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Introduction To Quality Management System and Process Improvement

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Introduction to Quality Management System and Process Improvement

-A collection of activities that takes one or more kinds of input and creates an output
-A sequence of interdependent and linked steps which, at every stage, consume one or more inputs (time, energy, money) to create
outputs (data, material)
Business Process
-A business process is a series of steps specifically designed to produce a product or service
-A business process begins with an organizational objective and ends with achievement of the business objective
Quality Management System QMS is an organization’s collective documentation of processes, policies, plans, and practices
Enables achievement of the goals and objectives set by providing consistency and satisfaction in terms of methods, materials, equipment,
Think of QMS as a “wedge” that both holds the gains achieved along the quality journey, and prevents good practices from slipping
Is a series of actions taken to identify, analyze and improve existing processes within an organization if it is not performing up to
expectations, error prone, has too much defects and variation – Your goal is to make things better!
These actions often follow and use specific methodologies, standard and tools which aim to reduce and eventually eliminate defects and
disconnects in your processes


1. Total Quality Management (TQM) involves all stakeholders as well as the customers in continuously improving product quality. A key
TQM activity is process management where, using a set of tools, process performance is measured, analyzed and improved.

2. Lean Six Sigma aims to eliminate the seven kinds of wastes: Defects, Overproduction, Transportation, Waiting, Inventory, Motion and
Over-Processing. It follows the DMAIC framework and analysis tools such as Run Charts, Pareto Charts, Scatter Plots, RCA to identify,
analyse and improve process performance`

3. Quality Management System Standards and Certifications

A. International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
-is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies. ISO 90001:2008 contains eight quality management principles, upon which to base
an efficient, effective and adaptable QMS.
B. Customer Operations Performance Center Inc (COPC).,
-a private international customer service support company (US).Designs business processes for customer support centers and business
process organizations
C. Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)
- Identifies your organization’s process strengths and weaknesses. Make process changes to turn weaknesses into strengths.Applies to
teams, work groups, projects, divisions, and entire organizations
D. Esourcing Capability Model for Service Providers (escm-SP)
- Helps sourcing organizations manage and reduce their risks

Why use a process improvement methodology?

-Provides a framework which includes the steps to be completed, resources required, team composition, tollgates and other project
management requirements
-Provides a checklist to prevent skipping critical steps which may impact results
Note: Allows you to improve how you improve!


Lifecycle of outsourced operations
 Transitions: process documentation and work shadowing, internal and regulatory requirements
 Production: contract, performance reporting, issue and change management, risk management
 Continuous improvement: process improvement, root cause analysis

BPMN “standard notation readily understandable by all business stakeholders”

1. Crafted by business analysts
2. Reviewed by business managers and performers who will manage and execute the processes
3. Implemented by technical developers

1. Event “something that happens” [wikipedia]
 Month-end date is an event that can start the month-end reporting process
 Email with an invoice attachment requesting payment can start the accounts payable process
 Student grades arriving at registrar is an end event to the semester teaching process

2. Activity “something that is done” [wikipedia]

Leads with an action verb, describes the work done in the task as a clear/action instruction
 Extract account balances in sap is an activity that will be performed at the start of month-end
 Check for duplicate invoice is a task done at the first stage of the accounts payable process
 Explain syllabus is a task performed by the teacher at the start of the semester

3. Get away
-May be exclusive forking (“or”) depending on the answer to the question indicated by the label. An “x” can be placed inside the diamond
to denote a forking of paths
-May be parallel flow (“and”), marked by a “+” sign inside the diamond, denoting concurrent activities
 Exclusive: is invoice a duplicate?: if yes, reject; if no, create accounts-payable entry
 Parallel: after billing template is received,
Accounts receivable entry is created in service center, and
Accounts payable entry is created in the onshore unit

4.Flow - connects the tasks, shows the flow direction

 Check for duplicate invoice is followed by generate accounts payable entry

- Represents an input; can be via a submitted template or data in a storage repository
- Can also represent an output; can be a report to be sent to a recipient, can be a filled-up template to be used by the next process
 Flash or interim p&l (profit and loss) report
 Email notice to a recipient
 Generated physical invoice

6. Group of tasks -Just a visual indicator that the included tasks are within a logical group
 Pay supplier group can include
 Generate balance sheet entries (credit cash, debit accounts payable)
 Issue check-payment request
 Pay supplier
 Get official receipt

7. Annotations- Repository for explanatory comments for any of the shapes (process, flow, tasks)
 “check payment requests are processed only every thursday”
 “same as onshore process”

8. Poorlane - Activities performed by the same individual (or role or team) will be noted inside the late
 Accountant checks for duplicate invoice and requests check payment. These two activities are within the accountant’s lane
 Approval by company head is done by a different person, hence in a different swim lane (the company head’s lane)

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