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Generic Classifications of Literature

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Generic Classifications of

1. Prose
3. Drama

2. Poetry 4. Essay
1. Prose

• It uses a spoken or written language

without metrical regularity.

• It is organized in sentences and


• It imitates the spoken language.

Types of Prose
• Fiction- stories based
on the writer’s
• Non- Fiction- works of
facts and theories
• Short stories
• Novels
• Myths/legends/fables
• Parables/ anecdotes
• Romances
• Epics
• Plays
• Letters
• Journals/ Diaries
• Biographies
• Autobiographies
• Histories
• Newspapers
• Speech/Oration
• It is written with rhythm and is organized in
lines and groups lines called stanzas.

• It is highly imaginative and written in

condensed language, stylized syntax, and
figures of speech not found in ordinary
Types of Poetry
• Narrative Poetry- • Dramatic Poetry-tells
describes important stories in dialogue of
details in life following play rhymes, repeating
the order of events rhymes and other
either real or imaginary poetic elements

• Lyric Poetry-any short poem which is song-like

Narrative Poetry

Epic- a lengthy narrative poem in elevated

language celebrating the adventures and
achievements of a legendary or traditional
 Metrical Tales-tales written in verse and classified as
either ballad or metrical romance.
-a narrative poem consisting usually of a single series of
connective events that are simple idylls or home tales,
love tales, tales of supernatural or tales written for a
strong moral purpose in verse form.

 Ballad-narrative song: a song or poem, especially a

traditional one or one in a traditional style, telling a
story in a number of short regular stanzas, often with a
-concerned with some strongly emotional
-halfway between the lyric and epic
Metrical Romance- a metrical tale composed
of a long rambling love story in verse
-centered around the adventure of knights
and lords and their royal ladies during the
age of chivalry
Metrical Allegory- an extended narrative that
carries a second meaning along with the
surface story. Things and actions are
Popular Ballad- a ballad of wide workmanship
telling some simple incidents of adventure,
cruelty, passion, or superstition, an incident
that shows the primary instincts of man
influenced by the restraints of modern
Lyric Poetry
Haiku-a form of Japanese poetry with 17
syllables in three unrhymed lines of five,
seven, and five syllables, often describing
nature or a season
Ode-serious lyric poetry which
commemorates important public events
-Consists of stanzas with the same pattern of
rhythm and rhyme
Elegy- common lyrics that deals with life and
-it mourns the death of a loved one
Sonnet- a short poem with 14 lines, usually
ten-syllable rhyming lines, divided into two,
three, or four sections. There are many
rhyming patterns for sonnets, and they are
usually written in iambic pentameter(five
beat poetic line).
Song- a lyric poem in a regular pattern to set
- composed of twelve syllables
(dodecasyllabic) and slowly sung to the
accompaniment of guitar or banduria.
Corridos/Kuridos- have measures of eight
syllables (octosyllabic) and recited to a
material beat.
3. Essay

It is a short analytic, descriptive, or

interpretive piece of literary or journalistic
prose dealing with a specific topic.
It is a short literary composition which is
expository in nature.
The author shares some of his thoughts,
feelings, experiences, or observations on
some aspects of life that have interested him.
4. Drama
It is an exciting, tense, and gripping events and
actions, or an exciting, tense, and gripping
quality, either in a work of art or in a real-life.

It is a serious play written for performance on

stage, television, or radio.
Kinds of Drama
Tragedy- a play which the leading character
overcomes trouble of some kind.

Comedy-a play which the leading character

overcomes obstacles placed in his way and
wins in the conflict; ends happily
Farce- a comedy which the situations are
too ridiculous; situations are beyond

Pantomime- the entire story is told by

action; can be comedy or tragedy
Historical Play- dramatized some event of

Puppet Play- some parts are acted by

puppets or marionettes

Plays of Fantasy- actions could not take place

in real life but only in the imagination of the
writer; full of improbable actions

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