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Group 1: Hazman Rubi Farhani Iqbal Faturrohman Rasmita Ginting

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Group 1

Hazman Rubi Iqbal Rasmita

Farhani Faturrohman Ginting

Roudlah Tubagus Ade

Maghfiroh R.H
Simple Present,
Present continuous,
Present Perfect.
Expressing Present Time
1 Form and Basic Meaning Of The Simple Present Tense

2 Using Frequency Adverbs

Using Frequency Adverbs With


4 Pronunciation Of Final –S: /Z/ and /S/

5 Spelling and Pronunciation of Final –ES

6 Adding Final –S/-ES to Words That End In –Y

7 Irregular Singular Verbs: HAS, DOES, GOES

8 Negative

9 Yes/No Questions

0 Asking Information Questions With Where

1 Asking Information Questions With When and What time

Asking Information Questions With Be and Do
Using IT To Talk About Time
Preposition of Time
Using IT To Talk About The Weather
Form and Basic Meaning Of The Simple Present

The simple present tense expresses habits. In (a). Eating breakfast is a

habit, a usual activity. Every morning = Monday morning, Tuesday
morning, Wednesday morning, Thursday morning, Friday morning,
Saturday morning, and Sunday morning. It can also indicate to express
daily habits or usual activities.
e.g. I eat breakfast every morning
Using Frequency Adverbs

Always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, and never are called “frequency adverbs.”
e.g. Sometimes I get up at seven

Always Usually Often Sometimes Seldom

100% 99% - 90% % - 75% 75% - 25% 25%-10%
Rarely Never
10% - 1% 0%
Using Frequency Adverbs With Be

 Tom is (always/usually/often/sometimes/
seldom/rarely/never) be late for class
follow be
 Tom (always/usually/often/sometimes/
seldom/rarely/never) comes late except be
Pronunciation Of Final –S: /Z/ and /S/

rubs = rub/z/ sleeps = sleep/s/

rides = ride/z/ writes = write/s/
drives = drive/z/ laughs = laugh/s/
Spelling and Pronunciation of Final –ES

Spelling Pronunciation

-sh (a) push pushes push/əz/

-ch (b) teach teaches teach/əz/

-ss (c) kiss kisses kiss/əz/

-x (d) fix fixes fix/ǝz/

Adding Final –S/-ES to Words That End In –Y

End of verb: consonant + -y

(a) cry > cries
Spelling: change y to i, add –
try > tries

(a) pay > pays End of verb: vowel + -y

enjoy > enjoys Spelling: add -s
Irregular Singular Verbs: HAS, DOES, GOES

(a) I have a book

She/he/it +has /hӕz/ Have, do, and go
(b) He has a book have irregular forms
(a) I do my work for third person
She/he/it + does /dəz/
(b) She does her work singular:
have > has
(a) They go to school
She/he/it + goes /gowz/ do > does
(b) She goes to school
go > goes

 I do not drink coffee.

 You do not drink coffee.
 They do not drink coffee.
 We do not drink coffee. CONTRACTION
Do not = don’t
Does not = doesn’t
• She does not drink coffee.
• He does not drink coffee.
• It does not drink coffee.
Yes/No Questions

• Do you like coffee?

• Does Bob like coffee?

• Are you a student?

(Incorrect: Do you be a student?)
Asking Information Questions With Where

a) Do they live in Tokyo?

b) Where do they live?
c) Does Gina live in Rome?
d) Where does Gina live?
Asking Information Questions With When and
What Time

When do you go to class?

What time do you go to class?

 When does Anna eat dinner?

 What time does Anna eat dinner?

 What time do you usually go to class?

Asking Information Questions With Be and Do

What is your name?

What time is it?

Where do you live?

When does Bob study?
Using IT To Talk About Time

(a) What day is it? It’s Monday

(b) What month is it? It’s February
(c) What year is it? It’s 2017
Preposition of Time

at (a) We have class at one o'clock. at + a specific time on the clock

(c) We sleep at night. at + night

in (d) My birthday is in October. in + specific month

(e) I was born in 1960. in + specific year
(f) We have class in the morning. in + the morning

on (i) I have class on Monday. on + a specific day of the week

(j) I was born on October, 31st 1975. on + a specific date
from ... to (k) We have class from 1:00 to 2:00 from (a specific time) to (a
specific time)
Using IT To Talk About The Weather

(a) It's sunny today.

(b) It's hot and humid today.

What's the weather like in Istanbul in January?

How's the weather in Moscow in the summer?
 Expressing Present Time (2)
1 Be + ing: The Present Progressive Tens

2 Spelling Of –ing

3 Questions

4 The Simple Present vs The Present Progressive

5 Nonaction Verbs Not Used In The Present Progressive

6 See, Look at, Watch, Hear, and Listen to

7 Need and Want + A Noun Or To Infinitive

8 Would Like

9 Would Like vs Like

 Think About and Think That

11 There + Be: Yes/No Questions

 There + Be
 There + Be: Asking Questions With How Many
 Preposition Of Location
Be + ing: The Present Progressive Tense

am + ing (a) I am sitting right now

is + ing (b) Rita is sitting right now
are + ing (c) You are sitting right now

Present Progressive or Present Continuous Tense is

to talk about something that is happening at the
moment, now.
Spelling Of –ing
Rule 1 A Consonsant + -e Drop the –e and add –ing
smile smiling
write writing
Rule 2 One Vowel + One Consonant Double the consonant and add –ing
sit sitting
run running
Rule 3 Two Vowels + One Consonant Add –ing. Do not double the consonant
read reading
rain Raining
Rule 4 Two consonants Add –ing. Do not double the consonant
stand standing
push pushing

• Is Mary sleeping?
• Are you watching TV?

• Where is Mary sleeping?

• Why are you watching TV?
The Simple Present vs The Present Progressive
 I sit in class every day. I am sitting in class right now.
 The teacher writes on the board on every day.
The teacher is writing on the board right now.
 Do you sit in class every day? Are you sitting in class right now?
 Does the teacher write on the board every day?
Is the teacher writing on the board right now?
 I don't sit in class every day. I'm not sitting in class right now
 The teacher doesn’t write on the board every day.
The teacher isn’t writing on the board right now.
Nonaction Verbs Not Used In The Present

• I'm hungry right now. I want an apple.

(INCORRECT: l a m wanting an apple.)
• I hear a siren. Do you hear it too?
(INCORRECT: I'm hearing a siren. Are you hearing it too?)
• Want, need, like, love, hate, hear, see, smell, taste, understand,
know, believe, think.
See, Look at, Watch, Hear, and Listen to

a. I see many things in this room.

b. I'm looking at the clock. I want to know the time.
c. Bob is watching TV.
d. I'm in my apartment. I'm trying to study. I hear music from
the next apartment. The music is loud.
e. I'm in my apartment. I'm studying. I have a tape recorder. I'm
listening to music. I like to Listen to music when I study.
Need and Want + A Noun Or To Infinitive

(a) We need food. Need is stronger than

(b) I want a sandwich. want. Need gives the idea
that something is very
Need and want are
(c) We need to eat. followed by a noun or by
(d) I want to eat asandwich. an infihitive.
An infinitive = to + the
simple form of a verb.
Would Like
(a) I'm thirsty. I want a glass of water. a) and (b) have the same meaning, but
(b) I'm thirsty. I would Iike a glass of water. would like is usually more polite than want.
I would like is a nice way of saying I

(c) I/You/She/He/We/The would like a glass of water Notice in (c):

There is not a final -s on would.
There is not a final -s on like.
(d) CONTRACTIONS Would is usually contracted to 'd in speaking.
I'd = Iwould Contractions of would and pronouns are often
you'd = you would used
she'd = she would in writing.
he'd = he would
we'd = we would
they'd = they *would
(e) I would like to eat a sandwich. Notice in (e): would like can be followed by an
(f) Would you like some tea? In a question, would comes before the subject.

(g) Yes, I would. Would is used alone in short answer to questions

with would like.
Would Like vs Like

(a) I would like to go to the zoo. In (a): I would like to go to the zoo
(b) I like to go to the zoo. means I want to go to the zoo.
In (b): I like to go to the zoo means I
enjoy the zoo.
Would like indicates that I want to do
something now or in the future.
Like indicates that I always,
usually, or often enjoy
Think About and Think That

(a) I think about my family every day.

(b) I am thinking about grammar right now.
(c) I think that Sue is Zuzy.
(d) Sue thinks that I am lazy
(e) I think that the weather is nice.
(f) I think that Mike is a nice person.
(g) I think Mike is a nice person.
There + Be: Yes/No
There + Be Questions

There is a bird in the tree.

Is there any milk in the
There are four birds in the tree.
There's a bird in the tree.
Are there any eggs in the
There're four birds in the tree.
There + Be: Asking
Preposition Of
Questions With How
Many Location

 How many chapters are

 My book is on my desk.
there in this book?
 Tom lives in the United States.
 He lives in New York City.
 How many provinces are
 He lives on Hillstreet.
there in Canada?
 He lives at 4472 Hill Street.


Above, far, far away from, around, in, at, in back of, behind, in the back of, below, in
front of, beside, in the front of, between, in the middle of, inside, near, next to, on, on
top of, outside, under
Expressing Present Perfect
1 Form and Basic Meaning Of The Present Perfect

2 Using Since and For

3 Using Already and Yet

Form and Basic Meaning Of The Present Perfect

1. The present perfect expresses the idea or activity or situation that occured
(or never occured) before now, at an unspecified time in the past.
• They have moved into a new apartment.
• The societies of Jakarta have elected new governor in the first round.
2. An activity may be repeated two, several times, before now at an unspecified
time in the past.
• Peter has gone to Bali twice.
• George has visited Malang three times.
Present Perfect - Positive Sentences
I have = ’ve been to class.
You have = ’ve finished the exercise.

He has = ’s gone home.

She has = ’ve already had a holiday this

It has = ’s done.
We have = ’ve visited this cinema two

They have = ’ve brought a new car.

Present Perfect - Negative Sentences
I Have not = haven't been abroad yet.
You Have not = haven't answered my question.

He Has not = hasn't been home for five years.

She Has not = hasn't found a new job.

It Has not = hasn't finished yet.

We Have not = haven't worked on a farm.

They Have not = haven't seen each other for a

Present Perfect - Yes/No Questions

Have i ever done the assignment Yes, you have.

before? No, you have not.
Have you been to the cinema recently? Yes, I have.
No, I have not.
Has he worked here? Yes, he has.
No, he has not.
Has she already sent the email? Yes, she has.
No, she has not.
Has it ever been in a crash? Yes, it has.
No, it has not.
Have we done it right? Yes, we have.
No, we have not.
Have they gone home yet? Yes, they have.
No, they have not.
Using Since and For

• When the present perfect is used with since and for, it

expresses situations began in the past and continue to
the present.
We use for with a period We use since with the time
of time, for example: a when the action started, for
few days, half an hour, example: last year, June 8, I
two years. met you.
Using Since and For

• Since expresses the idea that something began at a specific

time in a past and contiues to the present.
• e.g. We have learnt english since 2011
• For is followed by the mention of a length of time or
duration of time; two minutes, three minutes, three hours,
four days, five weeks, etc.
• e.g. We have done this assignment for a week.
Using Already and Yet
• Already
Something happened earlier than we expected.
e.g. We have already written our reports.
• Yet
Something that we expected has happened or hasn't
happened or something didn’t happen before now (up to
this time), but it may happen in the future.
e.g. The president hasn’t decided what to do yet.

Azar, Betty Schrampfer. 1999. Understanding And Using

English Grammar Third Edition, USA : Longman (page

Azar, Betty Schrampfer. 1996. Basic English Grammar Second

Edition, USA : Longman (page 44)

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