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Chapter 2 - The Chemical Basis of Life

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Chapter 2

The Chemical
Basis of Life

Collagen and Elastic Fibers

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• The “stuff” of the universe

• Anything that has mass and takes up
• 3 States of matter
– Solid: definite shape and volume
– Liquid: definite volume, changeable shape
– Gas: changeable shape and volume
Composition of Matter

• Elements:
– unique substances, cannot be broken down
by ordinary chemical means
• Atoms:
– more-or-less identical building blocks for each
• Atomic symbol:
– 1-2 letter chemical abbrev. for each element
Properties of Elements

• Each element has unique physical and

chemical properties
– Physical properties:
– those detected with our senses
– Chemical properties:
– pertain to the way atoms interact with one
Major Elements of the Human Body
• About 96% of body weight results from the
following elements:
Oxygen (O) Hydrogen (H)
Carbon (C) Nitrogen (N)

• Lesser elements make up 3.9% of the body:

Phosphorus (P) Potassium (K) Calcium (Ca)
Sulfur (S) Sodium (Na) Chlorine (Cl)
Magnesium (Mg) Iodine (I) Iron (Fe)

• Trace elements make up < 0.01% of the body:

– Required in minute amounts
– Found as part of enzymes
Atomic Structure
• The nucleus consists of
neutrons and protons
– Neutrons:
• No charge
• Mass= one atomic mass unit (amu)
– Protons:
• Positive charge
• Mass of 1 amu
• Electrons are found orbiting
the nucleus
– Electrons:
• Negative charge
• Mass of 1/2000 amu
Fig. 2.1
Atomic Structure
• Atoms are electrically neutral because
# protons = # electrons

Fig. 2.2
Identification of Elements
• Atomic number:
• number of p
• Mass number:
• mass of p and n
• Atomic weight:
• average of mass #s of all isotopes
• Isotope:
• atoms with same # of p but a different # of
Chemical Bonds

• Electron shells (energy levels) surround

nucleus of an atom
– Bonds are formed using the electrons in the
outermost electron shell
• Valence shell: outermost energy level
containing chemically active electrons
• Octet rule: except for 1st shell, (full with 2
e), atoms interact to have 8 e in their
valence shell
Types of Chemical Bonds

• Ionic bond:
• formed when 1 atom loses an e and
another accepts that e
• Covalent bond:
• the sharing of e
• Hydrogen bond:
• H atoms (bound covalently to either N or O
atoms) have a small + charge that is
weakly attracted to the small - charge of
other atoms
Ionic Bonds

• Ionic bonds form between atoms by the transfer

of one or more electrons
• Ions: charged atoms resulting from the gain or
loss of electrons
– Anions: negatively charged ions due to gaining one or
more electrons
– Cations: positively charged ions due to losing one or
more electrons
• Ionic compounds form crystals instead of
individual molecules
Example: NaCl (sodium chloride)
Fig. 2.3
Covalent Bonds
• Covalent bonds are
formed by the sharing
of two or more
• Electron sharing
produces molecules
– single covalent bond:
sharing of a pair of
electrons (H — H)
– double covalent bond:
sharing of two pairs of
electrons (O ═ C ═ O)

Fig. 2.4
Polar and Nonpolar Molecules

• Electrons shared
equally between
atoms produce
nonpolar molecules
• Unequal sharing of
electrons produces
polar molecules

Fig. 2.5
Hydrogen Bonds

• Too weak to bind atoms together

• Common in dipoles such as water
• Responsible for surface tension in water
• Important as intramolecular bonds, giving
the molecule a three-dimensional shape
Hydrogen Bonds

Figure 2.10a
Molecules and Compounds

• Molecule: two or more atoms held

together by chemical bonds to form a
structure that behaves as an independent
• Compound: two or more different kinds of
atoms chemically combined
– covalent compound: a molecule
– ionic compound: organized array of ions

• Separation of ions in an ionic compound

by polar water molecules
– Dissociated ions are called electrolytes
because they can conduct electricity
– Molecules that do not dissociate in water are
called nonelectrolytes
Fig. 2.7
Chemical Reactions
• Occur when chemical bonds are formed,
rearranged, or broken
– Reactants: substances that enter a chemical
– Products: substances that result from the
chemical reaction
• Written in symbols--chemical equations
– contain:
• Number and type of reacting substances
• Products produced
• Relative amounts of reactants and products
Synthesis Reaction
• Combination of reactants to form a new larger
– Dehydration reaction: a synthesis reaction in which
water is a product

Fig. 2.8
Decomposition Reaction
• Breakdown of larger reactants into smaller
– Hydrolysis reaction: a decomposition reaction that
uses water

Fig. 2.8
Reversible Reactions

• All chemical reactions are theoretically

A + B  AB
AB  A + B
• If neither a forward nor reverse reaction is
dominant, chemical equilibrium is reached
• The capacity to do work (put matter into
• Types of energy
– Potential:
– stored (inactive) energy that could do work
– Kinetic:
– energy that does work by causing the
movement of an object
• Can be neither created nor destroyed
• Easily converted from one form to another
– Mechanical: directly involved in moving
– Chemical: stored in the bonds of chemical
– Electrical: results from the movement of
charged particles
– Radiant or electromagnetic: travels in waves
(i.e., visible light, ultraviolet light, and
• Exists in chemical bonds as potential energy
• Released when the products contain less
potential energy than the reactants
– Energy can be “lost” as heat, can be used to
synthesize molecules, or can do work.
• Absorbed in reactions when the products
contain more potential energy than the reactants
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
• ATP stores and provides energy
• Source of immediately usable energy for
the cell

Fig. 2.9
Fig. 2.10
Factors Influencing Rate of Chemical Reactions

• Concentration: higher reacting particle

concentrations produce faster reactions
• Temperature: chemical reactions proceed
quicker at higher temperatures
• Catalysts: increase the rate of a reaction
without being chemically changed
– Enzymes are biological catalysts
• Particle size: the smaller the particle the
faster the chemical reaction
Acids and Bases

• Acids release H+ and are therefore proton

HCl  H+ + Cl –
• Bases release OH– and are proton
NaOH  Na+ + OH–
• Acid-Base concentration is measured
using a pH scale
pH Scale

• Ranges from 0 to 14
• Indicates the H+ concentration of a
– Neutral solutions have an equal number of H+
and OH– and a pH of 7.0
– Acidic solutions have more H+ than OH– and a
pH of less than 7.0
– Basic (alkaline) solutions have fewer H+ than
OH– and a pH greater than 7.0
pH Scale

• Neutral: pH 7.00
• Acidic: pH 0–6.99
• Basic: pH 7.01–14.00

Acids and Bases
• Salts are formed by the reaction of an acid and a
HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2O

(acid) (base) (salt) (water)

• Buffers are chemicals that resist changes in pH

when acids or bases are added
– Example: Carbonic acid-bicarbonate system
• Carbonic acid dissociates, reversibly releasing bicarbonate
ions and protons
• The chemical equilibrium between carbonic acid and
bicarbonate resists pH changes in the blood
a) Add an acid to a
nonbuffered solution
results in an increase
of H+ and a decrease
in pH

b) In a buffered solution
the added H+ is bound
by the buffer and the
pH change is much
Blood Buffers
2 H2O + CO2 ↔ H2CO3 + H2O ↔ H3O+ + HCO3-
• Inorganic chemistry
– Mostly non-C-containing substances
– BUT includes CO, CO2, and HCO3-
• Organic chemistry
– Substances contain C, covalently bonded,
often large
– Usually have C-C or C-H bonding
Inorganic Compounds

• Oxygen (O2) is involved with the extraction

of energy from food molecules to make
• Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is a by-product of
breakdown of food molecules
• Water (H2O) has many important
properties for living organisms and is
essential for life
Properties of Water
• Stabilizes body temperature
– high heat capacity allows it to absorb and release large
amounts of heat before changing temperature
• Protection
– acts as a lubricant or cushion
• Chemical reactions
– Most of 1s necessary for life do not take place unless reacting
molecules are dissolved in water
– Water also directly participates in many chemical reactions
• Transport
– Polar solvent properties: dissolves ionic substances, forms
hydration layers around large charged molecules, and serves as
the body’s major transport medium
Organic Compounds

• Molecules unique to living systems

• 4 Types:
– Carbohydrates
– Lipids
– Proteins
– Nucleic Acids
1. Carbohydrates

• Contain C, H, O
– 1:2:1 (C:H:O)
• major function: supply a source of cellular
• Examples
– Monosaccharides – glucose and fructose
– Disaccharides – sucrose and lactose
– Polysaccharides – starch and glycogen

Figure 2.14a
Fig. 2.13
2. Lipids
• Dissolve in nonpolar solvents, such as alcohol or
acetone, but not in polar solvents, such as water
• C, H, and O, but less oxygen in lipids than in
carbohydrates (ratio)
• Examples:
– Fats or triglycerides: energy
– Phospholipids: structural components of cell
– Eicosanoids: regulate physiological processes
– Steroids: regulate physiological processes
Examples of Lipids Found in the Body

1. Fats: found in subcutaneous tissue and around

2. Phospholipids: chief component of cell
3. Steroids: cholesterol, bile salts, vitamin D, sex
hormones, and adrenal cortical hormones
4. Eicosanoids: prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and
5. Fat-soluble vitamins: vitamins A, D, E, and K
6. Lipoproteins: transport fatty acids and
cholesterol in the bloodstream
Fats (Triglycerides)
• 3 fatty acids bonded to a glycerol molecule

Fig. 2.14
Fatty Acids
• Saturated: only single covalent bonds between carbons
• Unsaturated: one or more double covalent bonds
between carbons

Fig. 2.15
Other Lipids
• Phospholipids: modified triglycerides with 2 fatty
acid groups and a phosphorus group

Fig. 2.16
Other Lipids
• Eicosanoids: 20-C fatty acids found in cell membranes
• Steroids: flat molecules with 4 interlocking HC rings

Fig. 2.17
3. Proteins
• Macromolecules
• C, H, O, N, some S
• 20 basic types of amino acids bound
together with peptide bonds
– Dipeptide: 2 amino acids
– Tripeptide: 3 amino acids
– Polypeptide: Many amino acids
• Proteins are polypeptides of hundreds of
amino acids
Amino Acids (AA)
• Building blocks of
• Organic acids containing
4 parts:
– amino group (-NH2)
– a carboxyl group (COOH)
– a hydrogen atom
– a side chain designated by the
symbol R attached to the same
carbon atom as the hydrogen
4 Structural Levels of Proteins
• Primary: determined by the # , kind, &
arrangement of amino acids
• Secondary: folding or bending of polypeptide
chain caused by the H bonds between amino
acids (helices and pleated sheets)
• Tertiary: folding of helices or pleated sheets and
the H bonds formed with water
• Quaternary: spatial relationships between 2 or
more proteins that associate to form a functional
• 3 Main Functions
– regulate chemical reactions (enzymes)
– structural - provide framework for many of body’s tissues
– responsible for muscle contraction
• 2 Types
– Fibrous proteins
• Extended and strand-like proteins
• Examples: keratin, elastin, collagen, and certain contractile fibers
– Globular proteins
• Compact, spherical proteins with tertiary and quaternary structures
• Examples: antibodies, hormones, and enzymes
• Denaturation
– Disruption of H bonds, changes shape of proteins and
makes them nonfunctional
Characteristics of Enzymes
• Speed up chemical reactions by lowering the
activation energy
• Most are globular proteins that act as biological
• Are chemically specific
• Frequently named for the type of reaction they
• Names usually end in -ase
• Chemical events of the body are regulated
primarily by mechanisms that control
– concentration of enzymes
– activity of enzymes
Fig. 2.20
• Enzymes bind to
reactants according to the
lock-and-key model
– shape of both enzyme and
reactants are critical to
function of enzyme
– By bringing the reactants
close to each other it reduces
activation energy for reaction
– Each enzyme catalyzes only
one type of chemical
– After each reaction the
enzyme is released and can
be used again

Fig. 2.21
4. Nucleic Acids
• C, O, H, N, and P
• basic unit of nucleic acids: nucleotide
– a monosaccharide, phosphate, organic base
• 5 nitrogenous bases contribute to nucleotide
– adenine (A)
– guanine (G)
– cytosine (C)
– thymine (T)
– uracil (U)
• Two major classes: DNA and RNA
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)
• Double-stranded helical molecule found in the
nucleus of the cell
• Genetic material of cell
• Replicates itself before cell divides, ensuring
genetic continuity
• Provides instructions for protein synthesis
• Contains the monosaccharide deoxyribose and
the organic bases
– adenine
– thymine
– guanine
– cytosine
Fig. 2.22
Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)

• Single-stranded molecule found in both

the nucleus and cytoplasm of a cell
• Composed of monosaccharide ribose and
uses the organic base uracil instead of
• Three varieties of RNA:
– messenger RNA
– transfer RNA
– ribosomal RNA
The End of Chapter 2!!

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