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Institutional Support for Rehabilitation and

Development of Disabled Human Resources in India

Dr. N. Rokendro Singh

Department of Commerce
Mizoram University, Aizawl
• Handicaps are concerned with the disadvantages experienced by the
individual as a result of impairments and disabilities; thus, handicaps
reflect interaction with and adaptation to the individuals` surroundings.
• Disabled people do not form a homogenous group. For example, the
mentally retarded, the visually, hearing and speech impaired, those with
restricted mobility or with so-called "medical disabilities" all encounter
different barriers, of different kinds, which have to be overcome in
different ways.
• Rehabilitation is a goal-oriented and time-limited process aimed at
enabling an impaired person to reach the optimum mental, physical
and/or social functional level, thus providing the individual with the tools
to change her or his own life. It can involve measures intended to
compensate for a loss of function or a functional limitation (for example,
by technical aids) and other measures intended to facilitate social
adjustment or readjustment.
• Operational activities in the field of disability changed through
implementation of various programmes on prevention and rehabilitation.
Technical advice was offered to Governments through advisory missions,
personnel training workshops and the establishment or improvement of
demonstration centres. Information was exchanged through study groups
Who are Disabled People/HR
• The World Health Organization, in its International Classification of Impairments,
Disabilities and Handicaps, makes a distinction between impairment, disability and
handicap. These three concepts are defined by it as follows:

• (a) Impairment is "any loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological, or anatomical

structure or function". Impairments are disturbances at the level of the organ which
include defects in or loss of a limb, organ or other body structure, as well as defects in or
loss of a mental function. Examples of impairments include blindness, deafness, loss of
sight in an eye, paralysis of a limb, amputation of a limb; mental retardation, partial sight,
loss of speech, mutism.

• (b) Disability is a "restriction or lack (resulting from an impairment) of ability to perform

an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being". It
describes a functional limitation or activity restriction caused by an impairment.
Examples of disabilities include difficulty seeing, speaking or hearing; difficulty moving or
climbing stairs; difficulty grasping, reaching, bathing, eating, toileting.

• (c) A handicap is a "disadvantage for a given individual, resulting from an impairment or

disability, that limits or prevents the fulfilment of a role that is normal (depending on age,
sex and social and cultural factors) for that individual". Handicap describes the social and
economic roles of impaired or disabled persons that place them at a disadvantage
compared to other persons. Examples of handicaps include being bedridden or confined
to home; being unable to use public transport; being socially isolated.
Definitions Of Disability Of Various Categories
• “handicapped” means a person-
• (i) visually handicapped;
• (ii) hearing handicapped;
• (iii) suffering from locomotor disability; or
• (iv) suffering from mental retardation;

• “visually handicapped” means a person who suffers from any of the following
conditions, namely:-
a) total absence of sight;
b) visual acquity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (snellen) in the better eye with
the correcting lenses; or
c) limitation of the field of vision subtending and angle of degree or worse.
• “hearing handicap” means deafness with hearing impairment of 70 decibels and
above, in the better ear or total loss of hearing in both ears;
• “locomotor disability” means a person’s inability to execute distinctive activities
associated with moving, both himself and objects, from place to place, and such
inability resulting from affliction of either bones, joints, muscles or nerves;
• “mental retardation” means a condition of arrested or incomplete development
of mind of a person which is specially characterized by sub-normality of
Some Data on Disability In India
• The Census India and the NSS have different sampling design. The
Census is an enumeration of the entire population of India while
the NSS has a nationally representative stratified sample. In both
sources, disability was self-reported. Different definitions of overall
disability and disability types seem to have contributed to
differences in estimates..
• Collection of data on disability dates back to 1872 with the first
Indian Census. Until 1931, it was referred to as infirmity. The
National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) made the first attempt
to collect data on the number of persons with disabilities in the
15th round during July, 1959 to June, 1960. However, those data did
not contain the required details, nor was it a regular feature.
• NSSO in its 58th round during July-Dec, 2002 collected detailed &
comprehensive information in respect of persons with visual,
hearing, speech, locomotor as well as mental disabilities. On the
request of Ministry of Social Justice & Employment, Registrar
General and Census Commissioner of India (RG&CCI) also included
the question on disability status in Census, 2001.
Comparative data on disability - NSSO - 02 & Census - 01

• The NSSO-02 Survey was based on 4637 villages and 3354 urban blocks in
the country. A total of 45,571 households in the rural areas and 24,731
households in the urban areas were surveyed as sample. On the other
hand, the census provides relatively complete coverage of the population
characteristics. However, definitions of different disabilities and the extent
of disabilities being complex issue, it is difficult to adequately train the
enumerators and for them to collect and capture detailed and correct
information in respect of each individual.
• It is also difficult to collect specific data with reference to the definitions of
different disabilities as given in the Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995.
Despite all these limitations NSSO have provided the comprehensive data
to a great extent. As per the NSSO - 2002, the estimated number of
persons with disabilities in India was 1.85 crores i.e. 1.85 percent of the
population. The Census 2001, estimated it to be 2.19 crores (2.13% of the
population). Though the variation between the total population of persons
with disabilities in the country is small, the disability wise variations are
too wide.
• The figures are given in the following table -
Disability-wise details (in lakhs)

Disability NSSO (in lakh/%age) Census(in lakh/%age)

Locomotor 106.34(51.19%) 61.05 (27.86%)

Visual 28.26 (13.60%) 106.3 (48.54%)

Hearing 30.62 (14.74%) 12.62 (5.76%)

Speech 21.55 (10.37%) 16.41 (7.49%)

Mental 20.96 (10.09%) 22.64 (10.33%)

Total 207.73 (1.8% to total 219.02 (2.1% to total

population) population)

Source: NSSO-2002 & Census-0201

As Per the NSSO 2002 & Census 2001

• One of the important and crucial points to be

noted is that 75% of the persons with
disabilities are in the rural areas as per both
the estimates.
• The difference in the data of population of
different disabilities is stated to be primarily
because of the adoption of different
definitions of disabilities by the two
Disability data as per Census India
• Disability specific Data:
• Movement 27.9%
• Seeing 48.5%
• Hearing 5.8%
• Speech 7.5%
• Mental 10.3%
• Source:Census India 2001
Disability data as per National Sample
Survey Organisation (NSSO) 2002
• Disability specific Data:
• Movement 51%
• Seeing 13.6%
• Hearing 14.7%
• Speech 10.3%
• Mental 10%
• Source:National Sample Survey Organisation
Disability data camparison between Census 2001 and NSSO 2002
Some Facilities For Disabled
• Educational Facilities
While the disabled children may attend the regular schools
there are also special schools for the disabled children.
Most of these special schools are located in Urban areas.
Voluntary Organisations are taking major initiative in
opening special schools in the country. The Ministry of
Welfare provides financial assistance to these organisations
to establish special schools. A few special schools offer
vocational training in trades like tailoring, carpentry, book
binding etc. There are four national institutes in the area of
visual, hearing, mental and locomotor disability which
organise regular programmes for the training of teachers
for the training of teachers for the handicapped. The
Scheme has been transferred to the Department of
Education since 1982.
• Facilities in Employment
• Several facilities have been provided to handicapped persons in the field of
employment by Central as well as state Governments so that these people may
become independent. Some of them are as follows:
• 1. Ministry of Welfare has made an in-depth study of various jobs done in
Government Offices and Public Sector Undertakings. The study has identified
about 1100 jobs suitable for handicapped persons. Physical requirements needed
have also been identified. A number of jobs under Group ‘A’ and ‘B’ are there that
can be done by handicapped persons. There are instructions by the Govt. that in
these jobs disabled persons should be given preference. The list of identified jobs
is available in the Publication “Brochure on reservations and Concessions for
Physically Handicapped in Central Government Services” brought out by Ministry
of personnel, Public Grievance and Pensions. Department of Personnel and
• 2. The Govt. of India has reserved 3% of Vacancies in Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts
in the Central Government Services against ‘identified jobs’ one per cent each of
the blind, the Deaf and the Orthopaedically handicapped. Some public Sector
Under takings such as Banks. Railways also follow this Most of the States have also
3% reservation while other States have their own reservation policies.
• 3. Upper age is relaxable upto 10 years for appointment to Clerical and
Subordinate Cadre posts.
• 4. Physically Handicapped persons who are otherwise qualified to
hold Clerical posts and who are certified as being unable to type have
been exempted from typing qualifications.
• 5. In the Case of holders of Group ‘C’ Group ‘D’ posts who have been
recruited on basis and who are handicapped may be given postings as far
as possible near their native places within the region. Requests from
physically handicapped employees for transfer to or near their native
places may also be given preference.
• 6. In Banks relaxation in minimum educational qualification has
also been provided , for Clerical cadre the minimum educational
requirement for physically handicapped person is IInd Division in Matric or
IIIrd Division in Higher Secondary Examinations.
• 7. University Grants Commission has instructed Universities with
regard to recruitment of the physically handicapped – when qualified blind
persons are available for appointment of teaching posts in the University /
Colleges. They should not be ignored because of their handicap.
• __ They should be employed for tutorial work in certain subjects.
• ___ These persons should be given preference for appointment in the
• teaching music.
• Self Employment
• Government of India has introduced several
other schemes to promote employment/self-
employment among disabled population –
Government provides assistance to Voluntary
Organisation for training and Sheltered workshops.
Banks Provide loans at low interest rates to promote
Self-employment. Certain Categories of handicapped
are allotted public telephone booths and other types of
shops such as tea stalls.
• The Ministry of Petroleum, Chemicals and
Fertilizers provides reservation
in dealership/distributorship in the agencies of public
Sector Oil Companies.
• Other Facilities
• ____ The handicapped persons under Govt. Services are provided
conveyance allowance as per rules.
• ___ Institution that are importing equipment and apparatus for
• education and training of the handicapped are exempted from
• Custom duty.
• ___ Residential houses are allotted to the handicapped persons who are
• in Govt. service on a priority basis. The Delhi Development
• Authority has reserved 5% of shops, 10% residential plots and 1%
• flats in each housing scheme for the disabled persons.
• ___ Concessional tickets are available to these persons for travelling by
• rail or by Air. Persons having their own vehicles are exempted from
paying road tax and petrol is provided on Concessional rates.
• ___ Ministry of Welfare provides assistance to disabled persons for the
purchase and fitting of aids and appliances for their physical
rehabilitation in order to increase their capacity to participate in
economic activities.
Legislative, policy and institutional
• To achieve the fundamental goals of protection, promotion and
growth of individuals, groups and vulnerable population, various
legislation and policies are drafted. Policy is a system that provides
logical framework and rationality of decision making for the
achievement of intended objectives. In short, policies set priorities
and guide allocation of appropriate resources through
establishment of an institutional framework.
• GOI has enacted three legislations for PWDs viz.
• - National Trust for Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy,
Mental Retardation and Multiple Disability Act, 1999.
• - Persons with Disability (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights
and Full Participation) Act, 1995.
• - Rehabilitation Council of India Act, 1992.
• A policy, National policy for people with disability, 2004.
The PWD (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights &
Full Participation) Act, 1995.
• The Persons with Disabilities(PWD) (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and
Full Participation) Act, 1995" has come into force on February 7, 1996.
• This law is an important landmark and is a significant step in the direction of
ensuring equal opportunities for people with disabilities and their full participation
in the nation building.
• The Act provides for both preventive and promotional aspects of rehabilitation
like education, employment and vocational training, job reservation, research and
manpower development, creation of barrier-free environment, rehabilitation of
persons with disability, unemployment allowance for the disabled, special
insurance scheme for the disabled employees and establishment of homes for
persons with severe disability etc.
• Section 33 of the PWDs Act, 1995 provides for reservation of not less than three
per cent of vacancies in identified posts, by appropriate Governments, for persons
with disability, of which one per cent each is to be reserved for persons suffering
blindness or low vision
hearing impairment
locomotor disability or cerebral palsy.
Rehabilitation Council of India Regulations, 1997

• The Regulations provide details about powers

and duties of the Chairperson, powers of the
Council and about the meetings of the
General Council and Executive Committee,
their quorum and proceedings etc.
National Policy For Persons with Disabilities, 2006
• National Policy for Persons with Disabilities has been announced in
February, 2006. You can have access to English & Hindi Version.
• The National Policy recognizes that Persons with Disabilities are valuable
human resource for the country and seeks to create an environment that
provides them equal opportunities, protection of their rights and full
participation in society. The focus of the policy is on (a) Prevention of
Disabilities and (b) Rehabilitation Measures.
• The salient features of the National Policy are:
– Physical Rehabilitation, which includes early detection and intervention,
counseling & medical interventions and provision of aids & appliances. It also
includes the development of rehabilitation professionals.
– Educational Rehabilitation including vocational training and
– Economic Rehabilitation for a dignified life in society.
• The policy specifically focuses on issues concerning women and children
with disabilities.
• Various Ministries/Departments in Central Government and the State
Governments and UT Administrations are implementing the policy, which
is a continuous process.
ADIP Scheme of the Govt. of India for assistance to
Disabled persons
• The Scheme aims at helping the disabled persons
by bringing suitable, durable, scientifically-
manufactured, modern, standard aids and
appliances within their reach.
• The main objectives of the Scheme is to assist
the needy disabled persons in procuring durable,
sophisticated and scientifically manufactured,
modern, standard aids and appliances that can
promote their physical, social and psychological
rehabilitation, by reducing the effects of
disabilities and enhance their economic potential.
Budget allocation and release of funds to implementing agencies under
ADIP Scheme

S.No Financial Year Amount Percentage

Budget Released Expenditure
Estimate (Rs. In
(Rs. In crores) crores
1. 2003-04 57.00 55.00 96.4

2. 2004-05 60.00 63.18 105.3

3. 2005-06 60.00 57.91 96.5
4. 2006-07 71.20 67.59 94.9
5. 2007-08 70.00 49.08 70.1
6. 2008-09 79.00 ------ ------
State wise allocation under ADIP Scheme for the year 2007-08
(A) (B) (C ) (D) (E) (F)

No. of
No. of Total amount
Total no. of districts
S.No Name of State districts released (Rs.
Districts covered by
covered In Lakhs)

1 PUNJAB 17 10 25.71 7
2 CHANDIGARH 1 1 1 1

3 UTTARANCHAL 13 8 17.77 6
4 DELHI 9 8 25.98 6
5 UTTAR PRADESH 70 56 280.95 33
6 HARYANA 20 18 74.42 6
7 HIMACHAL PRADESH 12 10 15.22 12
8 JAMMU & KASHMIR 14 13 59.52 2
TOTAL 156 124 500.57 73
State wise allocation under ADIP Scheme for the year 2007-08
(A) (B) (C ) (D) (E) (F)
No. of
No. of Total amount
Total no. of districts
S.No Name of State districts released (Rs.
Districts covered by
covered In Lakhs)

9 MADHYA PRADESH 48 18 50.03 13
10 CHHATTISGARH 16 5 21.72 3
TOTAL 64 23 71.75 16
State wise allocation under ADIP Scheme for the year 2007-08
(A) (B) (C ) (D) (E) (F)
No. of Total amount No. of districts
Total no. of
S.No Name of State districts released (Rs. covered by
covered In Lakhs) NOGs

11 KERALA 14 13 218.50 3

12 ANDHRA PRADESH 23 19 119.66 10

13 KARNATAKA 27 9 21.57 4
14 TAMIL NADU 30 23 77.31 18
15 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 2 2 0.85 2
TOTAL 97 66 437.89 37
State wise allocation under ADIP Scheme for the year 2007-08
(A) (B) (C ) (D) (E) (F)

No. of
No. of Total amount
Total no. of districts
S.No Name of State districts released (Rs.
Districts covered by
covered In Lakhs)


16 MAHARASTRA 35 29 142.33 15
17 GUJARAT 25 14 36.68 12
18 GOA 2 1 0.91 1
19 PONDICHERRY 4 1 1.17 1
20 RAJASTHAN 32 31 212.5 10
TOTAL 101 76 393.59 39
(A) (B) (C ) (D) (E) (F)
No. of
No. of Total amount
Total no. of districts
S.No Name of State districts released (Rs.
Districts covered by
covered In Lakhs)

23 WEST BENGAL 18 6 42.22 5
24 BIHAR 37 21 137.61 16
25 JHARKHAND 22 3 12.06 1
26 ORISSA 30 30 338.61 7
TOTAL 107 60 530.5 29
State wise allocation under ADIP Scheme for the year 2007-08
(A) (B) (C ) (D) (E) (F) (I)
No. of Total amount No. of districts
Total no. of
S.No Name of State districts released (Rs. covered by
covered In Lakhs) NOGs


28 ASSAM 23 20 372.54 4
29 MANIPUR 9 6 20.36 NIL
30 MEGHALAYA 7 7 31.09 NIL NIL
31 MIZORAM 8 6 14.75 NIL NIL
32 NAGALAND 8 8 28.6 NIL NIL
33 TRIPURA 4 3 34.54 NIL NIL
34 SIKKIM 4 3 12.45 NIL NIL
TOTAL 79 66 554.34 4

GRAND TOTAL 604 415 2488.64 198

Note :- ALIMCO was sanctioned Rs. 1506 lakhs for SSA Programme and
NIs were sanctioned Rs. 914 lakhs for Headquarter activities
Institutions /Organisations providing facilities
to the Disabled People
• The problem of rehabilitating the disabled is tackled
at various levels – by the Central Government, State
Governments, and by Voluntary Organisations. In the
Central Government, the Ministry of welfare plays a
major role in framing policies and programmes for
the handicapped. All State Governments and Union
territories in India have established Social Welfare of
the handicapped. The Voluntary Sector also plays a
very important role in providing welfare and
rehabilitation services for the Disabled.
National level institutions, Ministry & Office
• Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped (NIHH)
Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped (NIHH), Mumbai,
was established on 9th August, 1983 under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, as
an autonomous body and under the administrative control of the Ministry of Social
Justice & Empowerment.
• Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India (ALIMCO)
Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India (ALIMCO) is a non-profit
making organization, working under the aegis of Govt. of India, under the ministry
of Social Justice & Empowerment. It was incorporated in 1972 to take up
manufacture and supply of artificial limb components and rehabilitation aids for
the benefit of the physically handicapped and started production in 1976.
• Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MSJE):
MSJE (Government of India) that looks after the affairs relating to the welfare and
education of persons with disabilities.
• Office of the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities:
The Chief Commissioner is authorized; on his/her own motion or on application to
look into complaints relating to deprivation of rights of persons with disabilities;
and non-implementation of laws, rules, bye-laws, instructions issued by
appropriate authorities for the welfare and protection of rights of the disabled.
• National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation:
NHFDC provides information on loans available for disabled people and their
• National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped:
Set up by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment in 1984, it works
primarily in the area of Human resource development, Research and development,
Development models of care and rehabilitation, Consultancy services to voluntary
organizations, Documentation and dissemination, Extension and Outreach
• Rehabilitation Council of India:
The RCI is a statutory body set up by the Government of India with the twin
responsibility of standardizing and regulating the training of personnel and
professional in the field of Rehabilitation and Special Education.
• National Institute for Rehabilitation Training and Research (NIRTAR),
• Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Institute for the Physically Handicapped
(IPH), New Delhi
• National institute for the visually handicapped, Dehradun
• National institute for the hearing handicapped, Mumbai
• National institute for the orthopedically handicapped,
• National institute of rehabilitation training and research,
• Institute for the physically handicapped, New Delhi
• National institute for the empowerment with persons with
multiple disabilities, Chennai
• Indian Sign Language Research & Training Centre (ISLRTC)
Composite regional centers (CRCs) for PWDs
• The main objectives of CRCs are:
• To serve as Resource Centre for rehabilitation and special education
of persons with disabilities
• To undertake human resource development by training
rehabilitation professionals, village level workers, multi-
rehabilitation workers and other functionaries in Govt. and non-
Govt. sector, required for providing services to persons with
• To undertake research and development with specific reference to
needs of diverse groups of people with disability, keeping in view
the nature and severity of disability in the region.
• To develop strategies for delivery of rehabilitation services suitable
to the socio-cultural background of the region.
• To stimulate growth of services by encouraging and supporting
voluntary organization, parent groups and self-help groups.
• To establish linkages with existing medical, educational and
employment services, following the principles of community-based
rehabilitation and offer extension services in the rural areas.
CRC & Some Regional Centers for PWDs

• Composite Regional Centre (CRC) at Ahmedabad,

Gujarat (2011)
• Composite Regional Centre (CRC) at Kozhikode,
Kerala (2012)
• Indian spinal injury center, New Delhi
• Artificial limbs manufacturing corporation of India,
Vocational Rehabilitation Centres (VRCs)
(VRC For Handicapped Under Directorate General Of
Employment And Training, Ministry Of Labour And Employment )

• A sizeable number of persons in India are

handicapped. Government of India has been
providing relief and help in rehabilitating them so
that they stand on their own feet economically
and also prove useful to the society.
• Vocational rehabilitation of the handicapped
person is a process which enables him to secure
suitable employment which he could retain and
advance a permanent base with an ultimate aim
of integrating or re-integrating him in the society
• In order to facilitate speedy rehabilitation of the
handicapped, seven Skill Training Workshops (STWs) have
also been attached to seven VRCs at Ahmedabad,
Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kanpur, Mumbai and
Thiruvananthapuram for imparting non-formal training in
the trades best suited to an individual disabled person.
• Rehabilitation services of the VRCs have also been
extended to the disabled persons at their door steps living
in rural areas through the mobile camps and Rural
Rehabilitation Extension Centres (RRECs).
• These RRECs have been set up in eleven blocks under five
VRCs namely, Chennai, Kanpur, Kolkata, Ludhiana and
Mumbai. Services rendered to the Handicapped Persons by
the VRCs.
• In 1968 an agreement was signed between the
Government of India and the Government of USA for
setting up of two Vocational Rehabilitation Centres,
one at Mumbai and other at Hyderabad for assessing
vocational and psychological needs of the handicapped
persons and to render rehabilitation assistance to them
• At present 20 Vocational Rehabilitation Centres for
Handicapped have been functioning one each at
Agartala, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhubaneswar,
Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jabalpur, Jaipur,
Kanpur, Kolkata, Ludhiana, Mumbai, Patna, Puducherry,
Srinagar, Thiruvananthapuram, Una, and Vadodara.
• Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Handicapped at
Vadodara is exclusively for the disabled women.
The Voluntary Organisations

• A large number of Voluntary organisations has sprung-

up in recent years for the Cause of handicapped
persons. As per the Directory published by the Instt. for
the Physically Handicapped, New Delhi. There are
about 8000 such institutions. About 80 per cent of
these organisations are located in Andra Pradesh,
Gujarat, Karnataka, kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu,
Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Delhi. A large majority
of the Organisations are in the big cities.
• One of the well known such organisation is AKSHAYA
Rehabilitation Trust .
AKSHAYA Rehabilitation Trust
• AKSHAYA Rehabilitation Trust is a tax exempted, registered, non profitable
voluntary and developmental organisation. It was established in 1998.
• In 1998, the group of Disables’ felt that Disables Rights based issue and Disability
Development programs could be addressed more effectively only through an
Institutional Mechanism. So, we have started “AKSHAYA Rehabilitation Trust” as a
registered Voluntary and Non-Profitable Organisation under Indian Trust Act with
the group of the Physically Challenged Wheelchair Persons in the same year to
work for the disables empowerment.
• AKSHAYA Rehabilitation Trust is implementing the disability development projects
in the Tamil Nadu State of INDIA .
• Vision : AKSHAYA envisions “ A Society where persons with Disability attain Holistic
Development through Social Inclusion and Ensuring of Rights”.
Mission : To work among and through the Person with Disabilities at large,
particularly with the Youth with Disabilities in the most Socio- Economically
Disadvantage through a process of Organisation, Training, Networking, Education
and Facilitating for Collective action through realizing their Human Rights Holistic
• 1. The Regional Employment Officer.
• Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, Azamabad,
• 2. The Employment Officer,
• Special Employment Exchange for physically Handicapped, Barrack No. 1/ E-5,
Block No.
1/E-5, Block A, Curzon Road, New Delhi.
• 3. The Employment Officer,
• Special Employment Exchange For Physically Handicapped, No. 5, Crescent
Road, High
Grounds, West Bangalore – 560020.
• 4. The Special Employment Officer,
• Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, Merchanitile
Chambers, 3rd
Floor, Graham Road, Ballard Estate, Bombay-400001.
• 5. The Sub-Regional Employment Officer,
• Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, Block No. 2, Gill
Road, Ludhiana,
• 6. The Assistant Director,
• Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped,
• 33, Mount Road, Nandanam, Madras-600035.
• 7. The Special Employment Officer,
• Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, Behala
Industrial Estate, 620,
D.H. Road, Calcutta-700034.
• 8. The Employment Officer,
• Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, G. T. Road,
• 9. The Employment Officer,
• Special Employment Exchange for physically Handicapped, Nadavanam
Road, Palayam,
Trivandrum, Kerala.
• 10. The Employment officer,
• Special Employment Exchange for physically Handicapped, 965, Wright
Town, Jabalpur-
• 11. The Employment Officer,
• Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, Combined Labour Building,
Bailey Road, Patna-800001.
• 12. The Employment Officer,
• Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, 1282, Sector 13-C,
• 13. The Employment Officer,
• Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped,
• Dte. of Employment and Training (H.P.), Stock Palace, Simla- 171002.
• 14. The Employment Officer,
• Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, Jaipur-302001 (Rajasthan).
• 15. The Employment Officer,
• Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, Dte. of Employment, Flat
No. 367, Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneshwar-751007 (Orissa)
• 16. The Employment Officer,
• Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped,
• Guwahati, Assam.
• 17. The Employment Officer,
• Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, Agartala,
• 18. The Sub-Regional Employment Officer for Physically Hand-
• Capped, Kotli Building, Baroda (Gujarat).
• 19. The Sub-Regional Employment Officer for Physically Handi- capped,
Multistorey Building,
Nanpura, Surat, Gujarat.
• 20. The Sub-Regional Employment Officer for Physically Handi-Capped,
Kopasiwala Bungalow,
Junction Plot Rajkot, Gujarat.
• 21. The Special Employment Officer,
• Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, Salajose
Cross Road, Opp. S.V.
College, Ahmedabad-380001.
• 22. The Director.
• Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, Manipur,
• ILO, Code of practice on managing disability in the workplace, ILO office, Geneva, 2001.
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