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Module 5 Self Respect

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Module 5

Get Ready!
1.Think of the tune that you like to
use for the paragraph/ lyrics given.
2.You can use some of your body
parts to produce sounds and
accompany your performance.
3.You will be given 5minutes to do
the collaboration.
A. Respect, Respect C. Following directions is important
Respect is the key for you
For we all can be successful really can be learning when you
when we work as a team. know what to do.
Respect! Respect! (Repeat A)
Respect is the key
For we all can be successful D. Only one person talks at a time
when we work as a team. Please don’t allow yourself to
get out of line
(Repeat A)
B. Wait to play your instrument
until you’re directed
E. Please raise your hand when you
Then you’ll never ever have have a question
to be corrected (repeat A) That’s the only way to get the
attention.(Repeat A)
Bring to Light!
• How do you find the activity? Was it easy for
you or not?
• Can you give the moral thought of the lyrics?
Do you agree with it? Why?
• After working on the activity , what is your
meaning of respect now?
• How can you show respect to your fellow
participants? How about to yourself?
• Do you think it is important to respect yourself
too? Why? Why not?
• What can you gain from respecting yourself?
Looking back

Knowing our true nature as a human

person would help us understand what
makes us truly human.

Human person is social and lives in

harmony with others
Looking back

Developing your ideal self starts with

knowing first, your real self.

Self-respect experience of dignity and

personal worth, deserving love and
Looking back

Always practice the values of fairness,

determination, honesty, accountability,
and sportsmanship in using and
developing your talents.
Looking back

God has given each believer a

combination, opportunities and gifts
that is perfectly united to his or her
situation in life.
Let us watch and reflect on the video
• Respect is a value that you have
been taught since you were

• If respect is the recognition of the worth of all

persons, then, self-respect is acknowledging
that you have this same worth that others have.
• Self – respect is to accept
the self.
• Your self – respect is always
grounded on who you are, not
on what you can do.

• Self – respect, then, is the

acceptance of your worth as a
What happens
when you
yourself ?
• When you respect yourself, you are
not worried about how people
evaluate you
• If you have self-respect, you
consider yourself worthy of all
positive and good things.
• Self-respect enables to take care of
yourself – mind and body.
• Self-respect helps you make better
decisions and judgments.
• Self-respect gives you the ability to
respect others.

• Self-respect allows you to have

better relationships.
How can
you show
Self –
1. Do things that are good for you.
2. Always do what you believe is right.
3. Take responsibility for yourself and
your actions.
4. Act respectably toward other
5. Avoid putting yourself down.
Answer the following questions.
1. Do you agree that respect is earned? Why?
Why not?
2. In what ways can you show respect to other
3. Share your insights on this one of the
greatest commandments of Jesus:
“Love your neighbors as you love

• Exodus 20:12 ; Deuteronomy 5:16

“ Honour your Father and
• Colossians 3:21
“ Fathers, do not nag your
children lest they lose
• Ephesians 6:4
“ Do not provoke your children to
anger but bring them up with
the training and instruction of
the Lord.”
• Luke 15:11-32
Christ portrait of a merciful,
forgiving father in his parable of
the “Prodigal Son”, that we
understand the full Christian
meaning of parenthood.
Obstacles in fulfilling the 4th

1. Not all fathers and mothers

act as loving parents.
2. Distance from parents
3. Generation Gap

Write an essay with the title

“What is Self-Respect to me?”
Thank you
very much!

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