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Physical Properties of Hybrid Particulate Composite Materials

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume IV, Issue X, October 2017 | ISSN 2321–2705

Physical Properties of Hybrid Particulate Composite

M. Lava Kumar, 2P.K.Venu and 3Dr. M. Amala Justus Selvam
Associate Professor, Dept. Mechanical Engineering, SIETK, Puttur, AP, India.
P.G.Students, Dept. Mechanical Engineering, SIETK, Puttur, AP, India.
Head & Professor, Dept. Automobile Engineering, Vel Tech University, Chennai, TN, India.

Abstract: In recent past automobile industry is growing Only preliminary studies of coconut leaf sheath fibre were
enormously. All the manufacturers of automobiles are in the reported in the literature (Satyanarayana et al. 1982). Though
process of supplying them at low cost. The cost of the automobile the fibre from many parts of the coconut trees are put to use,
depends on the materials used in the processes. So, all the the sheath fibre are left as huge waste. In the present work,
researchers are concentrating on new materials which will be
we separated the coarse fibre from the outer layers and the
strong enough, low cost, less weight, recyclable, high specific
strength, non abrasive, eco-friendly, fairly good mechanical fine fibre from the inner mat to study their properties
properties with biodegradable characteristics. In nature, none of
the single material will have all the required properties. Hence II. METHOD OF MANUFACTURING SPECIMEN
much amount of research is intensified on the composite
materials. A. Extraction of Borassus Fruits Fibre

In India, large amount of borassus fruit fibre and Borassus fruit fiber is a natural fiber( Scientific name is
coconut leaf sheath fibre is available in different states which can CARYOTA URENS) of Arecaceae family and is used for
be utilized for the preparation of composite materials.. To obtain making strong ropes. The borassus fruit fiber is extracted by a
this new composite material in different ratios, the present process is known as RETTING PROCESS .The borassus
experimental work is planned accordingly with the above fruits were taken from the tree and immersed in water tank for
materials. Physical tests such as Impact & Flexural test will be 2to 3 weeks .After that the fibre were stripped from the
conducted to evaluate Impact & Flexural strength of the stalks by hand.So that fibre will be remain.washed and dried
borassus fruit fiber was taken in separate trays to these trays
Keywords - Borassus fruit fibre, Coconut leaf sheath fibre , 10% NaOH solution was added.Then the fibre were soaked
Impact & Flexural test in the solution for 10 Hours.After that the fibre were washed
thoroughly with water to remove excess of NAOH sticking to

N atural fibre have played a very important role in human

civilization since prehistoric times. The Natural fibre
reinforced composite has recently attracted the attention of
researchers because they are environmental friendly, being
light weight, strong, cheap, nonabrasive, high specific
mechanical properties and abundantly available. In present
research, we have been characterized the behaviour barassus
and coconut sheath fibre . The borassus and coconut leaf
sheath fibre are available in nature. It is a genus six species
of fan palms, native to tropical regions of Africa, India and Fig. 1 Borassus fruits
Gunea. They are growing upto 30 m high and 2-3 m long. The
flower small in densely clustered spikes, followed by large
brown, roundish fruits.
Coconut tree is native to coastal areas of Southeast
Asia (Malaysia,Indonesia, and Philippines), tropical Pacific
islands Melanesia, Polynesia, and Micronesia) and westward
to coastal India, Sri Lanka, East Africa, and tropical islands
(e.g., Seychelles, Andaman, Mauritius) in the Indian Ocean.
Many fibre are available in different parts of the coconut tree
(Satyanarayana et al. 1982). The sheath is made up of an inner
mat which is sand wiched between two layers of coarse fibre .
Fig.2 Borassus fruits fibre Page 57
International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume IV, Issue X, October 2017 | ISSN 2321–2705

B. Extraction of Coconut Sheath Fibres

The Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera) is a member of palm
family (Arecaceae ). Coconut leaf sheath fibre occur in mat
form. The leaf sheaths collected from the trees were dipped in
water for one week, thoroughly washed with tap water
followed by distilled water, and dried in the sun for a week.
Cleaned leaf sheath was separated to inner sheath mat and the
outer layer fibre . The fibre of the inner mat and outer layers
were separately kept in open to atmosphere temperature for 2
– 3 days to remove the moisture. Some of these fibre were
treated with 10% sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution for 24
hour at room temperature, maintaining a liquor ratio of 25:1 to
remove the hemi cellulose and other greasy materials. These Fig.4 Specimen of laminate composite
fibre were washed with water repeatedly. Finally the fibre
were washed with distilled water before drying in atmosphere

Fig.5 Specimen for Flexural test

Fig.3 Coconut Leaf Sheath Fibre

C. Epoxy resin and HY951 Hardener

The resin- hardener mixture is used for binding various layers
fibre. LY556 epoxy resin and HY951 hardener gives thebest
binding property under standard room temperature.
Recommended by researchers an optimum mixing ratio of
10:1 between resin and hardener is used.
D. Specimen Preparation Method
Fig.6. Specimen for Impact test
In this study, Manual hand layup method is used for preparing
composite laminates. We have taken two plane glasses and III. TESTING OF COMPOSITES
fax is applied on top and bottom surface of glass. The LY556
The main objective is to determine material properties
epoxy resin and HY951 hardener mixture is completely of natural fiber laminate composite material by conducting the
applied. The specimens are manufactured borassus fruit fibre, tensile tests.
Coconut leaf sheath fibre and combination of borassus fruit
fibre & Coconut sheath fibre. The combination laminate A. Impact Strength
composite is prepared by layer by layer respective fibre. The The impact test specimens are prepared according to the
first layer is Coconut leaf sheath fibre and applied epoxy and required dimension following the ASTM- D638 standard.
resin mixture. After that second layer of borassus fruits fibre During the testing process, the specimen must be loaded in the
placed over the first layer. The specimen prepared per ASTM- testing machine and allows the pendulum until it fractures or
D 638 standard. breaks. Using the charpy impact test, the energy needed to
break the material can be measured easily and can be used to
measure the toughness of the material and the yield stress.
Generally sisal fibers possess good impact absorbing Page 58
International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume IV, Issue X, October 2017 | ISSN 2321–2705

properties. The fracture values were calculated by dividing the Avg 19.36
energy by cross sectional area of the specimen C1 20.62
C2 24.25
C3 18.94
Avg 21.27

CLSF: Coconut Leaf Sheath Fibre

BFF: Borasus Fruit Fibre
C: Composite
The variation of Flexural strength of the laminate composite
materials is shown in the above table. It exhibits the variations
of Flexural strength with different composite specimens for
the peak loads. The specimen composite has high Flexural
Fig.7 Experimental set up for Impact test strength of 21.27 Mpa and the specimen individual has low
B. Flexural Test Flexural strength of 19.36 MPa for Borassus Fruits Fibre and
19.36 Mpa for Coconut Leaf Sheath Fibre.
The flexural specimens are prepared as per ASTM- D638
standard. The 3-point flexure test is the most common flexural Table 4.2 Results for Impact Test
test for composite materials. Specimen deflection is measured S.No Impact Test(J)
by the crosshead position. Test results include flexural
strength and displacement. The testing process involves
placing the test specimen in the universal testing machine and CLSF2 6
applying force to it until it fractures and breaks. The specimen CLSF3 8
used for conducting the flexural test. According to the ASTM- Avg 7
D638 standard
BFF1 7
BFF2 7
BFF3 8
Avg 7.33
C1 6
C2 6
C3 6
Avg 6

The variation of Impact strength of the laminate

composite materials is shown in the above table 2. It exhibits
Fig.7. Specimen for Flexural test the variations of Impct strength with different composite
specimens. The specimen composite has low Impact strength
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION of 6 J and the specimen individual has high Impact strength of
7.33 J for Borassus Fruits Fibre and 7 J for Coconut Leaf
Table 4.1 Results for Flexural Test Sheath Fibre.
S.No Flexural Test (Mpa) V. CONCLUSION
CLSF1 17.82 From the experimental results are obtained, the following
CLSF2 15.9 conclusion are given:
CLSF3 16.45  The Flexural strength of laminate composite is 21.27
Avg 16.723 Mpa greater than individual of borassus Friuts fibre
BFF1 18.76 and Coconut Leaf Sheath fibre.
 The Impact strength of laminate composite is 6 J less
BFF2 20.12
than individual of borassus Friuts fibre and Coconut
BFF3 19.2 Leaf Sheath fibre. Page 59
International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume IV, Issue X, October 2017 | ISSN 2321–2705

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