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Syllogistic Rules and Fallacies

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The passage discusses the rules and fallacies of categorical syllogisms.

The six basic rules are: 1) Avoid four terms, 2) Distribute the middle term, 3) Any term in the conclusion must be in the premises, 4) Avoid two negative premises, 5) If a premise is negative the conclusion must be negative, 6) No particular conclusion from two universal premises.

The fallacies are: four terms, undistributed middle, illicit major, illicit minor, exclusive premises, drawing an affirmative conclusion from a negative premise, and drawing a negative conclusion from affirmative premises.

Syllogistic Rules

and Fallacies
The validity of a categorical syllogism
can be determined through the six
basic rules.
If the syllogism conforms to the rules then it is valid

If it violate then it is invalid

For every rule that is violated a specific fallacy is
Syllogistic rules Syllogistic fallacies
Rule No. 1 Avoid four terms. Fallacy of four terms.
Rule No. 2 Distribute the middle term Fallacy Undistributed middle
in at least one premise.
Rule No. 3 Any term distributed in Fallacy Illicit major; illicit minor
the conclusion must be distributed in
the premises.
Rule No. 4 Avoid two negative Fallacy of Exclusive premise
Rule No. 5 If either premise is Fallacy of drawing an affirmative
negative, the conclusion must be conclusion from a negative premise; 2.
negative. Fallacy of drawing a negative
conclusion from affirmative premises.
Rule No. 6 No particular conclusion Existential Fallacy
may be drawn from two universal
Rule No. 1 Avoid four terms

Categorical syllogism must contain exactly

three terms.
Violation: Fallacy of four terms.

All stars are heavenly bodies.
Sharon Cuneta is a star.
Therefore, Sharon Cuneta is a heavenly body.

All stars are heavenly body.
Sun is a star.
Therefore Sun is a heavenly body
Rule No. 2 Distribute the middle term in at
least one premise.

Violation: Fallacy Undistributed middle

All sharks are fish.
All salmon are fish.
Therefore, all salmon are sharks.

All sharks are fish.
All fish swim.
Therefore all sharks swim.
Rule No. 3 Any term distributed in the conclusion
must be distributed in the premises.

Violation: Fallacy Illicit major;


All metals are electric conductors
Mercury is a metal
Therefore, Mercury is not an electric conductor.

All metals are electric conductors
Mercury is a metal
Therefore, Mercury is an electric conductor.
Violation: Fallacy of illicit minor

Some boxers are college graduates.
Some boxers are rich persons.
Therefore, all rich persons are college graduates.

Some boxers are college graduates.
Some boxers are rich persons.
Therefore, some rich persons are college graduates.
Rule No. 4 Avoid two negative premises.

Violation: Fallacy of Exclusive premise

Having both negative premise results to an
invalid conclusion.
No cats are dogs.
Some dogs are not pets.
Therefore, some pets are not cats.

No cats are dogs.
Some dogs are pets.
Therefore, some cats are not pets.
Rule No. 5 If either premises is negative, the
conclusion must be negative.

Violation: 1. Fallacy of drawing an affirmative

conclusion from a negative premise;
Violation :
All head-hunters are barbarians.
Some Africans are not barbarians.
Therefore, some Africans are head-hunters.

All head-hunters are barbarians.
Some Africans are not barbarians.
Therefore, some Africans are not head-hunters.
Violation: 2. Fallacy of drawing a negative
conclusion from affirmative premises.

All head-hunters are barbarians.
Some Africans are barbarians.
Therefore, some Africans are not head-hunters.

All head-hunters are barbarians.
Some Africans are barbarians.
Therefore, some Africans are head-hunters.
Rule No. 6 No particular conclusion may be
drawn from two universal premises.

Violation: Existential Fallacy

All household pets are domestic animals.
No unicorns are domestic animals.
Therefore some unicorns are not household pets.

All household pets are domestic animals.
Some unicorns are not domestic animals.
Therefore some unicorns are household pets.
Exposition of the fifteen
valid forms of the
categorical syllogism
The Fifteen Valid Forms of Categorical Syllogism:

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4

M - P P - M M - P P - M
S - M S - M M - S M - S

S is P S is P S is P S is P
 AAA-1  AEE-2  AII-3  AEE-4
bAbArA cAmEstrEs dAtIsI cAmEnEs
 EAE-1  EAE-2  IAI-3  IAI-4
cElArEnt cEsArE dIsAmIs dImArIs
 AII-1  AOO-2  EIO-3  EIO-4
dArII bArOkO fErIsOn frEsIsOn
 EIO-1  EIO-2  OAO-3
fErIO fEstInO bOkArdO
Case 1: if the conclusion of the categorical syllogism
has an A proposition then there is only one possible
valid form, which is AAA-1 (BARBARA).

Case 2: If the conclusion of the syllogism is E there

are four possible valid forms, which are EAE-1; EAE-2;
AEE-2 and AEE-4.

Case 3: If the conclusion is an I propositions then the

possible valid forms are: AII-1; AII-3; IAI-3 and IAI-4.

Case 4: If the syllogism has an O proposition the valid

forms are: EIO-1; AOO-2; EIO-2; EIO-3; OAO-3; and

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