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Cell-Structure and Function

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Cell-structure and

M a n j e et r a j
Class viii
Ro l l 1 0
House nilgiri
 Discovery of cell
 Cell theory
 Cell size
 Cell shape
 Component of cell
 Membranes covering of cell
 Cell wall
 Protoplasm
 Mitochondria
 Endoplasmic recticulum
 Ribosomes and lysosomes
 Golgi apparatus
 plastid
Dicovery of cell
• The english man robert hooke(1635-1703)was
an architect and scientist ,published his book
microgrphiya in 1665 and used the word cell
for the first time to describe the basic unit of
life.his most famous observations were made
in his study of thin slice of cork , describing
the`cell ,he obserbed.
Cell theory
• In 1838,matthias jakob schleiden,a german botainst
was the first to assert that cell are the building block of
all plants.in1839,another german physilogist ,theodor
schwan stated that cell are the fundamental units of
animals. their discoveries led to the formulation of the
`cell theory’.
• All living organism are made up of cell.
• Cell is the fundamental unit of living organisms.
• All cell arise from pre-exasting cells.
• A the cell are basically a like in chemical composition
and metabolic activities.
Cell size
• Cell are usually small in size and can be seen with the help
of microscopes. there are two main reason because of
which cell are small in size.
1. For a cell to function efficiently, small size result in quick
and rapid communication and transfer of substances
between the different components of the cell.
2. Small size present larger surface area /volume ratio.
 The smallest cell – mycoplasma or pplo. Which is an
organism intermediate between virus and bacteria.
 Largest cell- egg of ostrich (18-cm long)
 Longest cell - Nerve cell which has axon of 3- m length
Cell shape
• Cell very significantly the shape of cell is realated to the
functions it performs. RBCs of human beings are bi-
concave to provide te greater surface area for diffusion of
gases and for easy passage through the capillaries.
WBCs irregular in shape and they change their shapes.
Muscles cells elongated and contractile, because they help
in movement.
1. coccus: the cocci are spiral spherical or oval bacteria.
2. Rod or bacillus: bacilli are rod shaped bacteria.
3. Spiral :bacteria in any one of the following spirilia shaped.
4. Vibrio: comma shaped bacteria.
Components of cell
• The typical structure of a plant cell and animal cell show
many similarities. However , there are few striking
differences between the structure of two. The basic
different between a plant cell and animal cell are with
respect following two aspects.
1. The membranes covering the cell : An Animal cell has the
plasma membrane as the outer most covering of the cell.
A plant cell has additional covering called cell wall ,which
is present around the plasma membrane
2. The presence of absence of certain organelles; A plant
cell has chloroplast in the cytoplasm ,whereas an animal
cell lacks chloroplasts.
• An animal cell is covered by only one membrane which
is plasma membrane or cell membrane .
• A plant cell is covered by two membranes – plasma
membrane and cell wall.
• Cell membrane – The cell membrane is a living semi –
permeable (partially or selectively)membrane is elastic
, delicate and flexible . It is made of lipids and protiens.
It is present beetween cytoplasm and cell acts
protects the cell form injury. It maintains constant
enivornment inside the cell. This is called homeostatis.
Cell wall
• Cell wall is present in plant cells, bacteria and fungi. The protective
semi- transparent membrane surrounding the plasma membrane is
known as cell wall . The cell wall is always associated with the cell
membrane. The composition of cell is variable depending on the
type of organism. In most of the plants, cell wall is variable
depending on the type of organism. In most of plants, cell wall is
generally made up of a fibrous polysaccharide called cellulose. in
fungi, it is generally made of chitin. Cell wall is freely permeable and
allows substance in the form of solution to enter and leave the cell
without hindrance.
• Structure;
The cell wall is multilayered with usually three layers. The three layers
are: middle lamella ,primary cell wall and secondary cell wall . All
plant cell invaribly posses middle lemella and primary cell wall.
Secondary cell wall may or may not be present.
• Protoplasm is the colourless material containing the living content
of cell.the living content include nucleous and cytoplasm. Various
cell organelles are found floating in the cytoplasm. These
organelles are responsible for carrying out various cellular activities.
Substances called cytoplasm inclusion are also present in it.
• Nucleus
Nucleus is a large spherical body. It is generally located in the centre of
the cell. most of the cells contain a single nucleus.
• Cytoplasm
Cytoplasm is a living colourles ,semi-liquid, homogeneous substance. It
occupies major part of the cell and is constantaly moving . It is
limited on the outside of the cell by the cell membrane . About 90%
component of water in cytoplasm and the remaining are amino
acids, vitamins, enzymes, fats and carbohydrates.
 Mitochondria were first observed by kolliker however it was benda
in 1898who named them so. Mitochondria are present in all aerobic
eukaryotic organism.
 Mitochondria are rod shaped structure surrounded by a double –
membrane covering . The outer membrane is smooth and porus .
The inner membrane is thrown into the finger like projections
called cristae.
 Mitochondria are found in the cytoplasm of both plants and
animals .
 Mitochondria provide site for cellular respiration thus, releasing
energy in the process therefore, mitochondria are known as
`power house of cell ‘.
 Mitochondria synthesis respiratory enzymes .these specialized
enzymes and substances help in genretion of energy in the form of
Endoplasmic reticulum
 Endoplasmic reticulum is a complex is a complex network of membranes
which is continuous with the nuclear envelope.
 ER is a large network of fluid- filled interconnecting tubules. These are
tubular double-walled membranes. The spaces are filled with a fluid called
endoplasmic matrix. it is made up of three types of structures namely
cisternae, vesicles and tubules.
 They found in the cytoplasm of both plants and animals.
 ER provide a supportive framework for the cell.
 ER provides larger surface area for the metabolic process to take place.
 Rough ER is responsible for synthesis and transport of proteins.
 Smooth is responsible for synthesis of lipids.
 Smooth ER of liver cells detoxifies many drugs and unwanted substances
entering our body.
Ribosomes and Lysosomes
 Ribosomes
Ribosomes are small ribonucleoprotein particles.
They occur as small granules. they are singled- walled dense,spherical bodies. Each
ribosome is made up of two subunits. One is smaller subunit and another one is larger
subunits. Each subunits made up of ribonucleic acid and protiens called
Ribosomes are found attached to rough ER and in free form in the cytoplasm of the cell.
They prvide site for the synthesis of protiens and hence are called protien factories of the
Lysosomes are membranous sacs budded of from the golgi body. They are surrounded by a
single membrane. They contains digestive enzymes.
Some of the enzymes of lysosomes are synthesized by rough ER and are brought to the
Lysosome through Golgi complex .
They are located in the cytoplasm of all animals cells and cells of few lower plant, such as
fungi and yeast.
They serve as the intercellular digestive system and are called digestive bags of cell.
They also known as sucidal bags.
Lysosomes participate in the digestive of food material.
Golgi apparatus
 Golgi apparatus was one of the first organelles to observed in detail.
it was discovered in 1898 by camilo golgi and was named after him.
 Stacks of fiattened double- walled membrane sacs.
 Fluid is present between both the membranes.
 Sacs are called cisternae.
 These are absent in RBC of mammals and sieve tubes of plant cells.
 These are known as dictyosomes in aplant cell.
 In the cytoplasm of the animal and plant cell.
 They are linked with the membrane of the ER.
 Golgi apparatus is chiefly concerned with the function of secretion
of enzymes and others substsnces.
 It transports the synthesized from the cell to the out side of the cell.
 It is involved in the formation of lysosomes ,cell wall and plasma
• They are double membrane structures found exclusively in a
plant cell. Plastid contains pigment, starch and oil drops.
Based on there colour, they are categorized into three types
listed as follows.
1. Leucoplasts
2. Chromoplasts
3. chloroplasts
Leucoplasts :colourless plastid do not posses pigment. Present in
parts not exposed sunlight . Storage of food material.
Chromoplasts: contain fat-soluble red, orange and yellow
pigment, such as caroteniods. Present in flowers and fruits
are responsible for their colours. They can change from to
another. Imparts colours to fruits and flowers.
Chloroplasts: contain green pigment called chlorophyll.
Present in parts of plant exposed to light.
photosynthesis process in this plastid.

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