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What are the eight parts of speech?

Among the eight parts of speech, what

are the words that we used as a subject
of the sentence?
Which parts of speech indicate number?
In grammar, define the term number?
Determine the number of
Nouns, Pronouns, and
Verbs as singular, plural,
or both.
Simple rules about
subject and verb
1. A singular subject must have a singular
A plural subject must have a plural verb.
Picnic (is , are) being planned for
Independence Day.
The surfer always (has , have) a good
time at the beach.
They (was , were) here earlier today.
A tall tree (stands , stand) in our front
 The ships (was , were) passing the
 Our blackboards (was , were) all
 Candles (is , are) quite expensive.
 He (jogs , jog) two miles every day.
2. A phrase or clause that interrupts a
subject and its verb does not affect subject-
verb agreement.

The captain of the guards (stands,

stand) at attention.

The racing yachts that arrived late (was ,

were) delayed by an unexpected squall.
 The girls on the team (has , have) arrived.
 The bear that was thought to be roaming
through the fields (was , were) spotted in the
 The representative for the townspeople (is ,
are) unable to appear at tonight’s meeting.
 The insects on the rubber plant (was , were)
3. When who, which, or that acts as
the subject in a subordinate clause, its
verb will be singular or plural
depending on the number of the
They’re just normal couple and their kids are
everyday kids who play in the street.

She’s the woman that lives next door.

Chuck is the only one of those candidates
who (has, have) prior experience in

Sam is the only qualified person of the

trainees who (has , have) applied.
 These games of chance, which often (costs, cost)
players a fortune, will be investigated by the district
 The orchestra will play a new medley of songs that
(appeals, appeal) to most audiences.
 The collection of poems, which (was, were) not
favorably reviewed, won two awards nevertheless.
 Brandy is the only one out of the twenty dogs in the
obedience class that (ignores, ignore) every
1. Overhead fans (was , were) circulating the
warm air.
2. My turtle (lives , live) exclusively on flies.
3. An artesian (provides , provide) all the water
we need.
4. The stainless steel pans (lasts , last) for a
5. A wood stove (is , are) their only source of
6. Thick wool (is , are) sheared from the
7. We (jogs , jog) daily along the paths
in the park.
8. The roses (was , were) a soft yellow.
9. They (tries , try) to excel in sports.
10. This white mouse (is , are) a pet.
1. Peter, along with his brothers, (goes , go) skating
2. The pages of the letter, yellowed with age, (was ,
were) filled with beautiful handwriting.
3. A falconer, a person who works with hawks, (is ,
are) now an uncommon sight.
4. This painting, just like that one, (costs , cost) far
5. Rocks formed from molten magma (is , are)
6. My sister, accompanied by my mother, (has , have)
bought her first pair of designer jeans.
7. Tomorrow the first customer, whoever that may be,
(is , are) going to receive a gift certificate.
8. The lamp, which was broken, now (works , work)
9. The leader of the troops (oversees , oversee)
10. A child who is ignored (expects , expect) little of
11. Another version, to be revealed in the next issue,
(has , have) already been written.
12. Jim, together with his sisters, (is , are) at the
13. Your composition, as well as mine, (is , are) about
14. The band members, including the drummer, (has ,
have) left.
15. These country roads, covered by a thin layer of
ice, (deceives, deceive) many motorists.
Exercise 3: Relative Pronouns as Subjects
1. Kathleen is popular with those classmates who (enjoys,
enjoy) her vitality and exuberance.
2. Some of these snakes, which (is, are) all poisonous, are
milked for their venom.
3. State health regulations apply to all employees in this
establishment who (handles, handle) food.
4. Every book on these shelves that (appears, appear) on
your list should be cataloged.
5. Lyle is a hard worker with many relatives who (counts,
count) on him for financial support.
6. A lady slipper is a kind of orchid that (grows, grow)
in acid soil in the northern United States.
7. Any student who (wants, want) help should see Mr.
8. Buy some outfits that (makes , make) you look slim.
9. Jean is the strongest of the survivors who (was,
were) trapped in the cave.
10. Only a basic understanding of the sciences that
(is, are) taught in junior high school is needed for this

4. Two or more singular subjects joined

by OR or NOR must have a singular

Ex: Beth or Sam (is going , are going)

to win.

5. Two or more plural subjects joined by

OR or NOR must have a plural verb.

Ex: Neither the potatoes nor the peas

(is , are) done.
6. If one or more singular subjects are joined to one
or more plural subjects by OR or NOR, the subject
closest to the verb determines agreement.
Tom or the children (buys , buy) fresh rolls at the

Beth, Sam, or the twins (is , are) going to win.

7. A compound subject joined by AND is
generally plural and must have a plural
* Penny and Rose are going to win.
* The boys and girls are going to have a
* The twins and Sam are going to have a
2 Exceptions:
A. If the parts of the compound subjects are
thought of as one item.
* Bacon and eggs is my favorite breakfast.

B. If the word every or the word each precedes a

compound subject.
* Every boy and girl in the class does
volunteer work.
The door and the window (is , are) stuck.
Neither Mother nor Father (has , have)
The dog or the cats (is , are) always howling.
Apples and bananas (has , have) been my
favorite fruits for years.
Bread and butter (was , were)all they offered
1.A tent and a sleeping bag (is , are) the equipment
you need.
2.Each boy and girl (wears , wear) a dark blue
3.Neither Dan nor Kay (is , are) going to the
4.A squirrel and several mice (resides , reside) in
the attic.
5.Pins and a tack (was , were) holding the pieces.
6. A few children or one adult (raises , raise) the flag.
7. Eddie or Maria (gives , give) tours of the old
8. Their sons or daughters often (helps , help) with the
9. Spaghetti and meatballs (is , are) a Friday night
10. The niece or the nephew (is , are) taking care of
11. Either the students or their representative
(attends , attend) each meeting.
12. Two cars or a van (is , are) needed for the
13. Either Kim or Barry (is , are) organizing the
14. The twins or Alex (prepare , prepares) the
evening meal.
15. Each man and woman (was , were) waving a
16. Neither Rick nor Amy (knows , know) the route to
the cabin.
17. Pork and beans (was , were) the child’s favorite
18. Neither the hotel nor the two motels (was , were)
19. Every junior and senior (was , were) invited to the
20. Neither the flight attendants nor the pilot (knows,
know) how to calm the frightened passengers.

8. A subject that comes after its verb must still

agree with it in number.
* On the top of the hill (is , are) two tractors.
* There (is , are) only one orange in the
(there and here at the beginning of a sentence
often signal an inverted sentence)

A collective noun
takes a singular verb
when the group it
names acts as a A collective noun takes
single unit. a plural verb when the
group it names act as
individuals with
different points of view.
The committee (is taking , are taking)
their seats.
The class (is going , are going) on a field
trip today.
The jury (has reached , have reached) a
The cast of the play (is rehearsing , are
rehearsing) their lines.
Special attention: Collective noun NUMBER

WHEN used with WHEN used with A,

THE, it is always it is always plural
singular A number of
The number of whooping cranes
whooping cranes have been reared
has been successfully by
increasing. sand hill cranes.
10. Nouns that are plural in form
but singular in meaning agree with
singular verbs.

Social studies (has , have) become my

favorite subject.

Measles (is , are) a dangerous disease

for unborn children.
Special attention:
When acoustics, ethics, and politics, name
characteristics or qualities rather than
branches of knowledge, their meanings are
Eyeglasses, pliers, scissors, and trousers
generally take plural verbs although they
name single items.
Another Much
11. Singular Anybody Neither
indefinite Anyone Nobody
pronouns take Anything No one
singular verbs. Each Nothing
Either One
Ex: One of the Everybody Other
paintings is Everyone Somebody
missing. Everything Someone
little something
Plural indefinite Both
pronouns take few
plural verbs.
Ex: Both of the
players were late. several
12. The pronouns all, any, more, most, none,
and some usually take a singular verb if the
antecedent is singular and a plural verb if it
is plural.

Antecedents All of the seats (was taken

= are nouns , were taken).
for which
pronoun stands All of the soup (was eaten ,
were eaten).
13. A title is singular and must
have a singular verb.

Ex: Hard Times is a novel by

Charles Dickens.
14. A noun expressing an amount or
measurement is usually singular and
requires a singular verb.
Fifty cents is more Four fifths of the
than enough. crop was saved.
(one sum of money) (one part of a
Twelve feet was the
length of the room.
(one measurement)
Special attention: the word HALF

Half of the nails were useless.

If HALF refers to many individual

items and is therefore plural
Near the top of the closet (is , are) an old
electric fan.
The committee (has , have) been unable to
reach an agreement.
Economics (was , were) my sister’s major in
The entire faculty (has , have) voiced their
Some of the puzzle pieces (is , are) lost.

1.The Wings of the Dove (is , are) an acclaimed

2.Everybody in the bank (was , were) stunned
by the incident.
3.Behind the house (stands , stand) an old oak
4.Six feet (is , are) the amount of wire we need.
5.Several of the hostages (was , were) released.
6. Above our heads (is , are) a skylight.
7. The committee (disagrees, disagree)
on a course of action.
8. The news of his death (was , were) a
surprise to everyone.
9. Mathematics (is , are) not one of my
best subjects.
10. Some of the ice cream (has , have )
11. Several of the contestants (was , were)
quite nervous.
12. The pliers (is , are) in the toolbox.
13. Half of my problems (was , were) solved
by his generosity.
14. Star Wars (is , are) a film I have seen
three times.
15. The man’s ethics (is , are) beyond
16. Most of the paint (has , have) dried.
17. Civics (is , are) my favorite subject this
18. Half of the invitations (was , were) mailed
19. The family (is , are) very happy with the
new house.
20. Macaroni and cheese (is , are) an easy
dish to make.
1. Most kitchen countertops (is , are) laminated
2. Her powerful grip (results , result) from much
3. Dairy products, such as cream or butter, (causes ,
cause) food to spoil quickly in warm weather.
4. Senior citizens from all over the country (has ,
have) come here to protest the rising cost of living.
5. Every table and chair in this house (was , were)
built by my great-grandfather.
6.Either the elevator or the escalators (takes ,
take) you there.
7.Either the twins or Sam (is going , are going) to
8.The clergy (is , are) divided over minor issues in
9.At this moment few (remains , remain) in the
10. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (is , are) a
psychological thriller.
11. Every boy and girl in the class (does , do)
volunteer work.
12. The committee (has , have) been unable to
reach an agreement.
13. Economics (was , were) my sister’s major
in college.
14. Green Mansions (is , are) her favorite
15. He (jogs , jog) two miles every day.
16. The door and the window (is , are) stuck.
17. Either the children or I (walks , walk)
into town for the mail.
18. Every cup and saucer (was , were)
broken in the move.
19. The Wings of the Dove (is , are) an
acclaimed novel.
20. Several of the contestants (was , were)
quite nervous.
21. The clown with the sad eyes (looks , look)
22. Pins and tack (was holding , were holding)
the pieces.
23. Beyond those buildings (is , are) a skating
24. The family (is , are) unable to decide on a
vacation spot.
25. Each of the answers (is , are) correct.
1. Most kitchen countertops (is , are) laminated
2. Her powerful grip (results , result) from much
3. Dairy products, such as cream or butter, (causes ,
cause) food to spoil quickly in warm weather.
4. Senior citizens from all over the country (has ,
have) come here to protest the rising cost of living.
5. Every table and chair in this house (was , were)
built by my great-grandfather.
6.Either the elevator or the escalators (takes ,
take) you there.
7.Either the twins or Sam (is going , are going) to
8.The clergy (is , are) divided over minor issues in
9.At this moment few (remains , remain) in the
10. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (is , are) a
psychological thriller.
11. Every boy and girl in the class (does , do)
volunteer work.
12. The committee (has , have) been unable to
reach an agreement.
13. Economics (was , were) my sister’s major
in college.
14. Green Mansions (is , are) her favorite
15. He (jogs , jog) two miles every day.
16. The door and the window (is , are) stuck.
17. Either the children or I (walks , walk)
into town for the mail.
18. Every cup and saucer (was , were)
broken in the move.
19. The Wings of the Dove (is , are) an
acclaimed novel.
20. Several of the contestants (was , were)
quite nervous.
21. The clown with the sad eyes (looks , look)
22. Pins and tack (was holding , were holding)
the pieces.
23. Beyond those buildings (is , are) a skating
24. The family (is , are) unable to decide on a
vacation spot.
25. Each of the answers (is , are) correct.

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