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Proper Waste Management at Home

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Unit 9


Content Standards: Proper waste management such as waste segregation and 4R

Performance Standards: Create garbage/trash bins using old containers and label to observe
waste segregation

1. Understand the concepts related to waste management: waste/garbage, waste disposal,
waste segregation, biodegradable, non-biodegradable, reuse, reduce, recycle
2. Recognize the use of red, yellow and green trash bins
3. Identify ways of proper waste disposal
4. Identifying waste/garbage that can be reused and/or recycled
5. Describe waste/garbage disposal of the family
6. Recognize words related to waste management by sight
7. Read sight words related to waste management.
8. Read sentences illustrating proper waste management.
9. Practice proper waste management such as waste segregation and 3R
10. Demonstrate family’s contribution to take care of the environment

Developing proper ways of garbage disposal starts at home

Essential Questions
1. What are the proper ways of garbage disposal?
2. How is waste segregation done?
3. Why is waste segregation important?

Introductory Activity

Activity 1: Think-Pair-Share
1. Look at the following pictures.
2. Describe what the people or children are doing in each picture.
3. Identify which pictures show good actions and which ones show wrong actions.
4. Answer and discuss your answer to the following questions
a. What makes the action shown in each picture good or wrong?
b. What are other actions that you can do to properly throw trash?
5. Share your answers to the question to the class.



B. Activating Schema: Group Discussion

Directions: With your group mates, listen to the questions as the teacher reads them. Then take
turns in sharing your answers to the questions.

1. Where do you usually put garbage or trash at home?

2. Do you have one or have more than one garbage/trash bins at home?
3. Do you put all garbage/trash in one bin or do you put them in separate bins at home?
4. What do you think is the meaning of recycling?

C. Reading Sight Words Related to Recycling

Directions: Listen to the teacher as he/she reads the following sight words:

recycle plastic biodegradable

reuse paper non-biodegradable

reduce glass trash

metal segregation

1. Read first the text together with your teacher.
2. Underline the words that were introduced in the pre-reading activity.
3. Then sing it using the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.”
4. Answer the comprehension questions that follow.
Comprehension Questions
(Note to the Facilitator: Read the questions to the students. Decide whether these questions
will be answered as a whole class or in a group)
1. What is the meaning of recycling?
2. What are the things mentioned in the text that can be recycled?
3. Why do you think the writer mentions in the last two lines of the text that “We must
start now, we can’t wait, Quick, or it will be too late?
4. Do you recycle garbage or trash at home?
5. Why is recycling important?



The text above emphasizes the need for people to recycle their waste. Why is recycling
important? Improper waste disposal and the increasing amount of trash/garbage produced are
one of the major problems faced by people not only in our community but also in the whole
world. Problems on improper waste disposal have caused other problems such as clogged
drainage or canals, flooding and diseases. Hence, there is a need for people to find ways on
how to address these problems because it is our responsibility to protect our environment.One
of these ways is to apply the 3R – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Directions: Before watching the short video, listen to the guide questions which will be read by
the teacher. Be ready to give your answers after watching the video.

Guide Questions:
1. What is the video about?
2. What is the name of the woman who shared her story?
3. What product was created by the woman using garbage/trash?
4. Do you think that recycling is easy to practice? Why or why not?

REDUCE– lessening the amount of trash/garbage produced

REUSE - using materials repeatedly

RECYCLE– using materials to make new products



1. With your partner, discuss other examples or ways on how to observe the 3Rs at home.
2. Then share your ideas to the whole class.


To make the 3R work, there is a need to separate or segregate trash or garbage. First,
know what trash or garbage that can be recycled and which ones are not.

Biodegradable – waste or garbage that can be broken down or decomposed

Non biodegradable – waster or garbage that cannot be broken down or decomposed

 Content (Education)
 Skills

Summary of knowledge & Skills - (KEY Concepts)

Then for the non biodegradable wastes, these can be separated or segregated into
paper, plastic, metal, and glass. This is called waste segregation.Yellow,green, red, and blueare
the common colors used in trash bins and containers.

blue= paper
red = plastic
green = glass
yellow = metal

Summary of Knowledge and Skills

Proper waste disposal and management can be done by applying the 3R – Reduce,
Reuse and Recycle. Reducing means lessening the amount of trash/garbage produced. Reusing
refers to using materials more than once while recycling means creating new material or
product out of trash/garbage. We should start practicing proper waste management at home
and in our community because God commands us to do so as indicated in the bible, specifically,
in 1 Peter 4:10, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as
faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
Practice Activity 1
Directions: Look at the following pictures. Identify which pictures show reducing, reusing and
recycling of waste. Write REDUCE, REUSE or RECYCLE on the lines provided.






Practice Activity 2: Sorting Trash

Directions: Sort out the following pictures showing different types of trash/garbage into
biodegradable and non biodegradable. Write the labels of the trash to the either the
biodegradable or non biodegradable labels


foil wrapper dead flower plastic straw

cardboard box egg shell

food leftover

tin cans


PRACTICE ACTIVITY 3: Observing Waste Segregation

A. Color the trash bins/containers with the appropriate color for the type of non
biodegradable waste. Use yellow, red, blue and green.


B. Place the trash/garbage in the appropriate container to observe proper waste

segregation. Write the letter of the picture in the containers found in part A.






Summative Assessment

1. Form a group with 5-8 members.
2. Think of scenarios or situations that show the importance of 3R (reduce, reuse and
recycle) practices of waste disposal and management at home.
3. Demonstrate the importance of observing the 3R at home through the role-play.
4. Perform the role-play/skit within 7-10 minutes.
Service-Learning Activity: Clean-up Drive

1. Form a group consisting of 5 members.

2. Decide for a specific time and day of the week (for a month) where you can do your
clean-up drive activity.
3. Choose a particular area in your barangay where you will go to pick trash/garbage and
segregate them.
4. For the non-biodegradable wastes, particularly cans and empty bottles, your group may
decide to sell these to the junk shops. The money to be earned may be used in buying
color-coded containers to be used as trash bins in some households of the chosen
5. Write a weekly journal after each activity.

Extension: Information Drive (The students will teach how to do waste segregation and
recycling to the community)

Reflection with Self-rating

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