and then came back
III. Other
Evidence for the
Worship on Sunday by
the early Christian Jews
Art of the early
Figure 9-9
Figure 9-8
Resurrection is consistent with the
life of Jesus.
The resurrection bonds remarkably
well with all of Jesus’ life.
Gospel Creed of 1 Cor. 15
dates very early
The first few verses of 1 Cor. 15 are
a creed that was given to Paul in the
mid-thirties, just a few years after
the resurrection. This creed
presents the basic facts of the death
and resurrection of Christ, with a list
of people who saw Him resurrected.
Figure 9-6
Unique exaltation of Jesus
after the resurrection.
Immediately after the resurrection,
Jesus was worshipped as Lord
of Life.
Existence of the
Christian Church
Figure 9-7
Worship on Sunday
Art of Early Christians
Resurrection consistent. . .life
Gospel creed dates early
Unique exaltation of Jesus
Existence of the Church
IV. What Does the
Resurrection Prove?
That Jesus is who He claimed to be
—the Son of God, God in
the flesh.
It also confirms the Atonement.
It shows that He can overcome
Lesson 10:
I. What Prophecies
Did the Messiah
Have to Fulfill?
Prophecy Fulfillment
Tribe of Judah
Genesis 49:10 Luke 3:23, 33

House of David
Jeremiah 23:5 Luke 3:23, 31

Enter Jerusalem on a
Zechariah 9:9 Matthew 21:1–8
Prophecy Fulfillment
Born at Bethlehem
Micah 5:2 Matthew 2:1

Introduced by a messenger
Isaiah 40:3 Matthew 3:1–3

Body pierced in crucifixion

Zechariah 12:10 John 19:34
Prophecy Fulfillment
Laid to rest with the rich
Isaiah 53:9 Matthew 27:57–60

Endure wounds and bruises

Isaiah 53:5 Matthew 27:26
Prophecy Fulfillment
Teaching and healing ministry Matthew 9:35
Isaiah 61:1, 2; 32:3–4; 35:5 Luke 4:17–21

Arrive before the Temple and

Jerusalem destroyed Temple, Jerusalem
Daniel 9:26 destroyed AD 70

Labeled Lord and God John 20:28

Jeremiah 23:6, Isaiah 9:6 Luke 2:11
Prophecy Fulfillment

Killed 483 years after decree

to rebuild Jerusalem Gospels, history
Daniel 9:25–26 (Christ died about AD 30)

Silent before accusers

Isaiah 53:7 Matthew 27:12
II. What Is the Probability
that Jesus Fulfilled Those
Prophecies by Chance?
II. What Is the Probability that
Jesus Fulfilled Those Prophecies
by Chance?
• Conservative estimate:
1 in 1017
III. What Do These
Fulfilled Prophecies
They demonstrate that Jesus
was the predicted Messiah,
and since the Messiah was to
be divine, it shows that Jesus
was God.
IV. Application of
A. This week, discuss the fulfillment of
Messianic prophecies with an unbeliever.
Present the list of prophecies that Jesus
fulfilled hundreds of years after the
predictions. Use the Texas illustration
to show the improbability that these
prophecies were fulfilled by chance. In the
space below, record his/her reactions.
B. Share the following illustration with the same
A prognosticator predicted 50 things about you.
They all came true except one. The last one was
conditional: If you drive down a certain street on a
certain day, you will die in a fiery car crash. Would
you drive down that street? In light of the fact that
Jesus fulfilled at least 49 prophecies of the Bible
(they all came true), are you going to ignore one
more prophecy that says that if you don’t receive
Jesus, you will be separated from God forever?
Lesson 11:
The Deity of
If Jesus did claim to be God,
He was the only leader of a
major world religion to do so.
I. Christ’s Claims
During His Ministry
A. He claimed to be the I AM
of the Old Testament
John 8:58: “Before Abraham was,
I AM.”
John 8:24: “If you do not believe that
I AM, you shall die in your sins.”
B. He claimed to be One
with God the Father.
Declaration by Jesus: “I and My
Father are One.”
Response of the Jews: Took up
stones to stone Him.
Why? “You, being a man, make
yourself to be God” (John 10:30).
C. Christ claimed to possess
divine attributes.
1. He claimed to be Omnipresent
2. He claimed to be Eternal
D. Christ claimed power to
perform divine acts.
1. To forgive sins
2. To resurrect those who believe
in Him
3. To give eternal life
II. Christ’s Claims
at the Trial
A. The question: Mark 14:61
—“Are you the Christ, the
Son of the Blessed?”
B. The Answer: Mark 14:62—“I Am”

1. Jesus claims to be the Messiah.

2. Jesus claims to be the Son of God.
3. Jesus claims to be the Son of Man.
Daniel 7:13–14
I was watching in the night
visions, and behold, One like
the Son of Man, coming with
the clouds of heaven!
C. The Conviction: Jesus was
not convicted for what He did or
said He did. He was convicted
for who He said He was.
III. Conclusion:
Jesus claimed to
be God.
Skeptic’s Letter
Dear Christian,
      Thanks for your last letter. I want to continue to
talk about the issues you have brought up.
I respect you and your beliefs, but I cannot
understand why you persist in your assertion that
Jesus claimed to be God.  I have read through most
of the gospels, and I do not remember Jesus ever
standing up to declare: “I am God!”  I am confident
that later followers of Jesus exalted him far above
what he would have wanted them to.  Let’s not put
words in Jesus’ mouth.  Jesus did not claim to be
God;  he only said that he was in God.
Your friend,
IV. Application of
Finish writing your letter,
explaining to someone why
you believe that Jesus
claimed to be God. Use
appropriate Scripture verses.
Lesson 12:
The Closing
The Quintilemma
(Page 54 in Student Workbook)
The Quintilemma
The New Testament presents Jesus as an historical man who claims to be God.

The New Testament is correct. The New Testament is not correct.

Jesus is a Legend

Jesus meant to be taken Jesus meant to be

in a mystical sense. taken literally.

Jesus is a Guru.

The claim of deity was false. The claim of deity was true.

Jesus is LORD.

He knew it was false. He didn’t know it was false.

Jesus is a Liar. Jesus is a Lunatic.

I. Why Not a
The N.T. is historically reliable,
confirmed by the Bibliographical
Test, Internal Evidence, and
External Evidence.
The N.T. therefore gives an
accurate picture of Jesus—what
He did and what He said.
II. Why Not
a Guru?
Jesus was a Jew raised in a strictly
monotheistic culture.
Jesus’ teaching was not the
teaching of an Eastern mystic, but
that of a Jewish rabbi who believed
in one transcendent Creator.
“I am trying here to prevent anyone saying
the really foolish thing that people often say
about Him: ‘I’m ready to accept Jesus as a
great moral teacher, but I don’t accept His
claim to be God.’ That is the one thing we
must not say. A man who was merely a man
and said the sort of things Jesus said would
not be a great moral teacher. He would
either be a lunatic—on the level with the
man who says he is a poached egg—or else
he would be the devil of Hell.
“You must make your choice. Either this
man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a
madman or something worse. You can shut
Him up for a fool; you can spit at Him and
kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His
feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us
not come with any patronizing nonsense
about His being a great human teacher. He
has not left that open to us. He did not
intend to.”
C.S. Lewis.
III. Why Not
a Liar?
According to Peter Kreeft, a Christian
apologist, Jesus couldn’t be a liar:
1. “Because he has the wrong psychological
profiles. He was unselfish, loving, caring,
compassionate, and passionate about
teaching truth and helping others to truth.
Liars lie for selfish reasons, like money,
fame, pleasure or power. Jesus gave up all
worldly goods, and life itself.
2. “Because there is no conceivable motive for
his lie. It brought him hatred, rejection,
misunderstanding, persecution, torture and
IV. Why Not a
Why Jesus could not have been a lunatic:
1. “Because the psychological profiles are
opposite. The lunatic lacks the very qualities
that shine in Jesus- practical wisdom, tough
love, and unpredictable creativity.
2. “No Jew could sincerely think he was God.
No group in history was less likely to
confuse the Creator with a creature than the
Jews, the only people who had an absolute,
and absolutely clear, distinction between the
divine and the human.”
V. What Is the
Only Reasonable
Jesus is Lord.
Premise A:
The New Testament is historically
accurate; it is a basically reliable
and trustworthy document.
Premise B:
On the basis of this reliable
document, we have sufficient
evidence to believe that Jesus rose
from the dead as He predicted He
would, and that He fulfilled dozens
of other Messianic prophecies.
Premise C:
Jesus’ resurrection and fulfillment of
prophecy show that He was who He
said He was: the Messiah, the Son of
God—God in the flesh.
Premise D:
As the Son of God (God the Son),
Jesus Christ is an infallible authority
—What He says is absolutely
Premise E:
Jesus Christ taught that the Bible is
the Word of God (Matt 5:18, 15:4;
Mark 12:36; Luke 24:44–46). He also
taught that He is the only way to God
(John 14:6).
If Christ said it, we must believe it.
The Bible is the Word of God, and
Jesus is the Only Way to God.
Application of
A. Present the flowchart to an
unbeliever who may have doubts
about the deity of Christ.
B. Present the diagram of the
general argument for Christianity
to someone who doubts the
validity of Christianity.
Gospel 1
Gospel 2

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