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Kelompok 3: 1.anmelisa Suryani 2. Annisa

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1 . A N M E L I S A S U RYA N I
Modals (also called modal verbs, modal auxiliary verbs, modal auxiliaries)
are special verbs which behave irregularly in English. They are different
from normal verbs like "work, play, visit..." They give additional information
about the function of the main verb that follows it. They have a great variety
of communicative functions. Here is a list of modal verbs:
1. can
2. could
3. may
4. might
5. will
6. would
7. shall
8. Should
9. must.

They are used with other verbs to express ability (kemampuan),

necessity (kebutuhan), possibility (kemungkinan) and so on.
Aturan dalam membuat kalimat modals verb
1. Modals diikuti kata kerja bentuk pertama
Setelah penggunaan modal, anda harus memakai kata kerja
pertama. Kata kerja tersebut tidak ditambahi dengan s/es, -to,
atau –ing.
2 . Kalimat negative dalam Modal
Untuk membuat kalimat negatif, tambahkan not atau n’t setelah
3. Modals dipakai untuk semua subjek, kecuali have to
Semua modal dapat dipasangan dengan semua subjek.
4. Modal tidak bisa digabung dengan modal lain

For example :
1. Can and could
Can and could usually use to express abillity (kemampuan)/skill and
request permission to do something , but could usually use for past .
For example :
1. She can speak korean language
2. Can i borrow your phone please?
1. You could run faster than me two years ago
2. Excuse me, could I just say something?
Could usually for polite sentence.

2. May and Might

May and might usually use for express posibillity (kemampuan) in

the present tense and future tense. May and might also can use to
request permission. For example :
1. I may be home late.
2. You may not wear sandals to work.
3. May i help you?
4. May i sit down please?

1. I might come to your birthday party but I’m not sure because I
might have to work that day.
2. If I have cleaned the room, might I play with my friend?
3. Will and would
Will usually use for express willingnes(kemauan) and
invitation(undangan/ajakan) and would also for express
willingnes(kemampuan) but in polite sentence, would and will
also talk about possibility or make predictions , for example.
1. Will you marry me?
2. rara will always be late!
3. I’ll give you a glass of water.
1. Would you like to see my craft?
2. My father had a strong feeling that the weather would be warm.

4. Shall
Shall usually use to express obligation (kewajiban) in a formal
situation. Shall is used to declare a simple future like will, but only
used in I and we. For example :
1. We shall overcome it someday
2. Shall we pay a call him ?
3. Shall I give you some advide ?
5. Should
Should use for give suggestion (saran) or advice (nasehat).
For example :
1. You should see the doctor (Kamu harus ke dokter.)
2. We should meet more often (Kita harus bertemu lebih sering.)
Ought to & had better mirip should tapi untuk sangat formal.

6. Must
Must be combined with “not” to declare prohibition (larangan). Must is
usually used to express obligations (kewajiban) or necessity
(kebutuhan). For example :
1. You mustn’t give up (Kamu tidak boleh menyerah)
2. We must go to bed now (Kita harus tidur sekarang)
1. You ... buy anything with your money in this world but you can not buy trust from your
beloved ones.
a. Can
b. Could
c. May
d. Might
e. Will
2. .... I borrow your note for one night? I lost my note books and I have an exam tomorrow.
a. Can
b. Could
d. Might
e. Will
3. Juno .... drive faster than Mina five years ago. But now he drives sliwer since the accident
a. Can
b. Could
c. May
d. Might
e. Will
4. Hilka ... go tonight, but she ha to be in her dorm before late.
a. Can
b. Could
c. May
d. Might
e. Will
5. Tita might be sad because she didn’t see concert last night in Jakarta.
a. Can
b. Could
c. May
d. Might
e. Will
6. I ... help you study if you come to school first.
a. Can
b. Could
c. May
d. Might
e. Will
7. I think I ... cut my hair to change my appearance.
a. Can
b. Could
c. May
d. Might
e. Will
8 .... you like come to my house? My parents invite you to come for dinner.
a. Will
b. Would
c. Must
d. Shall
e. Should
9. Shinta should change her mind about this case.
a. Will
b. Would
c. Must
d. Shall
e. Should
10. We... finish our homework right now
a. Will
b. Would
c. Shall
d. Can
e. Must
1. She.... swim every teusday
a. Can swim
b.Can swims
c . Should swim
d. Will swim
e. Must swim
2.This bag is very heavy. Please help me, i... take it by myself
a. Cannot
b. Will not
c. Must not
d. May not
e. Should not

3. If i have problem with my teeth, i think i... go to a dentish.

b. Could
c. Will
d. Should
e. Can
4. Passenggers.... not smoke inside the bus
a. Could
b. Would
c. Will
d. Must
e. Should

5. ... .. i give u advice?

a. Should
b. Will
c. Can
d. Must
e. shall

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