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Human Resource Management: Recruitment and Selection

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Recruitment of Employees
• Once there is an approved request to fill up a position, the next step
is for HR to develop an applicant pool using either internal or
external recruiting.
• Applicant pool is the total number of people who have applied for an
open position. (
• Internal recruitment is when the business looks to fill the vacancy
from within its existing workforce.
• External recruitment is when the business looks to fill the vacancy
from any suitable applicant outside the business.
Recruitment on the Internet
• The internet has truly changed the way we conduct business today.
We now have the ability to do virtually everything from our
computers and recruiting is one of them.
• Using the internet is the fastest, simplest, and most convenient or
most cost effective way to reach hundreds of thousands of qualified
candidates, 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week.
• Job seekers have always wanted detailed job descriptions. They want
to know what the job entails, the qualifications for the job that are
more important, and what you can offer them as an organization.
Recruitment Process/Recruitment Plan
This plan is an effort to quickly fill the HR request with an individual
who first satisfies the job specifications.

1. Formulating a Recruiting Strategy

This is a choice between internal and external strategy.
Recruitment Process/Recruitment Plan
Promotion from Within (Internal Hiring) Versus External Hiring
Promotion from Within

Provides greater motivation for good performance.
Provides greater promotion opportunities for present employees.
Improves morale and organizational loyalty.
Enables employee to perform the new job with little loss of time.
Familiar with the organization on how it operates.
Recruitment Process/Recruitment Plan
Promotion from Within

Promotes inbreeding (narrowing of thinking and stale ideas).
Creates political in-fighting and pressure to compete.
Requires a strong management development program.
Creates a homogeneous workforce.
Recruitment Process/Recruitment Plan
External Hiring

Provides new ideas and new insights.
Allows employee to make changes without having to please
constituent groups.
Does not change the present organizational hierarchy.
Recruitment Process/Recruitment Plan
External Hiring


Loss of time due to adjustment.

Destroys incentive of present employees to strive for promotions.
No information is available if the applicant can blend with the rest of
the group.
Recruitment Process/Recruitment Plan
2. Searching for Job Applicants
The applicant search may involve traditional recruiting methods or
through the use of e-recruitment.
3. Screening Applicants
Applicants should be screened to eliminate individuals who are
obviously unqualified.
4. Maintaining an Applicant Pool
Applicant pool consists of individuals who have expressed an
interest in pursuing a job opening and who might be feasible
candidates for the position.
Sources of Applicants
A. Internal Sources
-The use of promotion from within taking into consideration the
advantages and disadvantages. Companies can use job posting and job
bidding to inform employees of job vacancies.

B. Referrals
-Present employees are asked to encourage friends and relatives to
apply. This is the most often used recruiting tool in small organizations.
Sources of Applicants
C. External Sources
Job Advertisement – placement of help-wanted advertisements in
newspapers, trade and professional publications, or on radio and
Employment Centers or Agencies – agencies that charge a fee for
each applicant they place.
Campus Recruitment – a primary source for entry-level job
candidates. This is usually coordinated with the university or college
placement center.
Sources of Applicants
Internships – for students with practicum or on-the-job training, this
can help them in honing their business skills, check out potential
employers, and learn more about their likes and dislikes when it
comes to choosing careers. For employers, they can use their interns
to make useful contributions while they are being evaluated as
possible full-time employees.
Job Fairs/Special Events Recruiting – joining or sponsoring
employment fairs.
Online Recruitment/E-Recruitment
Alternatives to Recruiting
1. Subcontracting/Outsourcing – subcontract work to another
organization wherein the organization loses some of its control over
work that is outsourced.
2. Overtime – use to avoid the incremental costs of recruiting and
hiring additional employees for a short period of time.
3. Temporary Help – use of temporary help services to fill the needs
of companies on a temporary basis.
4. Employee Leasing – similar to temporary help agency but
employees are not temporary.
Selection – the process by which an organization chooses
from a list of applicants the person or persons who best
meet the selection criteria for the position available,
considering current environmental conditions
Selection of Employees
• Job analysis, human resource planning, and recruitment are
necessary prerequisites to the selection process.
• The selection process begins when recruiting programs have
developed a number of applicants for available job openings.
• Before the selection process begins, a profile of characteristics
required for successful performance should be developed for the job
• These include the technical, interpersonal, and personal requirements
of the job.
Why Selection Process is Important?
1. Performance always depends in part of employees. Those who do
not have the right skills will not perform effectively and the overall
performance in turn will suffer. The time to screen out undesirable
performers is before they become part of the organization, not
2. It is costly to recruit and hire employees.
3. Company objectives are better achieved by workers who have been
properly selected based on their qualifications.
Why Selection Process is Important?
4. An incompetent worker is a liability to the company causing direct
losses in terms of substandard performance and low productivity, and
sometimes a potential source of problems to management, his/her
coworkers, and customers.
5. Applicants have varying degree of intelligence, aptitudes, and
6. Labor laws protect employees making it difficult to terminate or
dismiss an incompetent employee.
Selection Process
1. Define the job before hiring an employee. This is where the job
analysis will come in handy. This will help you prepare the job
description and job specifications which in turn will define the
recruitment strategy.
2. Review application form and credentials carefully. This provides
basic employment information that can be used to screen out
unqualified applications.
Selection Process

Take note of the following information during your review of

application form:

a. Employment gaps.
b. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
c. Evidence that a career has gone backwards or plateaued.
d. Failure to follow directions.
e. Failing to include a cover letter.
Selection Process
3. Employment Interview. This provides the hiring supervisor the
opportunity to review candidates’ qualifications and determine their
suitability for the position. It also provides candidates with the chance to
learn about the position and its requirements and present information on
their skills and experience.
Types of Interviews:
• Unstructured interview
• Structured interview
• Behavioral Interviews
• Candidates are observed not only for what they say, but how they behave.
• Role playing is often used.
• Stress Interviews.
Selection Process
4. Employment Testing. Employers often use tests and other selection
procedures to screen applicants for hiring and employees for
promotion. There are many different types of tests and selection
procedures, including aptitude test, cognitive tests, personality tests,
medical examinations, credit checks, and criminal background checks.
Estimates say 60% of all organizations use some type of employment
• Performance simulation tests: requires the applicant to engage in specific job
behaviors necessary for doing the job successfully.
• Work sampling: Job analysis is used to develop a miniature replica of the job
on which an applicant demonstrates his/her skills.
Selection Process
4. Employment Testing.
• Assessment centers: A series of tests and exercises, including individual and
group simulation tests, is used to assess managerial potential or other
complex sets of skills.
• Testing in a global arena: Selection practices must be adapted to cultures and
regulations of host country.
Selection Process
5. Background investigation/reference checking. This is done to verify
the accuracy of factual information previously provided by the
applicant to uncover damaging background information such as
criminal records and violent behavior.

a. Personal references Experience and

Formal Education
Past Performance
b. School records
c. Previous employment records / Physical
Characteristics and
background investigation Personality Type
Selection Process
6. Final Interview.
7. Selection Decision.
8. Physical Examination. It determines if the applicant qualifies for the
physical requirements of the position and to discover any medical
limitations that should be taken into account in placing the applicant.
9. Final Employment Decision/Placement on the Job. This is the
decision to accept or reject the applicant based on the results of the
physical examination and a value judgment based on all the
information gathered in the previous steps.
Steps in the Selection Process
1. Job Analysis to Prepare Job Description and Job Specification
2. Preliminary Screening, Application Blank, and Interview
3. Employment Interview
4. Employment Testing
5. Background Investigation / Reference Checks
6. Final Interview
7. Selection Decision
8. Physical Examination
9. Placement on the Job

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