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Islamic Studies - Data Collecting by Haiqa Malik - Odt

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At present, the Muslim world, in general, is caught in a downward spiral. Its socio-cultural
and politico-economic fabrics are shattered. Almost all Muslim countries are crying for peace
and stability. With the emergence of the New World Oder, and the 9/11 episode, the
conditions of the Muslim world further deteriorated. Presently, they are facing a plethora of
serious problems in the form of misperceptions about Islam, negative thinking about Muslims
in the world, botched interpretations of the noble concept of Jihad, sectarianism, lack of
education, the menace of terrorism and last but not least the peril of extremism. These are
some of the major problems that Muslim world is faced with today.

A glance at the Muslim world

At times, even a cursory glance at the Muslim world reveals everything as clear as crystal.
Every country of the Muslim world is grappling with acute and mighty problems and crises
like terrorism, extremism, political instability, economic backwardness, illiteracy and
sectarianism. Presently, worst countries in the Muslim world in this regard are Iraq, Syria and
Libya and Afghanistan, to a large extent.

Contemporary challenges faced by

1. Jihad:

The primary challenge faced by Islam is the Jihad undertaken by Mujahedeen’s across the globe. The
Jihadists consider west as their mortal enemy and go to all the measures in combating with them. As a
result of all their activities, people of the world consider Islam as an intolerant and destructive religion that
only accepts the existence of Muslims in the world and has no tolerance for people from other beliefs and
religions. Moreover, this image of intolerance of Islam complimented with Jihadists activities make people
think that Islam relies on the force of power to eradicate all those who resist Islam or are not Muslims.
2. Regressive Religion:

The second challenge that Islam faces is its impression as a regressive religion. People who have limited
knowledge of Islam, especially the people from West think that Islam is a regressive and backward religion
that does not adapt and sticks to the teachings of Quran that was revealed 1400 years ago.

3. Misconception about Quran:

Muslims believe that Islam is a universal religion and the teachings of Quran are also universal as well.
This is what gives rise to another allegation where people think that Quran is not universal, for them Quran
is just a book with religious instructions and it has no other implications regarding any matter of the world.
Moreover, further to this allegation people also attribute the Muslim association and affiliation with Quran
as a source of Muslims being backward and knowing nothing about the contemporary world.

Contemporary challenges faced by

Muslim society
The global community has been formed in such a way that it is easy to exploit the withering
state of the Muslim world so as to achieve some objectives of the colonial and imperialist
powers. The Western world has tactfully and aptly used ‘War on Terror’ as a ploy to project
their policies and to get their aims. The Muslim world, despite having huge natural resources
of minerals and energy, is facing worst crises. Though it has been blessed with Islam as a
uniting force, its identity is diminishing in the wake of many challenges some of which are as

1. Misperceptions about Islam

In the changed global atmosphere, particularly after 9/11, Islam is being perceived as a threat
to the world peace. It is wrongly considered a religion having a medieval outlook, thus
unsuitable to the modern world. The derogatory tags like fundamentalists, extremists,
terrorists, etc., are being deliberately pasted on the Muslims by the Western media. This
perception impeded the true message of Islam from being conveyed to the non-Muslims.

2. Perception about Muslims as enemy

Non-Muslims have always considered Muslims their sole enemy. The 9/11 incident added
fuel to the fire and ignited more hatred in the minds of the Westerners. The attack on the
World Trade Centre, whether stage-managed or otherwise, further strengthened this
perception. Concepts like “Green Peril” (Green being the color of Islam), “Jihadi
Organizations,” “State Sponsors of Terrorism” and “Axis of Evil” are some of the pretexts
being used as a casus belli for campaigns against Muslims. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and
Syria are some manifestations in this regard.

3. The concept of Jihad

The real meaning of Jihad is to strive and struggle. But, unfortunately, it is being equated by
the Western media with frenzied killings with utter disregarded to its true philosophy. The
Holy Quran says:

“Those who believe, and have left their homes and striven with their wealth and their lives in
Allah’s way are of much greater worth in Allah’s sight. These are they who are triumphant.”
(Al-Quran; 9:20)

4. Leadership crisis

One of the greatest problems of the contemporary Islamic world is its egocentric ruling elite
that lacks vision and is unable to provide a platform to Muslim world to unite and strive
collectively for the betterment of all the Muslims. They are driven by their personal interests
and an ambition to remain in power, by hook or by crook. This unquenchable thirst for power
creates crisis of leadership in the Muslim world.

5. Regionalism

Another challenge for the Muslims is regionalism. The Muslim world has been regionalized
(or more rightly, balkanized), partially by external forces and partially by intrinsic interests,
as they are identified as Arab, non-Arab, and white Muslims and black Muslims. It, however,
is completely against the Islamic concept of Ummah. This regionalism has created, and is
creating, hurdles for the Muslim world.

6. Sectarianism

Sectarianism is yet another crucial problem faced by the Muslim world. It has divided
Muslims into sects, and has hampered their way to unity. Nowadays, the ideological conflict
between Saudi Arabia and Iran is a perfect manifestation in this regard.

7. Illiteracy and population explosion

Human being was made “Ashraf ul Makhlooqat” (the best of all creation) because of
knowledge. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “Gain knowledge even if you have to go to
China.” It shows the importance of knowledge. But today, the Muslims are leading in
illiteracy, not knowledge. In many Muslim countries, illiteracy rate is as high as 80 percent.
Consequently, illiteracy with population explosion is creating problems for the Muslims.

8. Less focus on scientific research

Muslims, today, do not even know the names of great Muslim scientists like Jabir Ibn
Hayyan, Al Khwarizmi, Ibn Qura and Ibn Sina – the leaders of science and technology in the
world. But, menacingly, Muslim countries today are looking towards Western world for
manufacturing even needle and thread. Unfortunately, scientific research in Muslim world is
least attractive activity. As a result, brain drain is rising rapidly.

9. Economic challenges

The contemporary world is going through an era of economic interests. More you are
economically stable, more you will influence the world. Karl Marx rightly said: “It is not the
consciousness of men that determines their existence, but their social existence that
determines their consciousness.” It is extremely flabbergasting to say that Muslim countries
are rich in resources like minerals, oil and gas but still they are in the downward slide.
10. Terrorism versus fight for freedom

Scholars all over the world are entangled in the labyrinth of defining terrorism. The buzzword
has assumed different dimensions for the Muslims, particularly in the aftermath of 9/11
where genuine freedom struggles of Muslims are being dubbed as terrorism. Palestine,
Kashmir and Chechnya are the major sufferers where people struggling for their
independence are considered terrorists.

Islamic values:
A true understanding of Islamic values is what can shape the Muslims, but it is their
ignorance and extreme emotionality that acts as a barrier and prevents them from
moving forward.

While knowledgeable moderate leaders govern most of the advanced world, that is
not necessarily so in our societies. Worse, an ignorant Islamic extremist can falsely
claim to be knowledgeable and easily assume a leadership role, harming his own
society and many innocent human beings.

By just saying that Islam is about peace, mercy and forgiveness is not enough. Nor
is saying that the clear majority of Muslim people did not create terrorism, or even
help in its emergence.

Muslims will be charged with this accusation at least until they demonstrate a much
stronger effort to reform. Not doing so will result not only in the marginalization of the
Muslims in Western nations, but in banishing them from their social circles

Recommendations and suggestions:

1. Muslims and representatives of Islam in the 21st century need to find ways to filter the
true doctrines of Islam from Adulterations and create preferences based on the Islamic
Foundation when making applications of Western civilization.
2. Acts of terror and turmoil have been denounced in various Portions of the glorious Quran
and Sunnah. It is therefore, Necessary that Islamic scholars embark on sensitizing and
Emphasizing these teachings to the communities of Muslims and non-Muslims.
3. The methods of inculcating the Islamic tenets have changed overtime and therefore there
is an increased need changed overtime and therefore there is an increased need For
scholars to venture more into researches on the for scholars to venture more into
researches on the developing jurisprudence of Islam so as the meet the developing
jurisprudence of Islam so as the meet the Global demands of Islam and Muslims in
4. There is a necessity for revision of some of the Islamic Creeds to match up the ever-
changing global civilization.
5. Muslims in every part of world should recognize one Another as Muslim brothers
regardless of their sectary affiliations.
6. Muslim scholars are required to enlighten their students that sectarianism in Islam cannot
be eradicated but should be shunned when the general interest of Islam is being
7. Muslims should conduct themselves as ambassadors of Islam in every corner of the world
they find themselves and should be mindful of hate speech, even when they are tested
8. A Muslim should represent the Islamic identity and should preach the Islamic tradition
through speech and deed.
9. A Muslim researcher, regardless of discipline, is ultimately required to be adherent to
the principles of Islam when conducting researches of designing Methodologies to solve
problems considering the Intention to serve humanity and to gain the pleasure of Allah.
10. A Muslim researcher should be able to wisely integrate Islamic methods with secular
knowledge to prevent Misconceptions and misdirection for Muslims
11. Contemporary Muslim scholars and researchers should frequently revisit the Islamic
creed and incorporate the Islamic concepts and western media
12. There is need for the establishment of a top council of World Muslim scholars where
emerging jurisprudential World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Impact of 9/11 on the Muslim world:

The September 11 attacks (also referred to as 9/11) were a series of four coordinated
terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda against the United States on the
morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001. The attacks resulted in 2,977 fatalities, over
25,000 injuries, and caused at least $10 billion in infrastructure and property damage.
Additional people have died of dust-related cancer and respiratory diseases in the months and
years following the attacks.
Because of this incident people started to consider all Muslims as terrorists, several reports
indicated that prejudice and discrimination towards Muslims are fairly widespread and have
been rising in Western Europe and the United States in the recent years.Due the events of
9/11, the world has witnessed major changes within a short span of time .While on the one
hand these changes have made the United States the sole super power of the world, on the
other they have seriously affected the image, solidarity and integrity of the Muslim World.
Therefore, in one way or another and directly or indirectly, this situation has adversely
affected nearly five dozen Muslim countries and 1.5 billion Muslims all over the world. Some
poll trends show a clear increase of statements concerning an inherent violent nature of Islam.
A significantly increased percentage of people express the opinion that Arab-Americans are
sympathetic to terrorists.

What do Muslims lack?

 Political instability
 Defence
 Social crisis
 Economic reliance
 No unity


In short, the true teachings of Islam are full with love, peace, learning and progression. It’s
the followers of Islam who don’t have enough knowledge about Islam and the some Westerns
who are not objective in their approach when it comes to Islam that has put a negative
impression of Islam in front of the world. The Muslim world is facing some crucial
challenges and is in need of radical policies to sort them out. Until and unless Muslims solve
these problems properly, they cannot have a powerful say in the international community.

The Muslim world has the human potential, youth in many countries constitute

half of the population and are ready to step into action with determination and

even zeal if they are given the opportunity and are fully empowered with

education, training, capital and trust. Millions of young men and women are
poised to develop the Muslim world, but political will has to allow them to take

over the destiny of their countries, at once.

The Muslim world has, also, the needed resources: arable agricultural land, sufficient water
resources, abundant mineral ore, diverse trade opportunities and numerable tourism
capabilities, but what is needed is good economic planning, equal distribution of
opportunities and willingness to see development as a beneficial strategy for creating wealth
and moving forward.

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