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Logical Defense

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Harvey Bluedorn

What is the Defense of the Faith?
An Analysis of Belief Systems
The Christian Worldview in Brief
Questions: An Apologetic Method
Some Practical Suggestions
The Use of Evidentialism
Thoughts on Circular Reasoning
The Logical Defense
of the Faith
by Harvey Bluedorn
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the common
King James Version. Brackets surround all of our corrections or alternate
This booklet was published in June of the year two thousand by Harvey
Bluedorn. The Logical Defense of the Faith is the private property of Harvey
Bluedorn. The right to reproduce or publish this material in any portion, in
any manner, by any means, or for any purpose, is reserved as the sole right of
the author, who hereby grants permission for brief quotes in critical articles
or reviews, provided that the authors name and address are clearly cited, and
a copy of the publication containing the article or review is forwarded to the
Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. First
Corinthians 9:9; First Timothy 5:18; Deuteronomy 25:4. The laborer is worthy
of his reward. First Timothy 5:18; Matthew 10:10; Luke 10:7; Leviticus 19:13;
Deuteronomy 24:15. Thou shalt not steal. Deuteronomy 5:19; Matthew
19:18; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20. I am against the prophets, saith the Lord, that
steal My words every one from his neighbor. Jeremiah 23:30.
PMB 168, 139 Colorado Street
Muscatine, Iowa 52761
The Christian faith has been engaged in a great culture war since the first
century A.D., and it continues until today. Part of our overall calling and mission
as Christians is to conquer cultures for Christ. We will not win this war by
adopting worldly ways or fleshly weapons.
For while we walk in the flesh, we never wage war according to the
flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly. Rather, they are powerful
through God for the pulling down of strong defensive barriers: for pulling
down reasonings [literally: logical arguments] and every high barrier which
lifts itself up against the knowledge of God; and for capturing all intellect
[or, every thought] to the obedience of Christ. (Second Corinthians 10:3-5,
Very Literal Translation)
Using the weapons which the Lord gives us, we can storm the city, pull
down its high defensive walls of false reasonings, pull down the barriers lifted
up in the mind against the knowledge of God, then overwhelm and subdue the
rebel city of mans culture, taking intellectual prisoners to be slaves willing
or unwilling slaves for Christ.
We can try to diagnose the problem, we can assign the blame, and we can
ring our hands all we want about the moral and intellectual decline of American
culture, but the fact remains that American Culture is in decline precisely because
American Christians have been in retreat. We need to return to the battle and
to engage the enemy on all fronts, and we need to raise up a generation of
Christians who are prepared to storm the walls of darkness with the weapons of
Christian warfare, and we need to take prisoners.
Evangelism is the proclamation of the faith. Apologetics is the defense of
the faith. The two work together. They have to: They are both fighting on the
same side against the same enemies.
In this booklet, I hope to give you in one lesson all of the basic
information which you need to defend the faith. I will sketch out for you the
scene of battle from a philosophical perspective, some of the strategies of war,
including the enemys battle plan with variations, and some of the weapons of
Christian warfare. Our mission is to conquer the culture for Christ.
I. What is the Defense of the Faith?
What is meant by the expression, the defense of the faith. In the first
chapter of Philippians (1:7,17), Paul declared that he was set for the defense
and confirmation [=establishment] of the gospel.
The Greek word translated defense is a~o/o,la [apologia], which means
a speech in defense. From this we derive our English word apology which
Websters 1828 dictionary defines as An excuse; something said or written in
defense . . . of what appears to others [to be] wrong, or unjustifiable. . .
Somehow, in the past 170 years, the English word apology has taken on
an almost opposite meaning. Today, we ordinarily use the word apology to
mean we are sorry for doing wrong, we make no excuses, and we have no
defense. But Webster did not even offer this meaning back in 1828. So when
someone speaks of an apology for the Christian faith, he does not mean he is
sorry he is a Christian. He means apology in the older sense of the word: a
defense for the Christian Faith. In theological jargon, we call the defense of
the faith Christian Apologetics.
The first time we encounter this word a~o/o,la in the New Testament is in
the Gospel of Luke. Twice it is found there in the verb form, a~o/o,coa:
[apologeomai] to reply in defense.
And when they bring you unto the synagogues, and unto magistrates,
and powers, take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer, or what
ye shall say: [Literally: do not be anxious about how or what ye should reply
in defense or what ye should say:] For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the
same hour what ye ought to say. (Luke 12:11-12, KJV)
Compare also this passage in Luke.
But before all these, they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute
you, delivering you up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought
before kings and rulers for my names sake. And it shall turn to you for a
testimony. Settle it therefore in your hearts, not to meditate before what ye
shall answer: [Literally: do not give painful attention to what ye should reply
in defense] For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries
shall not be able to gainsay nor resist. (Luke 21:12-15, KJV)
The Apostles were here promised a special grace to respond under
persecution. Jesus will give them a mouth which is the ability to speak; and
He will give them wisdom which is something to say. Since we also are
required to respond under pressure and persecution, we may understand His
promise to extend to us also, though in a derived and diminutive sense.
The King James says take ye no thought and not to meditate before.
This translation might suggest that they should give the matter of their defense
no previous thought. But otherwise is the case. These texts say literally, do not
be anxious about and do not give painful attention to your reply in defense.
What happens when we prejudge a situation and prepare only for what we
only suppose is going to happen? Often, the situation ends up being different
from what we supposed. So we are not properly prepared at all for the audience
and the situation. So do not go in with a canned approach. That may work in
some instances, though often it works in spite of, not because of, the canned
approach. Instead, we should always be thoroughly prepared in the truth and
full of arguments for the truth, then allow the Lord to direct us to what needs
to be said in that specific situation, at that particular moment, before that
select audience.
This text is not saying, Do not study your Bible, do not search out the
truth, do not think through matters. Just go in with a blank mind and expect
the Lord to fill it with momentary wisdom. Rather, this text is saying, Always
be prepared to defend your faith so that you do not have to anxiously prepare
a reply at the last moment. We should be prepared to go in and address the
situation out of the treasury of matters which we have already studied through
and stored in our mind. We do not need any special preparation. We are always
prepared. When the time comes, the Lord will help us with the final details of
delivery. For example, three times in the book of Acts, the Apostle Paul gave his
a~o/o,la or defense, and told the story of his conversion. But each time he
told the story differently, molding his defense to fit his particular audience. No
canned approach here. It is those persons who are not always in a state of
readiness who then anxiously make ready at the last moment like the parable
of the foolish virgins who had no oil for their lamps.
We have this command to always be ready:
But sanctify [=set apart] the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready
always to give an answer [FCU=: defense] to every man that asketh you a
reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: (First Peter 3:15,
This is the central text of Scripture regarding the defense of the faith, or
Apologetics. We should always be prepared to defend our faith against any
fallacious arguments, lies, falsehoods, misrepresentations, or slanders. Always
be prepared for a logical defense. Always. Here is another command.
Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.
Let your speech be alway[s] with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know
how ye ought to answer every man. [Literally: how it is morally necessary for
you to respond to each one individually.] (Colossians 4:5,6, KJV)
We are to be constantly walking in wisdom and always seasoned with grace
in order that we may know how we ought to answer. We must always be prepared.
When we are personally called to give a defense of the faith, which is also
our faith we should not be anxious about how to speak or what to say. We
should always be fully prepared in the truth, so that we can give an answer
without relying on some canned approach or some hastily drawn up response.
We should always be prepared for a logical defense. If we do not know what we
believe, or why we believe it, then how can we defend it? For that matter, why
should we defend it? A faith which is not built upon solid ground cannot be
solidly defended. To be properly prepared to defend the faith is really to be
properly prepared to believe the faith. This is not just an appendix attached to
the Christian religion. This is part of the essential Christian life. We should
know or at least be learning how to defend our faith against all opposition,
such that when we are done, our opposition has nothing to say they are
reduced to the assertions of their own imaginations. They will either admit we
are speaking the truth, or they will try to shout us down and drown us out, or
worse, they will try to put us away. That is the kind of faith in action which
drives away the darkness and turns the world around.
II. An Analysis of Belief Systems
Here is some information which will be valuable in dealing with your own
beliefs and with the beliefs of others.
Some persons are rather naive and gullible. They tend to accept most of
what they hear. Some persons are skeptical. They distrust most of everything
they hear. But everybody believes something. It cannot be avoided and it cannot
be denied. It is an inescapable concept. If we do not believe that we believe
anything then that is what we believe. We have to use our belief in order to
deny our belief, and that is what I mean by an inescapable concept. We cannot
dodge it or run away from it. No matter how we try to avoid it, we run smack
dab into it. Everybody believes something. [At least, that is what I believe.]
And beliefs have consequences. There was the man who believed he could
fly, so he jumped off of the top of the Sears Tower. As he passed the window of
each floor on his flight down, he shouted to the onlookers, So far, so good.
He was flying along pretty well, even gaining speed. But as he approached the
pavement below, he suddenly realized that he had made a big mistake. He did
not believe he had any landing gear. We may compare our culture to this example.
We go contrary to Gods law, and we keep yelling so far so good. Just wait
until we hit the bottom! Beliefs have consequences.
Our Hierarchy of Beliefs, or Presuppositions
Our many beliefs may be arranged into different levels as to how fundamental
and essential they are to our thinking.
Some beliefs are of little importance, and for us to change our belief would
have little consequence for us. I believe the sun is 93 million miles from the
earth. If I found out it was actually 92.9999 million miles, I would not lose any
sleep over it. (Unless, of course, that number was decreasing rapidly.)
Other beliefs are basic to our life, and we would change them only for
strong reasons. I believe my wifes name is Laurie. If I found out my wifes
name was actually Hillary Rodham, it would affect me rather dramatically.
Still other beliefs are axiomatic, and to change them would mean a complete
change in our life. I believe I am alive. If I found out that I was dead, then my
whole behavior would change. [I would eat less, and rest more.]
Our Fundamental Beliefs
Some of our beliefs hold sway over other beliefs. If I believe I am hungry,
then I believe I will find something to eat. If I believe the Bible, then I believe
Jesus is God manifest in the flesh, abortion is murder, and there will be a
resurrection of the just and the unjust.
But there are some beliefs which are so fundamental that they hold sway
over everything else we believe. Particularly, we all have fundamental beliefs
about three main things:
First, what is true. [Epistemology] How do we know that what we know is
true, certain, and reliable?
Second, what is real. [Metaphysics] What do we know is really out there? Is
it just the things we see, hear, smell, taste, and feel? Or are there things beyond
these spiritual things which cannot normally or easily be detected by us?
Third, what is good. [Ethics] What do we believe is right, and just, and
good as opposed to wrong, unjust, and evil?
Our Epistemological Self-Consciousness
Now, we may not be self-consciously aware of what we believe about these
three things. We may not go around deliberately thinking abstractly about
what we believe is true, real, and good. Instead, we may have just picked up our
beliefs about these things from our surrounding culture beginning with our
own family life in just the same way which we picked up the language which
we speak. As a matter of fact, faith is wound up with the language we speak. If
anyone wanted to change a cultures beliefs about things, then he would also
have to change that cultures language the way it talks about things. The
words pro-choice, alternative life-style, and feminism are oxymorons
which have been insinuated into our culture in order to disintegrate our belief
system, and they have been very effective.
Though many of us are less than self-conscious about what we believe,
others of us are very aware of what they believe, and deliberately try to live out
what they believe in a consistent way. If we are self-consciously Christians,
then we try to live in a very Christian way, and we try to speak in a very Christian
way. If we are self-consciously Buddhists, then they try to live in a very Buddhist
way. If we are self-consciously atheists, then we try to live according to the
religion of atheism.
Though a person may not be self-consciously aware of what his beliefs are
and where they came from, his beliefs nevertheless determine how he looks at
the world, how he interprets everything he sees, and how he responds to the
world he believes is out there.
Our Ultimate Perspective = Our Worldview;
Our Focal or Reference Point = Our God
Whatever we believe in any one of these three areas [what is good, true, and
real] will affect what we believe in the other two areas.
For example, if I believe what is good is whatever feels good to me, then I will
most likely believe what is true is whatever seems true to me, and what is real is
whatever appears real to me. I am my ultimate reference point for everything.
My perspective is entirely self-centered.
On the other hand, if I believe what is good is whatever God commands is
good, what is true is whatever God says is true, and what is real is whatever God
creates as real, then God is my ultimate reference point, and my perspective is
If I believe whatever the socialist-state legislates is good, whatever the socialist-
state teaches is true, and whatever the socialist-state creates is real, then I have
adopted the philosophy that man is the measure of all things [humanism], and
my perspective is man-centered, and I worship the incarnation of man in the
state, and to criticize the head of state is, in my belief system, to blaspheme the
godhead. Whatever is our ultimate reference point is ultimately our god the
one to whom we bow down and worship, that one to whom we turn in our
time of need.
Our beliefs about what is good, true, and real is our worldview, and our
worldview is determined by our ultimate reference point our god. Whatever
our god is, that is our ultimate reference point. Everything in our world appears
to circle around our god.
For example, let us suppose that I believe that matter is all there is to reality,
that truth is determined by observation of the senses, and that good is whatever
I happen to like at any given moment. Now you challenge me. You ask me
what is real. I tell you matter is all of reality. (That is my view of reality.) So
you ask me to prove that matter is all which is real. I will argue that reality is all
which I observe with my senses. (That is my view of truth.) So you ask me to
prove that I can only know truth through my senses. I will argue that truth is
whatever I happen to like at the moment. (That is my view of good.) You ask
me to prove that what I like is good. I will argue that good is the balance of the
chemical material in my brain at any moment. (That is my view of reality.)
I have argued in a full circle from matter, to senses, to likes, then back to
matter again. It is all circular reasoning. As long as I stay within the circle of my
god, I will see everything from my perspective. My god determines my
worldview. My worldview reflects my god. This kind of arguing will never get
anyone to break out of his own circle of faith and to enter the circle of Biblical
truth, Biblical reality, and Biblical good.
Logic: An Inescapable Concept
Which Transcends All Systems
and Can Justify Only One System
There is one concept which goes beyond the fundamental beliefs or axioms
of anyones belief system. This is the concept of logic. Without logic, we can
have no meaning, we can have no language, we can have no communication,
we can have no thought, we can have nothing. Like faith, logic is a concept
which is basic and inescapable. Both faith and logic are fundamentally necessary
to thinking.
Granted, there are some people who seem to think without using any logic.
But as a matter of fact, they are using logic. They just have a different system of
beliefs than we do, so that it only appears to us that they are not using logic.
Nevertheless, they are always using logic. Even when a contradiction confronts
their belief system, they use logic to somehow adjust their beliefs into harmony
and non-contradiction.
Perhaps you have heard of the man who thought he was dead. So they
showed him medical textbooks and convinced him that dead men cannot bleed.
Then they pricked him with a pin and said, Look, see, you are bleeding. He
said, What do you know, dead men do bleed! By altering his view of dead
men bleeding, this man logically resolved the contradiction within his belief
system between his belief that he was dead, and his belief that dead men cannot
Without logic, we cannot evaluate anything, including any belief system.
By definition, to evaluate is to determine a value, and logic is the means of
determining that value. One attempt to avoid logic is through what is called
values clarification. This is not clarifying values according to an objective or
absolute standard. [The only absolute standard is Scripture.] Rather, this is
clarifying values according to the subjective standard of ones own inward
feelings. One becomes the measure of all things relative to himself. This is
personal humanism. But even this process cannot avoid using some portion of
logic and evaluation, or else the process would not be able to mask over the
absurd nonsense which personal humanism, in reality, is.
All worldviews or belief systems must use logic even if they deny logic,
which some of them do. Some worldviews openly and overtly deny logic, but
all false worldviews can be reduced to a denial of logic for one simple reason:
because they inherently contradict themselves somewhere.
We cannot prove logical laws without presupposing the logic to prove them.
But we cannot deny logical laws without presupposing the logic to deny them.
Either way, we have to presuppose logic. Logic is an inescapable concept. The
Hindu, for example, denies the laws of logic, then borrows those laws to prove
his denial. In doing so he fundamentally contradicts himself and he entangles
himself in a web of distorted logic and denial which reduces to nonsense.
Only one system of belief, or worldview, can be consistent with reality.
Multiple truth values for multiple cultures they call this multi-culturalism
is a contradiction in terms. It is nonsense.
We can buy a light bulb which shines and removes the darkness, but we
cannot buy a darkness bulb which removes the light. Shades of darkness are
only degrees of the absence of light. Shades of false worldviews are only degrees
of the absence of the true Biblical worldview. All false worldviews borrow parts
from reality in order to attack and deny reality as a whole. Our job is to shine
the light of reality the Biblical worldview on the darkness of false
wordviews in order to expose their internal contradictions where their system
conflicts with the reality which they borrowed from us.
False Reasoning is Self-Defeating;
Our Job is Simply to Expose It
A relativist is one who believes there are no absolutes. The relativist reasons
this way:
Absolutes and Universal laws do not exist.
Laws of Logic are absolutes and universal laws.
Therefore, Laws of Logic do not exist.
Does anyone detect a problem with this kind of reasoning? It requires that
we presuppose the laws of logic in order to disprove the existence of those very
laws. The unbeliever always borrows from the truth in order to build his system.
It is like the man who denied the existence of air all the way up to his last
dying breath! Sometimes a simple question can expose the inherent contradiction
within belief statements:
Language is not meaningful. (What do you mean by that?)
There are no absolutes. (Are you absolutely sure about that?)
All Logic is false. There is no such thing as truth. (How can that be
Skepticism as a Methodology
Logic, particularly the Law of Contradiction, is an inescapable concept.
Every falsehood is built on a contradiction. Logic is the means to drive men
from their refuge of contradictions into the open light of the truth. If men still
prefer darkness in their world of contradiction, then we can do nothing for
A Christian should play the role of the skeptic toward all other worldviews.
He needs to know his own worldview very well in order to be able to recognize
the darkness in other worldviews where they happen to depart from the true
faith; then to expose them.
III. The Christian Worldview in Brief
I cannot spend much time on what the Christian Worldview is. This is the
substance of a course in theology. There are a number of Worldview Curricula
available which explore the subject in much detail. The following is only a brief
statement meant to suggest the things which we need to study out.
The three main criteria of a worldview are: What is real? What is true?
What is good?
1. What is real? [Metaphysics]
God is real. He is self-sufficient. He needs nothing outside of Himself. He
is autonomous, self-ruling, a law to Himself. He is the ultimate reality, and all
other reality is His creation. He is completely independent of all which He
God created the universe. The universe is completely dependent upon God
for its creation and its continuing existence. Its order and its laws are from its
Creator. Hence the Creator and the creature are sharply distinct. God is not a
man. God governs the universe by His providence within creation. He sustains
all things by the word of His power. He (personally) is everywhere (immanent).
He is intimately acquainted with all our ways.
2. What is true? [Epistemology]
God is true. God perfectly and completely knows Himself personally. God
perfectly and completely knows everything within His creation. He does not
sit outside and observe it. He created its every part, and He governs its every
part, and thereby He knows its every part. Nothing surprises God.
God is infinite. Man is finite. God knows everything. Man cannot know
everything. In order to know anything truly, one must truly know everything.
But man does not need to know everything. He only needs to know the One
Who does truly know everything. Man truly knows nothing apart from God.
All true knowledge is knowledge with reference to God. Man is completely
dependent upon God for everything, including knowledge. Man knows nothing
unless God reveals it to him. All revelation is through Christ. This includes
special revelation, such as Scripture, and general revelation, such as the work of
the law written on the conscience. Unbelievers depend upon God for all of
their knowledge, but their knowledge is actually turned into ignorance because
it is not known with reference to God. They borrow the laws of logic in order
to twist information apart from reference to God in order to argue against God
and to suppress the knowledge of God.
3. What is good? [Ethics]
God is good. Jesus said, Only God is good meaning: we cannot define
good apart from reference to God. Gods character defines good. There is no
standard of right and wrong apart from reference to God.
Any notion of good apart from God is selfish, self-centered, and evil
even if it outwardly conforms to some objective standard of good behavior.
Just walking down the street if it is done without reference to God is a
hell-damning sin, worthy of eternal punishment. To teach for hours a day in a
classroom school without any mention or reference to God is an aggravating
sin which stinks in the nostrils of God. To argue that there is inherent good in
nature apart from God is to surrender the argument that God alone is the only
source and ultimate reference point for all good.
IV. Questions: An Apologetic Method
All defense of the faith is in opposition to some other faith. If others did
not believe something else, then we would not have to defend our beliefs. We
must make our opponent recognize his own belief system. We may need to
help him to define his own belief system, for he may not be self-conscious of it.
Obviously, there are many ways to engage someone in a discussion of his
worldview. One effective method of apologetics is to ask questions. Questions
get attention. [How many of you would agree with that? See! It gets your
attention every time!]
Questions usually lead to other questions as we explore the avenues of
someones belief system. The more we learn about anothers worldview, the
better prepared we are to find the holes in his system and to shine a little light
down that hole and expose the lack of logic.
What is the Most Fundamental Question?
We will get back to the method of asking questions later, but first we want
to explore what the most fundamental question is. What is the most basic
question anyone could ask?
How about those three worldview questions: What do you believe about
what is true, what is real, and what is good? These are good questions for
finding out what someones worldview is, but, as we have before shown, we
may get on a merry-go-round and go spinning round and round with those
questions in a circular argument of unbelief. What we want is a question which
will act like a stick poked in the spokes of a spinning bicycle wheel it stops
the spinning right there, and maybe breaks a few spokes in the process.
How about this question, Is there a God? Is this the most fundamental
question? I do not think so. First of all, everybody knows there is a god
especially the atheists. There used to be men who tried to prove Hitler was still
alive. Now there are men who try to prove Elvis is still alive. Why? Because
they are worried about it. For some reason, they feel more comfortable in their
worldview if he is not dead. I do not spend my time proving there is no tooth
fairy. I am not worried about it. It is outside of my belief system. So why do
atheists try to prove there is no God? Because the question of Gods existence is
fundamental to the belief system which they are building. [Actually, I think it
is because they are worried that Hes listening, so they want to develop a logical
excuse for ignoring Him.]
Converted atheists admit that they always knew there was a God, but in
their foolishness they wanted to deny it. Romans 1:19-22 declares that though
Gods eternal power and godhead are invisible, they are nevertheless clearly
seen from the creation of the world. The self-evident fact of creation declares
that there is a Creator more powerful in every way than all of creation in
other words, creation declares Gods eternal power. The self-evident fact of
creation also declares that the creature is in every way responsible and accountable
to its Creator in other words, creation declares Gods godhead. This leaves
everybody but especially scientists who study Gods creation without any
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness
and unrighteousness of men, who hold [=suppress] the truth in
unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in
them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him
from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things
that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without
excuse: (Romans 1:18-20, KJV)
Men simply become fools trying to deny their Creator. Consider the Big
Bang theory for a moment. There is no Creator, so the universe created itself.
First there was nothing, then it exploded, and all of the complex and intricate
order from the atom to the DNA molecule, from planets to galaxies, from
genes to life, from viruses to man it all came from that chaotic explosion
breaking down for billions of years. We have to be very desperate and go to
college for a very long time in order to become fanciful enough to dream up a
theory like this, or stupid enough to believe it. I know. I used to believe it.
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, (Romans 1:22, KJV)
They are educated beyond their intelligence.
Do not waste a lot of time on the question, Is there a God? Those who
deny Gods existence are only fooling themselves.
If we all know there is a God, then we can also answer these questions:
Who is God? He is my Creator.
Who am I? I am Gods creature.
Where did I come from? God created me.
Why am I here? To do whatever God wants me to do.
Where am I going? Wherever God chooses to send me.
A lot does ride on the question, Does God exist? It is a very important
question. But this is actually a form of the question, What is real, and we will
just take a spin on the fools merry-go-round if that is the only question we
How Do You Know?
So, what is the most fundamental question? I think the most fundamental
of all questions is What do you really know, and how do you really know it?
Or, we could say it this way, How do you know anything for certain? This
question reaches behind the worldview questions: What is true? What is
real? What is good. It drops down to the bottom line of the source of all
knowledge. It is the question of authority for our whole worldview our
system of beliefs. How do we know what we believe? By what standard do we
measure our belief system, which consists of: 1) our ultimate perspective
our worldview, and 2) our ultimate reference point our god? This question
challenges whatever authorities a person uses. Rightly understood, every
worldview falls before this question every worldview, except one.
What Evidence Would You Accept?
What evidence would we accept as absolute, final, conclusive proof for our
belief system? Let us consider a few possible sources of authority, for our belief
system our worldview and our god.
1. Some people rely on natural sensory experiences. Can we trust our senses?
Of course we cannot. We are fooled every day and we love to have it so. Artificial
flavors, artificial fabrics, artificial scents, stereo amplifiers and special video
effects fool our five senses all of the time, to our delight. In fact, we love being
fooled, and many people make a living fooling us. Magicians make a living
from optical illusions. Politicians make a living from election-time illusions.
Mr. & Mrs. Flat
Here we have Mr. and Mrs. Flatt. They live in a two dimensional world
they live on the plane of a piece of plain paper. They have no depth in their
lives, that is, no thickness. They live a very shallow existence.
We who live in a three-dimensional world can only actually see two
dimensions, but because we have two eyes which are set apart for stereo vision,
and we can move around to see things from different angles, we can perceive a
third dimension. We dont actually see depth, we only perceive it. We call this
depth perception.
Now imagine yourself in the Flatt world the world of Mr. and Mrs.
Flatt, on a sheet of flat paper. How many dimensions could you see? Only one.
Everything would appear to you as lines of various lengths. When Mr. and
Mrs. Flatt look at each other, they can only see a line. But, by moving around
and looking at each other from different angles, they can perceive two
dimensions. Here is how they look to each other from different angles.
how Mr. & Mrs. Flat see each other
Now, imagine my invasion of the Flatt world with my finger. What does
my finger look like to Mr. and Mrs. Flatt? It appears as a line in the Flatt world,
but, by moving around, the Flatts can perceive that I am a circle. Yet they really
do not get the full picture of me.
Now step up into our three dimensional world. We can see only two
dimensions, but we can perceive a third dimension: depth perception; and
because we move forward through time (nobodys figured out how to move
backward or sideways yet) we can perceive a fourth dimension: time perception.
Could there be dimensions beyond our experience which we have no direct
way of perceiving? We have a radio which receives only AM and FM. Does that
mean there are no radio bands beyond these?
To trust only what we obviously perceive with our five senses is to leap into
the dark. Our own senses tell us that our senses are often easily deceived and
cannot be trusted.
2. Modern Science. But surely we can trust science as absolute, final, and
conclusive proof for our belief system. The scientific method is the way to find
all truth, right? Well, the first question is, which scientific truth should we
believe? Last millenniums? Last centurys? Last decades? Last years? Last months?
Last weeks? Yesterdays? Todays? Tomorrows? If there is one thing which never
changes about scientific truth, it is that scientific truth always changes.
The inductive scientific method can never arrive at truth. The inductive
method, unless it is pursued universally and exhaustively (like God), can never
arrive at absolutes or universal laws. It can only approximate and speculate.
3. Tradition (Conservatism). Can we rely upon tried and true tradition?
Tradition slowly changes also. It is now traditional to send children to state-
controlled schools. It used to be traditional to teach children at home. Since
traditions conflict with one another, how do we choose which tradition we can
4. Common Sense. Can we trust our gut judgement our sixth sense of
intuition in all matters? In any matters? Maybe you can trust your common
sense, but mine does not work very well. My wife claims hers works better than
mine, but I do not think the statistics match her claims.
5. How about dreams, visions, and unusual experiences can we trust
them? Again, they often conflict with one another, so how do we determine
which ones we can trust?
6. Speculations. In other words, guesses. The coin came up heads three
times. I guess it will be tails the next time. The Cubs have been out of the series
54 years. I guess it will be 55 years. Not too reliable.
7. Feelings Emotions. Can we find truth in feelings? Feelings change.
Truth never changes, for if it did, then it would contradict itself. Then truth
would not be true.
8. Public Opinion. If everybody did depend upon public opinion, then
nobody could depend upon public opinion because then there would be no
public opinion everybody would still be waiting for it. If nobody depended
upon public opinion, then there would be no public opinion because nobody
could depend upon it. If only some people depended upon public opinion,
then how many persons opinions would it take to amount to a true measure of
public opinion: a plurality? A majority? And who would measure it? And how
would it be measured?
You may think this is silly, but our society is now being manipulated by the
medias use of what they call public opinion. And public opinion carries
great weight with a majority of Americans which, I just pointed out in the
previous paragraph, is a logical contradiction! People with a socialist mindset
are blind to this contradiction because they cannot recognize media manipulation
when it hits them square between the eyes.
9. Chemical balances in the brain. The mind is nothing more than the
brain a complex chemical machine. The brain secretes thoughts as the liver
secretes bile. Whatever I happen to think at any moment is all the truth I can
ever know. Biochemical stimuli determines all truth. But, then again, how can
we ever know if what we believe is true to reality, or if it is merely a biochemical
The Bible teaches that we are what we think.
For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee;
but his heart is not with thee. (Proverbs 23:7, KJV)
But the materialist deduces:
We think what we are (materially).
We are (materially) what we eat.
Therefore, We think what we eat.
That explains those bad dreams at night after eating sauerkraut and pickle
pizza we think what we eat.
10. Life is an illusion. I am not really here. You are not really there. We
really do not know anything because there is not anything to know. If this is
true, then what am I doing arguing about it? I need to go get a life or, wait
a minute, I cannot! There is no life to get! Obviously, if we do not exist, then
we are completely out of touch with all truth and authority because there is
none to be in touch with!
Solipsism is the world view which says that I alone exist. Everything else is
a projection of my mind. The logician Bertrand Russell once received a letter
from another logician, Mrs. Christine Ladd Franklin, declaring that she was a
solipsist and she was surprised that nobody else was. Do you see a problem
with this logic?
About Standards
When we measure something, do we use a rubber yardstick which we can
stretch or squeeze to fit what we want? No! Only an absolute standard can
render absolute truth. A relative standard can only render relative truth
which is no truth at all. Truth is not relative it does not change. If truth
changed, it would contradict itself. Then truth would no longer be true.
How about this standard: The Word of God. This standard is in a league all
by itself. There are a few contenders as to what is the Word of God the
Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Islamic Koran, the Hindu Vedas , but
certainly if we have the Word of God, then we have something different from
any other source of authority. God alone would be in a position to speak
authoritatively about everything. Well, not exactly. Some of the gods from this
list of religious writings do not quite meet the muster. But the God of the Bible
is unique in that He excludes all other gods and their claims of authority. It is
Him against everybody else. The God of the Bible claims to be in a position to
know all things, because He created all things, and He sustains their existence
at all times. This makes the Bible a unique source for all authority.
So how do we know if the Bible is indeed what it claims to be the very
Word of God to man, the authoritative source of all true knowledge? Here is
the problem: There is no authority higher than God to authenticate His word.
No man, nor any institution of men, nor of angels, could have the authority to
authenticate Gods word. To do so would be to place their authority above
Gods authority. They would need a higher than the highest authority to
authenticate the highest authority, which would be a logical contradiction. Hence
the word of the God of the Bible must be self-authenticating which is exactly
what the Bible says.
For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by
no greater, he sware by himself, Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and
multiplying I will multiply thee. And so, after he had patiently endured, he
obtained the promise. For men verily swear by the greater: and an oath for
confirmation is to them an end of all strife.
Wherein God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of
promise the immutability [=unchangeableness] of his counsel, confirmed
it by an oath: That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible
for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge
to lay hold upon the hope set before us: (Hebrews 6:13-18, KJV)
What are the two immutable things which make it impossible for God to
lie? Gods counsel He cannot change His mind. Gods oath He cannot
change His word. Because God Himself cannot change, His counsel and His
word cannot change. Whatever the God of the Bible testifies to is absolute
truth. The Scripture itself, within Scripture, declares that it is the Word of
God. We encounter such expressions as:
The scripture of truth. (Daniel 10:21)
It is written (meaning with all authority).
The Scripture says (meaning God says).
You have read in the Scriptures (that is, in the final authority). (Mark
It is contained in the Scripture. (First Peter 2:6)
The Scripture must be fulfilled.
The Scripture cannot be broken. (John 10:35)
They searched the Scriptures. (Acts 17:11)
He reasoned out of the Scriptures. (Acts 17:2)
According to the Scriptures. (First Corinthians 15:3,4)
All scripture is given by inspiration of God. (Second Timothy 3:16)
No prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation . . . but
holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. (First Peter
Do you not err, because you do not know the Scriptures. (Mark 12:24)
The unlearned and unstable wrest the Scriptures to their own
destruction. (Second Peter 3:16)
The Scripture everywhere teaches that the Scripture itself is the standard of
all truth, the final authority.
For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of
sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ. (Second
Corinthians 2:17, KJV)
But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in
craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of
the truth commending ourselves to every mans conscience in the sight of
God. (Second Corinthians 4:2, KJV)
If the claim is true if the Scriptures are self-authenticating then the
Scriptures are the very Word of God, the only source of original propositions
of truth.
What is the bottom line to all of this?
Now faith is the [underlying] substance of things hoped for, the evidence
[=conviction] of things not seen. . . . Through faith we understand that the
worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were
not made of things which do appear. . . . But without faith it is impossible to
please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is
a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11:1-3,6, KJV)
The bottom line is, God only speaks to those who will listen.
The crowd back in Romans 1:20 knew God, but would not seek Him, so
God made fools out of them. And God will make a fool out of us, if we do not
seek Him.
So the whole matter can be reduced down to whether we believe the truth,
the Word of God, or whether we believe one of the many lies which have been
invented on the basis of any or all of those other authorities which we listed
ealier: our senses, science, tradition, ...feelings, public opinion, etc. all things
which we simply cannot believe with any certainty. In the final analysis, how
we know what we know ultimately depends upon what we believe. We
will not believe the truth unless God grants us a love for the truth such that we
seek the truth. If we truly seek the truth, then we will never be able to end our
search until we find the Author of the truth because God Himself is the
Truth, and He rewards all those who diligently seek Him.
Those who will not believe Gods Word cannot know anything for sure.
Hence, as long as we know Gods Word, and we argue from what we know
Gods Word says, then we can have complete confidence in any argument which
we may have with a non-believer. We may not be able to answer one of his
questions or arguments or objections either because we do not know or
understand enough, or because he is using a fallacy which we have not detected,
or whatever but we can be completely confident that he cannot answer it
consistently from his own worldview either.
We cannot defend what we do not know. We can only defend the truth
which we do know. We do not have to know all of the truth in order to stand
on what truth we do know. We do not have to know all of the lie in order to be
able to point out a lie which we see that our adversary is standing on. So just
show him where we know he is standing on sand, and show him where we
know we are standing on solid rock, then let the chips fall where they may. This
is a confidence game. We have the confidence. He is playing a game. You can
be sure that he cannot be sure.
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the
victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. (First John 5:5, KJV)
Faith is our confidence in Gods truth.
So what is the ultimate question? The ultimate question is, How do you
know? As long as we stand on Gods absolute truth, we are standing on a rock.
We must not allow ourselves to become deceived into stepping off of that rock
and if we see that we have been lured off, then we must step right back on.
If we keep driving our opposition back to that question, How do you know?
then we will either drive him to the truth, or we will drive him to distraction. If
he turns to truly seeking the truth, then eventually God Who is the Truth
will allow Himself to be found by him.
The truth is personal. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. What is
good? What is true? What is real? He is good. He is true. He is real. He is the
good way. He is the true truth. He is the real life. He is the ultimate perspective
and the ultimate reference point. He is our worldview and our God. All things
are of Him and through Him and to Him. . . . and no man comes to the Father
but by Him. If we have seen Jesus, then we have seen the Father.
. . . he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and [must believe]
that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11:6, KJV)
Without faith no man will ever begin down the road of seeking the truth.
We must always be in prayer for our opponent, God, if it please Thee, grant
him the seed of faith to seek the truth. If we think arguing is going to get the
job done, may God humble our proud and arrogant hearts.
V. Some Practical Suggestions
Now we need to talk a little about technique. Of course, we have to know
the truth thoroughly before we can defend the truth. Know your Bible. And I
do not mean simply know everything it says. I mean know everything it means,
and know all of its practical applications as much as you can. Become self-
consciously aware of what you believe and deliberately try to live out what you
believe in a consistent way, in every area of your life. That is really what it
means to be a Christian. If you start doing this, then I guarantee ample
opportunities will open up for you to defend your faith.
Remember what Peter said,
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give
an answer [=defense] to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that
is in you with meekness and fear: (First Peter 3:15, KJV)
We must sanctify or set apart the Lord God in our hearts. This does not
mean we should have an ooey gooey feeling toward God. This means we should
set apart the heart-core center of our being to God alone. Let Him be our fear,
and let Him be our dread, and let Him be our ultimate reference point and let
us live out our worldview around Him.
When people see that we march to the beat of a different drummer, they are
either going to ask about the tune our worldview, or they are going to
challenge our drummer our God. So we had better be prepared for a logical
defense to everyone who asks us for a reason concerning the hope which is in
And it says that we should do this with meekness or gentleness and with
fear. If we have a chip on our shoulder and we want to arrogantly show off our
arguments, then we simply do not get it. God has so ordained that one of the
main components of our argument must be us. Yes, God does use us in spite of
ourselves, and He sometimes blesses us in our stupidity, but that is no argument
for stupidity, but only for the mercy and grace and power of God. God is
pleased to let His light shine through us before men that they may see our good
works in meekness and fear and glorify our Father Who is in heaven.
Toolbox of Questions
When we are going to do some work, it is always a good idea to bring along
our toolbox. One of the things we want in our Apologetic toolbox is a good
assortment of questions. When used correctly, questions can be effective tools.
The right kind of question can act as a gauge to see whether someone is in the
mood to talk. A good question can act as a pry bar to open up a closed
conversation. If someone happens to react negatively to our questions, then we
can always stop asking questions.
A continuous barrage of direct demanding questions can be very taxing on
an individual and may border on the rude. So instead of repeating a question
which demands much thought and a detailed answer, we may offer a multiple
What happens when you die?
1) Do you just cease to exist.
2) Are you reincarnated as some other living being.
3) Or do you pass on to a final judgement before your Creator.
And do not forget to follow up with, how do you know? Because we are
trying to open up our opponent, we need plenty of How do you know pry
bars in our toolbox. Here are a few:
How can you be sure that is true?
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you were wrong?
Are you sure you want to build your life around the certainty of that?
How would you prove that that is the case?
Have you ever doubted that?
Has anyone ever questioned you on that?
How did you arrive at that conclusion?
These are a few good How do you know type questions for our toolbox.
When someone redirects the how do you know question back on us, then
we need a good redirector in our toolbox, like, What would you accept as
evidence? followed up with, Why? Ultimately, you want to drive them to
see that everything which they believe is unreliable and self-contradictory, and
that there is only one reliable and non-contradictory belief system, and that is
the one revealed by God in the Bible.
If we get deep into a discussion with Mr. Interrupter or Miss Go-on-and-
on-er, then we might try these lines:
I promise not to interrupt, if you promise not to interrupt.
I promise to listen, if you promise to listen.
I promise not to go on and on without completing a thought, if you
promise not to go on and on without completing a thought.
I will let you be the judge of whether I have made my point, if you
will let me be the judge of whether you have made your point.
You will have to develop your own toolbox of questions which fit your
particular way of doing things, but this short list should get you started. After
a while, your toolbox will fill up with all kinds of prying questions and satisfying
Do not be afraid to ask What do you mean? Entire conversations turn on
definitions of terms and ideas. Would you explain what you mean by that?
Often, the person you are speaking with actually does not know what he means.
You need to make sure he does know what you mean. Be sure to press the
practical ramifications of his faith. What do you see as the consequences of
what you believe? What difference does it make? So what? And here is a
very good one which I mentioned earlier but you do not want to use it too
often because it can be very annoying: Why? This question combines logic
with authority.
Think of the good challenges people have popped on you, and how would
you answer them now. Here is a common one: Your religion is archaic and
close minded and not open to change. Here is a response: Does truth ever
VI. The Use of Evidentialism
There are lots of good resources for apologetics, if we know how to use
them. Most materials are written from an evidentialist point of view. I believe
we must first stand upon the solid ground that the Bible is the Word of God,
then argue from that position. By contrast, evidentialists first fight to prove
that the Bible is the Word of God. They use evidence from all of the unreliable
sources of truth which I mentioned earlier such as evidence from our senses
combined with the scientific method. They argue that man, by reason, can find
out God which essentially places the authority of mans reason above the
authority of Gods word. They begin at the wrong place. They use the wrong
evidence as authority. Remember, the bottom line is, How do you know for
sure? Scripture the Word of God is the highest possible authority. There
is no authority higher than the Word of God which can be used to authenticate
the Word of God. The only authority which we can use to prove Scripture is
Scripture itself. Scripture is self-authenticating. If we use any other evidence,
that evidence must necessarily be lower in authority than Scripture. To use a
lower authority than Scripture to authenticate Scripture is like using a tone-
deaf three-year-old with a kazoo to authenticate the musical compositions of
Bach the authority of the greater is necessarily lowered by the lesser. How
can we rely on a three-year-old to authenticate Bach? The weakness of
evidentialism is that it surrenders the question of how do you know? before it
even begins the argument.
That does not mean, however, that we have to throw out evidentialism. It
has a legitimate use. Evidential arguments arguments which use those less
than reliable authorities are useful, not as a true defense of the faith, but as
a means of removing obstacles to faith and casting doubt on other belief systems.
For example, creationist arguments are evidential arguments. They do not
prove creation. I am not going to base my faith in the Biblical flood upon the
creationist theory of the water canopy over the earth. Technically speaking,
that theory is not provable at least not in this life. If some day that theory
appears discredited, that will not change my faith, I will continue to believe
what Scripture says.
But such evidential arguments do not have to be provable in order for
them to cast doubt upon equally unprovable evolutionary dogma. Once we
cast doubt upon evolution, we create a crisis of how do I know anything for
sure in the mind of the evolutionist. That is our opening for the argument
that, indeed, we cannot know anything for sure unless the Bible is the Word of
God. The alternatives are either 1) the Bible is true, or else 2) we cannot know
truth, everything is actually nonsense absurdity. The second alternative should
ultimately drive us to set ourselves up as the only authorities which is
humanism. This raises the specter of Solipsism, which simply means that we
fool ourselves into thinking that everything else is real, when in fact nothing is
real. In other words, we are god, and all that we know is a lie. By contrast, the
first alternative that the Bible is true should drive us humbly to our
knees in worship of our Almighty Creator.
The bottom line is, It is all in the Book. We must not pretend that we do
not have the Book to begin with. We must begin with the Book and end with
the Book, because there is no authority for what we believe outside of the
Book. Without the Book we have no faith to defend. How do we know? Because
the Bible tells us so.
In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. (Colossians
2:3, KJV)
VII. Thoughts On Circular Reasoning
Some people think circular reasoning (also known as begging the question
or petitio principii) is false. Not at all. All sound, true and valid reasoning is
circular. That is, the conclusion must always be found somewhere within the
premises, such that if we accept the premises then we must necessarily accept
the conclusion. Ordinarily the conclusion restates the premises in a new and
somewhat interesting way.
Jacks salary doubles every year.
Jack started at one dollar per year.
Therefore, in 20 years, Jack will have earned over one million dollars.
1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 + 256 + 512 + 1,024 + 2,048 + 4,096 +
8,192 + 16,384 + 32,768 + 65,536 + 131,072 + 262,144 + 524,288 = 1,048,575
The conclusion is entirely contained within the premises. If it were not,
then the conclusion would not be valid.
Now, some circular reasoning is false, not because it is circular, but because
it only appears to be circular, while in fact it does not make a perfect circle. It
is inconsistent somewhere. We call it the fallacy of circular reasoning because
it goes round and round like the worldview merry-go-round. It tries to validate
itself which no false system can actually do. Somewhere in the system it has
had to borrow from reality, and in doing so, it has created an inconsistency
within itself. Then it creates what I call artificial logic which is a false worldview
trying to be consistent with itself at the sacrifice of genuine logic. So it is actually
the fallacy of non-circular reasoning.
For example, geologists date fossils by the rocks in which they are found.
But the rocks are dated by the fossils which they contain. This is so-called
circular reasoning. This would be okay if there were an absolute dating point
which served as a reference point to support the circular reasoning. The problem
is that this circular reasoning is not based upon an absolute dating point. No,
this circular reasoning is used to establish the absolute dating point with unstated
assumptions! Hence, because of the way it is used, this circular reasoning is
ultimately non-circular reasoning it does not complete the circle.
The error of these non-circular systems of reasoning becomes apparent
when they try to authenticate themselves. There is only one system which can
authenticate itself, and that is the one which begins with the Word of God.
This is an inescapable concept. Hence the authorities which authenticate a
false system from within the system itself eventually become the word of that
systems god. Politically correct ideology is self-evident truth supposedly
revealed in the very nature of things from the viewpoint of the false worldview,
that is. It does not need to be proven, indeed, it dare not be questioned. It is
the word of god. Well, actually, it is a presupposition of a false philosophy
masquerading as the word of god.
All true reasoning is consistent and all consistent reasoning is perfectly
circular. So all false systems attempt to clothe themselves with the appearance
of consistency so that they may appear to be the truth.
VIII. Some Final Thoughts
Do not forget that you are part of the argument. Others must not only see
consistency in your worldview, but they must also see consistency in your life.
If you do not live out your beliefs, then they are quick to see the inconsistency.
Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:
(Second Corinthians 3:2 KJV)
Remember also that no one will truly enter the circle of the true Christian
worldview and worship the true Christian God unless God grants him faith.
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that [faith is] not of
yourselves: it is the gift of God: [That faith is] not of works, lest any man
should boast. (Ephesians 2:8,9 KJV)
The victory in this great culture war is ultimately the Lords. He alone can
conquer in any ultimate sense. We must be faithful to Him, obey His orders,
use the weapons He issues to us, and go forth conquering cultures for Christ.
The idea and some of the development for the threefold division of
worldviews came from Christ Schlect, The Christian Worldview and Apologetics,
1998, Logos School, Moscow, Idaho.
The idea for different types of empirical evidence came from a seminar on
Apologetics delivered in Des Moines, Iowa, July, 1997, by Dr. John Robbins of
the Trinity Foundation, Unicoi, Tennessee, 37692,
The idea of the Flatt World illustration came from a Ken Hovind seminar
on video tape. Dr. Kent Hovind, 29 Cummings Road, Pensacola, Florida, 32503;
The idea of the toolbox of questions came from Bill Jack, Simple Tools For
Brain Surgery, video tape available from Worldview Academy, Box 5032, Bryan,
Texas, 77805,
The solipsist story, and a few other miscellaneous ideas came from T.E.
Grover Gunn, Apologetics Lecture at Christ Presbyterian Church, Elkton,
Maryland, March, 1997.
General sources:
Gordon Clark, Three Types of Religious Philosophy, 1989, The Trinity
Foundation, Unicoi, Tennessee.

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