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What is simple harmonic motion?
Many systems oscillate, or repetitively vary about a central
point. Many of these systems exhibit simple harmonic
motion. Simple harmonic motion (SHM) is a type of
oscillation caused by a force that repeatedly acts to restore
a moving object to its equilibrium position.

metronome pendulum
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Condition for SHM
The equation defining SHM is:

a = –ω2x pendulum

where a is the acceleration, x is the

displacement from the equilibrium
position and ω is a constant given by:

ω = 2πf

where f is the frequency of oscillation. equilibrium position

The equation shows that, for a simple harmonic oscillator,

the acceleration is always in the opposite direction to the

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Displacement-time graph
The movement of an oscillator can be shown by plotting its
displacement from the origin, x, against time, t.

The graph of SHM has a sinusoidal shape.

0 t

The position of the mass at time t can be described by the

function x = A cos (ωt) where A is the maximum amplitude.

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SHM and circular motion

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Equations for simple harmonic motion
Calculus can be used to find the velocity and acceleration of
an oscillator, given the equation for displacement.
The gradient of the displacement-time graph is the velocity,
and the gradient of a velocity-time graph is the acceleration.

The solutions are: x = A cos (ωt)

v = –ωA sin (ωt)

a = –ω2A cos (ωt)

= –ω2x

This equation for acceleration is the condition for SHM

already stated. Remember that ω = 2πf.

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Graphical interpretations of SHM

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An equation for force
The equation for acceleration, a = –ω2x, can be substituted
into Newton’s second law, F = ma:

F = –mω2x (mω2 is constant)


equilibrium position
restoring force
So, for a body to perform simple harmonic motion, the
restoring force must be proportional to and in the opposite
direction to its displacement from the equilibrium position.

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Maximum velocity and acceleration
What is the maximum velocity and acceleration achieved by the
oscillator? The formulae for the velocity and acceleration are:

v = –ωA sin (ωt) and a = –ω2A cos (ωt)

The maximum and minimum values of sin and cos are 1 and
–1, and these are achieved for some values of t.

The maximum values must therefore be:

vmax = ωA and amax = ω2A

When do these maxima occur?

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SHM summary

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Energy in oscillations

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Calculating energy

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An equation for velocity in terms of x

total energy = kinetic energy + potential energy

Substituting in the equations for energy:

½ m (ωA)2 = ½ mv2 + ½ m (ωx)2

This equation can be re-arranged to give an expression for

v in terms of x:

½ mv2 = ½ m (ωA)2 – ½ m (ωx)2

mv2 = m (ωA)2 – m (ωx)2

v2 = (ωA)2 – (ωx)2

v = ±ω √ (A2 − x2)
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Velocity calculations

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Mass on a vertical spring
Is a mass on a vertical spring a simple harmonic oscillator?

Consider a spring of natural length L0,

which extends by length x when a mass L0
is suspended from it.

applied force = kx

where k is the spring constant. x

i.e. T = –kx T

a = F/m, therefore: a = m
k and m are constant, so this is SHM.

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Time period for a mass on a spring
If a mass on a vertical spring undergoes oscillation with
acceleration given by –kx
a= m
and the condition for SHM is a = –ω2x

then ω = 2πf =
√ k .

f = 1/T, therefore 2π =
T √ k
m T

T = 2π
The time period for a vertical mass on a mg
spring is only dependent on k and m.

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Calculations using T for a vertical spring

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Is a pendulum a harmonic oscillator?
Consider a pendulum bob of mass m on a string of length l at
an angle θ to the vertical. The component of the weight
perpendicular to the string is mg sinθ, therefore the restoring
force Ft is given by: F = –mg sinθ

a = F/m, therefore: a = –g sinθ θ


The acceleration is not exactly proportional to θ.

However, if θ is small, then sin θ ≈ θ, so: Ft

a ≈ –gθ
mg θ
Therefore, at small angles of displacement,
a pendulum is a harmonic oscillator.

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Time period of a pendulum 1
Consider a similar pendulum bob. The tension in the string
is T and the displacement from the equilibrium position is x.
If θ is small then sin θ =
If the pendulum undergoes oscillation θ
with acceleration given by: l
a = –g sinθ T
l x
The condition for SHM is a = –ω2x

so ω = 2πf =
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Time period of a pendulum 2

ω = 2πf =
f = 1/T, therefore l

T l
√ l mg
T = 2π g

If θ is less than 20° then this is accurate to within about 1%.

Generally, the assumption that a pendulum undergoes SHM
(and therefore that this equation can be used) should only be
made for displacements less than 10°.

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Calculations using T for a pendulum

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Understanding simple harmonic motion

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Calculations involving T

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Damping occurs when resistance is added to the motion of
an oscillator. In reality most oscillators are damped; this is
why a mass on a spring will eventually stop oscillating.

Damped systems can be described in three different ways:

Underdamped: The system oscillates before coming

to a stop.

Critically damped: The smallest amount of damping

required for a system to not oscillate.

Overdamped: Any more damping than critically damped.

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Car suspension systems

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Graphs representing damping

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Free and forced oscillations
If an oscillator is set into motion and has no periodic force
acting on it, then it is described as a free oscillator.
Masses on springs and pendulums are typical examples of
free oscillating systems.
A forced oscillation is one for which a periodic driving force
acts on the oscillator, affecting its oscillation.
Newton’s Cradle:
the entire system is a
free oscillator, but the
end beads considered
by themselves are
forced oscillators.

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When a free vibration is allowed to oscillate, it does so with a
natural frequency, f0.

If the driving force also oscillates at the natural frequency, then

the amplitude becomes very large. This is called resonance.

The graph shows

amplitude / m
the amplitude with
which a simple
harmonic oscillator
will vibrate, against
the driving frequency
applied to it.
driving frequency / Hz
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Examples of resonance

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Forced vibrations

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Graphing resonance

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True or false: free and forced vibrations

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What’s the keyword?

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Multiple-choice quiz

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