UNIT - Separator
UNIT - Separator
UNIT - Separator
The produced well fluid is generally a mixture of oil, salt water and natural gas .
The separation of gas and liquid is the first processing step.
The separated liquid is further separated to dehydration and desalting to remove water and salt.
The pure oil is metered and then dispatched to the refinery.
The water removed from oil is known as effluent water. This water is further treated to meet the MINAS specification for
meeting the effluent disposal requirement. Then the water is disposed off.
The separated gas is further treated for dehydration, sweetening and LPG production . Then the gas is compressed before
dispatch to meet the industry requirement.
The separation of well fluid containing oil, water and gas depends on various factors such as ;-
• Gas oil ratio (GOR)
• Pressure
• Temperature
• Flow rate
The separation is carried out in number of stages There are two types of separation
• Flash separation
In flash separation , the vapor is kept in contact with the remaining fluid for certain retention time .
• Differential separation
In differential separation, the vapor is removed from the contact as soon as it is formed . Thus pressure decreases and
gas liberates in each stage which is instantaneously removed. This results in maximum liquid recovery.
The total GOR is the ratio of total cumulative gas recovered from all separation stages per barrel of stock tank oil.
• The GOR varies with number of stages and is lower for more number of satges
The stage pressure is optimized for three stage sepatartion .The 1st stages is generally kept at 215 psia , second stage at
42 psia , and the 3rd stage at 14.7 psia. The 3rd stage is generally storage tank pressure.
Separators can be broadly classified as
• Two phase separator
• Three phase separator
Two phases separator is the most common type and is used to separate gas from oil.
Three phase separator is used to separate gas from the liquid and oil from liquid.
Major components of a separator.
Inlet diverter
• The diverter is used to separate gas and the liquid . The momentum of inlet stream is reduced by abrupt change in direction and velocity
with the help of baffle plates.
Defoaming plates
• In secondary separation section the gas velocity is reduced such that entrained liquid droplets settle by gravity. Inclined bAffles are used to
reduce turbulence and for coalescence of droplets.
Mist extractor
• This consists of a series of vanes/ wire mesh . Wire mesh type mesh is cheaper and efficient but needs cleaning from time to time. vane
type is preferred in Mumbai High because of no maintenance is required .
Vortex breaker
• It is used at the outlet to prevent the development of vortex when control valve is open.j The vortex can suck more gas out of the vapor .
• Vertical Separator
• Horizontal Separator
• Spherical Separator
• Cyclone separator
o Basic selection criteria
For low to medium GOR streams
When large liquid slug is expected
When sand , wax are produced
When plot area is limited
a. More versatile than horizontal
b. Greater liquid surge capacity
c. It has good drain facility for liquid at the bottom.
d. Can handle sand, wax ,mud
e. It has full diameter for gas flow
f. Requires larger diameter for given gas capacity
g. More expensive than Horizontal
h. More difficult to service at the top
o Basic selection criteria
For high to medium GOR streams
For larger volumes of gas or liquid
For three phase separation
Trouble shooting
Requires a smaller gas outlet
Cheaper than vertical
Large liquid surface for foam dispersion
Less turbulence
Only part of shell available for Gas outlet
Occupies large surface area
Liquid ;level controller is very critical
Difficult to clean sand, wax, mud from bottom.
Possible causes for the most common failures are listed velow;-
• Low liquid level
• High liquid level
• Low pressure in separator
• High pressure in separator
• Gas going out from Gas line
• Foaming in separator
• Gas going out from ater outlet
• Diaphragm operated valve not opening
These separators are
occasionally used for
high pressure service
where compact size is
desired and liquid
volumes are small.
Gas-Oil ratio
Primary separation is accomplished by utilizing the
difference in momentum between gas and liquid. Larger
liquid droplets fail to make the sharp turn and impinge on
the inlet wall. This action coalesces finer droplets so that
they drop out quickly. Although inlet geometries vary,
most separators use this approach to knock out a major
portion of the incoming liquid.
Gravity settling requires low gas velocities with
minimal turbulence to permit droplet fallout.
other K3(L/3)0.56
These values were obtained on separators with L/D
ratio of about 5:1.
Ks Values from
• For vertical separators, with standard wire mesh or vane type mist
extractors Ks values vary from about 0.07 – 0.105m/sec.
• For horizontal separators, with standard wire mesh or vane type mist
extractors Ks values vary from about 0.07 – 0.15m/sec.
Retention time is the indirect way of fixing the volume of
the separator necessary to handle the liquid flow rate.
Separator liquid volume equals the liquid flow rate times
retention time.
Coalescing plates in the liquid section and mesh pad mist extractors in
the gas section are particularly prone to plugging by accumulations of
paraffin. Where it is determined that paraffin is an actual or potential
problem, the use of plate-type or centrifugal mist extractors should be