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The 5s of Ideal Housekeeping

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The 5S of

Prepared by:
Ma. Carina Santiago-Villanueva
The 5s of Housekeeping
 5S:

 5S is amongst the first and fundamental
steps implemented by an enterprise
towards the path of implementing Total
Quality Management and continuous
improvement at the operation level. 5S is
a process designed to organize the
workplace, keep it clean, maintain effective
and standard conditions. It instils the
discipline required to enable each
individual to achieve and maintain a
world-class environment.
 The use of this tool was started in 1972 by
Henry Ford in the United States as the
CANDO programme: Cleaning up, Arranging,
Neatness, Discipline and Ongoing
improvement. The technique was
popularized as ‘Japanese 5S’ in 1980 by
Hiroyuki Hirano. Many enterprises have
practiced the 5S and derived significant
benefits from it. In particular, this technique
has been widely practiced in Japan. Most
Japanese 5S practitioners consider 5S useful
not just for improving their physical
environment, but also for improving their
thinking processes too. In Japan it is also
called ‘workplace management’.
 5S is the acronym for five Japanese words:
 Seiri,
 Seiton,
 Seiso,
 Seiketsu
 Shitsuke
they represent the five steps for a systematic technique for
good housekeeping as indicated :
The five steps of Japanese 5 S Step
 Seiri (Sort) Distinguish between necessary and unnecessary
items. Remove the latter.
 Seiton (Set in order/stabilize) Enforce the dictum ‘a place for
everything and everything in its place’.
 Seiso (Shine) Clean up the workplace and look for ways to
keep it clean.
 Seiketsu (Standardize) Maintain and monitor adherence to
the first three Ss.
 Shitsuke (Sustain) Follow the rule to keep the workplace 5S-
right. Hold the gain.
 Why do we practice the 5S?
 The general concept of the 5S is that they
are intended to eliminate waste Working
in disorder is neither productive, nor safe.
5S is a simple and practical method to
instil a quality culture at the work place. It
is relatively easy to undertake, and
requires minimal additional resources. The
first and small investment made in time
and effort pays off in a much bigger
manner when the results are realized and
 Among the main benefits of implementing 5S are:
 • 1. the workplace becomes cleaner, safer, well-organized and
more pleasant
 • floor space utilization is improved
 • workflow becomes smoother and more systematic and non-
value added activities are reduced;
 • time for searching tools, materials and document is minimized;
 • machine breakdowns are reduced since clean and well-
maintained equipment breaks down less frequently and it also
becomes easier to diagnose and repair before breakdowns
occur, therefore extending equipment life;
 • errors are minimized leading to making defect-free products;
 • consumables and material wastage are minimized;
 • the morale and satisfaction of employees improves;
 • the productivity of the organization improves together with
the quality of products and services.
 Sort - Seiri
 distinguishing or sort out between ‘wanted’ and ‘unwanted
items’ at place of work and removal of unwanted items •
First decide what is necessary and what is unnecessary. To
find out unnecessary items you should not only check the
floor but also shelves, lockers, storehouse, stairs, roofs, notice
boards, etc. Your useful floor is saved. Your searching time of
tools, materials, and papers is reduced. You have better flow
of work. Your inventory cost of unnecessary items is reduced.
• Put a red tag on unnecessary items and keep them in a
separate area.
 • Discard or throw those items which have not been used in
the past one year.
 • Things used once in 6 to 12 months may be stored at a
distance from work station.
 • Things used more than once a month should be available at
a central point in the workplace.
 • Things used hourly/everyday/once a week should be near
the work station or may be worn by or kept in the pocket of
your worker there.
 Set in Order- Seiton
 Seiton in essence can be defined as
neatness, having things in the right
places or set up so that they are
readily available for use, eliminating
the need to search. Once everything
has a right place so that it’s
functionally placed for quality and
safety, it can then be deemed that the
workplace is neat.
 While Seiri helps you to decide what
items are needed, Seiton helps you to
decide the way things are to be placed.
 Set-in-order - Seiton

 Meaning Methods Benefits Arranging items in such a

manner that they are easy to use. Labelling them so
that they are easy to find and put back. This means a
place for everything (necessary) and everything in its
 No more homeless items.
 • If necessary, reassign spaces, racks, cabinets, etc.
 • Decide the right places for everything.
 • Put all materials and equipment at a place allocated
to them with proper label or signalization. Use alerts or
indications for out-ofstock situations.
 • Use floor paint marking to define working area, path,
entrance/exit, safety equipment, cart/ trolley locations,
 • Use standard colour coding for pipelines for steam,
water, gas, drainage, etc.
 • Use display cautions, messages, instructions at proper
place at proper height and written clearly
 Seiso places emphasis on cleaning so
that things are clean; in other words
carrying out cleaning as a form of
inspection i.e. getting rid of waste,
and foreign matter. It is important to
note that depending on the
circumstance, with higher quality,
higher precision and finer processing
technologies, even the minute details
may have the greatest ramifications,
hence the importance to carry out
cleaning as a form of inspection
 This means removing dirt, strain, filth,
soot and dust from the work area.
This includes cleaning and care for
equipment and facilities and also
inspecting them for abnormalities. In
a way it also includes primary
maintenance of equipment.

 This aspect of the 5S focuses on

standardization, making the first
three S’s, Seiri, Seiton, and Seiso a
constant routine.The emphasis here
is on visual management, an
important aspect to attain and
maintain standardized conditions to
enable the individuals always act
 Shitsuke (Sustain) This call for
systematizing the above 4S practices. This
means ensuring that whatever cleanliness
and orderliness is achieved should be
maintained. This requires that you should
develop a work structure that will support
the new practices and turn them into
habits. The purpose of standardization is to
make sure that everyone in the company
follows the same procedure, the same
names of items, the same size of
signalization/floor marking, shapes, colours,
etc. Standardize also helps to do the right
thing the right way every time.

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