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Accountancy Answer Key - II Puc Annual Exam March 2019

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Accountancy - 2019

Section A

I. Each question carries 1mark.

1. Revenue Receipt
2. Partners current A/c is prepared in partnership firms when partners’ capital accounts
aremaintained under fixed capital method.
3. Hidden Goodwill
4. New Ratio = Old Ratio + Share Gained
5. Buy-back of shares means purchase of its own shares by a company
6. b) Provisions
7. c) Income statement & Balance sheet
8. False
9. Creditors, Bills Payable etc.
10. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

Section B

Each question carries 2 marks. (5x2=10)

11. a- Summary of cash book b- Includes both capital & revenue items.
12. a- P & L Sharing Ratio b- Capital Contribution by Partners.
13. Goodwill = 40,000 /4 x 2 = 20,000
14. Partners’ Capital A/c Dr
To Realisation A/c
(Being assets taken over by partner)
15. Forfeiture of shares means cancellation of membership of a shareholder who fails to
payment due on his shares.
16. Financial Statements are the basic and formal annual reports through which
corporatemanagement communicates financial information to its owners and various
other external parties.
17. a- Comparative Statements
b- Common Size Statements
18. a- Operating activities
b- Investing activities

Section C
Each question carries 6 marks. (4x6=24)
19. Calculation of Interest on drawings of under product method
Date Amount Outstanding month product
01-06-2017 4000 10 40000
30-09-2017 10000 6 60000
30-11-2017 6000 4 24000
01-01-2018 12000 3 36000
Total Product 160,000
Interest on drawings = 1,60,000 x 8/100 x 1/12 = 1,067

20. Calculation of Ratio

Gain Ratio = New Ratio – Old Ratio
Swarna = 1/2 - 4/9 = 1/18
Swapna = 1/2 – 3/9 = 3/18
Gain Ratio = 1:3


Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
To Rathna's Executor A/c 42,750 Balance b/d 30,000
Reserves A/c 3000
Goodwill A/c 8000
( 40,000 x 1/5)
Profit & Loss suspense A/c 1000
( 20,000 x 3/12 x 1/5 )
Interest on Capital 750
(30,000 x 3/12 x 10/100 )
42,750 42,750


In the books of Vageesh Co. Ltd

Sl.No. Particulars LF Amount( Amount(
Dr) Cr)
1 Asset A/c Dr 99,000
To Vendor A/c 99,000
(Being building purchased on credit)
2 Vendor A/c Dr 99,000
To 11% Debentures A/c 99,000
(Being 9,90 debentures of Rs.100 each
issued as purchase consideration)
3 Vendor A/c Dr 99,000
Discount on issue of debentures Dr 11,000
To 11% Debentures allotment A/c 1,10,000
(Being 1,100 debentures of Rs.90 each
issued as purchase consideration)
4 Vendor A/c Dr 99,000
To Securities Premium A/c 9,000
To 11% Debentures A/c Dr 90,000
(Being 9,00 debentures of Rs.110 each
issued as purchase consideration)

In the books of __
As per Schedul 3 of Co. Act 2013
Particulars Note 31-03-17
I. Income
Revenue from operations 5,00,000
II. Expenses
Purchase of stock in trade 3,00,000
Employee benefit expenses 50,000
Other Expenses 50,000

Total Expenses 4,00,000

Net Profit Before 100,000
Income Tax 30,000
Net Profit After Tax 70,000

24. Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities

= 80,000 / 50,000 = 1.6 : 1
Liquid Ratio = Quick Assets / Current Liabilities
= 50,000 / 50,000 = 1:1

25.In the Books of Mangala Ltd.

Cash Flow Statement
Particulars Amount
Net income 500,000
Add : Non-Cash Expenses - -
Depreciation 200,000
Less: Non Cash Incomes
Profit on sale of asset (50,000)
Cash Flow Before WC Changes 650,000
Add: Increase in trade payables 60,000
Less: Increase in trade receivables (40,000)
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities 670,000

Section –D
Each question carries 12 marks. (4x12=48)
For the year ending 31.03.2018
Expenditure Rs. Income Rs.
General expenses 900 Subscriptions
Salary 75,000
16,000 Add: O/s 17-18 81,400
Add: O/s 17-18 16,000 10,000 2,000
1,000 1,300 Less: O/s 16-17 7,000
Less: O/s 16-17 3,600 400
1,000 7,150 Entrance Fee
Postage 600 Rent from hall
Electric Charges 7,800 7200 Sale of old news paper
Less: Advance 17-18 650 880
News Paper
Meeting Expenses\ 56,770
( 620 + 260 )
90,800 90,800


Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Furniture 28,840
Books 18,580
( 6200 - 620 + 13000 )
TV Set 16,000
Cash in hand 15,900
O/s Subscription 10,000
Adv Electricity charges 650
Building 25,000
1,14,970 1,14,970

In the Books of
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
PBD 3000 Plant 20,000
( 60000 x 5 % ) ( 120000 - 100000)
Stock 5,000 Building 15,000
Partners Capital A/c 27,000 ( 150000 x 10%)
Kumar = 27000 x 2/3
Rajs = 27000 x 1/3


35,000 35,000

Partners Capital Account

Particulars Kumar Raj Sha Particulars Kumar Raj Sha

Realisation 238,000 179,000 100,000 Balance b/d 180,000 150,000

A/c Cash 100,000
Goodwill 40,000 20,000
Revaluation 18,000 9,000
238,000 179,000 100,000 238,000 179,000 100,000

Balance Sheet As on 31.03.2018

Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Bills Payable 10,000 Cash in hand 1,70,000
Sundry Creditors 58,000 (10,000+100000 + 60000)
O/s Expenses 2,000 Stock 35,000
Capital Accounts Debtors 57,000
Kumar 2,38,000 Plant & Machinery 1,20,000
Rajshekhar 1,79,000 Building 1,65,000
Shamant 1,00,000 Cash at bank 40,000
5,87,000 5,87,000

28.In the Books of

Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
Stock 9,000 Creditors 3,600
Furniture 3,200 Loan 2,400
Debtors 14,000 Bank A/c
Plant and Machinery 10,400 Stock 8,400
Bank A/c Furniture 2,780 11180
Creditors 3,600 Rekha Capital A/c 12,000
Loan 2,400 6000 ( Plant & Machinery)
Bank A/c 320 Chetna Capital A/c 13,000
( Expenses ) ( Debtors taken over)
Partners Capital A/c
Rekha 555
Chetna 185 740
42,920 42,920

Partners’ Capital account

Particulars Rekha Chetna Particulars Rekha Chetna
Realisation A/c 555 185 Balance b/d 22,000 13600
Realisation A/c 12,000 13,000
Bank A/c 9,445 415
22000 13600 22000 13600

Bank a/c
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
Balance b/d 5000 Realisation A/c 6000
Realisation A/c 11180 Realisation A/c 320
Rekha Cap A/c 9445
Chetna Cap A/c 415
16180 16180


Sl.No Particulars LF Amount Amount
. (Dr) (Cr)
1 Bank A/c Dr 200,000
To equity share application a/c 200,000

2 Equity share application A/c Dr 200,000

To Equity share Capital A/c 200,000
3 Equity share allotment A/c Dr 400,000
To Equity share Capital A/c 300,000
(10000 * 30)
To Securities Premium A/c 100,000
(10000 * 10)
4 Bank A/c Dr 400,000
To Equity share allotment A/c 400,000
5 Equity share first & final A/c Dr 500,000
To Equity share Capital A/c 500,000
6 Bank A/c Dr 475,000
To Equity share first & final A/c 475,000
7 Equity share capital A/c Dr 50,000
To Forfeited shares A/c 25,000
To Equity share first & final A/c 25,000
8 Bank A/c Dr 40,000
Forfeited Shares A/c Dr 10,000
To Equity share Capital A/c 50,000
9 Forfeited Shares A/c Dr 15,000
(25000 - 10000)
To Capital Reserve A/c 15,000

30.In the Books of

Sl.No Particulars LF Amount Amount(
(Dr) Cr)
1 Bank A/c Dr 200,000
To Debenture App. All. A/c 200,000
2 Debenture App. All. A/c Dr 200,000
To 12% Debentures A/c 200,000
3 Bank A/c Dr 210,000
To Debenture App. All. A/c
4 Debenture App. All. A/c Dr 210,000
To Securities Premium A/c 10,000
To 12% Debentures A/c 200,000
5 Bank A/c Dr 190,000
To Debenture App. All. A/c
6 Debenture App. All. A/c Dr 1,90,000
Discount on issue of debentures A/c 10,000
To 12% Debentures A/c 2,00,000
7 Bank A/c Dr 2,00,000
To Debenture App. All. A/c 2,00,000
8 Debenture App. All. A/c Dr 200,000
Loss on issue of debentures A/c Dr 10,000
To 12% Debentures A/c 210,000

31.In the Books of Honda Co.

As on 31.03.17 & 31.03.18
Particulars 31.3.17 31.3.18 Difference Difference(%)
I. Equity and Liabilities
1. Shareholders’ Funds
a) Share capital 4,00,000 5,00,000 1,00,000 25
b) Reserves and Surplus
General Reserve 50000 60,000 10,000 20
2. Non-Current Liabilities
a) Long term loan
Secured loan 15,000 20,000 5,000 33.33
3. Current Liabilities
a) Trade Payables 40,000 50,000 10,000 25
b) Other current liabilities 10,000 5,000 (5000) -50
Total 5,15,00 6,35,000 1,20,000 23.30
II. Assets : `
1. Non-Current Assets
a) Fixed Assets
i) Tangible Assets
Buildings 2,00,000 2,50,000 50,000 25
Machinery 1,50,000 2,00,000 50,000 33.33
( Building + Plant )
2. Current Assets
a) Inventory 1,00,000 90,000 (10,000) -10
b) Trade receivables 50,000 75,000 25,000 50
c) Cash & Cash equivalent
Cash at bank 15,000 20,000 5,000 33.33
Total 5,15,00 6,35,000 1,20,000 23.30

32. Calculation of Ratios

• Stock TurnoverRatio
= =8 Times

• Trade Receivable turnover ratio


= =4 Times

• Trade Payablesturnover ratio


= =2 Times
" ,

• Gross Profit Ratio

# !
= x 100

, ,

= 20%

• Operating Ratio
= x100

= %100 =90%
, ,

• Net profit ratio

= %100

= %100
, ,

Section –E
Project oriented questions
Each question carries 5 marks

33. Dr Partners’ Capital Accounts Cr

Particulars A(Rs) B(Rs) Particulars A(Rs) B(Rs)
To Drawings 4,500 4,500 By Balance B/d 50,000 50,000
To Int.on Drawings 500 500 By Int. on capital 5,000 5,000
To Balance C/d(B.F) 60,000 60,000 By Salary 10,000 10,000
65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000
By Balance B/d 60,000 60,000

34. A’S Executors Loan A/c

Date Particulars Rs Date Particulars Rs
31.03.17 To Cash A/c 12,000 01.04.16 By A’s Capital A/c 20,000
31.03.17 To Balance C/d (BF) 31.03.17 By Interest A/c 2,000
22,000 22,000
31.03.18 To Cash A/c 11,000 01.04.17 By Balance B/d 10,000
(10,000+1,000) 31.03.18 By Interest A/c 1,000
11,000 11,000

35. a) Shareholders Fund.

b) Non-Current Liabilities
c) Current Liabilities.
d) Non-Current Assets.
e) Current Assets.

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