Where'S The Patis: By: Carmen Guerrero Nakpil
Where'S The Patis: By: Carmen Guerrero Nakpil
Where'S The Patis: By: Carmen Guerrero Nakpil
B Y: C A R M E N G U E R R E R O N A K P I L
• Is an essay by Camen Guerrero Nakpil that
explore the phenomenon of how “ travel has
become the great Filipino dream “. Filipinos
Go abroad either to tour foreign landscapes
and experience other cultures or to work
abroad so that they can give their loved ones a
better life. It is a sacrifice that a lot of Filipinos
have chosen to make.
• In a foreign land, you must learn to adjust and
adapt to a new culture and to a new way of life. The
way you dress, the way you speak, and the way you
act will gradually change according to social