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Aurangabad DIC

 Entrepreneurship development (ED) refers to the process of
improving entrepreneurial skills and knowledge through
structured training and institution-building programmes.
Entrepreneurship development focuses on the individual who
wishes to start or expand a business. This accelerates
employment generation and economic development. District
Industries Centers (DICs) provide full assistance to the
entrepreneurs who are going to start the business on their own
and in their regional places. These centers provide service and
support to small entrepreneurs under a single roof at both pre
and post investments. The DICs program was started on May 1st
in the year of 1978 with a view to providing integrated
administrative framework at the district level for promotion of
small scale industries in rural areas. Providing complete
assistance and support to entrepreneurs in multi-regions are the
ultimate aims of DICs. These DIC programs can take over the
responsibilities in order to promote cottage and small scale
industries at district level effectively. DIC’s are the implementing
arm of the central and state governments of the various schemes
and programmes. Registration of small industries is done at the
district industries centre and PMRY (Pradhan Mantri Rojgar
Yojana) is also implemented by DIC. Management of DIC is done
by the state government.
 The 'District Industries Centre' (DICs) programme was started by the central
government in 1978 with the objective of providing a focal point for promoting
small, tiny, cottage and village industries in a particular area and to make
available to them all necessary services and facilities at one place.

 The District Industries Centre is the institution at the District level, which
provides all the services and support facilities to the entrepreneur for setting
up Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. This included identification of
suitable schemes, preparation of feasibility reports, arrangements for credit
facilities, machinery and equipments, provision of raw materials and
development of industrial clusters etc. This Centre caters to Promotion of
MSMEs as also Registration and Development of Industrial Cooperatives.

 The General Manager is the head of the District Industries Centre. The post of
General Manager is of Joint Director Level. The General Manager is assisted by
the Manager (Credit), Manager (Economic Investigation), Manager
(Development), Manager (Handloom) and an Administrative Assistant.

 The functioning of DICs and their achievement is monitored by the Additional

Chief Secretary (Industries) and Director Of Industries & Commerce. The
Review of the General Managers is organized frequently to evaluate the
performance and also help in resolving difficulties in implementation of
different schemes.
(DICs) The DIC’s performs the following
activities primarily:
1. Economic Investigation.
2. 2.Plant and Machinery.
3. Research, education and training.
4. Raw materials. Credit facilities.
5. Marketing assistance. Cottage industries
The following are the main objectives of DICs:
1. To identify the new entrepreneurs and providing
assistance to them regarding their own startup’s.
2. To provide financial and other facilities to smaller
3. To rise the complete efforts for industrialization at
district level.
4. To enhance the rural industrialization and also the
development of handicrafts.
5. To reach economic equality in multiple areas of the
6. To allow various government schemes to the new
7. To desize the regional imbalance of development.
8. To make all the necessary facilities to come under
one roof
 Functions of District Industries Centres (DIC)
 1. Make available comprehensive information on all matters including
policies/schemes of Central/State Governments, Banks/Financial Institutions/
Incentives from State / Central Governments and Regulatory framework of
Industries and Service Providers
 2. Prepare District Industrial / Service Potential Profiles including viable project
profiles in the State in general and District in particular.
 3. Facilitate Approvals from regulatory agencies like PCB, Factories through single
window system in minimum possible time and with minimum effort. (TSiPASS)
 4. Facilitate credit linkages between Banks and Entrepreneurs.
 5. Provide Market support
 6. Implement self-employment scheme - PMEGP
 7. Facilitate revival of Sick Industries in consultation with Industrial Health Clinic
 8. To Provide linkages between technical institutes and industry facilitate new
technology transfer. 9. Take up Skill development depending on the requirement of
the Industries in the District.
 10. Facilitate Linkage between research institutes, incubation centres and Industry
(T-HUB and RICH)
 11. Facilitate Entrepreneurship Development.
 12. Identify and nurture clusters
 13. Emphasis on the thrust areas identified by Government
 14. Awards and recognition to outstanding Entrepreneurs
 15. Closely work with Industrial Associations and Trade Bodies.
1.DIC provides the information on sources of machinery and equipment.
2. Promotes new industrial growth centers, electronic industries etc.,
3.Conducts multiple training programs to encourage the entrepreneurs.
4. Gives assistance to entrepreneurs under State Incentives scheme and
funding assistance through selfemployment schemes.
5. It allots raw materials to the concerned industries at district level.
6.DIC gives the information about marketing and its assistance on
participating trade fairs/buyers-sellers meet and so on.
7. Guidance regarding Import and Exports of specific goods and services.
8. Improves the managerial capacity by organizing various seminars,
workshops etc.
9. It clears the problems related to SSI Registration/Bank
loan/Marketing of production etc.
10. Single window assistance through SIDA and District Industries
11. Products standardization
12. Promotion of products under Non-conventional Energy Sources.
13.Design and product development for handicrafts
 1. Prime minister’s employment generation program (PMEGP):
The objective of this centrally sponsored scheme of Ministry of
Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, and Government of India
being implemented since October, 2008 is to provide gainful self-
employment opportunities to educated unemployed one’s
through industrial activities, services and business.
2. Seed money scheme:
The scheme focuses to encourage an unemployed person to
take up self-employment ventures through industry, service and
business, by providing soft loans to meet part of the margin
money to avail institutional finance.
3. Dic loan scheme:
The aim of the scheme is to generate employment
opportunities including self-employment to small units located in
towns and rural areas with the population of less than 1 lakh and
with the investment on plant & machinery below 2 Lakhs. Such
identified micro units falling within the purview of the Small
Scale Industries Board and Village Industries, handicrafts,
handlooms, Silk & Coir Industries are covered for financial
assistance in the form of margin/seed money under the Scheme.
4. Entrepreneurship development training program:
The objective of training educated unemployed persons to take up self-
employment ventures or skilled wage employment. Entrepreneurs are given
guidance related to industry/service/business activities & skill up gradation.
Entrepreneurs are also guided in respect of choice of activity, necessities of land,
project report, obtaining various no objection certificates, licenses and marketing
5. District award schemes:
To encourage entrepreneurs in establishing small scale enterprises and also to
extols them for their success and achievements, the State Government has started
honoring such entrepreneurs with District Award Scheme at the district level.
Proprietors / Partner’s / Directors of enterprises who have obtained EM registration
with the concerned District Industries Centre at least three years earlier and in
production for two continuous years are eligible for the award. These awards are
given to them under the scheme of this District Award scheme.
6. PMRY Scheme: PMRY(Prime Minister Rozgar Yojana)
scheme was introduced on the auspicious day of 2nd October, 1993, the birth
Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi all over the country .The main objective of the
PMRY scheme was to provide easy subsidized financial assistance to educated
unemployed youth for starting their own businesses in the fields like manufacturing,
business & service and trade sectors. Firstly the scheme was aimed at providing self-
employment to one million educated unemployed youth in the country by making up
7 lakh micro enterprises through inducting service and business ventures within 2 ½
years . The scheme was successfully captured the imagination of the youth.
Overwhelmed with the response and ever-increasing need, the Government has
confirmed to make it as a permanent scheme and framed modalities & guidelines
for its successful implementation and to fulfill the purpose for which it is designed
In india District Industrial Center’s playing
vitual role in entreprenure development.
This initiative of government produced some
good results like genrating self
employment,at the some time it is reducing
imbalnce umong developed or underdevloped
rigion of inspite of many,good result,there is
some bottleneck in this schems which is
stopping people to take benefits of this

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