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Syed Muhammad Hassan Askari 06

M Kashif 19
M Sher Kalyar 29
M Rizwan 31


Temporary clash of the civilization and causes of the clash

Submitted to:
Prof. Anser Javed

University of central Punjab

Contemporary clash of civilization

After the fall of soviet Russia, western as well as American scholar presents the
idea of clash of civilizationespecially by saying that the only threat to American
cabalist system is Islam. In future there will be a clash between them. They are
saying to some extent truth as after the disintegration of communism, Islam is
the only challenging force to them. Islamic countries are clearly telling the truth.
In point of fact, Islamic civilization and western civilization are existing in two
opposite sides. Although western countries have technological edge over
Muslims. Even then they think that the day will come when Muslim all over the
world will realized their power.
Therefore taking primitive action American lead armies are curbing the future
threats of Muslims countries. There is just a position comparison of two
civilizationsfor the study of student. It is clearly evident that Islamic civilization
has more plus points than western civilizations.
1.Islamic civilization:
The Islamic civilization based on Islamic faith, imbued in his value and principles. It is a monotheistic
civilization based on the believe in the oneness of Allah Almighty. The creator of man and the entire
Western civilization:
It is based on ethiesism in which a religion is the personal matter of everyone which has no relation
to human life.
2.Islamic civilization:
Islamic civilization has a universal dimension, and not associated with a particular geographic
region, race or historical era. It rather concern all peoples and nations and has echoes that reach
different parts of world.
Western civilization:
Western civilization has its boundary and limitation and it cares only for European.
3.Islamic civilization:
The third characteristic is its being a generous civilization which drew on the human civilization and
cultures experienced by the people of ancient world but contributed copiously to the advancement of
science, knowledge and the values of justice ,equality ,beauty and virtue. Its output benefited
humanity at large, regardless of race, color or even religion. Muslims and non Muslims are they
Christians, Jewish or pagans, coexisted together within the Islamic civilization.
Western civilization:
Western civilization has a prejudice and biased relations with other communities and nation of world.
4.Islamic civilization:
The forth characteristic is its being a well-balanced civilization which secures fair equilibrium between
the materialistic and the spiritual sides with exemplary moderation that has always been a
characteristic of Islamic thought and a distinctive features of the Islamic civilization throughout its
history. No excess, no neglect, no ill-found extremism, no recklessness. It is a moderation built on
justice and equity.
Western civilization:
Western civilization is purely based on materialistic view point and it has no moral or ethical grounds.
5.Islamic civilization:
The fifth characteristic is its being a perennial civilization which will last as long as Islam, because it
is based on the very principals of Islam which ALLAH will preserve eternally. Thus, it is a civilization
with unique characteristic, a civilization that never withers away since it is not a national or a racial
civilization nor does run counter to human nature. In all cases, Islam should not be identified with
Muslims, these may become weak or less influential but Islam remains firm. The Islamic civilization
is therefore permanently buoyant and has self renewing cycles and unrelenting dynamics.
Western civilization:
Western civilization has occasional objective.


The 1990s was also the decade when Al-Qaeda caught the global imagination and a lot of commentators
started talking about the Clash of Civilizations in terms of Islam’s clash with the West. While it seemed quite
far-fetched at that time, it seems more realistic now in 2016, with a more brutal and ambitious Islamic State
replacing Al-Qaeda as the world’s Number 1 terrorist group.
Meanwhile, a lot of Right wing groups have also risen all over the world calling Islam as their enemy.
But there are many reasons why a clash may have already begun.
1. America’s war with Muslim nations: A long time ago, the Roman Empire was the world’s sole superpower
and it adopted Christianity. After the advent of Islam, we had the Crusades between the Christian and Muslim
• The last great Islamic Caliphate was the Ottoman Empire and its collapse after World War I saw the Muslim
world being severely disenfranchised. Today, no Muslim nation has even a fraction of that power. While the
British Christian Empire was supreme till World War II, now it is the American Christian Empire.
• The world’s Number 1 problem soon became Hitler after World War I and the West’s chief enemy was
Communism after World War II. But the focus came back on the Muslim world after the collapse of the
Soviet Empire in 1991.
• Look at all of America’s major wars recently and you will see that they are predominantly against Muslim
countries. If the first Iraq war had the backing of the United Nations, the second was a unilateral police
action that led to the loss of more than a million lives in the long run.
• Afghanistan was attacked and America has virtually turned Pakistan into a puppet state. Tensions with Iran
continue and the nuclear deal is a temporary truce.
• Turkey is the latest Muslim country to have turned and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan accused America of
harbouring alleged coup mastermind Fethullah Gülen on the US soil. Turkey is a member of NATO and wants
to join the EU, but that appears in tatters now.
• The US-Israel alliance is seen as a Christian-Jewish alliance by many Muslims and they hate that very much.
Palestine is an extremely touchy issue for them.
• Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim rant actually got him more followers and he’s already the Republican nominee
for the upcoming US presidential polls. If he wins, then the clash will become even more pronounced.
• Interestingly, in the above mentioned Clash of Civilizations, religious identity is just one part. The cultural
identities of the Americans and the Muslim countries are as far apart as you can think of.
2. Rogue terror nations versus terror groups: The era of the terror groups has now made way for
terror nations. I had raised this point in the article “Islamic State is a Country not a Terrorist Group”.
US President Barack Obama and other world leaders are totally oblivious to the problem and are
still ignoring it.
• History has shown that when you either ignore or appease a horrific global situation, it only blows
up in your face. The Islamic State is bent on provoking a clash between the Islamic world and the
West and if they are not stopped in their tracks, then they will succeed.
3. Cultural and religious identities within the Muslim world: While there is definitely a division
between Muslims and the rest of the world, there is also a Sunnis versus Shias division within the
Muslim world.
• The fault lines were never as clear as they are today. Iraq has already been torn into three
regions: A Shia Iraqi government, a Sunni Islamic State and a virtually autonomous region of
Kurds. Shias are being targeted in Pakistan. The Islamic State is targeting Shia Iran and has started
conducting blasts near Shia mosques in Saudi Arabia, unheard of till recently in that country.
• Also unheard of is: Saudi Arabia directly getting into conflict, this time conducting strikes against a
Shia militant group in Yemen said to be backed by Iran. In fact, the highly stable country of Turkey
has been destabilized too.
• While we had the Iraq-Iran war in the 1980s, this time the Sunni-Shia fault line has gone global
and taken much more alarming proportions
4. The destabilization of West Asia and the Muslim world: All of the above has led to the total collapse of the
Middle East. Iraq has virtually been split into three regions with the Islamic State being the most dangerous.
• Iran is still reeling from the old sanctions (things will change really slowly after the nuclear deal with the US) and
most of their leaders have a highly unfavourable view of the West. There are still tensions between the Army
and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Yemen is in the midst of a civil war and Saudi Arabia is facing economic
instability and numerous attacks by the Islamic State. Turkey has begun its confrontation with the West.
• Syria is facing a deadly civil war and Libya is in ruins. Afghanistan in the midst of chaos and strife for a few
decades now and Pakistan is a ticking time bomb. The Pakistani Army continues to back terror groups. The War
in North Waziristan has claimed tens of thousands of lives. Many in Pakistan Occupied Karshmit (POK) want to
join India and the Baluchistan independence movement is gaining momentum. The number of civilians killed in
terror attacks in Pakistan since 9/11 crossed 50,000 some time back.
• Add to this, the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in Bangladesh, resulting in murder of Hindu minorities and
secular bloggers, and the issue of Rohingyas in Myanmar.
• Things have never been so bad in the Muslim world in the post-World War 2 era.
5. The migrant influx into Europe: The disturbing trends mentioned above have started a chain reaction and one of
the major fallout of this is the massive influx of migrants into Europe. This has created the biggest refugee crisis the
world has witnessed, since World War 2. The influx of refugees has resulted in a religious and cultural clash across
Europe, with the number of Muslim refugees, who have entered Europe crossing a whopping one million. Tensions
have already begun with many people asking for a total closure of borders.
• The governments are trying to suppress or sideline the issues of migrant crimes. But, this will not do any good in
the long run. To avoid a clash, it is vital that the migrants are integrated into the European society as soon as
possible, but, as of now, no such integration appears to be happening.
• Add to this, the unexpected exit of Britain from the EU. Brexit happened because of a wide range of issues, one
of them being the recent migration. European unity has never looked this thin.
6. Rise of the Right in the West: The next fallout of the chain reaction is the rise of the Right in the West, which
feeds on Islamophobia.
• The Left-liberal-intellectual lobby is extremely sympathetic to Islamic causes, which often borders on
supporting Islamic fundamentalism, including its Jihadi variety. But, the Right, on the other hand chooses to
confront Islam. A least talked about event is the spectacular rise of the global Right in the present decade.
• In 2014, the Right-leaning BJP thrashed the Left-leaning Congress by a whopping 282-44 margin in the Lok
Sabha elections. Both Israeli and British Prime Ministers Benjamin Netanyahu and David Cameron won
unexpected victories after that. (Cameron’s replacement Theresa May also leans Right).
• The National Front in France, Pegida (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West) in Germany,
The Law and Justice party in Poland all are on the “Right” side of the political spectrum. Right parties and
groups are rising all across Europe. Europe may just get their first far Right head of State: Norbert Hofer of
Austria’s Freedom Party. And Trump’s rhetoric against Islam is well known and quite popular among his
supporters. Make no mistake. The Right, unlike the Left, will confront Islam, making a clash inevitable.
7. The forgotten continent of Africa: Boko Haram is a deadly terror group which has pledged allegiance to the
Islamic State. They are taking Christian groups head on and their offensives have led to the death of more than
20,000 and displacement of more than 2 million people across Nigeria, Cameron, Niger and Chad.
• The Algerian Civil War. The Second Sudanese Civil War. The Chadian Civil War. The War in Darfur. They all have
an Islamic angle to it.
8.Rise of terror attacks: The average person is mostly never concerned with ideologies and political
and religious clashes and usually prefers to remain aloof from all these issues. Yet, there is one
thing, which is preventing this from happening: the Non-stop terror attacks across the world.
• Till few years ago, the Western world was largely insulated from terror attacks, though they were
very regular occurrences in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan. Even India has been a victim of
terrorism for a few decades now. The western world had generally turned a blind eye towards all
those attacks.
• Today, it is no longer possible. The attacks in Europe are getting banner headlines everywhere;
people are mourning for the victimized countries on Social Media and spouting slogans like “Je
suis Charlie” (I am Charlie) after the Charlie Hebdo attacks.


The real issue between the two civilizations are not that strong at all, but an incident like 11 September
has brought two most extreme and radical elements of the two sides into direct conflict. As a result of
this the Muslim world is exceptionally toward the wastern culture more broadly, not just military, but
cultural power of West imposing its life style, its philosophies, its clothing, its entertainment, etc.
• East Asian Sinic civilization is culturally asserting itself and its values relative to the West due to its rapid
economic growth. Specifically, he believes that China's goals are to reassert itself as the regional hegemon, and
that other countries in the region will 'bandwagon' with China due to the history of hierarchical command
structures implicit in the Confucian Sinic civilization, as opposed to the individualism and pluralism valued in
the West. Regional powers such as the two Koreas and Vietnam will acquiesce to Chinese demands and
become more supportive of China rather than attempting to oppose it. Huntington therefore believes that the
rise of China poses one of the most significant problems and the most powerful long-term threat to the West,
as Chinese cultural assertion clashes with the American desire for the lack of a regional hegemony in East
Asia.[citation needed]
• Huntington argues that the Islamic civilization has experienced a massive population explosion which is fueling
instability both on the borders of Islam and in its interior, where fundamentalist movements are becoming
increasingly popular. Manifestations of what he terms the "Islamic Resurgence" include the 1979 Iranian
revolution and the first Gulf War. Perhaps the most controversial statement Huntington made in the Foreign
Affairs article was that "Islam has bloody borders". Huntington believes this to be a real consequence of several
factors, including the previously mentioned Muslim youth bulge and population growth and Islamic proximity
to many civilizations including Sinic, Orthodox, Western, and African.
• Huntington sees Islamic civilization as a potential ally to China, both having more revisionist goals and sharing
common conflicts with other civilizations, especially the West. Specifically, he identifies common Chinese and
Islamic interests in the areas of weapons proliferation, human rights, and democracy that conflict with those of
the West, and feels that these are areas in which the two civilizations will cooperate.
• Russia, Japan, and India are what Huntington terms 'swing civilizations' and may favor either side. Russia, for
example, clashes with the many Muslim ethnic groups on its southern border (such as Chechnya) but—
according to Huntington—cooperates with Iran to avoid further Muslim-Orthodox violence in Southern Russia,
and to help continue the flow of oil. Huntington argues that a "Sino-Islamic connection" is emerging in which
China will cooperate more closely with Iran, Pakistan, and other states to augment its international position.
• Huntington also argues that civilizational conflicts are "particularly prevalent between Muslims and non-Muslims", identifying the "bloody
borders" between Islamic and non-Islamic civilizations. This conflict dates back as far as the initial thrust of Islam into Europe, its eventual
expulsion in the Iberian reconquest, the attacks of the Ottoman Turks on Eastern Europe and Vienna, and the European imperial division
of the Islamic nations in the 1800s and 1900s.
• Huntington also believes that some of the factors contributing to this conflict are that both Christianity (upon which Western civilization is
based) and Islam are:
• Missionary religions, seeking conversion of others
• Universal, "all-or-nothing" religions, in the sense that it is believed by both sides that only their faith is the correct one
• Teleological religions, that is, that their values and beliefs represent the goals of existence and purpose in human existence.
• More recent factors contributing to a Western–Islamic clash, Huntington wrote, are the Islamic Resurgence and demographic explosion in
Islam, coupled with the values of Western universalism—that is, the view that all civilizations should adopt Western values—that infuriate
Islamic fundamentalists. All these historical and modern factors combined, Huntington wrote briefly in his Foreign Affairs article and in
much more detail in his 1996 book, would lead to a bloody clash between the Islamic and Western civilizations. The political party Hizb ut-
Tahrir also reiterate Huntington's views in their published book, The Inevitability of Clash of Civilisation.[10]
Why civilizations will clash
1. Huntington offers six explanations for why civilizations will clash:
2. Differences among civilizations are too basic in that civilizations are differentiated from each other by history, language, culture,
tradition, and, most importantly, religion. These fundamental differences are the product of centuries and the foundations of different
civilizations, meaning they will not be gone soon.
3. The world is becoming a smaller place. As a result, interactions across the world are increasing, which intensify "civilization
consciousness" and the awareness of differences between civilizations and commonalities within civilizations.
4. Due to economic modernization and social change, people are separated from longstanding local identities. Instead, religion has
replaced this gap, which provides a basis for identity and commitment that transcends national boundaries and unites civilizations.
5. The growth of civilization-consciousness is enhanced by the dual role of the West. On the one hand, the West is at a peak of power. At
the same time, a return-to-the-roots phenomenon is occurring among non-Western civilizations. A West at the peak of its power
confronts non-Western countries that increasingly have the desire, the will and the resources to shape the world in non-Western
6. Cultural characteristics and differences are less mutable and hence less easily compromised and resolved than political and economic
6. Economic regionalism is increasing. Successful economic regionalism will reinforce civilization-
consciousness. Economic regionalism may succeed only when it is rooted in a common
The West versus the Rest
1. Huntington suggests that in the future the central axis of world politics tends to be the conflict
between Western and non-Western civilizations, in [Stuart Hall]'s phrase, the conflict between
"the West and the Rest". He offers three forms of general actions that non-Western civilization
can take in response to Western countries.[11]
2. Non-Western countries can attempt to achieve isolation in order to preserve their own values
and protect themselves from Western invasion. However, Huntington argues that the costs of
this action are high and only a few states can pursue it.
3. According to the theory of "band-wagoning" non-Western countries can join and accept Western
4. Non-Western countries can make an effort to balance Western power through modernization.
They can develop economic, military power and cooperate with other non-Western countries
against the West while still preserving their own values and institutions. Huntington believes
that the increasing power of non-Western civilizations in international society will make the
West begin to develop a better understanding of the cultural fundamentals underlying other
civilizations. Therefore, Western civilization will cease to be regarded as "universal" but different
civilizations will learn to coexist and join to shape the future.

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